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№ 1 2009

Philosophical sciences

Kashin V.V. CELEBRATING CHARLES DARWIN’S BICENTENARYOn February 12, 2009 the world commemorates the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin and on November 2009 the scientific community celebrates the 150th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s "On the Origin of Species". Darwin’s theory of evolution is the naturalistic foundation of modern biology, the teaching, providing logical explanation for the diversity of life. In 2009 rebuilding the ship that carried Charles Darwin around the world is supposed. The new Beagle will sail the world in Darwin’s wake. The international community, including the Russian community, had an ambiguous attitude toward the theory of evolution. Differences of opinion among the people, believing in God and the scientists accepting the evolutionary theory, increase over time.
Belyaev I.A. ABILITIES AND NEEDS AS THE CONTINUUM IN SYSTEM QUALITIES OF HUMAN INTEGRITY The article focuses on research into the sphere of personal abilities and needs of a human that, to the author, may be considered as a natural-social and spiritual being. It presents the theoretical justification for reviewing abilities and needs as system qualities of human integrity and demonstrates the continual nature of their interrelationships.

Social sciences

Valeev G.H., Shangareev N.А. REGULATORY AND MANAGERIAL ASPECTS INHERENT IN THE SOCIAL TECHNOLOGY The article discovers role of social technology in the process of the formation and development of social systems. It identifies functional status of socium containing both evolutional and involutional characteristics of social systems development. The retention of steady functional status of socium is a result of the social technology regulatory mechanisms.

Philological sciences

Zavadskaya А.V. EPATAGE OF METAPHORS FOR DESCRIPTION OF THE HUMAN IMAGE IN THE RUSSIAN FUTURIST POETRYThe article focuses on reviewing metaphorical formations as part of the futuristic text structure the usage of which facilitates epatage effects generation. The author introduces the concept of "epatage" metaphors with special attention given to reviewing a group of the metaphors that give description of the human image.

Historical sciences

Futoryansky L.I. THE WORK OF THE NORTHERN CAUCASIA AND POVOLZHYE STATE DEFENSE COMMITTEES DURING THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WARThe article highlights the work of the city defense committees, their role in defense of the southern towns, the defense committees of Stalingrad, Rostov-On-Don and other committees of the southern Russia and former Cossack centers.
Lyubichankovsky S.V. THE HISTORIAN AND THE TIME (REFLECTION ON THE REMINISCENCE BOOK READ: KABYTOV P.S. EPOCHAL DESTINY: LIFE OF THE HISTORIAN. SAMARA, 2008)A Man was created to seek the order, to clarify his modest temporal continuum, to build the future upon the past, or, otherwise, why does the Man have the mind and reminiscence?

Economic sciences

Malakhova О.B. SETTING STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS FOR DEVELOPING THE BORDER REGIONBorder regions are specific in terms their functioning. Setting strategic directions for developing a border region depends first of all on the type of the regional strategy chosen. This article considers the general phase sequence for the region development strategy. To assess the strategy setting options the method of building and studying potential production distribution zones (PPDZ) (regional economy gravity model version) is proposed to apply.
Zubkova N.V. INTERACTION OF INTER-COMPANY PLANNING AND CORPORATIVE MANAGEMENT Intercommunication and interaction between corporative management, corporative relations and inter-company planning are regarded in this article. Interaction of large size of participants are suggested in the system of inter-company relations. The great attention is given to a relation between corporative management and inter-company planning which is constructed through "income prism", i.e. maximal interest of participants.
Shuvarikova E.V. PERFECTION OF MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WITH USING OF WASTAGE AND CONSUMPTION RESIDUE IN PERM TERRITORYThe problem of waste products formation, their ineffective using, and also negative influence on environment is one of the most important ecological problems of Perm Territory. This article is devoted to the solution of this problem on the base of working out and realization of united complex regional system of wastage management, oriented on volume decrease of their formation and on the development of methods of maximal wastage using.
Romanov V.V. COMPLEX APPRAISAL OF BASIC PRODUCTION ASSETS USING OF AIRCRAFT ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS ENTERPRISESThe analysis of groups of usage indexes of basic production assets (BPA) is given in this article. General peculiarities of BPA using of aircraft electrical system enterprises are determined here. Existing classification of BPA with accounting of distinguished peculiarities of aircraft electrical complex is enlarged in this work. New principals of grouping of indexes of basic production assets using of aircraft electrical system are suggested here.
Baidukova N.V. URGENT ISSUES OF THE MARKET PAYMENT SERVICES REGULATIONIn 2007 the Russian national payment system entered the new stage of its functioning, giving pay services in the regime of on line. However the market of retail accounts causes anxiety and preoccupation as before as it was not subjected with monitoring even from the side of the Central Bank of RF. This article is devoted to these issues.
Zueva M.O. THE MEASURES OF THE CENTRAL BANK ON ENSURING OPTIONS FOR THE CREDITING OF THE REAL ECONOMICS SECTOR The actions of the Central Bank on ensuring options for crediting of the real economics sector in conditions of world financial crises are regarded in this article. Existing problems are distinguished and possible variants of their solutions are suggested here.
Shlifer E.V. DOCUMENTARY REPRESENTATION OF THE AUDITING PROCEDURES IN TESTING THE COMPUTER-BASED ACCOUNTING SYSTEMThis article reveals and characterizes standard auditing procedures regarding to testing the computer-based accounting systems as a compound part of internal control system. Working documents of an auditor revealing the results of these procedures are given in this work.
Duplyakin V.M., Skogareva Yu.V. MODELING OF THE SERVICING SYSTEM FOR A MERCANTILE ESTABLISHMENT There given the results of researchers on the base of which the complex economic-mathematical model was suggested and program firmware of income maximization of mercantile business due to optimization of servicing system was worked out at transitional input stream and changeable characteristics of the system.


Alidzhanova I.E. STUDIES OF THE ORGANISM ADAPTATION CAPABILITIES IN RESPONSE TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN THE EXPERIMENT Some aspects of the organism adaption capabilities in response to physical activity in the experiment are studied in this article. Changes of biochemical blood indexes and also indexes of hemogram in testing groups in comparison with control groups were distinguished here. Besides regularities of element homeostasis in organism changes at over-physical activity were determined in this work.
Katsnelson Yu.V., Dubrovina G.V. PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE OF FEMALE STUDENTS WITH DIFFERENT STATE OF THEIR REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHThe article covers peculiar features of a general (factor) structure of personality of the girls with different state of reproductive system. Peculiarities of personal profile of students with functional and organic disorders are shown; however, irrespective of the disorder form, girls with reproductive system pathology show high level of neurotization as compared to the healthy students.
Maslovskaya S.V., Fomina М.V. THE HEALTH AS A FACTOR OF THE TEACHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION The authors of the article position the problem with the health of the teachers as one the main educational tasks which determine pedagogical competence. They give definition of the notion "professional health of a teacher" and outline means of its formation.
Notova S.V., Petrosienko Е.S. THE ISSUE OF EMOTIONAL STRESS AND AGGRESSIVENESS: THE THEORY OF ORIGIN AND METHODS OF THEIR STUDYThe article covers topicality of study of emotional stress and aggressiveness under sheer increase in crime, particularly amidst teenagers, as well as various theories of aggressiveness origins and methods for its study aiming at application in further research.
Buduk-ool L.К. ETHNOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF STUDENTS PERTAINING TO THE TUVINIAN AND RUSSIAN NATIONALITIESThe author studies ethnological and psychophysiological features of students pertaining to the Tuvinian and Russian nationalities and residing under extreme climate and geographical conditions of the South-Siberian region – the Republic of Tuva. He reveals a higher level of reaction and personal anxiety and neurotism of Tuvinian students. Tuvinian students differ from the Russian ones by accentuations in character. It has been concluded that psychosocial adaptation of Tuvinian students during education period is lower.
Kiyaeva Е.V. XENOBIOTIC IMPACTS ON THE ORGANIZM ELEMENTAL HOMEOSTASISThe article reveals the results of research upon study of combined impact of ethanol and cadmium upon the organism of laboratory animals (Wistar rats). Specific features of toxicant impact upon elemental composition of animal blood have been determined. The author describes general tendency towards decrease of content of essential elements in blood of animals affected by ethanol and cadmium.
Tsaturyan L.D. THE STUDY OF PERIPHERAL BLOOD PARAMETRES AND HOMOCYSTEINE IN THE ASSESSMENT OF RISKS IN RELATION TO THE CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE DEVELOPMENTThe article covers study of peripheral blood parameters and metabolism of homocysteine as to young men pertaining to different ethnic groups of the Northern Caucasia (Russians, karachays, kabardins). Established variations of blood pictures are more typical for erythrocytes. Initial disorder of homocysteine metabolism are mostly typical to the Russian youths. Revealed correlations prove that under increase in the homocysteine level grows the number of leucocytes and thrombocytes in peripheral blood.
Kobyzeva N.V., Gataullin А.G., Silischev N.N., Loginov О.N. DEVELOPMENT OF A TECHNOLOGY FOR THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT THROUGH THE USE OF THE IMMOBILIZED MICROFLORATechnology and stages of wastewater treatment at Ufimsky JSC "Steklonit" have been developed. Effect of various adsorbents on vitality of immobilized microorganisms has been investigated. Received data prove efficiency of the use of the immobilized microflora.
Kostychev А.А. THE POSSIBILITY OF USING BASIDIAL MACROMYCETS AS BIOINDICATORS OF THE ENVIRONMENT POLLUTION BY HEAVY METALLS AND ARSENIC The article covers possibilityof using basidial macromycets as bioindicators of surface ecosystems conditions. It is shown that certain blewits accumulate nickel, lead, zinc, chromium and arsenic in disturbed ecosystems. Species-bioindicators have been proposed. Certain advantages of using basidial macromycets as bioindicators have been revealed.
Chepasov V.I., Rusanov А.M., Kaykova Т.V., Kuryakova Т.А. PARAMETRIC PROGNOSIS OF SOIL PARAMETERS WHEN EXPERIENCING DEFICIENCY OF BASIC DATAThe article covers methods of parametric prognosis of soil parameters using ranged normalized research matrix built for various time readings. They list results of using single type and mixed ranking of normalized research matrixes.
Frolov I.V. ECOLOGICAL GROUPS OF EPIPHYTIC LICHENS IN THE SOUTH URALS The author provides data on distribution of 116 types of epiphytic lichens of the Bashkirian reserve (South Ural) according to main phorophytes. Analysis of the obtained materials allowed to divide epiphytes into three ecological groups: 1) 54 types of lichens which colonize bark of pine-tree, larch and birch, 2) 27 types, which prefer bark of aspen, lime tree, alder tree and bird cherry tree, 3) 35 types, which can be found either on conifers and foliage trees.
Snityko V.P., Snityko L.V., Merker V.V., Magazov О.А. THE CHELYABINSK RED DATA BOOK. PROBLEMS, MAINTENANCE OUTCOMESThe article summarizes the results of first two years of maintenance of the Red data book of Chelyabinsk region: prospective directions and major results of work of the creative team; defects and problems of the first edition of the Red data book have been stated.
Omelko М.М., jun. NEW SPECIES OF THE SPIDER OF THE GENUS ALOPECOSA (ARANEI, LYCOSIDAE) FROM THE SOUTHERN PRIMORYE IN THE RUSSIAN FAUNAThe authors provide an illustrated redescription of a spider Alopecosa volubilis Yoo, Kim & Tanaka, previously known by two findings in South Korea and Japan. Brief data upon species biology have been given.

Chemical sciences

Kozyminykh V.О., Mukovoz P.P., Kirillova Е.А., Scherbakov Yu.V., Vinogradov А.N., Solovyeva Е.А., Mozgunova Е.М., Litvinova Е.S., Sviridov А.P., Narbekov I.V., Gamburg T.V., Fedoseev S.А., Kozyminykh Е.N. METAL-DERIVATIVES OF THE ρ-π-ELECTRON-REDUNDANT POLYCARBONYL SYSTEMS WITH ARTICULATED α- AND β-DIOXOFRAGMENTS. REPORT 2. SYNTHESIS AND STRUCTURE OF NATRIUM ENOLATS OF OXYDERIVATIVES OF 1,3-DICARBONYL COMPOUNDS By Claisen ester condensation of methylene-carbonyl compounds with di-ethyl oxalate over natrium they have obtained natrium enolats of certain oxo derivatives of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds. Specific features of synthesized β-diketonats structure have been discussed. They give additional to the previous review literary data on receipt, structure and features of metal-derived anions with 1,3-dicarbonylic compound, functionalized with acceptor substitutes, ρ-π-electron-surplus of polycarbonylic systems with coupled α- and β-dioxo links.

Physical-mathematical sciences


Technical sciences

Rassokha V.I. CONTROL OF THE PERSISTENCE CAPABILITY OF PLATE-AND-FRAME BEARING SYSTEMS OF THE MOBILE MACHINES IN THE PROCESS OF OPERATION The author analyzes publications about operation of mobile machines with fatigue damage of load-carrying system. He names constructions of capacitance sensor to determine the level of accumulation of fatigue damage, and sensor of angle of twist, which allow to control the reserve of vitality of damaged constructions during operation.

Science events


Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
Учредитель: Оренбургский государственный университет (ОГУ)
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