№ 7 (168), 2014
Kobzeva N.I. METHODOLOGICAL BASIS OF BECOMING OF HOLISTIC AND VALUE OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS WORLD VIEWThis paper reflects the approach to the problem of formation of the modern world view students. The author reveals the specifics of becoming a holistic world view and values of university students based on the methodological principles of the discipline "Modern concepts of natural science."Key words: world view, methodology, becoming, university student, principle, "Modern concepts of natural science".
Оvchinnikova T.E. EXPERTS' PRAGMALINGUISTIC SPEECH STRATEGIES FROM VIEWPOINT OF ENGLISH LEARNING BY UNIVERSITY STUDENTSThe article provides an overview of IT experts' speech behaviour as a strategical process with the language personality in the spotlight with its individual strategias in certain circumstances of communication. The author considers pragmalinguistic competency to be a factor in a successful ESPL. Key words: pragmalinguistics, speech strategies, language personality, experts, speech behaviour.
Aptikiyeva L.R., Aptikiyev A.Kh., Bursakova M.S. THE FAMILY AS A FACTOR IN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILDReferences: оn the basis of theoretical analysis of the psychological and educational literature devoted to the problem of formation of the child under the influence of the family, its features, such as, the specific relationships of its members. We consider the concept of the family, its functions, types, the concept of "parenting" approach to family education (psychoanalytic, behaviorist, humanistic). The conditions and performance safely and dysfunctional family and their impact on the development of the child.Key words: family, family types, functions, family, parenting, family education, the development of the child.
Philosophical sciences
Voropaev D.N. PROBLEM OF "MAN" AND QUESTION OF "NOTING" IN ONTOLOGICAL ASPECTThe positive understanding of notion "nothing" in history of philosophy is considered in the article, the problem of "man" ontology is denoted due to the category "noting". The author proposes to determine connection of "nothing" and the essence of a man, which is indicated as "Self"."Nothing" is endowed by the character of "total inconsistency", this fact allows to not identify "nothing" and nothingness and not locate in nothingness in case of absence of coincidence with being.Key words: "Noting", nothingness, being, "Self", Heidegger.
Gabdullin I.R. THE RELATIONSHIP OF VERITY AND FALLACY IN THE STRUCTURE OF PREJUDICEThe article deals with prejudice as a compound value and cognitive characteristics of consciousness in their relationship to verity and fallacy. Prejudice is also defined as a specific form of premise knowledge. The paper attempts to redefine the role of prejudice in the philosophical and scientific knowledge on the basis of dividing them into "true" and "false" prejudice.Key words: prejudice, premise knowledge, value, verity, fallacy, false.
Konnova S.M. SPIRITUALITY IN THE TRANSLATION ONTOLOGY Spirituality in translation ontology is investigated. The essential moments of spirituality are found: singularity and teleologic moment. Determination of spirituality in translation ontology is offered. The vital issue of spirituality — a method problem is established.Key words: break, world substance, singularity, temporality.
Mulyukova L. Ph. SPECIFICS SEMANTIC CONNOTATIONS OF CATEGORIES "OPPORTUNITY"The specificity of the philosophical category of "possible" that were studied in relation to its etymology, as well as in conjunction with the ontological analysis of the categories of "valid", "necessary", "random". Key words: possible, valid, necessary, random, probability.
Mishuchkov A.A. CIVILIZATIONAL DIALOGUE OF CULTURES: EXPERIENCE OF EDUCATIONAL COOPERATIONThis article summarizes the round-table discussions and conferences in 2013, devoted to ethnic and religious issues and interreligious dialogue in the development of civil society and student community of Orenburg. It shows the influence of religious traditions and students in intercultural educational dialogue.Key words: ethnocultural dialogue, interconfessional dialogue, educational cooperation, religious extremism, moral consensus, civic unity.
Osepyan A.K. SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF INTERRELATION OF DIASPORA PROCESSES AND ETHICAL CONFLICTThis research work examines the issues that Armenian migrants or diasporants encounter abroad (in Russia) related with their ethnic status and ethnic identity; as well as how stereotypes toward Armenians are interpreted. In touches also the influence of ethnicity on the individual or group value — capabilities and social behavior, examining in what context the interaction of group with milieu is called forth with conception of ethnic "self'. The article aims to indicate how the cultural and traditional peculiarities of ethnic group is expressed in the behavior of its members, and from the other hand how the mentioned peculiarities are expressed in the interaction with different ethnic groups in the host country. In the long run, the paper is concluded with the description of possibilities of appearance of different types of conflicts (latent and manifest) in interactions among different ethnic groups. Key words: migration, migrant, diasporant, diaspora processes, ethical conflicts, latent conflicts, manifest conflicts, ethical status, ethical identity, self-determination, social behavior, traditional peculiarities, individual or group value.
Perminova M.S. THE SPECIFICITY OF THE SOCIOLOGICAL APPROACH IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEM ANALYSISThe article analyzes the main theoretical approaches of Western and Russian experts to question about the role and place of education in the social structure of society. Considered are the problems in the education system and education: availability of education, inequality in access to knowledge, bureaucratization universities. Directions of further development of the education system and ways of its improvement.Key words: education, personality, social institute.
Hamidullin N.R. TO THE QUESTION ABOUT THE NOTIONS OF "SOCIAL POLICY" AND "SOCIAL PROTECTION"Theoretical basis of the concepts of "social policy", "social protection" in the history of mankind. It is established that the concept of "social protection" is equivalent to the concepts of "social assistance", "social services", "social security" and "social support". On the basis of the study given its own definition of "social protection".Key words: social policy, social protection of the population, government policy, the system of social protection of the population.
Zakirova T.V. SIMULACRUM PHENOMENON AS REFLECTION OF SOCIAL IMITATIONThe problem under consideration drivers from discrepancies in the sphere of socio-philosophical knowledge. On the hand, there is a tradition of referring to simulacrum as a non-realistic phenomenon. On the other hand, there is an understanding of simulacrum as an integral part of all social spheres. Making contribution into solving these poignant contradictions the author tries to consider simulacrum a reflection of social simulation. The purposes of investigation were reached by the use of analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization as realized within dialectical method. The author revealed that simulacrum represents a concentrated expression of social simulation processes, its existence represents widespread introduction into social life and its essence represents simulation and functional loading. Key words: simulacrum, simulation, social simulation, society.
Pisartchik L.Yu. HERMENEUTICS BY R. RORTYThe hermeneutic concept by R. Rorty is considered in the article. R. Rorty supplements not only the critical attitude to the traditional philosophy but also the criticism in relation to traditional hermeneutics, that examined the meanings analysis in the texts as its task. According to Rorty in modern hermeneutics the situation changed and it is necessary to reorient hermeneutics from consent search and common basis of knowledge to solutions search in conditions of various discourses.Key words: hermeneutics, commensurability, holistic concepts, relativity, hermeneutic circle, conversation, epistemological behaviorism, abnormal discourse, admonition, "peripheral philosophers".
Pisarchik T.P. ROMANTIC BACKGROUND OF RUSSIAN COSMISMThe article is dedicated to the problem of cosmism ideas development as a certain sociocultural phenomenon in Russian social life of XIX-XX centuries. The tradition of Russian cosmism conception connected with the Romantic school and Christian cosmology and anthropology is examined in the article.Key words: cosmism, science, anthropocentrism, anthropocosmism, complete value, principle of anthroptivity, universalism, noosphere, romanticism.
Savoskina A.M. NOTION OF "VALUE" IN PHILOSOPHY OF M. HEIDEGGER AND F. NIETZSCHEIn this article the problem of understanding the meaning of the concept of "value", which it acquired in the mid XX century after the works of Heidegger, Nietzsche dedicated. The author of the article has reviewed the evolution of the values notion definition. Nietzsche's contribution to development of axiological thought has been analyzed. The position of Heidegger as regards Nietzsche's role in changing of values notion understanding has been considered. Basic notions of Nietzsche's philosophy are singled out and described, and the place of values therein is considered. Main distinctions of the value notion in Nietzsche's philosophy, from Heidegger's point of view, are defined. Key words: Key words:values, will to power, reliance of values, evaluation, recurrence of the same.
Humanitarian sciences
Mukhamedzhanova N.M. "SPLIT PERSONALITY" AS THE PHENOMENON OF FRONTIER CIVILIZATIONThe article substantiates the idea that the specific features of Russian national character largely determined by the "split", "frontier" character of Russian civilization, because similar formations differ in the low level of structured of mentality and psychological structure of base representative personality and, as a result, certain contradictoriness, confusion of her socially-psychological characteristics.Key words: Russian civilization, national character, split identity, cultural synthesis, socially-psychological features, spirituality, collectivism.
Adrianova T.O. THEATRE AS SOCIOCULTURAL PHENOMENONDramatic art — difficult structure, multilevel system, in that there is a great number of the various subsystems and elements, bound by inter se durable connections of art. Theatre, as the public institute, sent to education, development, socialization, motion on the new level of perception and consciousness all those, who adjoins with him, absorbed in itself social and cultural functions. In the article a theatre is examined as the sociocultural phenomenon.Key words: the phenomenon, culture, converting into an institute, sociocultural approach.
Belyaev I.A. THE HEALTH OF MAN AS HOLISTIC NATURAL-SOCIAL-SPIRITUAL BEINGThe article devoted to the study the health of human beings. The author critically analyzes the definition of health contained in the Charter (Constitution) of the World Health Organization, based on the representations about man as a holistic natural-social-spiritual being, it offers an alternative formulation of the definition of this concept.Key words: man, integrity, health, wellbeing, natural, social, spiritual, World Health Organization, the Charter (Constitution) of the World Health Organization.
Kashin of B.B., Ponomarenko H.B. IDEA OF HUMAN PERSON IMMORTALITYWe investigated idea of immortality in unit of the human person, formulated by different thinkers and scientists. It is reasoned proves the matter the psychologist V. M. Bekhterev. After classic philosophers he strictly reflects on a role of the personality as one of unique links of an infinite series of lives, considers it from various positions: in the light of scientific and human outlook, as the existential moralized life and as a universaliya. Key words: idea of immortality, immortal human person, reflexology, evolution law, moral improvement.
Solodilova I.A. SENSE: FROM FORMAL LOGIC TO THE COGNITIVE- SEMANTIC CONCEPTIONThe study of the category "sense" is based on critical attitude to the sense-interpretations by purely logical and linguistic approach. As an alternative a cognitive-and-semantic approach to the problem is suggested, which presupposes the use of sense in the aspect of thinking and understanding process. Оn the one hand the sense characteristics are discovered on its interpretation as a mental category and on the other hand as a consciousness communicative activity and understanding process product. Particular characteristics of sense are discovered as a result of comparison of this category with the category of word meaning.Key words: meaning, sense consciousness, perception understanding.
Lobanov E.V. JUS AD BELLUM IN THE I. KANT'S WORK "TOWARD PERPETUAL PEACE"This article is an investigation of the work by I. Kant "Toward perpetual peace" in context of jus ad bellum. The major positions of the work were considered and is made an attempt to identify their problems in this article. There is a try to examine mutual relations between theoretical and practical parts of Kant's philosophy in context of the work by Kant "Toward perpetual peace". The practical background initiating the need in jus ad bellum is detected in the light of I. Kant's work "Toward perpetual peace".Key words: jus ad bellum, freedom, war, peace.
Lyaschenko M.N. METAPHYSICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE DEATH PENALTY IN PHILOSOPHICAL DISCOURSE IONIAN SCHOOL Article is devoted to the philosophical foundations of the phenomenon of death in order to prove the hypothesis: the death penalty as a phenomenon accompanying civilization from the first steps of its formation, is considered quite natural, since it ignores the value-existential dimension of being. Key words: the "Super-Object", Chaos, "axiological zero", Fate, Dica.
Strelets J.Sh. ETHICAL AND AESTHETIC MEANING OF HUMAN LIFEInvestigate the life-purpose problems of philosophy in its historical context and paradigm kalokagatii (principle of unity of truth, goodness and beauty). Compared two modes meaning of human life: the aesthetic and the ethical, given the conceptual approaches to the isolation of their speeifie content. Key words: aesthetic, ethical, meaning of life, kalokagatiya.
Kolomiets G.G. TO THE QUESTIONS OF PRAGMATIC AESTHETICS NEW TRENDSThe article considers the issue of value orientation revaluation in modern aesthetics and a turn to neopragmatic body aesthetics. The author tries to find the philosophical foundation to the new trends in aesthetic telocentrism.Key words: neopragmatic aesthetics, organic body and "inorganic body of civilization", A.G. Baumgarten, R. Shysterman, popular music, rap.
Historical sciences
Zlobin J.P. GENERALS-GOVERNORSHIPS IN SYSTEM RUSSIAN REGIONAL MAN AGEMENT IN XIX — THE BEGINNING OF XX CENTURYIn article process of formation in Russian empire structures of administration manage-rial control by the suburbs national and remote from the center, submitted by generals-governorships is considered, the legal status of their heads, a place and a role of these territo-rial formations in the general model of imperial regional management is determined.Key words: Russia, XIX — the beginning of XX century, regional management, generals-governorships.
Kasarov G.G. WORKER STRIKE STRUGGLE ORENBURG PROVINCE DURING THE FIRST WORLD WAR (JULI 1914 — FEBRUARY 1917)Based on the studyof sources and literatureconsideredrevolutionarystruggle of the workers, the strike Orenburg provinceintermsof the First WorldWar, shows theirselfless struggleagainst povertyand despotismof the ruling classes. The article notesthat the workershave made a greatcontribution to theliberation movement in Russia. Key words: World War, Orenburg Province, worker's-strikes.
Kuznetsova I.P. ON THE EXPERIENCE OF FIGHTING AGAINST CHILD HOMELESSNESS IN THE BASHKIR ASSR (1945–1964) The paper analyzes the issue of directions, stages, characteristics and problems of control and prevention of mass child homelessness, child neglect and help for children and adolescents from the state and the public in the Bashkir ASSR in 1945–1964.Key words: homelessness, neglect, orphanage, Bashkir ASSR, orphans, children's reception centers, boarding school, patronage, guardianship, adoption.
Grishakova L.V. RUSSIAN RESEARCHERS ABOUT INTERNATIONAL SITUATION AROUND SYRIA (BASED ON PUBLICATIONS 2011–2013)In the article illuminated views of Russian researchers about the events in Syria. In the article presents different views of historians (V. Horos, G. Mirskoy), political scientists (D. Malyshev), scientists in international affairs (M. Volodin, B. Dolgov, L. Fituny, S. Demidenko), diplomats (V. Kotler, G. Gatilov) about reasons that provoked social explosion in Middle Eastern countries, interests and role foreign players (USA, Western counties, regional powers) in the Syrian conflict. In the article puts opinions of researchers in resolving the Syrian conflict.Key words: Syrian conflict, B. Asad regime, opposition forces, "Arab spring", foreign players, "oil factor", resolving the conflict, script of developments.
Martsenyuk A.V. UKRAINIAN NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENT IN EASTERN GALICIA 20–30 YEARS OF XX CENTURY IN THE INTERPRETATION OF CONTEMPORARY UKRAINIAN HISTORIANSThe article analyzes the work of Ukrainian researchers on the history of the national democratic movement in Eastern Galicia in the interwar period, ideological and organizational modernization of the Ukrainian party political system, issues of national identity, the social composition of members of political parties and organizations of the national-democratic Polish-Ukrainian relations in this period, the study summarizes the topic and outlining directions for future scientific research.Key words: historiography, Eastern Galicia, the interwar period, the national-democratic movement, UNDO.
Merzlyakova G.V. , Batalova L.V., Okonnikova T.I. DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL TOURIST EDUCATION IN UDMURT REPUBLIC Basing on materials of Udmurt Republic, the article looks at the organization and forms of tourist education over a period of time since the middle of the 19th century to the present day. They have evolutionized from episodical excursions initiated by individual teachers in pre-revolutionary Russia to training at specialized courses organized by some public and state structures in soviet times, and to the establishment of the system of academic professional tourist education in new Russia.Key words: development of tourism training, staff training, tourism, Udmurtia.
Mukhametov P.А. TRAINING OF RESERVE HOLDING OF THE RED ARMY IN THE REGION OF BASHKIRIYA IN PRE-WAR PERIOD (1933–1941)The article contains set of issues of preliminary military training and military education of Soviet people during the pre-war five-year plan of 1933–1941. Major attention is given to activity of voluntary defensive associations and party-oriented organizations on teaching military professions.Key words: pre-military, military training, draft-age man, Voluntary Association for Assistance to Defense, Navy and Chemical construction, GTO, Red Army, military educational points, mass scale defensive work.
Polyakov A.N. FROM THE BEGINNING OF "RUSSIAN IDEA" OF THE XIX CENTURY PHILOSOPHERS TO AUTHOR'S INTERPRETATION OF A CONCEPTThe article is devoted to the problem of the rise of "Russian Idea". On the basis of analyzing famous thinkers' works of the XIX century, the author of the article gives his vision of its solution. The origin of "Russian Idea" is considered in the light of the argumentation between "zapadniks" and "slavophiles".Key words: "Russian Idea", zapadniks, slavophiles, pochvennichestvo.
Karabaeva K.D. LOW AND MORALITY AS FORMS OF UP-TO-DATE SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS In the article the present-day state of law and morality as forms of social consciousness at up-to-date stage of Russian informational community are considered. Problems of both law and morality interrelation and legal protection of morality are considered in more detail.Key words: low, morality, social consciousness, informational community, globalization, multicultural state.
Lyashenko P.V. PLATO'S POLITICAL VIEWS IN THE CONTEXT OF CONTEMPORARY AESTHETIC READINGThe article focuses on the political views of Plato, who through the prism of the author analyzes the aesthetics and is closely related to the categories of "kalokagatiya", "beauty", "harmony". In Plato's philosophy, the aesthetic principle is fundamental. Aesthetic grounds policy, policy, citizenship can be traced to the philosophical heritage of the ancient Greek thinker who puts beauty as pivotal in kalokagatiynoy triad: Beauty, Goodness, Truth. Beauty interpreted Plato as the supreme value, which at the same time the essential foundation of all political existence.Key words: Plato, politics, policy, beauty, good, harmony, kalokagatiya.
Kolomiec G.G. STUDY OF PHENOMENON OF PREJUDICE AS A PHILOSOPHICAL PROBLEM (REVIEW OF A BOOK BY I.R. GABDULLIN "PREJUDICE AS A PHENOMENON OF CONSCIOUSNESS." MOSCOW: PEOPLE'S FRIENDSHIP UNIVERSITY, 2014. 305 P.)This review discusses the main ideas of the book by I.R. Gabdullin "Prejudice as a phenomenon of consciousness." Noted the positive contribution of the author's monograph in the study of the problem of prejudice that is relevant to modern scientific and philosophical knowledge. Expressed some criticisms, suggestions and recommendations for further research and application of the results of the study.Key words: consciousness, premise knowledge, prejudice, knowledge and values.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |