№ 8 (144), 2012
Economic sciences
Bazueva E.V. ТНЕ INSTITUTE OF GENDER POWER AS THE CRITERION OF EFFICIENCY MODERN DEVELOPMENT We have revealed the content and function of the institute of gender power through institutional economics tools. On the basis of econometric modeling we have hypothesized, that poor quality of institutional regulation of gender power degree is the causal of the inefficiency of the institutional environment in general, which significantly reduces the level of social and economic development of modern society.Key words: institute, gender power, efficiency.
Ivanaeva M.E. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ECONOMIC IMAGE OF THE WORLD AS THE PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEMIn this article have presented important aspects of development economic Image of the World of the high — school pupils in conditions of profile social-economic education. The author reveals the important values of high — school pupils in the system of economic knowledge on the basis of the empirical research.Key words: economic knowledge, economic Image of the World, economic education, system of values.
Begutova E.V. ASSESSMENT OF EFFICIENCY OF THE IT STRATEGY USING THE THEORY OF FUZZY SETSIT strategy is an important component of the business strategy in the organization. For the successful operation and management of situations in IT-infrastructure necessary to introduce metrics of IT services. The fuzzy system can be used to measure these metrics, and calculate the total integral parameter.Key words: IT strategy, fuzzy systems, process approach, IT services, evaluation of the IT strategy.
Bulyarskiy S.V. THE CONDITIONS IN WHICH PROVIDES SERVICES FOR THE SALE OF THE RIGHTS TO THE INTANGIBLE ASSETAn analysis of the conditions of the sale of rights to intangible assets, it is shown that the services market of Russia is developing. This is due to shortcomings of legislation, as well as difficulties in protecting intellectual property.Key words: intangible assets, the services market, the market of intangible assets, investments in intangible assets.
Buresh A.I. MINIMISING RISK MODELING OPTIMAL INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO INSURANCE COMPANYDetermined that insurance plays an important social and economic role in society and the state, as it helps to reduce the effects of negative effects of random events, both on individuals and on legal entities through the creation of a monetary fund for damages to private parties upon the occurrence of a past various insurance claims. Proved that the basis of minimizing the risks when modeling optimal investment portfolio of the insurance company is to analyze the existing system to minimize the risks involved in placing the assets of insurance companies, and to make recommendations for a more optimal in terms of risk of temporarily free funds of policyholders. Revealed that the formation of an optimal portfolio can be based on the basis of the priorities of most of the insurance company, depending on its preferences — receive a fixed level of return on investment and minimize risk. Forming one of these approaches several investment portfolios that using economic and mathematical methods acquire properties of the optimal combination of risk and return that form a single portfolio.Key words: insurance, modeling, investment portfolio management, insurance company.
Koptsev A.I. MAIN FACTORS FORMING THE EFFICIENCY OF POWER GENERATION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION This article reveals cause-and0effect arrangements for activating of economical effectiveness in the field of energy-generated enterprises. Also is represented of factors, what influence directly or indirectly on effectiveness of power generators. Key words: factors, cost price, system, production site, government regulation, tariff policy, investments, economic efficiency, newly created cost.
Kurlykova A.V. THE CREATION OF CORPORATIVE STRATEGY ON THE BASE OF FUNCTIONAL TARGETS OF THE COMPANYIn this the points of enterprise strategy creating were researched with the influence of main functional directions. Here the main statements of stuffing financial producing and marketing strategy are presented. They are observed with the connection of corporative assumptions. On the base of system approach the recommendations are made in the way of creation of corporative strategy according to the functional targets of the enterprise. Key words: corporate strategy, functional strategy.
Lapaeva M.G., Alekseyeva Ye.Yu. THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF BUDGETING ON THE BASIS OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY CENTERS ON THE ENGINEERING PLANTThe article deals with the development and implementation of budgeting for engineering enterprises. The budgeting project based on financial responsibility centers is proposed, the solution algorithm of the budgeting process implementation is refined.Key words: budgeting, budget management, algorithm, centers of financial responsibility.
Magdanov P.V. THE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN AN ORGANIZATION: CONCEPT AND DEFINITIONThe process of crafting the management system in an organization is an important and difficult task. As argued in the article there is no strong and comprehensible definition of the management system in an organization. The author suggests the original approach to understanding and defining such meaningful term as the management system in an organization.Key words: management, management systems.
Ryabikov R.I., Ryabikova N.E., Kharitonovа N.G. THE PROBLEMS OF USING OF NEW FORMS OF COOPERATION IN INDUSTRIAL SPHEREThe article is executed on an industrial theme as development of business of any level (small, average and large business) is caused by constant perfection of means of new approaches, forms and activity receptions.Key words: entrepreneurship (business), competitive advantage, outsourcing, problems of use of outsourcing.
