Sviridova Т.G., Salnikova Е.V., Romanenko N.A., Kanygina O.N. CONCENTRATION OF ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES ON THE SURFACE OF C18-HYBRID SILICA GEL FOR SAMPLE PREPARATION IN WATER QUALITY CONTROL METHODS [№ 12 ' 2017] The solid-phase microconcentration of organochlorine pesticides (alpha-hexachlorocyclohexan (α-HСН), gamma-hexachlorocyclohexan (γ-HСН) and a 4.4-dichlordifeniltrikhloretan (4.4-DDT) on the surface of the sorbent C18-hybrid silica gel, is an alternative to the classical method of preparing water samples for gas chromatographic analysis on the separation of two liquid phases. The need for a transition to solid-phase extraction of samples is dictated by the fact that this modern method significantly saves the sample preparation time, reduces the number of races of walking materials several times, and also avoids secondary contamination of samples. The degree of extraction of pesticides from water samples was analyzed in static and dynamic conditions. The conditions of sorption extraction were optimized by varying the type of desorbent solution and the contact time of the phases. As a result, it was shown that the nature of the desorbent had no significant effect on the time to achieve sorption equilibrium, but an increase in the extraction rates of organic pesticides with an increase in the volume fraction of acetone in n-hexane was observed. In addition, it was found that the degree of recovery of 4.4-DDT in all variants of the experiment was lower in comparison with α-HСН and γ-HСН in similar conditions. The use of dynamic mode with the use of the semi-automatic microsyringe SGE-Chromatec eVoLXR made it possible to slightly increase the recovery of all organochlorine pesticides used in comparison with the corresponding experiments in the static regime. In general, the results confirm the possibility of switching to this method of preparation of water samples for analytical control over the content of the examined organochlorine pesticides in the samples, and the calculated characteristics of the extraction rates make it possible to carry out the studies without losing the quality of the analysis.
Romanenko N.A., Sviridova Т.G., Salnikova Е.V. ADHESION OF CELLS OF ESCHERICHIA COLI K-12 ON A SURFACE OF THE ORGANOMODIFIED SORBENTS ON THE BASIS OF SILICA GEL [№ 9 ' 2017] Adhesion of cells of microorganisms on the surface organomodification sorbents for microextraction when working with the solutions containing chemical and biological pollyutant is an obligatory link in a chain of in the chain of physico-chemical interactions in the quantitative analysis. At the same time questions of efficiency of definition of chemical analytes in such systems are often connected with deterioration in accuracy and reproducibility of an analytical method. It is defined first of all by features of a structure of sorbents — porosity, high surface area, existence and the structure of the imparted functional groups. So, by preparation of tests of water by method of solid-phase microextraction for gas chromatography definition of organochlorine pesticides (the alpha and scale of isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (α–HCH and γ-HCH) and a 4.4-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (4.4-DDT)), is possible adhesion cells of Escherichia coli K-12 which are contained in natural sources as on silica gels with the surface modified by C18-hydrocarbonic groups, and on the classical granulated silica gel without modification. Besides, the question of efficiency of microextraction of pesticides from the model solutions containing a suspension of E. coli cells demands studying. As a result of a research the high connecting ability of silica gels in relation to microorganisms has been shown. Timed establishment of sorption balance didn’t exceed 30 minutes, and the coefficient of distribution of microorganisms Vs when using unmodified silica gel was higher, in comparison with that for silica gel with a surface, containing the imparted functional C18 groups that demonstrates smaller adhesive ability of the last. At joint sorption of microorganisms and organochlorine pesticides the distribution coefficient significantly didn’t differ from that, calculated earlier. At the same time indicators of efficiency of extraction 4.4-DDT decreased against the background of minor change of extent of extraction of HCH isomers. Thus, the situation of joint sorption of the studied pesticides and cages of E. coli without loss for quality of the analysis is represented possible.
Skalny A.V., Salnikova E.V., Kwan O.V., Sizentsov A.N., Salnikov I.A. EXAMINE THE RELATIONSHIP OF ZINC BIOACCUMULATION IN FOOD AND HUMAN ORGANISM IN THE ORENBURG REGION [№ 10 ' 2016] The influence of essential elements of the human body and animals is by far one of the most pressing issues bioelementologii. Of particular interest are the vital chemical elements from the group of heavy metals involved in metabolic processes. Excessive intake of data elements entails the development of a variety of pathological conditions, in connection with which there is a necessity of monitoring the content of the data elements at different levels of the food chain, particularly in the geochemical provinces with high levels of these elements. In connection with this great interest is the study of the relationship of zinc bioaccumulation in food and the human body. The article presents data monitoring research content of zinc ions in foods and biosubstrates population of the Orenburg region. Study of food, indicates that in areas of the West and Central Orenburg content of zinc ions below the permissible concentrations, while in the Eastern zone of the Orenburg content of the studied elements exceeds analog values of 2.2 and 1.9 times, in Central and West zone, respectively. The study of biological substrates (hair) produced by the population of the Orenburg region are above the acceptable level of zinc ions in the hair of women living in the eastern region by 10%, which is confirmed by correlation and regression analysis, testifying to the direct correlation content of the metal in food and the human body.
Salnikova E.V., Osipova E.A. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF ZINC IN THE ORENBURG REGION [№ 10 ' 2015] In recent decades in Russia there are significant changes in the structure of nutrition. The food and the lack of drinking water vital macro- and microelements, and in some cases an excess of toxic substances leads to disruption of vital processes, reduce the body's adaptive capabilities and the deterioration of public health. For example, essential trace elements zinc uptake can be inhibited by heavy metals, especially copper. Orenburg region belongs to the so-called natural and antropobiogeohimicheskim provinces and tehnogennoobuslovlennym imbalance of a number of trace elements. However, the environmental assessment of the distribution of zinc in the Orenburg region was not carried out. In this regard, current research is needed, and the content of zinc in foods produced in the Orenburg region (milk, meat, fish), in drinking water and soil. The study found that the soil, water, food in Adamova, Gaisky, Kvarkensky, Kuvandyksky, Novoorsky, Svetlinskoye Yasnensky District and contain high amounts of zinc. Residents of the central Orenburg region need food enriched with biologically active substances, including zinc. However, the use of such products should be implemented under the supervision of medical specialists. It is necessary to control the level of zinc status of the population of East Orenburg region, as there is already an imbalance of trace elements, due to the proximity of the metallurgical industry of Orenburg region and the metal processing industry the neighboring Chelyabinsk region, where the zinc plant.
Lebedev S., Osipovа E., Salnikova E. CHANGING THE QUANTITY OF ELEMENTS IN WHEAT TRITICUM VULGARE VILL. BY DIFFERENT FORMS OF IRON WITH HUMIC ACID [№ 6 ' 2015] There is the prospect of using nanoiron as plant growth stimulants. Literature data on the effects of fine particles of iron on the elemental composition of plant species TriticumvulgareVill (soft wheat) inadequate, moreover, virtually no study the interaction of these particles with natural sorbents — humic acids, which control the bioavailability and transport elements in natural objects. Therefore, this article examines the change of elemental composition plants TriticumvulgareVill under the influence of the spherical iron nanoparticles Fe0 (diameter of 80 nm ± 5 nm) and nanoparticles of magnetite Fe3O4 (50—80 nm in width and a height of 4—10 nm), as well as solutions of iron sulfate (II) sulfate and iron (III) in the presence of humic acids. It was revealed that the potassium content under the influence of nanoparticles and ionic forms is about on par with the control. However, the shortage of nutrients for 21 days the amount of potassium is increased by 25 % (22 393 mkg ± 4 479 mkg/g) under the action of magnetite in an amount of 0.01 g/l of iron and 20 % (21 738 mkg/g ± 4 348 mkg/g) under action of nanoparticles of iron in an amount of 0.0001 g/l as compared to controls (17 752mkg/g ± 3 550 mkg/g). Nanoparticles of Fe0 iron on day 21 reduces the amount of magnesium at concentrations of 0.1 and 0.01 g/l at 27 % and 12 %, respectively, at a concentration of 0.001 g/l magnesium content is on par with the control (2 957 mkg/g ± 443 mkg/g) and at a concentration of 0.0001 g/L of this element increases the amount of 10 % (3 266mkg/g ± 490 mkg/g). Under the influence of all forms of iron and phosphorus concentration varies similarly control experiments and is 4 967 mkg/g ± 993 mkg/g, 7 154mkg/g ± 1 431 mkg/g, 9 943 mkg/g ± 1 989 mkg/g at 7, 14 and 21 respectively. Thus, nano forms of iron can be used to enhance the stability of wheat TriticumvulgareVill on depleted soils in a lack of nutrients.
Zabolotnaya N., Salnikova E., Osipova E. PROCESSING OF THE WASTE PRODUCTION OF HYDROFLUORIC ACID [№ 9 ' 2014] In the given work the optimum parameters are determined in order to receive the fluoric calcium from the waste of production of hydrofluoric acid and mother liquor of fluoric sodium. The facts in the given work, which describe the use waste of production of hydrofluoric acid allow to put the processing of gupsum with the reserved production cycle into practice, what significantly reduces the ecological load in the environment.
Salnikova E., Osipova E., Zabolotnaya N. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF ZINC IN DRINKING WATERS AND SOILS OF THE ORENBURG REGION [№ 6 ' 2014] The article considers the problem of monitoring of ecological condition of soil and water bodies on the territory of the Orenburg region. It is established that the pollution of natural environments zinc is dispersed. Excessive concentrations of zinc observed in soils and waters Kuvandykskij, Gai and Novoorskogo areas. Concentrations of zinc in natural environments typical of large variability, which sharply increases the vicinity of large industrial enterprises located in the studied areas.
Kanygina O.N., Anisina I.N., Chetverikova A.G., Salnikova E.V. MONTMORILLONITE CONTAINING CLAY FROM ORENBURG REGION AS THE RAW MATERIAL FOR FUNCTIONAL CERAMICS [№ 10 ' 2013] The availability of nature montmorillonite containing clay as the raw material for functional ceramics is determined. It is demonstrated that the choice of disperse composition of clay set of drying and sintering kinetics, the evolution of structure with wide spectrum of characteristics.
Salnikova E.V., Osipova, E.A., Skalny A.V.,Burceva T.I., Boldyreva O.I. EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE TO TRACE ELEMENTS OF BIOSPHERE ELEMENT STATUS OF HUMANABSTRACT [№ 10 ' 2013] The article presents data on the content of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc in soils and biosubstrates (hair) of the population, as well as in food in some areas of the Orenburg region.
Salnikova E.V., Miroshnikov A.М., Osipova E.A, Kudakaev I.R., Zhorov D.S., Kustova A.S. HEAVY METALS IN CHAINS "ANIMAL-FEED-MAN" IN CASE OF ORENBURG REGION [№ 6 ' 2013] The article presents data on the content of essential and toxic trace elements in crops and biosubstrates animals raised in the Orenburg region. The content of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc in the population of some areas of the region.
Kudryavtseva E.A., Salnikova E.V., Kuzmin S.N., Kustova A.S., Miroshnikov A.M. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF ZINC IN THE ECOSYSTEM IN THE ORENBURG REGION [№ 10 ' 2012] The article presents data on the content of zinc, copper and cadmium in the soil, water, and wheat in the hair of the population of the Orenburg region.
Salnikova E.V. ZINC — ESSENTIAL TRACE ELEMENTS (REVIEW) [№ 10 ' 2012] It is known that zinc is an essential element of the human body and is vital for all forms of life. A number of researchers monitored the environment for the establishment of iodine and selenium status, asthe content of zinc in the environment and the human body in the Orenburg region has not been studied.
Anilova L.V., Salnikova E.A., Primak О.V., Sharygina M.V. PHYTOREMEDIATION PROSPECTS SOIL URBAN AREAS (FOR EXAMPLE, ORENBURG) [№ 6 ' 2012] The paper studies the ability of representatives of the species Populus nigra L. to absorb heavy metals in Orenburg. The study calculated the coefficients of accumulation of zinc, copper, lead and cadmium, as well as their concentration in the fresh plant material.
Salnikova E.V., Burtseva T.I., Kudryavtseva E.A., Kustova A.S. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF ZINC IN ECOSYSTEMS (SOIL, WATER, FOOD) IN THE ORENBURG REGION [№ 6 ' 2012] The paper presents data on the zinc content in soil, water and food produced in the territory of the Orenburg region.
Dostova T.M., Salnikova E.V. REMOVING THE AMOUNT OF RARE EARTH ELEMENTS BY INTEGRATED WASTE PROCESSING INDUSTRY ALUMINA URAL ALUMINUM PLANT [№ 12 ' 2011] Every year more than one million tons of bauxite processing wastes at the alumina refineries come on sludge. These flood the tailings pond are the sources of pollution of surface and underground bases reservoirs, as well as a large dusty atmosphere. In practice, existing facilities are currently no alkaline waste recycled. At the same time wastes are promising sources of various compounds. Therefore the problem of integrated waste management facilities to the production of alumina products of chemical and metallurgical purposes is an important reserve for increasing production efficiency, both in the direction of rational use of raw materials and the preservation of our living environment.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |