№ 1 (233), 25 february 2022
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457
Василий Порфирьевич ВАХТЕРОВ (1853–1924). Российский педагог, учёный, методист начальной школы, деятель народного образования. Внёс значительный вклад в педагогическую теорию и практику. Опираясь на эволюционную теорию Ч. Дарвина, явился основоположником педагогической концепции, которая получила название «Эволюционная педагогика».
Aptikieva L.R., Aptikiev A.H., Bursakova M.S. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH OF DEPRESSIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS OF ADOLESCENTS WITH DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT ADDICTIONThe relevance of the study of depressive personality traits of adolescents with dependence on the digital environment is increasing due to the steady growth of dependence in the younger generation and the emergence of a number of negative consequences resulting from such dependence (changes occur in the emotional sphere, depressive personality tendencies manifest themselves). In theoretical terms, we have considered the problem of dependence on the digital environment (obsessive desire, desire to maximize the resources of the digital environment), the concept, levels and its criteria; the depressive state of the personality of dependent adolescents (affective state, characterized by a predominance of negative emotional background, manifestations: inhibition of behavior; general passivity; decrease in volitional activity, motives, desires, selfesteem; changes in the volume of motivational, cognitive representations); specifics of the prevention of dependence on the digital environment. Experimentally, we studied the depressive personality traits of adolescents dependent on the digital environment, presented a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results of the study. Addiction on the digital environment is a common phenomenon among modern teenagers, manifested in an obsessive desire to maximize the use of digital space resources. The presence of addiction aggravates the unstable (due to age characteristics) emotional sphere of adolescents (depressive properties and conditions appear). Having experimentally identified adolescents dependent on the digital environment; having grouped them by types of addictions; having studied the depressive properties of their personality; comparing dependent and nondependent adolescents by the criterion of the severity of depressive personality properties; we came to the conclusion that there is a connection between dependence on the digital environment and depressive personality traits of adolescents. Timely prevention is necessary in relation to dependence on the digital environment and the depressive state of personality in adolescents, in connection with which we have developed a number of preventive recommendations.Key words: addiction, adolescents, digital environment, depressive personality traits, emotional sphere.
Zubova L.V., Tron O.S., Shcheglova I.G. THE RELATIONSHIP OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SEPARATION AND ADAPTATION, ASOCIAL MANIFESTATIONS OF THE STUDENT’S PERSONALITYThe subject of the study is the relationship of psychological separation on the adaptation of students who influence the prosocial orientation of the personality, and includes (assertiveness, adaptation, selfregulation). The object of the study is the psychology of the personality of a 3rd year student. The purpose of the study: to identify the relationship between psychological separation and adaptation of the student, determining the orientation of the student’s personality. The author reveals the content of the terms “psychological separation” and “social adaptation”. The theoretical substantiation of the relevance of the problem of psychological separation of students, which is considered by many authors in childparent relations as a phenomenon of “psychological separation”, is presented. The study of the process of psychological separation is of great importance for psychology as a science. It can be said that separation is one of the first processes that contributes to the formation of personality, and further determines the antisocial and prosocial orientation of the student’s personality. The main conclusion of the study is the results of statistical processing to identify the relationship between the indicators of the studied features. The problem of psychological separation is important for the student age, and an adequate resolution of this problem can affect the rest of his life. Criteria: students who do not live with their parents and have antisocial manifestations (disciplinary violations, the presence of codependency, complex mechanisms of relationships in the group). The scientific novelty consists in putting forward a provision on the possibility of minimizing the occurrence of antisocial manifestations of personality, and our study also indicates that the psychological separation of students needs to be accompanied to minimize undesirable behavioral manifestations, since antisocial manifestations of personality increases with the relocation of children to another city and separation from parents. Conclusions. The goal has been achieved: experimental and practical work has been carried out to measure the level of psychological separation and its components and social adaptation of 3rd year students, the relationship between the phenomenon of “psychological separation” and “social adaptation” has been empirically investigated.Key words: separation, psychological separation, adaptation, social adaptation, social orientation, prosocial orientation, antisocial manifestations, assertiveness, selfregulation, students.
Kobseva N.I., Kazakova O.N., Korobeynikova A.A. FEATURES OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF FIRST YEAR UNIVERSITY STUDENTSCurrently, one of the main tasks of educational institutions implementing training at its various stages is to organize a “painless” transition of a person from one stage of education to another, allowing her to successfully adapt, actively function and continuously develop, not only during the training period, but also throughout her life. This requires the creation of favorable conditions for school graduates to enter the walls of a higher educational institution in the status of a student. Such sociopsychological conditions of the transition of a “schoolboy” to a “student” determine the purpose of this pedagogical research — the development of recommendations for organizational and methodological support of firstyear university students. The experience of numerous practices and observations allows us to state: firstyear students of bachelor’s degree or specialty are the most sensitive and vulnerable in terms of organizational, psychological, educational, methodological and social adaptation to changing environmental conditions. A lot depends on what impression the student will have after the first acquaintance with teachers, fellow students, university staff. It is important to show goodwill, positive attitude, joy from meeting new people on the part of the teaching staff. Based on the theoretical and practical research, we have developed recommendations for organizational and methodological support of firstyear students, taking into account the age and psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a modern university student. Summarizing the results of the study, we came to the conclusion that following the proposed recommendations on organizational and methodological support of firstyear students contributes to the formation of a university graduate in demand on the labor market, a competitive specialist focused on results and quality, as well as ready for professional and psychological adaptation.Key words: organizational and methodological support, teacher, student, freshman, adaptation, independent work.
Turkpenova D.K. THE AXIOLOGICAL POTENTIAL OF METHODS AND COURSES IN LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGE The separate usage of traditional and intensive methods in teaching in state institutions with academic education is one of the most important tasks in the field of foreign language teaching today. The main aim of this work is that intensive methods and teaching courses, despite the reduced number of classes, are not subject to academic foreign language teaching in state educational institutions, because they do not develop the full axiological potential of the learner, according to the authors. In consequence, traditional and intensive methods of learning foreign languages were tested in groups of elementary, intermediate and advanced levels of Kazakh, Chinese, English and Russian, such as: audiolinguistic, natural, traditional, the methods of Dmitriy Petrov, Paul Pimsleur. During the lessons the students were developed the following axiological aspects: oral speech, communication skills, verbal memory, etc. As a result of the study, it was found that it is not desirable to use intensive courses as the basis for a curriculum in a governmental institutions’ setting, but it was also found that intensive methods can be effectively applied in conjunction with traditional methods according to a thematic plan. Therefore, the methods complement each other by cumulatively developing skills, abilities and knowledge, including the intensive methods are appropriate at entry levels to memorise a specific set of vocabulary according to the topics to be studied. Consequently, the main purpose of intensive methods is to shorten the teaching time, due to the commercial demand from modern consumers. Key words: foreign language, axiological potential, traditional method, intensive method, course.
Chukhin S.G., Chukhina E.V. THE ESSENCE, STRUCTURE AND CRITERIA OF THE CIVIL IDENTITY FORMATIONResearch background: civic identity is manifested in a reflexivecritical attitude to the world, which is based on the desire to receive and rely in their assessments on a variety of information, as well as conscious freedom and a responsible person. Achieving the personal level of civic identity is impossible without the successful formation of this type of identity at the sociocultural level. Purpose of the research: theoretical identification and substantiation of the psychological and pedagogical features of the formation of the civic identity of the individual, the criteria (indicators) of the formation of the civic identity of the individual. Methods: theoretical analysis and study of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem. Results and novelty: the article analyzes the psychological and pedagogical features of the formation of the civic identity of the individual, the criteria (indicators) of the formation of the civic identity of the individual.Key words: identity, civic identity, criterion, identification.
Bobrova G.V., Kholodova G.B. METHODOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF CADETS SPORTS ACTIVITIES, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE YOUNGER GENERATIONModern cadet education is an example of preserving the centuriesold traditions of the Russian army, where a special place in educational activities is occupied by patriotic education and profileoriented training. At the same time, scientists emphasize that in modern society the identity of young people is formed by the Internet community, using one of the main human needs — the need for selfaffirmation. Social networks have become an integral part of life and influence the formation of the character of the younger generation. The sharp technological progress, the increase in the amount of information and the share of pastime in the virtual world, was the result of the transformation of the worldview of modern young people. Analyzing the dynamics and typology of the process of formation of the personality of pupils of cadet schools, scientists note the contradictions of socialization at various stages of education, which affects the interests of cadets, including in relation to physical culture. Since physical training is one of the components of the military profile training of pupils of the cadet school, the relevance in matters of students’ interest in sports is beyond doubt. Regular attendance by cadets of sports training helps to increase their level of physical and moral readiness for entering the military universities of the country. At the same time, in the Orenburg Presidential Cadet School, there is a negative trend in the attendance of sports clubs by pupils. The increase in the interest of cadets in sports, according to the authors, is associated with solving the problems of introducing methods of education into the traditionally established system of educational activities of the cadet school, taking into account the information needs of students. The teachers of sports clubs introduced methods of psychological influence into the educational and training process through social platforms on the Internet. The conducted research showed that the implementation of the methods of educational work, taking into account the information needs of adolescents, made it possible to increase the interest of students in sports. The result of the experiment was an increase in the attendance of training sessions by cadets and the safety of the contingent in the sports sections.Key words: cadets, traditions, physical culture and sports activities, theory of generations, information need, teaching methods, Internet technologies, motivation.
Kurlaev P.P. THE PLACE OF THE SOUNDSSCORE SYSTEM IN THE ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLSThe paper presents the results of comparing the examination and disciplinary ratings of students at the Department of General Surgery based on the results of intermediate certification during the summer examination session of the 20182019 academic year. In 61,8% of the observations, the exam and disciplinary ratings did not coincide. Among the students who passed the examination test, the disciplinary rating in 42,4% of cases was higher than the examination rating, and in 19,4% — lower than the examination rating. The value of bonus points in the formation of the final score is shown. In 30,2% of cases, bonus points provided an increase in the disciplinary rating. The method of determining the exam rating according to the 30point system is proposed.Key words: soundsscore system, assessment of knowledge and skills, bonus point.
Udovichenko E.V., Gorban I.G., Malyutina M.V., Grebennikova V.A. SALUTOGENIC APPROACH TO PHYSICAL EDUCATION AS A PROMISING MODEL OF STUDENTS’ MOTOR ACTIVITY AND THEIR HEALTHThe outbreak of coronavirus disease in 2019 and quarantine restrictions associated with it, as studies have shown, affect physical activity and have an infernal effect on health, which has recently been the most discussed topic in the world. Physical activity of young people is a key aspect of the health outcome, encouraging the development of a holistic learning process throughout life, which is acquired and applied within the framework of physical education. In this context, universities represent an effective platform for health promotion through compulsory physical education classes and extracurricular sports events. In particular, the subject of physical education offers high potential in this regard. The health perspective during a pandemic offers excellent starting points for a salutogenic approach to physical education. This approach is aimed at strengthening the sense of consistency with its central factors: clarity, manageability and meaningfulness. A sense of coherence is formed through life experience and, when faced with physical or psychosocial stressors, mobilizes generalized resistance resources, which leads to positive strategies for overcoming difficulties and promotes wellbeing and health. A high sense of coherence mobilizes common resistance resources. The presented salutogenic model of health for physical education can serve as one of the elements of the general concept of higher education for health promotion.Key words: health promotion, salutogenesis, physical culture, motor activity, students, sense of consistency.
Goryainova T.A. TECHNOLOGY FORMATION PREDICTIVE SKILLS OF A FUTURE ENGINEER: THEORETICAL JUSTIFICATIONS AND IMPLEMENTATION PRACTICEIn modern engineering, predictive skills are in demand, which allow probabilistically determining the future development of processes and the behavior of production facilities. At the same time, pedagogical science and university practice do not present scientifically based forecasting oriented technologies that ensure this process in the conditions of engineering education. The analysis of the content of the predictive skills of the future engineer proved the applicability to them of the general technology of stepbystep formation of mental actions of P.Ya. Galperin. V.V. Davydov, T.F. Talyzina, K.A. AbulkhanovaSlavskaya. At the same time, the general technology is limited by the scope of the school age. S.D. Smirnov and V.S. Lazarev revealed the specifics of implementation in the conditions of the university. The author has developed a stepbystep technology for the formation of predictive skills of a future engineer based on the adaptation of the general technology of forming mental actions. The author’s technology is applicable at the stage of mastering the indicative basis of activity of professional forecasting by future engineers. The adaptation of the wellknown stepbystep technology to the conditions of engineering education is based on a meaningful and quantitative change in the implementation steps and forms of work with students. The content of the technology is determined by the creation of internal representations of actions (extrapolation, modeling and expertise) in solving a professional prognostic task. The technology consists of ten steps. The forms of work (group, team and individual) include joint actions of the teacher and students, starting with the search for the necessary resources and ending with the reflection of the results. The product of students’ activity is a prognostic map with visualization of the plan and the result of solving the problem. In an experiment in groups of future engineers, the effectiveness of the author’s technology was confirmed. In the experimental group, in comparison with the control group, significantly higher values of indicators of flexibility, motivation, correctness, accuracy and stability of prognostic skills were demonstrated.Key words: future engineer, predictive skills, mental actions, stepbystep technology for the formation of predictive skills.
Mukhametdinova S.Kh., Luchko O.N. MODELING THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIOECONOMIC FACTORS ON THE CHOICE OF A UNIVERSITY APPLICANTS BASED ON COGNITIVE METHODOLOGY (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE OMSK REGION)In recent years, there has been a steady migration flow from the regions of Siberia and the Far East, a significant proportion of which are graduates of secondary schools who have passed the Unified State Exam with high scores and enrolled in prestigious metropolitan universities. Omsk region is no exception and the problem of outflow of the population, especially the most promising youth, is one of the most urgent problems, since it negatively affects its intellectual and economic potential and image. The scientific objective of this study is to analyze the socioeconomic reasons affecting the choice of university applicants based on the results of a sociological survey, expert assessment and cognitive modeling. In the course of the study, a cognitive model of the level of influence of a system of socioeconomic factors on an applicant’s decision when choosing a university was developed and based on it, a series of simulation experiments were conducted to predict the impact of changes in control factors on the target factor. The results of the study can be used to design and develop management solutions both at the level of individual universities and at the regional level, aimed at attracting young people to higher professional education in Omsk.Key words: applicant, sociological research, socioeconomic factor, cognitive model.
Charikova I.N. CONCEPT OF DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL DESIGN OF FUTURE CIVIL ENGINEERSFor a fundamental scientific search, an important stage is the stage of establishing connections and interdependencies that determine the relationship between the laws and the principles of the phenomenon under study. The purpose of the study is to substantiate and implement the principles of the concept of the development of educational design. The leading ideas for determining the content of principles were modern trends and tasks of engineering education, due to transformations taking place in Russia and around the world. As a result, a set of principles (science, information saturation, synergy, dialogic, prognosticity and reflexivity) is distinguished, which determines the complexity of comprehension and the focus on the practical implementation of conceptual ideas of research. The pedagogical experiment confirmed that the set of principles implemented in the educational process ensured the projection of theoretical ideas of the concept of research into the practical field of activity of future engineers and reflect the stable relationships and interdependencies of the stages of pedagogical design implemented in the conditions of professional education.Key words: pedagogical principles, university, professional education, activities, engineer, development concept.
Boldyreva T.A., Prigoda A.V. DISTRUST IN DETERMINATION COVID ANTIVAXXERS SENTIMENTThe COVID19 pandemic has become a phenomenon that has affected all spheres of modern life. Ensuring safety in the interaction of people in the social space, preventing the spread of infection through vaccination in this context acquires a subjective psychological meaning, namely the individual semantic content of existing social attitudes. Against the backdrop of an abundance of conflicting messages about the benefits and harms of vaccination, based on the findings of evidencebased medicine or worldly superstitions and prejudices, often archaic, the leading role in the choice that a person makes belongs to trust or distrust information sources, toneself in the ability to predict the development and people around. A brief tour into history allows us to state the permanent nature of antivaxxer sentiments, probably having some connection with sociopolitical processes, and, therefore, of a psychological nature. Consideration of covidantivaccination phenomena, therefore, allows us to explore some of the psychological mechanisms underlying them. Due to this, the aim of the study is to survey the quality characteristics of distrust as an integral psychological category that determines the stable ideas of people of different ages about the greater danger of vaccination compared to the risks of complications as a result of a possible infection with COVID19. To achieve the goals of the study, the following psychodiagnostic methods are used: “The author’s method of trust / distrust of the individual in the world, other people, himself” A.B. Kupreychenko and semantic differential (classical version of Ch. Osgood). To realize the assessment by the semantic differential method the following concepts are proposed: “I”, “covid19”, “health”, “illness”, “my past”, “my present” and “my future”. The study allows us to state that such factors as the age and the labor status of people in the compared groups are not decisive in the decision to vaccinate. Significant factors are the level and quality characteristics of distrust, primarily distrust in oneself and others, associated with an underestimation of the possible harm to health under the condition of uncontrolled infection with COVID19.Key words: covid19, vaccination, pandemic, antivaxxers, coronavirus infection, health, determinant antivaxxers sentiment, mistrust, semantic differential.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |