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2012, № 11 (147)

Sakharova N.S. LOGICO-SEMANTIC APPROACH TO THE INVESTIGATION OF PROSPECTIVITY MEANS IN ENGLISH The article is devoted to the microsystem of prospectivity means in English. Logico-semantic analysis is applied. Dictum semantics is described from the point of view of modus.Key words: modus, dictum, semantics, microsystem, prospectivity, modality.


1. Plotkin, V.Ya. Grammatical systems in English / V.Ya. Plotkin. — Kishiniov: Shtiintsa, 1975. — 127 p.

2. Satel, M.A. On language variation and its limitation criteria / M.A. Satel. — Moscow, 1979. — 219 p.

3. Admoni, V.G. Status of generic grammatical meaning in language system / V.G. Admoni // Language Learning Aspects. — 1975. — №1. — P. 39–54.

4. Smirnitsky, A.I. English language morphology / A.I. Smirnitsky. — Moscow: Foreign language press, 1950. — 440 p.

5. Slusareva, N.A. Problems of functional morphology of English / N.A. Slusareva. — Moscow: Science, 1986. — 224 p.

6. Barkhudarov, L.S. English grammar / L.S. Barkhudarov, D.A. Shtelling. — Moscow: Higher school, 1973. — 423 p.

7. Yartseva, V.N. Grammatical categories: hierarchy and typology / V.N. Yartseva. — Moscow: Science, 1975. — P. 5–23.

8. Gulyga, Ye.V. Grammatical-lexical fields in modern German / Ye.V. Gulyga, Ye.I. Shendels. — Moscow: Education, 1969. — 184 p.

9. Kolshansky, G.V. On the contents of modality category / G.V. Kolshansky // Language learning aspects. — 1961. — №1. — P. 94–98.

10. Moskalskaya, O.I. Grammar of text / O.I. Moskalskaya. — Moscow: Higher school, 1981. — 183 р.

11. Allen, W.S. Living English Structure / W.S. Allen. — London: Longman, 1974. — 338 p.

13. Verkhovskaya, I.P. Tense and aspect forms in English complex sentence / I.P. Verkhovskaya. — Moscow: Higher school, 1980. — 112 p.

14. Bally, Sh. General linguistics and French / Sh. Bally. — Moscow: Foreign language press, 1955. — 416 p.

15. Gak, V.G. Theoretical grammar of French (syntax) / V.G. Gak. — Moscow: Higher school, 1986. — 219 p.

16. Zvegintsev, V.A. Sentence and its relations to language and speech / V.A. Zvegintsev. — Moscow: Moscow State University Press, 1976. — 307 p.

17. Kondakov, N.I. Dictionary of logics / N.I. Kondakov. — Moscow: Science, 1975. — 720 p.

18. Arutynova, N.D. Presupposition in linguistics / N.D. Arutynova. — 1973. — P. 84–89.

19. Shendels, Ye.I. Compatibility and incompatibility of grammatical and lexical meanings / Ye.I. Shendels // Language leaning aspects. — 1962. — №4. — P. 78–83.

20. Canning, V. Birdcage / V. Canning. — London, 1980. — 213 p.

21. Francis. Knock-down / Francis. — 1985. — 205 p.

22. Greene, G. The Honorary Consul / G. Greene. — USA, 1967. — 310 p.

About this article

Author: Saharova N.S.

Year: 2012

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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