№ 1 2003
Humanitarian sciences
Baranova O.M., Kashin V.V. STIVEN TULMIN'S EVOLUTIONARY CONCEPTION OF UNDERSTAUDING As an alternative to the logical positivism St. Tulmin put forward the theory of evolutionary development of science. The science is represented as the population of concepts and descriptive procedures. St. Tulmin's work "Human understanding" was analysed.
Komleva N.A. TOTALITARIAN REGIME AS A TECHNOLOGY FOR OVERCOMING CONTRACTION For the first time in Russian scientific literature this article deals with phenomenon of totalitarian regime as geopolitical technology for contraction escape. The opposite way for overcoming contraction carried out in present Russia - liberal reforms - is briefly characterized.
Zlobin Yu.P., Lyubichankovsky S.V. RUSSIAN EMPIRE GOVERNORSHIP IN LATE 19TH - EARLY 20TH CENTURY ANALYSED BY HISTORICAL SCIENCE SOVIET PERIOD The Soviet historiography of the governorship institute in late 19th - early 20th Russian Empire is analysed in the article. The historiography development stages and its peculiarities are singled out. The article formulates the main achievements of Soviet historical science in this sphere and the problems it hasn't solved yet.
Larionova G.A. INFORMATION-ACTIVITY BASED APPROACH TO UNIVERSITY STUDENTS TRAINING AND PRINCIPLES OF ITS REALIZATION The integration processes dominating in the present-day society made Russian higher education part of the world education system which is directed toward high intensity of information processes, humanization, ecological culture, etc. At present education sets itself not only to mastering a certain knowledge but mainly to developing future specialists' ability to obtain and use such a knowledge independently in their future career and life. The problem of defining conditions, necessary for students' learning and meeting the aims of education cannot be solved without analyzing the psychological and pedagogical aspects of professional activity formation.
Natural sciences
Alidzhanov E.K., Grebenyuk V.F., Rudakov V.I. HIGH RESOLUTION SCANNING ELECTRONIC MICROSCOPY OF PLASMIC SURFACES The article gives information on the structure and substructure of vacuum ion-plasma surfaces on the base of raster electronic microscopy with tunnel microscope scanning; micro-roentgen spectrum analysis helped to define the elements composing the surfaces.
Vasilyev A.P. NUMERICAL INTEGRATION OF DYNAMICS AND HEAT INTERCHANGE EQUATION SYSTEM WITH GAS BUBBLE PULSATION The article considers a system of differential equations describing thermo-physical and dynamic processes happening when a gas bubbles is oscillating. The author suggests an algorithm of a numerical solution and describes its results.
Kvitek E.V., Shevelenko V.D IDENTIFYING PARAMETERS OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES APPROXIMIED BY SPLINES IN FREQUENCY FIELD The article analyses the possibility of identifying technological processes more accurately by means of presenting them by splines in frequency field instead of a time field.
Lysakov V.S. ABOUT EXCITONS IN CRYSTALLINE QUARTZ In natural and synthetic crystalline low temperature quartz (-SiO2) plant realization only excitons by Frenkel. To offer mechanism of forming "fotoexcitions" and their structural model. To execute an estimation of vow parameters of excitons.
Deryabin D.G., Fot N.P. UNIVERSAL COMPUTER PROGRAMME OF STAPHYLOCOCCUS SPECIFIC IDENTIFICATION FOR EFFECTIVENESS COMPARISON OF TEST-SYSTEMS "STAPHYTEST-8" AND "STAPHYTEST-16" (LACHEMA) The article shows the usage of the universal computer oprogramme of staphylococcus specific identification as an instrument for the investigation of diagnostic effectiveness of commercial identification test-systems "Staphytest-8" and "Staphytest-16" (Lachema, Czech). Low effectiveness of "Staphytest-8" panel as well as relative growth of "Staphytest-16" identification parameters are defined. The article describes also the reasons of current diagnostic errors. On the basis of informative analysis of various identification tests the possible perspectives for further improvement of these and similar diagnostic test-system are given in the article.
Brytkova A.D. THE CONTENT OF MICROELEMENTS IN THE GROUND AND PLANTS OF ORENBURG PRE-URAL The content of the chemical raw of elements in the ground and plants has been studied. Microelements were defined with the quantitative emission spectrum analysis on the device ISP-28. It's determined, that the ground of the arable horizont's topsoil of south low-powered loamy Orenburg Pre-Ural is rather enriched with the gross content of the explored microelements. If we compare the facts of some other explorers, there is a lack of copper, zinc, cobalt, molybdenum in the plants of the explored region.
Valov S.D. THE STUDY OF THE STRUCTURALLY FUNCTIONAL REORGANIZATION OF THE PAROTID AND PANCREAS GLANS EPITHELIUM AND OF THE CONDITION NEUROTRANSMITTERAL REGULATION IN ACUTE EMOCIONALLY PAINFUL STRESS SITUATION Different potention to adaptation and functional changes of the parotid and pancreas glands epithelium in acute emocionally painful stress situation was revealed. This reorganization was depended from condition neurotransmitterally regulation.
Ilyina S.S. THE FACTS, WHICH SHOW THE LOW-MEANING OF THE RYTHM'S VARIABILITY OF THE PATIENT'S HEART, SUFFERING FROM THE CHRONIC HEART-LACK With the help of the multifactual stage analysis in the model of line regression, the independent predictors of low exponents VRS has been singled out on the material of the 70's rythmocardeograms of the patients with the is cheminc etiology. It's determined that the exponents SDNN connected left myocard, that the parasymphatic indexes of the temporal and spectral analysis, besides the pointed factors depend on the left ventricle's anavrism, the size of the left auricle's cavity and the systolitic AD. The results of the dispressional analysis show the lowering of the main exponents VPS during the growing of the ChSN's stage.
Kuznetsov G.E. PATIENTS' CHRONIC CARDIAC DEFICIENCY, DEVELOPED AGAINST A HYPERTENSIVE DISEASE BACKGROUND AND THEIR LEFT VENTRICLE GEOMETRY AND FUNCTION CHANGE PECULIARITIES Chronic cardiac deficiency (CCD) with hyperteasive disease (HD) development is closely connected with this disease left ventricle (LV) geometry change. CCD progressing with HD is acompanied by myocardium contractility steady lowering. Any LV geometry change involves its functional status breach. LV diastole function and its geometric parameters correlation is not a linear one.
Salikova S.P., Stadnikov A.A., Nikiyan A.N. ATOMIC-POWER MICROSCOPE AS A NEW OPPORTUNITY OF CARDIOMYOCYTES STUDYING The article considers the atomic-power microscope work main principles and its application results when studying rats' myocardium cells surface. Atomic-power method advantages are mentioned. Atomic-power method application allows not only to visualize the cell surface but to gain information on its different properties.
Redjukov A.V., Dolgov A.M. CCD PATIENTS CEREBROVASCULAR DISTURBANCES CORRECTION Subjective neurological manifestations, cerebral and central haemodynamics indices with 144 CCD patients before and after the instenon use were studied studied and compared. Subjective neurological manifestations and cerebral haemodynamics indices improved positively, with the invariable indices of central one. These allow to use instenon for cerebrovascular disturbances correction with this category of patients.
Polyakova V.S., Zavaleeva S.M., Stadnikov A.A. STRUCTURAL REORGANIZATION OF THE LUNGS' AERIFEROUS AND RESPIRATORY PARTS UNDER THE AERIFORM'S UNFAVORABLE FACTORS INFLUENCE The article examines white unthoroughbred rats and gives the structural reorganization of their lungs' auriferous and respiratory parts under the gas mixture influence (natural gas + air) with different hydrogen sulphide contents (small, medium and large doses). The lungs epithelial tissues is structurally reorganized under the small doses influence and it gives the evidence of educing adaptation's subcell-like level. The gas mixture operating keeping hydrogen sulphide large and medium doses produces more expressed subcell-like changes, which provides a protective function with the help of histic gears compensation's realization.
Korotkov M., Yamolov Iu RUN INFLUENCE ASSESSMENT ON ECOLOGICAL SAFETY OF THE AUTOMOBILE VAZ 21102 In connection with different procedures of engines ecological parameters definition (sanitary - hygienic and technical), the synonymous interrelation between them did not exist. The article deals with ecological safety level change of the automobile VAZ 21102 using the method of vehicles ecological safety and technical perfection level integrated assessment, suggested earlier.
Dolgalev M.P., Kruchkov A.G. PRODUCTIVITY DEPENDENCE OF SPRING MILD WHEAT SORTS ON ECONOMICALLY VALUABLE BIOLOGICAL INDICATIONS This work analyses the productivity dependence of spring mild wheat sorts on economically valuable biological indications in order to determine the criterion in selection on productivity in the South Ural steppe zone. The main selection problem on productivity is shown to be the creation of the intensive type sorts, that provide large yield owing to optimal main elements combination: corn weight and productive stalk density.
Dolgalev K.M. BIOLOGICAL PECULIARITIES OF ORENBURG SPRING WHEAT SORTS One of the main region problems is getting Orenburg big bread now. And here one reserve of corn gross yield increase is creation and introduction in production of new highly yield spring wheat sorts.
Krasnova L.I., Abdrashitov R.T., Vlatskaya I.V. TO THE SUBSTANTIATION OF MORPHO-PHRASEOLOGICAL WINTER WHEAT TYPES FOR HYDROTHERMAL CONDITIONS OF THE LOCAL REGION ON THE BASIS OF THE MAIN COMPONENT METHOD The article deals with morpho-phraseological models on the selection and forecasting of selective line perceptivity in various hydrothermal conditions of the field test.
Yeremin M.N., Kirillov D.A., Sheenkov N.V., Bukharin O.V. MODIFYING ACTION OF "DEZOTCELL" DRUG UPON BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF MICROORGANISMS Bactericidal action of "Dezotcell" drug upon E. coli, K. pneumoniae, S. aureus, S. enteritidis, S. typhimurium, S. flexneri, P. aeruginosa, B. abortus bovis has been ascertained experimentally in vitro. The drug influence upon antilysozyme strain activity was defined. It has been shown that the drug possesses bactericidal effect and suppresses antilysozyme activity of the investigated strains. The investigation results enable the usage of the drug as a disinfectant.
Economic sciences
Buresh O.V. INTERNET TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION IN THE REGIONAL TRANSPORT COMPLEX ACTIVITY The article deals with some main Internet information technologies used in Orenburg regional transport complex. One also considers the possibilities of using new technologies to solve the actual problems of improving the complex functioning in market economics conditions, the solution of the problem being confirmed by putting these technologies into practice.
Iu.F. Tel'nov THE ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT ON THE BASIS OF APPLYING THE FUNCTION EXPENDITURES CALCULATION METHOD The article deals with problems of applying the function expenditures calculation method, while analysing the necessity to do organization transformations in enterprises. In the article there is given the algorithm formalization of the function expenditure calculation according to the double-stage scheme. There are good reasons for using the methods of business processes selection in the chain of creating cost-attenuating units on the basis of interface interrelations.
Gilmitova I.V. THE SYSTEM MODELING IN THE ADVERTISEMENT ENTERPRISE ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT ON THE BASIS OF THE PRESENT SCIENTIFIC APPROACHES The article deals with the search of ways and solve the effectiveness problem in advertisement activity in Russian enterprises while using the present scientific approaches to management. The author analyses the published data of known approaches to be used in advertisement management. One shows the practical Urgency in using systematic, situational and problem-oriented approaches to the process of advertisement communication management on the whole and in using those approaches on the stages of situation analyses and marketing communication planning in particular. One considers the known advantages and real modeling application problems, the latter being the most significant contribution of scientific management school to the advertisement activity processes in conditions of the present-day reality in Russia.
Technical sciences
Bulanov V.Y., Rukavishnikova G.S. POWDER METALLURGY IN RUSSIA This article touches upon some questions of development of powder metallurgy of iron abroad, in Russia and in the Ural region.
I.I. Manilo THE REGULATIONS OF JOINT SHAFTS OF AUTO TRACTOR MACHINERY (PECULIARITIES OF AUTOMATIZATION). The ways of regulation of crank and joint shafts of agricultural machines with the use of automatizated systems of control of quantity of the rest shaft's flexure are considered in the article.
O.G. Ognev THE MATHEMATIC MODEL OF FUNCTIONING OF AUTO TRACTOR PARK IN CONDITIONS OF ITS DEFICIENCY. This article considers the model of defining the harvest's loss of grain cultivations in dependence on the number of applied technological operations, the terms of its fulfillment, parameters of industrial process of technical park's explotation.
I.M. Kiyanov THE TWO ARGUMENTS OF ADVANTAGE OF PRESTRESSING OF CONSTRUCTIONS BY THE CONSTANT EFFORT. In constructions with the constant efforts in unnecessary connections the optimal parameters of geometry corresponding and the maximal summable work of efforts in unnecessary connections and depending on neither load, nor on degree of prestressing are opened. /author's patent ? 2012749/. There are two arguments of advantage of such constructions in the article.
T.A. Mazurina THE SYMBOL OF ORENBURG CITY AS THE TOTALITY OF HISTORICAL AND MODERN FEATURES. "Design" - in translation from English - "project", "modeling". The man is a designer in the House where he lives. The necessity to offer the new visual language, reflecting the peculiarities of socio-cultural environment; to problematize the existing situation and to show the new way of the other forming came to a head. To open, research and systematize the symbol bearers of Orenburg region, to pick out those "grains" which will be able to give life to the modern style forming; to work out the sense and compositional model of the symbol of Orenburg City as the main element of visual communications of region - all this is considered in this article.
Bednarzhevsky V.S THE PROBLEM OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM MAKING IN THE HEAT POWER ENGINEERING. The author suggests information technology scheme for steam power-generating boilers modelling as aset of static, parametric and dynamic models interaction. The paper gives mathematical description of the models as definite design parameters functions. This scheme was practically realized on the IBM PC of "Sibenergomash" company and at the Boiler and Reactor Fabrication Department of the Altai State Technical University.
S.B. Demin INFORMATION MAGNITOSTRIKTION SYSTEMS WITH THE ALLOCATED INDUCTIVE CONVERTERS The mathematical models of alarm converters with the allocated windings information magnetostriction systems intended for excitation in acoustic pathes of systems of ultrasonic waves - carriers are considered.
Pischukhin A.M., Korshunova T.I., Korshunova E.A., Pischukhina T.A. TRAJECTORY STRATEGY OF FUNCTIOND SYSTEM SELECTION IN THE METASYSTEM. There are a lot of the books describing system approach merits. Numerous examples prove its efficiency. But most of these examples deal with the structurization systems according to the terminology of the American system analyst G. Klirr (1). And although much is spoken about some metasystems, there are no serious investigations of the methodology and model problems.
Kh.Kh. Tagirov THE QUALITY OF BEEF BESTUZHEVSKAYA'S BREED AND IT'S CROSS-BREED WITH BRAFORDS. The results of meat productivity of Bestuzhevskaya's breed bulls and it's admixture of the first generation with brafords are generalized in the article. The authors established that cross enimals exceed pure breed ones in quantity and quality of meat productivity in particular the advantage in the hulk pulp of the cross bulls in power supply value reaches 26% over pure breed animals of the same age. According to the results of the experience the author recommends this method of breeding to the production in the purpose of solving the meat problem.
T.M. Zubkova, A.Sh. Nasyrov THE CHARACTER'S REGISTRATION OF THE MATERIAL MOVEMENT IN THE SHNEK CANAL IN MATH'S MODELING OF VEGETABLE RAW MATERIAL'S EXTRUDICTION. The vegetable raw material process of extrudiction widely uses in food industry and in feed preparation. Autogenous regime which is characterized this process in the case of intensive displacement realizes necessary technological influence on the manufacturing object. Transformations, which are taken place in the material, call the change in it's reological properties. It can be considerable in the length of shnek. This fact complicates the math's description of process. In this work there is an attempt to receive the dependence. It allows to calculate approximatly the tension's distribution in length shnek. On the base of it we can do the calculation of the complex parameters of the effect process extrudiction.
S.V. Antimonov, S.P. Vasilevskaya THE SOLUTION WAYS OF WASTE TREATMENT PROBLEMS IN BREAD PRODUCTS BRUNCH. The article deals with the method of evaluation of waste treatment seeds in the enterprises. It is based on the analyses of these waste structures, complex registration of effectivity, absence of waste in the technological processes with the registration of deep treatment of raw materials and ecology production.
P.V. Medvedev, P.M. Vostrikova, A.S. Stepanov THE PRODUCTS MARKETING ANALYSES OF HIGHER BIOLOGICAL VALUE. On the base of questionnaire the deficit of output products in biological value is defined. The technology is offered. It allows to increase the value of food products. The analyses of competition has Shown that the developed product according to the cost and quality excel the present analogs.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |