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№ 11š(147),š2012


Osiyanova O.M., Temkina V.L. TECHNOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF DESIGNING MODULE COMPETENCE-ORIENTED PROGRAMS FOR PHILOLOGISTS TRAINING The article touches upon the problems connected with technological aspects of designing competence-oriented module educational programs for training bachelors and masters of philology, the algorithm of actions and content of main stages of programs designing are proved.Key words: competence approach, competence-oriented program, module, module teaching, module unit, designing technology.

Philological sciences

Arefieva N.G. DIONYSIAC TRAITS OF LYRIC HERO IN VYACHESLAV IVANOV'S COLLECTED POEMS "COR ARDENS"In the offered article deals with Dionysiac soul's essence of lyric hero in Vyacheslav Ivanov's poems. In this paper the author studies the mythopoetics images of Ancient Greek on the symbolic-philosophical level involving the main notions and categories of modern aesthetics.Key words: myth, motive, image, soul, Dionysiac, Apollnian, death, resurrection.
Baikova S.A., Osmukhina O.Yu. THE MASK OF PROVINCIAL IN THE STORIES BY EVG. POPOV'S 1970–80In the article for the first time investigating the specificity of creation provincialities discourse in collection stories "Merry-making of Russian" by means of author's mask. The author's mask is considered as stylistically marked narrative device, and as the mean with the help of which the author presents himself in the text.Key words: mask, province, provincial.
Zhivaeva O.O. MANUSCRIPTS OF THE BOOK OF PSALMS IN THE CHURCH SERVICES OF ANCIENT RUSSIAIn this article the author is looking at the Old Russian manuscripts of the Book of Psalms from the Bible in the context of their role in the church services of medieval Russia. Special attention is paid to the place of the sung Book of Psalms in the ïld Russian church service. Using the example of some characteristics of psalms manuscripts the author suggests the possible ways that past singers of the church choirs used the book. Furthermore, in some of the psalm manuscripts of the XV century some editorial notes are preserved indicating how service psalms were used to create the sung version of Obihod.Key words: manuscript, worship of the Russian Orthodox Church, church service singing, psalm singing.
Matyash S.A. SPECIFIC FEATURES OF VERSE FORM IN RUSSIAN ELEGY IN PARODISTS REóEPTIONThe author analyses specifics of verse form (metric and stanzaic repertoire, graphics, syntax etc.) of "Ironical and burlesque (a genre parody) elegies" included into anthology "Russian elegy" of L.G.šFrizman (1991). The results of analysis have been compared with analogous data on elegies of Russian poets in 18 — beg. 20th century. This allows identifying those elements, which were considered to be most important for investigated genre. Key words: reception, elegy, parody genre, rehash, metric, stanza, graphics, free iamb, enjambement.
Porol O.A. BIBLE MOTIVE OF A WAY IN LYRICS OF AKMEISTIn article the bible motive of a way in lyrics of akmeist for the first time is considered. The analysis of poetic texts is carried out in semantic aspect with application of a method of text parallels. Key words: motive of a way, motive of the road, bible motive, acmeism.
Pykhtina Yu.G. THE MODEL OF SOCIAL SPACE IN RUSSIAN LITERATURE: FROM "THE MAN IN A CASE" BY A.P. CHEKHOV TO "OUR MAN IN A CASE" BY V.A.šPYETSUKHVarious approaches to the definition of the concept "social space" are considered in the article. Semantic links in a structure of the art space of stories by A.P.šChekhov "The Man in a Case" and V.A.šPyetsukh "Our Man in a Case" come to light. Techniques of modeling of the social space in the called works are analyzed.Key words: social space, space models, art space, Russian literature, A.P.šChekhov, V.A.šPyetsukh.
Sluzhaeva E.Yu. THE HYPHENATION (ENJAMBEMENTS) IN LYRIC OF OSIP MANDELSHTAMIn article results of statistical analysis of frequency and organization of O.šMandelshtam's poetry hyphenation recount. The organization was analyses by several parameters (type, set and frequency of syntactical relationship and etc.). A 567 text was analyses.Key words: Osip Mandelshtam, lyric poetry, poetry syntax, poetry hyphenation (enjambements).
Chekasina N.A. VERSE ENJAMBEMENTS IN KUCHELBECKER'S LIRICS IN CONTEXTS OF PUSHKIN'S TRADITIONThe article presents the results of studies on Vilgelm Kuhelbeker's lyrics from point of view of verse enjambement functioning. Searched by the authors material is analyzed by its frequency and structure. Statistics results are interpreted in contexts of analogical data Puskin's and Baratynsky's lyrics. It is revealed, that in the Kuchelbeckerўs lyrics enjambements used with restraint, a wide set of syntactical links. The authors show peculiarity in transformation of Puskin's tradition by Kuhelbeker-poet.Key words: Vilgelm Kuhelbeker, Alexander Puskin, Yevgeny Baratynsky verse syntax, enjambement, lyrics.
Belova N.A. VERBS OF PERCEPTION AS AN OBJECT OF COGNITIVE RESEARCH (FIELD APPROACH TO THE ANALYSIS OF PERCEPTUAL ACTIONS AND STATES)The article addresses the issue of cognitive interaction of language and perception. The object of study is the lexical-semantic field of perception. The article focuses on the field of verbs of perception in onomociological, cognitive, semasiological aspect. The author makes an attempt to review field structure of verbs of perception. Key words: perception, lexical-semantic field, field approach, identifier, core, periphery.
Belousov K.I., Zelyanskaya N.L., Baranov D.A. CONCEPTUAL AND HYPERTEXT MODEL OF CONTENT MANAGEMENT IN THE SYSTEM "SEMOGRAF"The article describes the conceptual hypertext software application of domain modeling based on the information about it represented in a corpus of texts. Building a conceptual hypertext model realizing the function of content management (text body, key words and their sets, metadata, conceptual fields, etc.), is carried out in an information system of graphosemantic modeling "Semograf".Key words: subject area, ontology, key words, grafosemantic modeling, IS "Semograf".
Galinskaya T.N. IMAGE OF THE WORLD AS A METHOD OF VIRTUAL PERSONAL LINGUISTIC DESCRIPTION (BASED ON THE TEXTS OF PUBLIC POLICY)The article investigates the mechanism of designing virtual linguistic identity within phatic interaction at the level of thesaurus in order to identify common features of verbal behavior of two virtual clones, created for manipulating the interlocutors in Internet forums.Key words: personal linguistic description, virtual linguistic identity, verbal behavior, content analysis, the image of the world, the picture of the world.
Dmitrieva N.M. ABOUT CHANGING OF THE ETHICAL MEANING OF THE WORDS "CRIME" AND "PUNISHMENT" IN THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE RUSSIAN-SPEAKING PEOPLEThe author of the article considers the changing of the ethical meaning of the words "crime" and "punishment" in the consciousness of the Russian-speaking people of different centuries. The meanings of the Russian and the Church Slavonic languages are compared. The peculiarities of the understanding of the words "crime" and "punishment" by the modern students is taken into consideration.Key words: ethical loading, language ethics, ethic, spiritually-moral.
Zelyanskaya N.L. POLITICIAN'S IMAGE OF THE WORLD AS A COMPONENT OF MEDIA ENVIRON (BASED ON THE SPEECHES BY BORIS NEMTSOV)The article is devoted to reconstruction of politician's image of the world based on his public speeches — unprepared speech self-presentations. The reconstruction was carried out by analyzing the grammatical organization of utterances and stylistic devices, including means of expressiveness and ways of reasoning. This approach has allowed to reconstruct the basic principles of politician's thinking on which his image of the world is based on.Key words: image of the world, political discourse, Internet communication, lingvopraksiology.
Izotov A.I. DIRECTIVE MODALITY AS A ZONE OF RUSSIAN/CZECH WORLDVIEW ASYMMETRYThe main differences between Russian and Czech worldview in the field of directive modality are considered. Dissimilation between correlative Russian and Czech directives is analysed. New principles of directives classification are offered.Key words: linguistic relativity, directives, imperative, modality, speech acts, functional theories of grammar.
Inozemtseva N.V. PRECEDING PHENOMENA AS LINGUISTIC MARKER OF THE ENGLISH POEMS INTENDED FOR CHILDRENThe article is aimed at investigating the preceding phenomena of the English poetic titles. The present research is based on the English poems intended for children.Key words: preceding text, preceding situation, preceding name, title, small format text, discourse marker.
Ichkineeva D.A. STRATEGIES OF TEXT DIVISION BY LANGUAGE EXPERTS IN THEMATIC ANALYSISThe article deals with the peculiarities of the thematic text space division by language experts. As a result of semantic text charting analytical and synthetic strategy of text division have been highlighted, identified and described their characteristics. With the help of graphosemantic modeling a model of thematic text space segmentation by expert with analytical strategy of text dividing was constructed. Key words: thematic analysis of the text, analytical work of the linguist, strategies of text division, microtheme, semantic charting of the text, graphosemantic modeling.
Krasnova Yu.S. MODELING OF METAPHOR'S SEMANTICS IN RHETORICAL TEXTUAL SPACEThe article is devoted to rhetorical textual space modeling of metaphor's semantics. 14 poems written by PushkinšA.S. served as research material. All these poems were taken from reading books with poems of XIX century.Key words: rhetorical textual space, metaphor, graph semantic model, component analysis.
Osipova I.A. MODELING REPRESENTATION OF PROCESSES OF TEXT UNDERSTANDING ON THE BASIS OF KEYWORDS Article is devoted to modeling of processes of text understanding on the basis of keywords. Mechanism of links of one-component key parts by text understanding are revealed and regularities of understanding of text contents by informants are deduced.Key words: text understanding, model, keywords, matrix of transitions.
Pavlova A.V. VALEUR CHARACTERISTICS OF PREDICATES OF STATE IN THE ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN LANGUAGESThis research aims to reveal valeur characteristics of predicates of state in the English and Russian languages. Selection criteria of predicates which are characterized by language valeur are dictionary marks. Temporal, style, territory and emotive valeur are defined according to L.M.šVasilyev typology. The analysis of valeur characteristics shows that the correlation of marked (possessing valeur) and unmarked predicates forms an equal proportion 1:2 both for the Russian and the English languages. Key words: types of valeur, temporal valeur, style valeur, territory valeur, emotive valeur.
Popova T.V. WORD-FORMATION AND TEXT: CONTEXTUAL ANALOGY WORD-FORMATIONIn the article are discussed the relations between text and word formation in the contextual analogy word formation, using the German nominal composites. Word-formative text potency and text-forming potential of the word-formative structures are analyzed.Key words: word-formation, text, analogy, the nominal composite.
Prosvirkina I.I. "HIDDEN SENSES" OF SPEECH COMMUNICATIONThe article deals with the problem of speech communication connected with sense misunderstanding because of "sense illiteracy" of the interlocutors, which leads to communicative failures. The author suggests the metaphorical term "hidden senses" implying that the sense of the utterance becomes "hidden" for the interlocutor, which is unaware of lexical meaning of the word or misunderstands its cultural semantics.Key words: speech communication, interlocutors, discourse, cultural code, "cultural meaning", "sense illiteracy", cultural semantics of the text, "hidden senses".
Sakharova N.S. LOGICO-SEMANTIC APPROACH TO THE INVESTIGATION OF PROSPECTIVITY MEANS IN ENGLISH The article is devoted to the microsystem of prospectivity means in English. Logico-semantic analysis is applied. Dictum semantics is described from the point of view of modus.Key words: modus, dictum, semantics, microsystem, prospectivity, modality.
Solodilova I.A. INTERTEXTUALITY AND AUTHOR'S EVALUATION IN THE LITERARY TEXTThe chapter deals with the intertextuality as a method of the author's evaluation in the literary text. Furthermore the evaluation is viewed in the cognitive-communicative aspect as a discursive category, which determined the conceptual integrity of the text. The interpretation of intertextual correlations is made by the example of two chapters of G.šGrass' novel "My century" and W.šEckert' parody.Key words: intertextuality, evaluation, literary text, discourse, cognitive-discursive.
Tretyakova E.A. ANALYSIS OF NON-CONTEMPORANEOUS RUSSIAN TRANSLATIONS OF "MIDDLEMARCH" (BY G.šELIOT) FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF DISCOMFORT STYLISTICSThe paper is devoted to comparative analysis of two Russian translations of the novel "Middlemarch" by G.šEliot. The purpose of the analysis is to reveal the difference in the two translation strategies and compare the results of their implementation from the reader's perspective. We have analyzed non-contemporaneous translations, which made it possible to study the issues from the diachronic approach. We have also used the basic terminology, principles and methods of discomfort stylistics for proper identification and description of the linguistic phenomena that may result in the reader's misunderstanding of a translated text.Key words: diachrony, discomfort stylistics, translation strategy, transformation.
Shcherbakova M.V. PERCEPTION OF SEMANTIC ASSOCIATION IN THE TEXTS OF DIFFERENT GENRES AND STYLESThe article deals with such conceptions as lexico-semantic filling of the text and connotation (semantic association), it describes the results of the conducted psycholinguistic experiment. Also the author makes an attempt to interpret finding.Key words: connotation (semantic association), lexico-semantic filling of the text, psycholinguistic experiment.
Yakimov P.A. THE CONCEPT OF "GOD" IN ART PICTURE OF THE WORLD OF SEMYON LIPKINThis article presents some of the features of the lexical realization of the concept of "God" in the artistic world view Semyon Lipkin. First, the author speaks of verbalizatorah this concept in the poems, which coincide with the explication of the concept-universals, and then on the individual author.Key words: concept, religious and artistic world view.
Dymova I.A. CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS AFFAIRS IN ORENBURG PUBLISHING MASS MEDIA OUTLETSThe article is devoted to the analysis of the children and teenagers affairs in the aspects of the topic particularity and diversity, the calendar allocation, the texts emotional assessment and genre preferances. Some high school senior students' entertainment preferences and the impact range of the mass media on the adult pattern formation of teenagers are outlined on the authorial sociology research background.Key words: mass media outlets, children and teenagers affairs, children inebriety, suicide, addiction, pedophilia, aggression, orphanage, entertainment, education.
Saibulova A.G. THE GENRE OF THE ESSAY IN THE ORENBURG EDITIONS OF THE END OF XIX CENTURYThis paper presents an analysis of the Orenburg essays literature of the late XIX century. On the example of the newspaper "Orenburgskiy listok" considered genre-typological diversity essay. One important aspect of the paper is an ethnographic study of the essay, widespread in the Orenburg literature and journalism at the end of XIX century.Key words: essay, typology of essay, ethnographic essay.
Hmura E.A. PARODY IN THE ORENBURG PRESS OF THE BEGINNING OF THE XX-TH CENTURY (ON MAGAZINE "KOBYLKA" EXAMPLE)In article ways of an existing of genres of a parody and a rehash in a provincial press of the beginning of the XX-th century on magazine " Kobylka" example, a parody place in the literature and publicism of Orenburzhye are considered. The parody role in structure of the journalese text reflecting realities of the Orenburg life of the beginning of the XX-th century is revealed.Key words: parody, rehash, press, Kobylka.

Philosophical sciences

Gaak T.P., Konnova S.M. REASONINGS ON DUKHOVNOST: PHILOLOGICAL ASPECTDukhovnost in philological aspect is investigated. The essential moments of dukhovnost — disinterested conviction, gratitude and an apprenticeship are found out. Dukhovnost definition in philological aspect is offered. The general problem field of dukhovnost — mercy is defined.Key words: dukhovnost, nihilism.
Karabaeva K.D. TîE STRATEGY OF DEVELOPMENT OF TîE EVRUSIAN STATE ON BASE OF RUSSIAN ABROAD PHILOSOPHER'S TRANSACTIONS In the article the Eurasian idea heritage is analysed in the sight of problem choose of Eurasian state image, which is important for modern reality. Russian abroad philosophers were founders of Eurasian policy in the 20th years XX century. In the connection with this fact, the most attention in this article is focused on their transactions, which determine the strategy of development Åurasian state.Key words: Russia, Eurasia, Åurasian, politics, culture, East, West, Åurasian state.
Gryzova U.I. GIFT AS A CARRIER OF SOCIAL INFORMATIONThis article analyzes the performance characteristics of the phenomenon of the gift as a carrier of social information. This phenomenon, together with the corresponding procedure of giving the author considers in relation to the symbolic mediation of social and informational interaction of people. Particular attention is paid to the color symbolism and subject-subject nature of the relationship between giver and bestow.Key words: gift, donation, social information, symbol, color symbolism, subjectivity.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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