Skuzovatova O.G., Nemirova G.I. RESEARCH OF DYNAMICS TENDENCIES THE BUDGETFORM ENTERPRISES OF OPEN SOCIETY "GAZPROM" AND ITS INFLUENCE ON ECONOMIC SAFETY OF RUSSIATendencies of dynamics of development the budgetform enterprises of Open Society "Gazprom" regarding expansion of tax base and increase of efficiency of activity are researched. Its influence on economic safety of Russia is analysed. Directions of expansion of tax base are offered.Key words:
Sokolov K.O. INNOVATIONS IN AGRO-INDUSTRIAL SECTOR: CLASSIFICATION OF SOURCESThe work deals with researching and classification of innovation sources for agro-industrial enterprises. The article covers criteria for choosing an innovation development strategy subject to the availability of innovation sources for agro-industrial enterprises. Key words: agro-industrial sector, innovations, sources of innovations, innovation activity, innovation development strategy.
Stepanenko D.O. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMThis article comprehensively examines the problem of methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the system of personnel management, highlights the main areas of research in this area, identifies the main problems of existing approaches and possible solutions.Key words: human resources management system, employment, personnel department, economic efficiency.
Sharipov T.F. METHODOLOGY RESEARCHES OF ENGINEERING ENTERPRISE'S COMPETITIVE POTENTIALThe article discusses the essence of competitive potential of engineering company research, which introduces evaluation of its functioning in terms of availability of internal and external competitive advantages. Particular attention is paid to the specific branch of machine building. There was proposed the scheme of methodology of evaluation for competitive advantages of engineering enterprise which is based on 6 groups of features composed several stages: estimation of researching purpose, selection of evaluative object, selection of comparative base, the estimation of competitive advantages, competitive analysis, calculation of group indices, the ranking of competitive advantages, the selection of competitive advantage for evaluation, selection method.Key words: competitiveness, advantage, economic efficiency, assessment methodology, a strategic plan, engineering.
Aralbaeva G.G., Sokol E.A. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC VALUE OF DEVELOPMENT OF RECREATIONAL SERVICES IN THE ORENBURG REGIONIn article value of development of recreational services to the population in the Orenburg region reveals social and economic. It is revealed to increase of a role of a recreation in the course of labor reproduction: between disease and volume of used recreational services there is a high correlation dependence. Key words: a recreation, recreational services, correlation dependence, labor reproduction.
Gerbeeva L.Yu. THEORETICAL-METHODOLOGICAL BASIS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AREADetermined the necessity of new methods of management of state property, which will improve its effectiveness. Proved risk copying foreign non-alternative methods of state property as a base in the absence of national-developed management concepts, as well as a clear understanding of the goals, objectives, and to the impact of institutional change.Key words: property, region, socio-economic policy, management, efficiency, regional economy.
Ermakova Zh.A. TECHNOLOGICAL PRIORITIES AS A BASIS FOR SCIENTIFIC — TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXThe formation of the concept of scientific and technological development of the industrial complex of the border region is based on a set of priorities, most important of which are the technological ones. A scheme for the formation of this concept to the requirements of the formation of an innovation-specific and industry in the region.Key words: technology priorities, the concept of scientific and technological development of industry, industry development priorities of the region.
Iskhakovа A.F., Pryadkina N.N. FORMATION AND REALIZATION OF STRATEGY OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGIONIt is defined that it is expedient to understand process of definition of such purposes, reference points, the priority directions of economic and social development and ways of their achievement which realization provides effective functioning of regional social and economic policy in long-term prospect, fast adaptation to changing conditions of the external and internal environment and increase on this basis of quality of life of the population as strategy of management of social and economic development of the region. It is proved that management of realization of strategy demands a comprehensive approach with orientation to the end results and the accounting of the basic principles. It is found out that value of strategy of management socially-economic development of the region is that she allows to solve problems of territorial administration effectively.Key words: development strategy, social and economic policy, management, region, efficiency, regional economy.
Korabeynikov I.N., Sinyukov A.A. RESEARCH OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXThe article specifies the theoretical aspects of scientific and technical development of the regional industrial complex. There is identified current trends in the development of regional industrial complex. We describes modern problems of scientific and technological development of the regional industrial complex. We proposed use of a systemic approach in studying the management of scientific and technical development of the regional industrial complex. Key words: scientific and technological development, the regional industrial complex, trend, systematic approach, management.
Lapaev S.P. THE EXPERIENCE OF DEVELOPED COUNTRIES ON THE FORMATION OF THE INNOVATIVE MODEL OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGIONSIn the article the comparative analysis of the experience of the developed countries on the formation of the innovative model of development of regions, identify the characteristics of and the main features of the innovative model of development of regions, the conclusion is made about the possibility of using this experience in the Orenburg region.Key words: model of innovative development of the regions, the creation of a diversified structure of the economy, the development of a fundamentally new directions of economy, the use of initiative, innovation, dynamism of the young staff, the setting on the use of internal resources of the region.
Lapaeva M.G., Lapaev S.P. REGION AS SPATIAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEM OF THE STATEIn the article, going of economists is examined near determination of concept "region", clarification of this concept is given; used approach of the systems to determination of region as a spatial socio-economic system allowing to expose integrity of research object and define the criterion of the samoorganizuyuschikh systems.Key words: region, spatial socio-economic system, level of realization of regional policy, signs, factors, gel-forming properties of region as systems, subsystems, conceptions of region.
Polyakova I.L. PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOURIST AND RECREATIONAL COMPLEX OF THE ORENBURG REGIONThe structure of a tourist and recreational complex of the Orenburg region is considered, tourist and recreational zones of the Orenburg region and prospect of their development are allocated. Principles of formation of tourist and recreational complexes are defined. Key words: tourist and recreational complex, tourist resources, tourist infrastructure
Pryadkina N.N. FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF MANAGEMENT SOCIALLY — ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIESIt is defined that for improvement of regional policy the Russian Federation an appreciable role could play: concept of poles and growth centers (France), policy of development of special economic zones (China), territorial planning (Japan) of market programming (France) and other achievements of foreign countries. National and regional programs ecological, demographic, agrarian, social and other directions, developed and realized in the different countries of the world are worthy. The analysis of the international experience testifies that for increase of stability of regional development in modern conditions except institutional preconditions it is required to create effectively functioning economic basis.Key words: state regulation, social and economic policy, management, region, efficiency, regional economy.
Terekhova S.A. CREATION OF FINANCIAL FLOWS IN SOCIAL SPHERE OF REGIONInvestigation of conditions and process of creation financial flow in social sphere of regions and thein territorial units. As base is determinate a kernel of process financial flows — budget financial flows. Is proposed the model of execution of function on the base of statuse of social-economic fors of territorial unit.Key words: financial flows, budget process, between budget relations.
Ushakova O.A. NATURAL AND RESOURCE POTENTIAL AND STRATEGY OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGIONIn article results of research of a role of natural and resource potential in region economy are presented. The special attention is given to a problem of ensuring social and economic development at the expense of dominating use of natural and resource potential which leads to technological backlog and social degradation of regions. It is offered to rethink existing system of a social production and to carry out complex transition of resource economy to the innovative way, allowing to turn scientific knowledge in one of leading factors of social and economic development of the country and its regions. Key words: region, economic development, natural and resource potential, innovations, innovative way of development, strategy of regional development.
Holodilina Yu.Ye. RESOURCE CAPACITY OF THE REGION AS BASIS OF DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENTIFIC TOURISMIn article the concept of scientific tourism is considered, its main types are presented, signs and the purposes of development of scientific tourism are defined. The assessment of resource capacity of the region is given and perspective objects for development of scientific tourism in the Orenburg region are allocated.Key words: scientific tourism, objects of scientific tourism, resource potential.
Novicova M.A., Yanchushka Z.I. METHOD OF THE SECURITIES PORTFOLIO FORMATION BY MEANS OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS COMMITTEES AND WAVELET TRANSFORMATION THEORYThis article is devoted to the analysis of the theoretical aspects of the artificial neural networks committees usage for securities portfolio formation and short-term forecasting of the securities market dynamics, assuming the conditions of the fractal market hypothesis.Key words: investment portfolio, committees of neural networks, wavelet transform, fractal market.
Renner A.G., Lenert A.G. THE STRUCTURE OF INVESTING THE INSURANCE COMPANY CAPITAL INTO RISK-FREE ASSETSThe article investigates the probability of non-ruin of an insurance company investing its own capital into risk-free assets. Assuming generalized nature of frequency distribution it identifies the structure of investing the insurance company capital into risk-free assets.Key words: probability of non-ruin, investing, risk-free assets, Dirac delta function.
Khannanоva L.R., Yarullin R.R. CROP INSURANCE OF REPUBLIC BASHKORTOSTANWe studied the system of crop insurance in the Republic Bashkortostan. Given the author's definition of crop insurance. Identified the negative tendencies of development of insurance of agricultural risks in as in the whole of the Russian Federation, and on the regional level. The authors suggest the model of development of economy, including in the sector of crop insurance. Given the author's proof of the transition to alternative models of crop insurance. Developed the author's alternative model of crop insurance in the form of off-budget Federal reserve for crop insurance.Key words: Key words: crop insurance, an alternative mechanism of crop insurance, the development model of the economy, off-budget Federal reserve of crop insurance.
Yarullin R.R., Gazizov B.B. COMPULSORY HEALTH INSURANCE SYSTEM REFORMING IN THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTANAll the revisions of the acts of law that regulate the compulsory health insurance system in the Russian Federation have been analyzed. Principle changes that have been made to the Law of compulsory health insurance have been taken into consideration. Using the materials of the Republican Fund of Compulsory health insurance in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the analysis of system state have been made, the conclusions on its development have been made.Key words: compulsory medical insurance, per capita standard, health care system modernization, single-channel funding.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |