№ 4 2009
Gudrun Marci-Boehncke MEDIACOMPETENCE OF UNIVERSITY: DEMANDS TO THE QUALITY OF PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION AND ITS POSSIBILITY – VIEW ON SITUATION OF GERMANYTaking into attention the global educational initiative in the sphere of mediacompetence, the question mass media using by youth especially by German youth is regarded in this article. In higher education the main place is occupied with not technical use of mass media but reflexion of complex conception of media in all its convergent demonstration.
Philosophical sciences
Karabaeva K.D. EURASIAN PHENOMENON AS A SEARCH OF HARMONYEurasian phenomenon as a special event of XX century in Russian philosophical conception is regarded rather wide in this article. The studying of this phenomenon is conducted by philosophers, historians, culturologists, sociologists, political scientists and those people who are not indifferent to Russia-Asia development ways. Meaning different points of view it is possible to regard Eurasian phenomenon in cultural-aesthetic aspect, distinguishing special harmonious force, which is necessary for transformation of imperfect reality, for reaching of fullness of social human being.
Rudnev A.V. MYTHS OF A MODERN MAN: ARGUMENTATION ABOUT INFORMATIONAL FREEDOM AND TOLERANCETolerance as a phenomenon became relevant because of rather broaden informational freedom of modern man, denoting the stage of new revolution development of ethics and generally new attitude to reality. It was not accidentally that this phenomenon originated at the moment of global informational transformations and steadily dilative communicative possibilities of modern society. Here tolerance makes very important function, acting as postmodernist instrument, realizing deconstruction of traditional culture, grading norms of high ethics, aesthetics and education, removing such important element as demand from them.
Boguslavskaya S.M., Lyubichankovsky V.A. METHODOLOGICAL BASIS OF PARADIGM OF UNITY OF HUMANITARIAN AND NATURAL-SCIENCE ELEMENTS OF PERSONALITY’S CULTURE The attempt to give methodological basis of fusion inevitability of humanitarian and natural-science elements of personality’s culture in modern conditions of world civilization development is made in this article.
Lyubichankovsky A.V., Lyubichankovsky V.A. VARIETY OF APPROACHES TO STUDYING OF GEOCULTURAL AREA OF ORENBURG REGIONThe short analysis of the concepts "geocultural area" and "cultural are" is given in this article. It is shown that theoretically they are coordinated with modern understanding of culture. Ten factors influenced on peculiarities of geocultural area of Orenburg region are picked out here. Some social processes originated with multinational structure of Orenburg region population and its dynamics are analyzed in this work.
Historical sciences
Rubin V.A., Rubin A.A. REALIZATION OF STATE POLICY REGARDING TO FAMILIES OF MILITARY PERSONNEL AND INVALIDS OF WAR IN THE SOUTHERN URAL AT 1941–1945This article is devoted to the problem of social support of families of military personnel and invalids of War in 1941–1945 with local Government in the Southern Ural. The authors analyze the questions of complex support of these categories of population from the side of state, regional government, industrial enterprises and civil society organizations on the concrete historical examples.
Philological sciences
Anokhina S.P. SYNTAX OF CULTURAL CONCEPT TRUTH IN THE RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES In this article the author describes typology of cultural concept Truth in comparative aspect: in Russian and English religious discourse, especially in texts of New Testament; in-language and inter-language similarities and distinctions are in field organization of this concept; position about dependence of status of conceptual element features of the concept from the type of institutional discourse is proved here and also a big sign iconicness of English text in comparison with Russian is marked.
Economic sciences
Smagin S.V. APPRAISAL AND TYPES OF EFFECTIVENESS OF ANTIRECESSIONARY INVESTMENT PROJECTS In this article it is suggested at working out of investment projects to regard budget effectiveness of growth of tax and dues assessments as a type. Besides generally accepted criterions of appraisal of project effectiveness it is recommended to forecast the financial condition on expected end of the project realization term for its acceptance or timely rejection with calculations of some indexes, and also for determination of means adding expediency.
Korabeinikov I.N., Schastieva L.M., Tokareva Yu.S., Koretskaya I.M. FACTORS, INFLUENCED ON EFFECTIVE FUNCTIONING OF REGIONAL PRODUCTION COMPLEXThis article is devoted to the studying and factors classification, influenced on effective development of regional production complex in modern conditions of regional and national economy development. The authors conduct retrospective and comparative analysis of factors groupings of different theorists of economic science – it is presented authors’ classification allowing studying regional production complex as totality of interaction of three aspects: territorial, aspectual and scientific-innovation. The peculiarities of production complex in Orenburg region development are analyzed on its base.
Kuzin D.A. INNOVATION ELEMENT OF ECONOMIC GROWTH The problem of economic growth due to innovations is regarded in this article, also the necessity of conditions forming in the region for innovation development is shown, and the experience of innovation introduction on regional enterprises is summarized here. The author suggests working out the program of innovation development of the region with accounting financing of innovation processes from three sources.
Gurova M.V. ROLE OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AT OVERCOMING OF ECONOMIC BACKWARDNESSThe role intellectual property at technological and economic development is studied in this article, also the reasons of rights toughening of intellectual property on national and international levels in conditions of economy globalization are researched, and the necessity of forming of balance between private and social interests at regulation of intellectual property relations is proved here.
Ovcharenko E.V. FOUNDATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF GAS INDUSTRY IN RUSSIA (1913–1975)The analysis of gas industry development in USSR–Russia is conducted in this article; also its influence on economy of separate regions and growth of productive forces of the country on the whole is regarded here. The special attention is given to development of main transport and creation of United System of gas service, also the role of gas industry in development of external economic relations is shown.
Samoylov Yu.V. TRENDS IN DEVELOPMENT OF BANK STRATEGIESThe article addresses different approaches to development of bank strategies in the context of evolutionary transformation of banking business. It justifies the necessary development of bank strategy that would be adequate to the level of banking business development.
Svetunykov S.G., Koretskaya Т.V. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF CLASSICAL INDEX AND COMPLEX VARIABLE INDEX IN MICEX SHARE PRICE PERFORMANCEThe paper addresses the share price performance in the stock exchange with focus on MICEX as a case study. It considers the indexes calculated by classical formulas and also indexes calculated with the aid of complex variables.
Izmalkova Е.А. CHARACTERISTICS OF REFINANCING SCHEME FOR CREDIT ORGANIZATIONS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONThe article addresses the refinancing of credit organizations. It identifies the mechanism of refinancing as a process of liquidity regulation. It reviews historical experience of the Russian Empire associated with refinancing. It defines the characteristics of refinancing for credit organizations at the present stage, suggests options for changing elements of refinancing scheme.
Pischukhin А.М., Korshunova Е.А. MODELING OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF COMPANY AT DIFFERENT STAGES OF THE LIFE CYCLEThis scientific paper concerns the optimization of company performance in current market conditions in order to improve efficiency. A double circuit scheme for the organizational structure change was developed that was adapted to the varied internal and external operational conditions. Most important condition was found to be the stage of lifecycle.
Garipova R.F., Kaliev А.Zh. CYTOGENETIC ANALYSIS IN MONITORING OF SOILS POLLUTED BY TECHNOLOGY-RELATED MICROELEMENTS Cytogenetic analysis revealed mutagenic hazard from the discharged waters of gas-processing industry as factors for microelement pollution of soils. A model experiment was conducted to determine the role of Ni and its antagonists Cu and Zn in the mutagenic background formation. The experiment considers pre-mutation events occurred in plant cells.
Taran G.S. WILLOWS AND BIRCH AND SHRUB BOGS WITH SALIX ROSMARINIFOLIA L. IN THE VAKHTYM SECTION OF THE OB RIVER VALLEYThe paper describes characteristics of shrubby willows (associations Sanguisorbo officinalis-Salicetum rosmarinifoliae Taran 1993, class Brachypodio pinnati-Betuletea pendulae) and hummock birch and shrub bogs (assotiations Carici juncellae-Salicetum rosmarinifoliae Korolyuk et Taran in Taran 1993, class Alnetea glutinosae), distributed across the Ob River valley in taiga zone.
Galiulina А.А. RECOVERY ABILITIES AND PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACTIVITY OF THE GARDEN STRAWBERRIES LEAVES IN NORTH-WESTERN BASHKORTOSTANBased on surveys conducted in north-western Bashkortostan, the data on recovery abilities and photosynthetic activity of the leaves pertaining to 10 sorts of the strawberry was collected. The sorts were isolated that have high resistance to the damaging factors and photostress.
Ayeisova S.А. ANALYSIS OF LIVING FORMS IN THE PLANTS OF AKTYUBINSK PHLORISTIC COUNTY The article provides analysis results on living forms in the plants od Aktyubinsk phloristic county. The analysis is given by the classification of К. Raunkier and I.G. Serebryakov. The composition and ratio of the leaving forms was found to reflect regional specifics of study area.
Smorodin А.V., Miroshnikova Е.P., Rodionova G.B. AUTOLYSIS AND FUNCTIONAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MUSCULAR TISSUE DEPENDING ON TEMPERATUREThe paper summarizes results from the study of the temperature regimes influence on the autolysis changes in the meat raw material. Most optimum temperature and meat ageing terms were also identified.
Gavrilova М.N. ONTOGENETIC STRUCTURE OF THE BROOM CENOPOPULATIONS IN THE REPUBLIC OF MARIY-ELThe article provides results from the study of the cenopopulation structure in the broom (a shrub pertaining to the Family Fabaceous) in the Republic of Mariy-El. In the course of research, ecological valence and tolerance of this species with respect to the climatic and soil factors were determined; ontogenesis and ontogenetic structure of cenopopulations were also described.
Larionov М.V., Larionov N.V. ENVIRONMENT POLLUTION IMPACT ON THE HEALTH OF POPULATION IN SARATOV REGION The article provides the results of the research into environment pollution levels in the Saratov region and its impacts on the health of population. General disease incidence of the urban population living in the Volga river basin exceeds disease incidence of the children in the Hoper river basin in 1,5–2 times. The disease level is higher in the areas with adverse ecological situation.
Istomin А.V. LEPTOSPIROSIS EPIZOOTIC INFLUENCE ON THE PHENETIC STRUCTURE AND DIVERSITY OF THE DISEASE CARRIER POPULATIONSPhenetic testing of the red vole individuals from natural populations was carried out based on their susceptibility and inflectional sensitivity to the leptospirosis pathogens in forest ecosystems of the central Russian Plain. The leptospirosis epizootics were shown to contribute significantly to the dynamics of population phenetic structure and stability of carrier ontogenesis.
Korneeva О.S., Bozhko О.Yu. APPLICATION OF ISOMALTULOSESYNTHASE ERWINIA RHAPONTICI FOR TRANSFORMATION OF SACCHAROSE INTO ISOMALTULOSEThe optimum conditions for biosynthesis of isomaltulosesynthase by the bacteria Erwiniа rhapontici was found in the deep cultivation: cultivation temperature 30°С; basic value рН for the nutrient medium 7,5; duration of cultivation totals 54 hrs in the medium with a saccharose content of 10%. homogeneous enzymatic drug with a s protein specific activity of 281,67 Е/mg was obtained through electrophoretic method. The optimum parameters for transformation of saccharose into isomaltulose were identified: dosage – 5 Е/mg of saccharose, saccharose concentration – 10%, transformation time – 3 hrs.
Chemical sciences
Kozminykh V.О., Kirillova E.A., Vinogradov A.N., Mukovoz P.P., Scherbakov Yu.V., Mozgunova E.M., Golotsvan A.V., Kozminykh E.N. METAL DERIVATIVES OF ρ-π-ELECTRON DONATING POLYCARBONYL SYSTEMS WITH CLOSED α- AND β-DIOXO FRAGMENTS. PART 3. SYNTHESIS AND STRUCTURE OF METAL(II)CHELATES OF 4-OXODERIVATIVES OF 2-HYDROXY-2ALKENOATE ETHERS Metal-exchange reaction of metal(II) salts in water solutions with sodium enolates of 4-oxoderivatives of 2-hydroxy-2-alkenoate ethers (LNa), synthesized by the Claisen condensation of methylenecarbonyl compounds (methyl ketones or ethyl acetate) with diethyl oxalate at basic conditions, leads to O,O’-coordinated metal-1,3-diketonate complexes, i.e. metal(II)chelates (L2Met) composed on oxoalkenoate bidentate ligands. The structure peculiarities of synthesized β-diketonates are discussed. Presented are data, additional to preceding papers, about synthesis, structure and properties of functionalized 1,3-dicarbonyl anion metal derivatives.
Physical-mathematical sciences
Kruchinin N.Yu. PLACEMENT OF LYSOZYME FRAGMENTS IN CYLINDRICAL PORE MADE OF ALUMINUM OXIDEThrough molecular dynamics method, spatial distribution of polypeptide chain links was identified that was placed inside cylindrical aluminum oxide pore in protein fragments (70 amino-acid residues of lysozyme). Modeling of kinetics for the transfer of macrochain to equilibrium conformation was conducted at the temporary stage up to 300 picoseconds from the ordered start configuration of protein fragment under constant temperatures of 400 К, 800 К. Numerical values were determined for the parameters used for approximation of the polypeptide links distribution density curves along the normal line coordinate towards the pore bottom and by radial dependence of the links concentration in cylindrical pore. The data obtained may be used for description of biomolecular reactions kinetics in structured systems.
Lysakov V.S. SPECTROMETRIC MEASUREMENT OF CLEAR TRIGLYCINESULPHATE CRYSTALS AND ION-ACTIVATED CRYSTALS Based on analysis of the experimental data on thermoluminescence, the article discusses possible mechanisms underlying formation of thermoluminescense of the considered systems. The conclusion was made as to the crystal luminescence sources and identity of the centers accountable for recombination luminescence and electronic spontaneous polarization.
Technical sciences
Chepasov V.I., Nikonorova О.А., Kuryakova Т.А., Teterin А.P. EARTHQUAKE FORECAST BASED ON THE PERIODS OF HARMONICS WITH THE MAXIMUM AMPLITUDE OF EARTHQUAKE LOCAL TIME, EARTHQUAKE DAYS, TIDAL VARIATIONS IN GRAVITYOn the basis of spectrum analysis, the periods of harmonics with the maximum amplitude for earthquake local time, earthquake days, parameters of tidal variations in gravity during events were identified. With the aid of found periods of harmonics with the maximum amplitude a methodology is suggested to forecast earthquake time through cumulative sum calculation starting from 1987 (in hours).
Kovalenko S.Yu., Tyunyaev I.V., Kalimulin R.F. TECHNIQUE FOR ASSESSMENT OF CAR ENGINE SUITABILITY FOR CHANGING EXPLOITATION ENVIRONMENTThe paper describes stages of development and approbation of the technique to assess suitability of the car engines to changing exploitation environment (starting duty as a case study) with the use of original method of express-analysis of the lubricant in the crankshaft bearings. Practical application of this technique enables to improve the service life of car engines through lovering starting wears.
Yakunin N.N., Dryuchin D.А., Yakunin S.N. SUBSTANTIATION OF TAXIS FLEET STRUCTURE SUBJECT TO THE CAR OPERATING PERIOD CHARACTERISTICS The article concerns the problem of efficient implementation of economic activity to save operational costs and ensure appropriate quality and safety of services provided. One of the line of development for transportation companies is optimization of the fleet structure through the control of the vehicles used and their age structure. The carrier ability to meet timely market demands and transportation costs depends significantly on these factors. The passenger car fleet is most abundant and used for both meeting personal demands of citizens and transporting passengers. The authors have developed a technique for optimization of passenger car fleet structure, which is the first phase to create the overall universal technique for optimization motor vehicle fleet. This technique may be considered as an element of the integrated system to lower operational costs on the motor transport.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |