№ 10 2004
Humanitarian sciences
Kashin V.V. IMMANUEL KANT ABOUT THE HIGHER SUBSTANCE 2004 is a year of Immanuel Kant for world philosophical association. April 22 is a day of 280 Kant's birthday. February 12 is a day of philosopher's death, which was happened 200 years ago. Kant made a conclusion that the morality did not need a religion. The morality was more universal and human than divine trail. Subjected to criticism existed evidences of God's being, the philosopher put forward the sixth moral evidence. The attempt to examine the Kant's teaching about the higher substance was made in this article to reveal relation to the religion.
Gorokhov P.A., Istyufeev A.V. TO THE QUESTION ABOUT "HISTORICAL PESSIMISM": PHILOSOPHICAL REMINISCENCES The modern position of the "historical pessimism" problem is regarded in this article with a help of social and philosophical analysis facilities. The authors regard the reasons and consequences of "Europe anemia", which lost own passionation practically completely in XX century as a result of pessimistic and eschatological attitudes prevailing. The thesis that modern pessimism regarding to possibility of progress in the history was founded with two separate, but parallel crisises: political crisis of XX century and intellectual crisis of west rationalism, was proved in this article.
Pisarchik L.Yu. DILEMMA OF MODERN CULTURE: TECHNOCRATISM OR SPIRITUALITY The tendency of nihilism increasing in the culture of XIX-XX centuries and the tendency of culture generality on the base of ideas of F. Nitsshe, M. Khaidegger, M. Sheller, Kh. Ortegy-and-Gasset, P.A. Sorokin and E. Fromm were analyzed in this article. The poor of particular specialization, one-sided and rectilinear pragmatism and utilitarianism, which form simultaneously a man and a personality leading to spiritual degradation is shown here. The author proves the idea that it is sensed in a modern culture the necessity to defend a man from influence of mass culture and to create conditions for his spiritual development on the base of religious, art, philosophical and scientific values and knowledge.
Baisheva Z.V. PREACHING AS PECULIARITY OF A.F. KONY'S ORATORICAL STYLE This article is devoted to regard peculiarities of A.F. Kony's oratorical style. Studying of creative work of the Russian oratory school founder has both as theoretical as practical interest. Practical conclusions can be used for construction of court speech theory. The author analyzed accusatory speech of A.F. Kony from the position to study speech behavior of the orator for reaching the most effective result of trail speech.
Zhumaganbetov T.S. ADMINISTRATIVE AND TERRITORIAL SYSTEM OF THE OLD TURKIC STATE The problems of state power organization of old Turkis on the horizontal level were regarded in the article. Organization of any state supposes structural segmentation of central power with local power. Nomadic state as any other state organizations needs administrative and territorial system of management, but realizes it with own peculiarity, with reservation of tribalism forebasis of society.
Lyubichankovsky S.V. THE PRACTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE INVESTIGATIONS OF OFFICIALS' MALFEASANCE IN APPRAISAL OF SENATORS' INSPECTION IN THE BEGINNING OF XX CENTURY The practice appraisal of administrative investigation of officials' malfeasance by senators' inspection in the beginning of XX century which were conducted on the territories of Bakinskaya province, Turkestanskoe province and Privislinsky kray were studied in this article. It was compared got information with situation on Ural territory.
Kurmanov M.M., Khabibullina G.R. THE PROBLEMS OF SUPPORT OF POLITICAL PARTIES' ACTIVITY IN LEGISLATIVE BODY OF FEDERATION SUBJECT: RUSSIAN AND FOREIGN EXPERIENCE There is an analysis of legal relations, which arise because of participation of political parties in legislative bodies' activity of the Russian Federation subjects' state power, taking into consideration the experience of political parties functioning in Parliaments of foreign countries. The proposals of these legal relations regulation are suggested for using in Constitutions (Charters), laws and others law documents of the Russian Federations subjects.
Shevchuk L.E. CONDITION AND PROBLEMS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE OF INTEGRATED TEACHING In this article it is suggested modern view on the problem of integration of children with development peculiarities in community of contemporaries, which have the norm of development as regular stage of special teaching development, which is caused with quality of relation of society and state to children with special educational needs of their laws in community with their contemporaries.
Galichkina E.N. CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPUTER DISCURS Computer communication opens new dimension in human intercourse giving opportunity to keep and transfer large value of information quickly, to use audio and video channels, and also to associate in regime of linear contact with respondent. The specific characteristics of this intercourse type are electron signal as intercourse channel, virtuality, distanty, and others peculiarities, which are regarded in this article.
Kulikova S.V. PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH IN RESEARCH WORK OF A TEACHER The problem of program-methodical providing of research work is arisen before school because of modernization of Russian education. The author of this article regards general factor of innovation changes in school practice as a teacher participation in pedagogical research, and also the author suggests the ways of transfer to research work, worked up by the center of pedagogical innovations of Volgograd state pedagogical university.
Zdereva G.V. PERFECTION OF PATRIOTIC UPBRINGING OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN TOLYATTY The realization peculiarities of state program "Patriotic upbringing of the Russian Federation citizens during 2001-2005" in Tolyatty are disclosed in this article. It is shown general directions of innovation activity of Tolyatty state university in training of future teachers, forming their citizen and patriotic position, development of creative approach to organization of upbringing activity among young people on the modern period of time.
Gabdulkhakov R.B. PECULIARITIES OF S.R. (SOCIALIST-REVOLUTIONARY - MEMBER OF SOCIALIST REVOLUTIONARY PARTY) POLITICAL ACTIVITY IN THE URAL (1907 - FEBRUARY 1917) The proactive activity of S.R. in legal organizations is analyzed in this article on the base of firstly introduced in science circulation of archive materials. The attempt to reconsider previous stereotypes of the party is made on the example of Ural organizations of socialist-revolutionary party.
Economic sciences
Lapaeva M.G., Krikotov O.A. INDUSTRIAL POLICY IN THE REGION: PROBLEMS AND WAYS OF DEVELOPMENT The analysis of development of general industrial branches of Orenburg region during 2000-2004 was conducted in this article. The problems of regional industrial policy were revealed here too. The directions of future industrial development of the region ware suggested and complex of measures of regional industrial political perfection was worked up in this article too.
Dryndin V.L. TO THE QUESTION OF SOVIET ECONOMICAL REFORMS HISTORIOGRAPHY OF THE BEGINNING OF 1950 AND THE FIRST HALF OF 1960 Problem field with planned borders, proper plots and searching tasks was made in native and foreign historiography attaching to soviet economical reforms of the beginning of 1950 and the first half of 1960. It is acceptably in its limits to put a question about lacunas existence in historical knowledge, disputable marks and studying perspectives.
Skuzovatova O.G. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND INFORMATION-TECHNOLOGICAL SYSTEMS IN MANAGEMENT OF REGIONAL ECONOMICAL COMPLEXES This article is devoted to the research of questions about using of information technologies and information-technological systems in regions' management. There is analysis of the development results on the Russian market of program complexes of business accounting, economical and financial analysis and planning, and also western standards of automatized information technologies and technologies of data keeping of economical and financial information. The model of conception of account and management regional system, which is complete system of data, program-technical facilities, technologies and ideology, was suggested in this article.
Lapaeva M.G., Nosaeva V.V. FACTORS ANT TENDENCIES, DETERMINING PRESUPPOSITION OF FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF CONTROLLING ON INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE The article contains the more important factors from the position of controlling introduction in a native management practice, such factors as discrepancy of management instruments of previous practice of management to modern conditions; stable tendency of intensive increase of native economy; extension foreign investments in the economy of the Russian Federation; reforming of national system of book-keeping and others.
Natural sciences
Markovskaya V.V. FORMATION PECULIARITIES OF THE MARKETING SYSTEM IN CONTRACT CONSTRUCTING ORGANIZATIONS The questions of forming of marketing system in construction organizations are regarded in this article. The results of investigation of some construction organizations of east Orenburzhie are given here. According to these results, recommendations of forming of marketing system in construction were given.
Zakutnova V.I. HERPES MONITORING OF CITIES OF VOLGA DELTA Herpes of 4 cities of Volga delta were studied at first time. 44 types of herpes were discovered in this article. The comparison with natural lichenflora of Volga delta was made here.
Kaliev A.Zh., Garipova R.F. DYNAMICS OF MICROELEMENT STRUCTURE OF SOIL AND PLANTS, EXPOSED BY DISCHARGING WATERS OF GAS-TRANSFERING INDUSTRY The analysis of dynamics of microelement structure of soil and plants was made in this article in frame of ecological monitoring of agricultural irrigated fields, where discharging waters of Orenburg gas and chemical complex are used. Nickel soil pollution and intensive savings of microelements with excess of maximum possible doses were discovered at that. Because of pollution of soil and plants by metals it is recommended to stop exploitation and begin reclaiming of this soil.
Mindibaev R.A., Gaisin V.F., Ignatiev V.A. PROTECTION AND REPRODUCTION OF FERTILITY OF LEACHED CHERNOZEM OF NORTH-EAST FOREST-STEPPE OF REPUBLIC BASHKORTOSTAN The questions about genesis of north-east forest-steppe soil of Republic Bashkortostan, nature conditions of soil formation, which are differed with some peculiarities relative to vast territory of forest-steppe zone, are regarded in this article. It is given a characteristic of soil fertility indexes of natural-agricultural zone. The results of research of protection and reproduction of leached chernozem fertility are given here. It is determined that intakes of chemical melioration assist optimization of agro physical, physical and chemical soil qualities, and as a result of this productivity increase of agrocoenosises.
Tukhvatullina R.F., Krasikov S.I., Leizerman V.G., Gareeva T.N., Budza V.G. ADAPTATION TO PERIODI-CAL HYPOXIA WITH COMPLEX ALCOHOLISM TREATMENT This article is devoted to method using of adaptation to periodical normbaric hypoxia with complex alcoholism treatment. This treatment showed that used method is effective for all patients. Besides this, normalization of vegetative homeostasis, appraised as method of variation pulsatory was observed at steady remission. The method of periodical hypoxia adaptation can be used in complex treatment of alcoholism patient.
Manakov N.A., Lebedev I.V., Tolstobrov Y.V. NUMERICAL MODELING OF REMAGNETIZATION PROCESS OF HETEROGENEOUS CYLINDRICAL AND QUASIONE-DIMENSIONAL CORPUSCLES Numerical modeling of remagnetization process of heterogeneous cylindrical and quasione-dimensional corpuscles SmCo5 with coating surface Co was passed in the frame of micromagnetics theory without taking magnetostatic field of dispersion into consideration. It is determined the dependence of breaking fields of uniformly magnetized condition and coercive force from corpuscle size at constant and variable thickness of coating surface in a case of coating surface of cutting and permanent border between SmCo5 and Co. It is showed that these dependences can have qualitative different character.
Nemereshina O.N., Gusev N.F. THE INFLUENCE OF MAN-CAUSED POLLUTION ON FLAVONOID CONTENTS IN PLANTS OF FIGWORT CLASS OF STEPPE PREDURALIE The contents of biologically active substances in plants depend of physical and chemical characteristics of habitat - ecological factors. Flavonoids take up special place among substances of repeated synthesis. It is supposed that flavonoids raise plants tolerance to unfavourable conditions of environment. The studying of plants of fig-wort class (Veronica spicata L., Linaria vulgaris L., Melampyrum pratense L.), which were collected in steppe Orenburzhie in a zone of influence of Orenburg gas-transfering plant industrial outbreaks, allowed to determine that contents of flavonoids sum in plants biomass, which grew in a zone of acting of atmospheric outbreaks of Orenburg gas-transfering plant, exceeded the quantity of flavonoids in plants biomass of control part. This fact testifies about changes of metabolic processes way and phytochemical plant structure, which have to be adapted to pollute with industrial gas outbreaks surroundings.
Sazykin V.L. THE ANALYSIS OF ANTITUBERCULOUS WORK IN ORENBURG REGION WITH A HELP OF INTEGRAL APPRAISAL METHOD AND COMPUTER PROGRAM RANG The original method of complex object appraisal and the analysis of antituberculous work in Orenburg region from different sides which was made with a help of this method, was described in this article. The selection of logical groups' indexes structure for appraisal realization was considered in detail. It was passed the determination of two important sides of antituberculous work, such as epidemiological prosperity of a territory and level of antituberculous work organization.
Timoshinova S.V., Sharapova N.V., Mikhailova I.V., Krasikov S.I., Boev V.M., Smolyagin V.I. THE INFLUENCE OF CHRONICAL INTOXICATION WITH CHROME AND BENZOL ON ANTIOXIDANT STATUS OF RATS The influence of chronical intoxication with chrome and benzol on antioxidant status of rats was studied in the model experiment on rats of Wistar line. Rats got these matters with water during 45 days. The chemiluminescence indexes of experimented animals were in 1.5 higher than of animals of intact group. Chronical intoxication with potassium dichromate conducted to rise of catalysis activity and superoxide dismutase on the average in 20-40 %. At the same time, the activity of superoxide dismutase depression about in 20-30% at invariance of catalysis activity on the level of intact group was marked at benzol intoxication. Thus the conclusion about different ways of realization of pro-oxidant benzol and chrome influence was made in this article.
Zavodnova O.S. CLINICAL PECULIARITIES OF CHILDREN MENINGOCEPHALITIS WITH INBORN ANOMALY The results of case monitoring of 36 children of the first months of their life with meningocephalitis, developed on the background of inborn anomaly were offered in this article. The types of surgery treatment according to inborn anomaly were indicated. There were determined the period of neurologic symptomatology onset, its evidence and duration of preservation in group of operated patients, the results of pathological process. Diagnostic value of clinical liquor research, data of neurosonography according to meningocephalitis ethiology were determined here too.
Vorobieva S.V. GEOLOGIC-STRUCTURAL POSITION OF COMPLEX SULFIDE ORE BEDS IN THE ZONE OF JOINT OF MAGNITOGORSKY FLEXURE AND EAST-URAL RISE The allocation of ore centres in the indicated region is linear- zoned. Geologic-structural position of ore beds are controlled with deep permeable zones in a framing of granite and gneiss rises. Tectonic zones have a character of main slide-thrust and discharge-displacement zones. Morphologically difficult sulfide beds are localized on the parts of paleovolcanic depressions, formed in a middle palaeozoic. Ore bodies connect with protovolcanic horst-anticlinal structures spatially. Perspective parts are taken place on the slopes of horst-anticlinal rises, permeated with granitoids of Magnitogorsky intrusive complex.
Kyzyrgulov I.R., Kharrasov M.Kh. THE INFLUENCE OF CANTED MAGNETIC SUBARRAY ON THE SPECTRUM OF SPIN WAVE IN A CRYSTAL The influence of canted magnetic subarray on the spectrum of spin wave in a crystal was searched in this article. The calculations indicated that record of canted magnetic moments can lead in some cases to large changes of spin wave spectrum, which was connected with existence of strong exchange interaction of magnetic moments in these crystals.
Technical sciences
Vasilevskaya S.P., Khanin V.P., Polischuk V.Yu. RESISTANCE OF VARIABLE CROSS-SECTION DIE The type of calculation of resistance to moving of non-Newtonian liquid through filter canals, consisting of cylindrical entrance cavity, convergent tube and molding cavity, was offered in this article.
Shestakova Zh.V., Shashok A.V. FORECASTING OF ADHESIVE WEAR OF FACE MILLS Physical-probabilistic model of adhesive wear process of cutter during operations of face milling are regarded in this article. There is offered calculation meaning of face mills durability according to criteria of maximum permissible wear of cutter back surface for different combinations of processed and instrumental materials according to cutting regimes. The experimental checking of this model was realized.
Holodilina T.N., Antimonov S.V., Hanin V.P. RESEARCH OF OPPORTUNITIES OF NUTRITIONAL VALUE INCREASE OF BUCKWHEAT HUSK At processing of a buckwheat grain in groats up to 22% from a total load of feed stock a husk forms. Now known ways of its recycling do not find use. In the article the way of processing of a waste is considered which allows to lower quantity of cellulose and to improve parameters characterizing the nutritional value of a waste that will allow to use it as a component of feed mixture.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |