№ 1 2006
Humanitarian sciences
Gorokhov P.A. DEMOCRACY AND EDUCATION AS SOCIAL AND CULTURAL PHENOMENON: EXPERIENCE OF SOCIAL AND PHILOSOPHIC CORRELATIONPhenomenon of democracy and education as the phenomenon of culture and civilization, connected between each other inseparably and influenced on each other are regarded in this article with means of social-philosophic and historic-conceptual analysis.
Demchenko L.M., Karpeeva E.V., Osipova Yu.S. THE UNITY PROBLEM OF EXISTENTIAL COMMUNICATION AND EXISTENTIAL CLARIFICATION IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF K. YASPERSThe problem of "communication" in its correlation with senses and freedom is regarded in this article. The attention is concentrated on the opening of the communication problem as an opportunity of people communication and common understanding, freedom realization through transcendention code comprehension, clarification of "border situations" and man’s tendency to the future.
Guskova A.P. TO THE PROBLEM OF NEW IDEOLOGY OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN CRIMINAL LEGAL PROCEDUREThe actual problems of criminal procedure science in the sphere of human rights and freedom defense in criminal legal procedure, concerned judicial control related to prejudicial proceeding as a mechanism of judicial defense functioning, are regarded in this article.
Mukhamedzhanova N.M. REGIONAL CULTURE AS A REFLECTION OF RUSSIAN CIVILIZED SPECIFIC (ON THE EXAMPLE OF TURKIC NATIONS OF VOLGA-URAL REGION)The factors of formation and specific peculiarities of regional culture of Volga-Ural region nations as unique social and cultural phenomenon, which was stabilizing factor of existing and interaction of ethnic culture amounting to Russian civilization during a long time, is analyzed in this article. Regional culture is presented by author as an expression of Russian civilized specific, and its bordering character.
Lyubichankovsky S.V. PROVINCE GOVERNMENT AND GOVERNOR: MECHANISM OF THEIR COMMON FUNCTIONING (1892-1917)The mechanism of joint functioning of province government and governor during 1892-1917 is revealed in this article. According to it the peculiarities of statement about unimportant consequence of province government in the government machinery at that period are analyzed.
Komarov V.P. CULTURAL EDUCATION OF INTERCOURSE OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS The special training of a young man, who is a future specialist, to the full interaction on the base of his upbringing of intercourse culture is necessary in the country in conditions of deep, radical, social and cultural changes. University teachers are offered the aggregate of tolerant teaching means, directed to the task solution at educational process.
Bueva I.I. TRAINING WITHIN A FIRM AS A MECHANISM OF CORPORATIVE CULTURE FORMING OF EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONThe essence of innovation concept "Corporative culture" for pedagogic context is regarded in this article on the base of modern special literature analysis. The phenomenon content of training within a firm as a mechanism of corporative culture forming on the example of activity of children additional educational organizations is revealed here.
Zubova L.V. INSTITUTIONAL APPROACH OF PROBLEM STUDYING OF ASOCIAL PERSON BEHAVIORThe theoretical questions of asocial behavior from the point of view of institutional approach in psychology are presented in this article. The analysis of the most important psychological conceptions on the nature of person antisociality and on the conditionality of psychological personal well-being was made here. The conditions of social mature person formation are regarded in this article too.
Moskalchuk G.G. STRUCTURAL ORGANIZATION AS AN ASPECT OF GENERAL TEXT THEORYGeneral results of new research tend of linguistics: structural organization and self-organization of text are stated in this article. Fundamental researches of text shaping processes at activity and ontological tends, system description of the lead role of symmetry and asymmetry elements in structural and functional organization of the whole are taken according to the method of position analysis. The great attention is given to applied aspects of text functioning: theory and practice of translation, computer linguistics, training activity with text and others.
Yankina N.V. INTERCULTURAL TOLERANCE AS A COMPONENT OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIONThe problem of tolerance in the aspect of intercultural interaction is regarded in this article. The author determines the types of tolerance and reveals such concepts as "acculturation", "adaptation", "policultural education" and "identity" for characteristics of intercultural tolerance.
Gladkikh V.G., Popov A.V. TO THE INTERACTION PROBLEM OF UNIVERSITY AND ORGANIZATION OF FUTURE ENGINEER PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE FORMINGThe interaction of institute of higher education and organization of specialists training is revealed in this article, also the contents of organizational and pedagogical conditions, promoting to forming of professional competence of future engineer in interaction of the University and production association "Strela" is regarded here.
Belonovskaya I.D. ENGINEERING COMPETENCE FORMING OF A SPECIALIST: PRESUPPOSITIONS, TENDENCIES AND REGULARITIESPedagogic researches of engineering competence forming of a specialist in conditions of regional university complex are presented in this work conceptually. Integrative approach is used here. Integrative structure of specialist engineering competence, including rod multiplier (intellectual-personal presuppositional base) and determinant professional multiplier is determined in this article. The model of engineering competence forming of a specialist, considering integrated resources of the region and university complex, is worked out here too.
Kutuzov V.I., Kulantaeva I.A., Tarasova T.N. ABOUT ORGANIZATION OF SPECIALISTS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN CONDITIONS OF JUDICIAL EDUCATION MODERNIZATIONActivity and main science achievements of the chair "Information law" during last five years are regarded in this article.
Utkina T.I. THEORETICAL BASIS OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT OF MATHEMATICS TEACHER’S TRAININGModern interpretations of quality management contents in the sphere of education according to the demands of international standards ICO series 9000 are described in this article.
Mazharova E.A. PEDAGOGIC PROJECTING OF PUPILS’ HUMANITARIAN CULTUREPsychological-pedagogical workings, directed on traditional education reorganization are presented in this article. Also new methods of educational process construction, technologies of interaction of educational process participants are summarized here. The material embraces innovation searches of modern pedagogics on the different educational levels – from the elementary to higher school. The main author’s task is to distinguish invariant generally valid features of pedagogic projecting, to present it in the form of reproductible education models – interaction technologies.
Economic sciences
Borisyuk N.K. SOME QUESTIONS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MARKET ECONOMY REGULATIONThe conception of common economic balance, as universal means of economic system analysis is regarded in this article. Functional economic systems, which are interpreted as a totality of institutions and institutional organizations, organizing mechanisms of self-regulation, provided balance maintenance among definite given macroeconomic parameters, are offered for using as a mechanisms of self-regulation. The meanings of given indexes, the majority of which has quantitative parameters, are divided in three categories: optimal, threshold and critical. Financial industrial systems are offered for using too as a mechanism of regulation. According to this the indexes of economics stability (balance) of the Russian Federation and Orenburg region are analyzed.
Lapaeva M.G., Lapaev S.P. REFORMS IN RUSSIA: XX CENTURYThe analysis of economic reforms in Russia, contribution of Russian scientists-economists in its science grounds is made in this article. At the same time the comparison with modern reforms in Russian economy is taken here.
Parusimova N.I. STAGES OF BANK BUSINESS TRANSFORMATIONThe logic of Bank business research and bank products transformation, which needs staged accounting of market economy development and objectives of social reproduction, is proved in this article. Detailed analysis of stages of Bank business transformation is made here according to the theory of transformation and principle of historic and logical unity, identity and difference of forms and contents, development through contradictions and others. It is confirmed that transfer from 80 years of XX centuries to another quality both as institutions of bank business as its products is conditioned new type of in-focused bank.
Renner A.G. PAYING CAPACITY APPRAISAL OF INSURANCE COMPANYThe task solution of paying capacity appraisal of insurance company in classical model of risk in the class of such payment size distribution which allow analytic representation for integral Laplas, is offered in this work.
Tuyakova Z.S. ESSENCE AND CONTENT OF THE CONCEPT "APPRAISAL" IN THE SYSTEM OF PRICE MEASURING OF ACCOUNTING OBJECTSIn this article the author proves his position on conceptual machinery and accounting sense of the term "appraisal" with reference to modern stage of accounting development according to comparative analysis of the concept "appraisal" and specific of its using in Russian and international accounting.
Tyapukhin A.P. ENTRY OF RUSSIA INTO WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION (WTO) FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF MANAGED SUBJECTDifferent aspects of Russian economy development on the base of worked out mathematical machinery allowing appraisal the consequences of the Russian Federation entry into World Trade Organization (WTO), are regarded in this article.
Ermakova Zh.A. LEASING AS A MECHANISM OF INVESTMENT SECURING OF REGIONAL ECONOMICS TRANSFERENCE ON THE MOST TECHNOLOGICAL LEVELLeasing development of agriculture and industry of Orenburg region in comparison with analogical processes in other regions of Ural is analyzed in this article. Strategic trends of future development of leasing deals as a renewal mechanism of material-technical base of enterprises and organizations are proved here.
Natural sciences
Bystrykh V.V., Bashirov V.D., Belosludtseva L.A., Bogatov A.I., Kuzmin S.A. COMPLEX APPRAISAL OF ORENBURG REGION ATMOSPHERIC AIR CONDITIONThe appraisal of antropogenic influence on atmospheric air of intended for building territories of Orenburg region was given in this article. Cities which have supernormal level of pollution were determined here too. Priority pollutants were established.
Demina T.Ya., Taraborin G.V., Taraborin D.G. ACCUMULATION CONDITIONS AND GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PALEOGEOGRAPHY OF MESOZOIC AND CAINOZOIC COMPLEXES OF SOUTHERN-URAL REGION PRECIPITATIONSConceptions of litholofacies, paleogeographical situations of fold Ural and contiguous territories during Mesozoic and Cainozoic, its evolution with showing of general ore-bearingness characteristics of sedimentary cover complexes are regarded in this article.
Kaliev A.Zh., Artamonova S.V. ABOUT CONDITION OF NATURAL-TECHNICAL SYSTEMS OF GAY ECOLOGICAL REGIONThis article is devoted to the studying of natural-technical systems condition, created in the region of Gay industrial centre. The components of contaminants and nature of its creation are determined here. Trends of monitoring of territorial ecological condition and decrease ways of wastage influence on environment are advised here too.
Rusanov A.M. COVER AND SOIL OF NORTHERN STEPPE OF HIGH ZAVOLZHIE The research materials of Buzuliksky Bor (pine forest) influence on cover and soil of real steppe of High Zavolzhie are stated in this article. It was established that a line of meadow steppe under typical chernozem is spread around the pine forest under influence of relatively damp and less continental mesoclimate of new hydrothermic conditions, formed under influence of pine forest. It was made a conclusion that Buzuliksky Bor (pine forest) was a factor of local violation of soil-plant (geographical) zonal territories.
Miroshnikov S.A., Miroshnikova E.P., Lebedev S.V. TO THE PERFECTION OF RESEARCHED METHODIC OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES INFLUENCE ON ANIMAL ORGANISMThe analysis of existing problem of appraisal of biologically active substances influence on animal organism is given in this article. The researched methodic providing getting of unbiased information about actions peculiarities of appreciated substances on alive organism is suggested and approved here.
Kucherenko M.G. DYNAMICS OF LIGHT AND SUBSTANCE: RESULTS OF DECADEThe world development tendencies of laser physics, molecular optics and photonics of nanostructures generally during the period from the middle of 90 years till 2005 were regarded in this article. Some typical trends of science of this profile, cultured in Orenburg State University during these years were represented here.
Kucherenko M.G., Chelovechkov V.V., Zholud A.A., Stepanov V.N. KINETICS OF BIMOLECULAR PHOTOREACTIONS IN DILUTE POLYMERIC SOLUTIONSThe problem of kinetics of diffusion-controllable quenching of luminescent signal of active molecular sondes interacted with catch-drains fastened on molecular chain, which is in a ball or globular condition is regarded in this article. The solution of this task was made taking into account effects of heterogeneous spatial allocation of links in chain and catches. Besides, mathematical kinetics model of cross-annihilation of electron actuations, localized on fragments of macromolecule and free diffused in solutions of molecules O2 was constructed here.
Manakov N.A., Pletneva M.V., Tolstobrov Yu.V. THERMIC MAGNETIZATION OF HIGH-ANISOTROPIC MAGNETICSThe results of thermic analysis of thermic magnetization effect observed in quick-hardened alloys SmCo5 and Nd2Fe12B are given in this article. New mechanism of thermic magnetization in these alloys was proved by numeral modeling in frame of micromagnetics theory. The opportunity of thermic magnetization of monocrystals of definite size high-anisotropic magnetics was predicted here.
Klevtsov G.V. REGULARITIES OF FORMATION BY CRACK TOP AT DIFFERENT TYPES OF WEIGHTING AND X-RAY FRACTODIAGNOSTICS OF DESTRUCTIONThe general results got during last 20 years of studying by X-ray method of plastic zones under fracture surface, got at single and cyclic types of weighting were generalized in this article. Also the results of these zones connections with local tense condition of material by the crack top and destruction mechanisms of constructive materials were given here too. The examples of given results using in practice of destruction diagnostics for determination of materials and destruction parameters characteristics were given in this article.
Technical sciences
T Gamm.A., Platonov V.A., Gamm A.A. THE RESULTS OF CALCULATING EXPERIMENT OF GEOECOSYSTEM PARAMETERS PROJECTING AT EFFUENT DISCHARGE OF GAS-PROCESSING INDUSTRYGeneral principles and methods research, mathematical and graphical models and worked out software environment, which allow taking geoecosystem projecting with given characteristics and calculating of ecological risks are presented in this work.
Medvedev P.V., Bobrova V.V. SCIENTIFIC BASES OF BREAD QUALITY AND ASSORTMENT MANAGEMENT IN THE REGIONAccording to the complex appraisal of baking industry enterprises activity and to the studying of baking advantages of wheat flour, produced by flour-grinding regional enterprises it was established that the general reason of bread quality decrease, rise of defects and flaw, plan norms decrease of finished commodity yield, is the poor quality of flour because of lack of good raw materials base, which is supposition for search of technological measure improved baking quality of flour. The opportunity of albuminous concentrates using, picked out from the products of plant raw material with the aim of baking production processes regulation are regarded in this article.
Nikiyan N.G. FROM MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF REAL ELECTRIC MACHINE TO ITS PERMISSIBLE LOADThe mathematical model (MM) of the real electric machine (REM) distinguished from idealized machine by deflections of constructive, technological and operation origin was worked out. Consecution of MM creation on the example of real nonsynchronous machine is presented in this article. At that the third harmonic of magnetic field in air-gap, changes of steel magnetic characteristics under influence of technological factors, symmetry violation of magnetic and electric chain of a machine are taken into account here. Determination of permissible load of nonsynchronous engine, which has defects of operation origin equal to nominal meaning at stator current, is presented here. Key words: mathematical model, deflection, real electric machine, nonsynchronous machine, permissible load
Savchenko E.A., Shashkova L.V., Manakov N.A. SYNERGETIC CONCEPTION OF HYDROGEN DAMAGEABILITY OF METALS AND METALS (STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT AND PERSPECTIVES)It is shown in the article that synergetic approach to the phenomenon of hydrogen materials fragility, originated at the contact with damp hydric sulphide gas, allowed getting original scientific results, working out theory of hydrogen fragility and solving actual practical tasks of diagnostics and increase of steel hydrogen resistance. A new concept of fractal energy hierarchy of structural material conditions, which has an applied and fundamental meaning and opens opportunities of energy parameterization of microstructures were introduced in physics of durability and materials science.
Serdyuk A.I., Sergeev A.I., Kornipaev M.A., Gilfanova F.F. STRATEGY AND TACTICS OF TECHNICAL OFFER FORMING OF CREATION OF FLEXIBLE INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS OF MACHINING PROCESSThe urgency of flexible industrial systems creation problem is revealed in this article. The author’s approach to the construction and analysis of computer models is given here too. Consecution and content of earlier projecting stages, finished by technical suggestion working out are regarded. The examples of technical task forming and technical suggestion on flexible industrial systems are given here. Using of cumulative elaborations during studying process at specialists training in the sphere of flexible automation is described in this article.
Pavlov A.S. RESEARCH OF DYNAMIC PROCESSES IN DRIVING GEARS HYDROSYSTEMS OF IMPACT MECHANISMSWave processes are in the base of liquid dynamics of impact mechanisms driving gears. Beginning conditions of idling and travel development are regarded in this article. It is possible to pass on directly to picture construction of wave processes after regarding of beginning conditions of wave process development.
Raimova A.T., Kutuzov V.I., Vakulyuk V.M., Shevelenko V.D. METHOD OF PERIODIZATED SIGNAL RECREATION AT ACCEPTED DISCRETE READINGSMethod of periodizated signal recreation at accepted discrete readings based on decomposition of periodizated signal in row of mutually-orthogonal functions, making "nucleus Dirikhle", which is impact function of ideal discrete filter, is suggested in this article. It is shown that high level of metrological indexes of method is determined with obtainable relative instability of carrier frequency oscillations using for forming of uniform-amplitude polynomials in the form of amplitude-modulated oscillations. The method allows fulfilling signal recreation in the rate of readings receipt.
Tarasov V.N., Burkova E.V. COMPUTER MODELING ROLE IN THE COMPETENCE FORMING OF A SPECIALISTThe content of computer modeling is revealed in this article. General concepts, definitions, models types of computer systems are given here too. The spheres of modeling using are regarded here such as: science researches, engineering projection, process of specialists training of specialty 654600 – Information science and computers. The modeling opportunities at appraisal of important indexes of computer systems work are determined in this article too.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |