Bykova A.S., Sakharova N.S. THE STRUCTURE OF INFO-COMMUNICATION SKILLS IN THE CONTEXT OF DEVELOPING SUPRA-PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES [№ 2 ' 2023] Nowadays, in the era of variability and information saturation there is a need in training a new type of specialists who have supra-professional competencies and soft skills. Being the key ones, soft skills are divided into three groups: cognitive, activity and communicative skills. Moreover, the essential features of soft skills were highlighted. Theoretical analysis of the scientific literature allowed us to say that soft skills and supra-professional competencies have the following similar characteristics: flexibility and high adaptability to rapidly changing conditions; values and motives that are fundamental; goal-setting and striving to achieve goals; universality; the presence of acquired knowledge, life experience and acquired skills. Info-communication skills are identified as a unity of communication skills and the ability to work with information. These skills are the basis of supra-professional skills due to the category “information”, which is the basis of these skills. The structure of info-communication skills has been suggested, which consists of foreign language, information and communication skills. Summarizing the results of the study, soft skills serve as a basis for developing supra-professional competencies, which is an effective way of organizing a person into a professionally significant activity. In this regard, info-communication skills are considered to be the most important ones for developing supra-professional competencies at the present time.
Sakharova N.S., Kirillova I.N. PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN THE ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATION COURSE “TRANSLATOR IN THE FIELD OF PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION” [№ 4 ' 2021] The system of additional professional education is considered as an educational, information environment that has a high resource capacity. Interaction of the participants of the educational process on the formation of professional competencies, the development of professionally important personal qualities of the engineer of the new generation allow us to talk about the pedagogical support of the educational process. We have considered the phenomenon of “pedagogical support” as a planned activity that involves assistance in overcoming difficulties in the educational process. Based on the analysis of the methodological literature, it was established that pedagogical support is the interaction of the subjects of educational activity; creating conditions for their development. The teacher in this process acts as a consultant, assistant. As a result of our research, the pedagogical conditions necessary for the implementation of the additional professional program “Translator in the field of professional communication”were identified. The following pedagogical conditions were proposed: axiologization of the content of education; disclosure of the pedagogical potential of intersubject integration; development of intersubject interaction “teacher — student — group of students”. As our research has shown, the pedagogical support of additional professional education opens up additional opportunities for the formation of a professionally mobile, in-demand qualified specialist, who has formed universal and professional values, is capable of professional self-development, effective interaction with partners.
Bykova A.S., Sakharova N.S., Kirillova I.N. MODERN TENDENCIES OF INTERPRETING THE CONCEPT OF “CRITICAL THINKING” [№ 3 ' 2021] Nowadays, there is a complete computerisation in the society of the XXI century and there is unlimited access to all types of information. The main requirement for a successful person is the ability to carry out a critical understanding of the information coming from outside, to give an objective assessment of the current events, to separate important information from insignificant one. There are many different studies of the concept of “critical thinking” in pedagogy, psychology, and philosophy. It is interpreted by scientists quite variably depending on the field of science, for example, the ability, special type or form of thinking, the type of cognitive activity, a set of cognitive skills, the process of evaluation and analysis, a set of elements. Having studied theoretical research, we came to the conclusion that critical thinking is independent, open, social and reflective. It was found that the researchers agree that the main components of critical thinking are purposefulness and controllability of thinking, the validity of the opinion, the logic of argumentation, selfregulation, the involvement of all types of mental operations that are necessary in working with continuously incoming information (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, concretizing, evaluation, interpretation). It is concluded that the information space is constantly updated with new data and ideas, and, consequently, many modern scientists add such important characteristics of critical thinking as reasoning, the ability to search for alternative ideas, introspection and analysis of incoming information, creativity and flexibility in finding ways to solve problems, the ability to predict possible results in decisionmaking, basic knowledge in psychology and conducting an effective dialogue. Summarizing the results of the study, despite a large number of different interpretations of the concept of “critical thinking”, modern scientists continue studying the type of thinking and finding new elements of the concept in terms of the conditions of intensive mobility in modern life.
Sakharova N.S., Raptanova I.N. MODERN TENDENCIES OF PEDAGOGICAL INTERACTION IN THE COURSE OF ORGANIZING INDEPENDENT WORK OF BACHELORS [№ 5 ' 2020] Formation of the readiness of university graduates to independently search for the necessary information and knowledge with a view to their further application in the professional sphere is a priority task of modern higher education. In this regard, studies on the organization of independent work of bachelors have acquired particular relevance and priority. Being the main source of information and cognitive potential for increasing the effectiveness of training bachelors, independent work should be presented in the form of an integral system of its organization. Special attention is also paid to the definition of the teacher's role in organizing independent work. In other words, a certain pedagogical interaction should be organized between the teacher and the bachelors. Modern trends in pedagogical interaction are reduced to the subject-subject type of relationship. This type of relationship is characterized by the organizational, guiding and corrective functions of the teacher. The subjective position of a bachelor is the ability to set a goal, take steps to achieve it, as well as the ability to manage this process. The technologies chosen by the teacher make it possible to increase the proportion of independent work of bachelors in search of new information, mastering professionally significant knowledge. An example of such technologies is simulation technology, which is a strictly built algorithm of actions, the observance of which contributes to the formation of the necessary competencies of bachelors, as well as a number of professional and personal qualities. The organization of independent work by means of simulation technology contributes to the development of subject-subject pedagogical interaction between the teacher and bachelors. This type of pedagogical interaction stimulates the initiative, creativity of bachelors, forms their ability for self-education, self-identification. The use of simulation technology in the process of organizing independent work significantly changes the nature of the relationship between a teacher and bachelors. Subject-subject interaction is the highest level of pedagogical interaction, in which the teacher and the bachelor enter into an interaction relationship based on the concepts of compatibility and cooperativity.
Sakharova N.S., Kabanova O.V. PEDAGOGICAL POTENTIAL OF DISTANCE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES NOWADAYS [№ 4 ' 2020] Today, with the development of modern information means, distance learning technologies are widespread, which are rich in new situational material and can be modified in accordance with real educational needs and taking into account a differentiated approach. A special place among network learning technologies is taken by the Moodle platform as a learning management system. In the course of our study, it was determined that the Moodle system is becoming increasingly popular in many areas by providing a distance learning context that supports a student-centered methodology. Thestudents’ and teachers’ survey revealed the conditions of the Moodle system under which purposeful interaction between the teacher, students and electronic learning means is carried out. We have revealed that the methodology for creating educational podcasts plays a huge role both in the motivation development to learn a foreign language and in the development of students’ cognitive and communicative competence. The organization of active targeted interaction between the teacher, students and electronic teaching means is achieved through the use of an electronic educational environment, taking into account the capabilities of information and communication technologies, while students’ certain knowledge, skills, experience of work and behavior, professional and personal qualities are formed. The Internet and modern information and communication technologies have great pedagogical value and significantly expand foreign-language dialogue spaces. As a result of the study, it was found that the use of the Moodle system in teaching university students and organizing independent work on its basis combines the general principles of constructivist education and gives the teacher the opportunity to create a constructivist environment in order to improve teaching and learning.
Sakharova N.S., Kabanova O.V. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AS A FACTOR OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCE [№ 4 ' 2019] The system development of the foreign language competence is associated with the patterns governing the ascent of the individual to socially and professionally significant values. It is the volume of foreign information and cognitive potential and the formation of skills that determine value relations. A foreign language, as an academic subject, forms the value relationships of the student’s personality and is at the same time both the goal and the means of studying. Recognizing a foreign language as a socially significant value, the system development of the foreign language competence should be considered as the pattern process of transforming the student’s personality. The pattern of the system development of the foreign language competence for university students can be both internal (the state of the system at any time) and external (change from one stage of the development to another) order. The system of the foreign language competence is determined by a number of properties that it possesses at a certain moment due to the absence or presence of the elements of information and cognitive, activity and axiological blocks. It was determined that pedagogical interaction provides the external conditions for the system development of the foreign language competence, as an external environment for the system functioning. As a subject of pedagogical interaction, a teacher represents the knowledge system and the values system, including a foreign language as the main value, transforming them through one’s own consciousness and one’s own scale of value relationships. We specified a number of features of the system development, and the development pattern is ensured through information interaction. The developed quantitative indicators of knowledge determine the relationship of information and cognitive and activity elements of the foreign language competence. The volume and the quality of information entering the system of the foreign language competence are reflected in the qualitative indicators of foreign language knowledge and skills. The use of electronic educational environment, taking into account the possibilities of information and communication technologies, contributes to the organization of active, targeted interaction between the teacher, the students and electronic learning tools, and also forms the student's certain knowledge, skills, experience and behavior, professional and personal qualities.
Sakharova N.S., Moroz V.V., Tomin V.V. METHODS OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT [№ 3 ' 2019] In the era of globalization with the development of modern information tools, the communicative skills of students, the ability to clearly express their thoughts both in writing and verbally, gain priority. The development of the student’s value attitude to the process of learning a foreign language largely depends on the teacher’s ability to create an emotionally motivating atmosphere and on the choice of strategies, their successful value interaction with the student. During the pedagogical experiment, methodological support for the development of students’ foreign language competence was tested. Methodological support is represented by a set of organizational forms and methods, such as educational dialogue, educational text, intensification of foreign language material, projective assessment methods. The experiment involved more than two hundred students. We have found that during the educational dialogue at all stages of the development of foreign language competence, an axiologically significant professionally oriented environment is formed in the educational process. In this environment a valuable interaction occurs between students and the teacher, which contributes to the development of foreign language competence. Creative tasks activate students’ cognitive value-oriented activities, and the Internet and modern information and communication technologies significantly expand the foreign-language dialogue space. The effectiveness of the axiological environment was determined using comparative analysis in synchrony and diachrony. This study allowed distinguishing two stages of the educational process, built on the basis of value-semantic intensity, and focused on the development of foreign language competence. It was determined that the activation of the system-value communicative goal-setting mechanism is manifested in the development of student’s value orientations, motivation of professionally significant foreign-language activity. Axiologization of linguistic education and the use of creative value-oriented forms and teaching methods are pedagogical conditions for the development of students’ foreign language competence.
Moroz V.V., Sakharova N.S. THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENT CREATIVITY IN THE PROCESS OF “TEACHER AND STUDENT” CREATIVE AND VALUE INTERACTION [№ 6 ' 2018] Recently, there has been a sharp increase in public interest in the development of personality creativity. On a global scale, numerous attempts are being made to implement programs for the development of personality creativity at all levels of the educational system. Education plays an important role in the development of the creative and cultural potential of any state. The creative class makes a huge contribution to the welfare of the country, the growth of the economy and national identity. As a result of our research, it was revealed that the “teacher and student” creative-value interaction stimulates students to active learning, which contributes to the development of their creativity, regardless of the subject being taught. We have identified the following factors for the successful development of creativity of university students in the process of creative-value interaction between a teacher and a student. First, the model of creative behavior, of which the teacher is a model. Secondly, the teacher’s true value attitude to the students' creative abilities. The creative teacher seeks to teach the skills of creative and critical thinking, the features and stages of the creative process, as well as to create a favorable environment for the development of creativity. Thirdly, creativity is more productive in a team, and the more diverse and diverse the team members are, the more interesting and original ideas will appear. As our research has shown, the result of the “teacher and student” creative-value interaction is the professional and moral enrichment of the individual, the actualization of achievement motives, the development of creativity and the qualifications of students. We have confirmed that students transfer creativity to their livelihoods after they graduate from the university, bringing their creative ideas to life, opening up new opportunities.
Sakharova N.S., Tomin V.V. CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT IN A POLY-ETHNIC CLASS: THE DEVELOPING POTENTIAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL INTERACTION [№ 10 ' 2017] Poly-ethnic groups of students are defined as “advanced groups”, because the participants of these groups demonstrate the most effective manifestation of tolerance, socio-cultural adaptation and social responsibility. The authors have studied the nature of cross-cultural interaction within these groups, which have a significant potential in terms of the development of tolerant consciousness. Observations of the activities of the poly-ethnic groups were conducted in the following age groups: (partly) senior pupils of general education schools, as well as bachelors and undergraduates of higher educational institutions of the Orenburg region. Presence of the allocated students’ qualities was measured by means of author’s techniques, among which the central place belongs to the method of identification. Correlation of types and levels of communication in various poly-ethnic groups, as well as types of value attitudes of participants in these groups, was revealed. The directions that activate the potential of cross-cultural interaction in such groups are described, the principles of creating a cultural and educational environment as the most important factor in shaping the personality traits of the student that determines its organic and complete self-realization in the multicultural space of the society are presented. In terms of the concept of cross-cultural interaction, the main value in the educational process is the student’s personality, as well as the personality of the teacher, and their common desire for comprehensive effective interaction. At the same time, every student, regardless of ethnic origin, language, political and speech differences, has the opportunity for their full personal and professional development. The developing potential of cross-cultural interaction in poly-national groups is determined by the flexibility of the pedagogical support system, the establishment of subject-subject relations among the participants of the interaction and is realized in the cultural and educational environment through the learning situations in the process of collective creative activity in the course of building knowledge about the multicultural world.
Sakharova N.S., Ivanova S.G., Dmitrieva E.V. SEMANTIC IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STRUCTURE “TO BE áBOUT TO” IN THE ENGLISH FICTION (DIACHRONIC ASPECT) [№ 1 ' 2017] Semantic implementation of the combination “to be about to” is considered in the diachronic aspect for the period from the XVI to the XXšcentury. The comparison of semantically similar structures “to be on the point (verge) ofš+ gerund”, “to be goingš+ infinitive” can be used to identify synonymity, stability and compatibility of these structures. Structure analysis was done on the basis of the original literary texts. The study showed that in the XVIšcentury the structure “to be aboutš+ infinitive” used in the subordinate clauses conveys the value of the nearest prospectivity. The structure frequency of “to be aboutš+ infinitive” in the èVIIIšcentury slightly increased as compared to the XVIšcentury. Structures “to be aboutš+ infinitive” and “to be on the point ofš+ gerund” have the meaning of the nearest prospectivity with the modality of unfulfilled intentions. The list of verbs, the infinitive of which is used in the structure “to be goingš+ infinitive” (not only verbs denoting action, but also process, state and movement) expanded in the XXšcentury in comparison with the èVIIIšcentury. The structure “to be going + infinitive” became more frequently used in the twentieth century as compared to the èVIIIšcentury. Significant changes took place in its semantics due to derestriction of structural and semantic limitations that existed in the èVIIIšcentury. The research revealed that the structures “to be aboutš+ infinitive” and “to be on the point ofš+ gerund” possess a certain semantic stability. The structures “to be about + infinitive”, “to be on the point (verge) ofš+ gerund” convey the meaning of future actions, the implementation of which has already begun or is expected. The structure “to be goingš+ infinitive” expresses an intention of the future action implementation. The semantic and structural possibilities of grammatical structure “to be goingš+ infinitive” have been expanded.
Sakharova N.S., Raptanova I.N. IMPLEMENTATION OF COMPETENCE APPROACH THROUGH SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY [№ 10 ' 2016] Nowadays the modernization of higher education in Russia is the main condition for the society development and competitive capacity guarantee of our economy. One of the priority aspects of the modernization is to strengthen the importance of independent work of bachelors. The reason is, first of all, a significant reduction in the number of classroom hours and the increase provided for independent work. Independent work becomes the basis for the professional formation of the bachelor. It stimulates his cognitive interests, contributes to the realization of the main goals of educationš— to form the communicative and professional competences. Within the framework of the competence-oriented education the relationship nature between lecturer and bachelor has changed. The lecturer, released from the simple transmission of knowledge, have the freedom to choose the forms of interaction with the bachelors, or rather, to choose the methods for teaching such discipline as “Foreign language”. Classic teaching methods are replaced with the new ones. The appearance in our lives information and communication technologies has led to their rapid implementation into the educational process. Improving the independent work of bachelors through the usage of information and communication technologies is of great interest to many pedagogues and practitioners. A special place among the information and communication technologies takes simulation technology. The specificity of this technology is to create an educational process in various kinds of relationships and real life conditions, requiring the bachelors not only to know some professional knowledge, but also to immerse them into a given image and professional environment. The usage of simulation technology contributes to a cognitive-search activity of bachelors; motivate them to learn foreign languages. That is why the question of the effectiveness of its application nowadays is especially important.
Ivanova S.G., Dmitrieva E.V., Sakharova N.S. THE APPLICATION OF THE PODCASTING TECHNIQUE IN THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING PROCESS AT THE UNIVERSITY [№ 2 ' 2016] The main objective in the foreign language teaching at the higher educational establishment is the formation of cultural competence of students, which involves the ability and willingness to various kinds of communication, including the business one. The teaching methods should be directed to the formation of cognitive-communicative competence, sustainable motivation to the process of learning. In the modern information society "multimedia learning" plays a significant role in the educational process at the University. The method of creating and using podcasts (as one of the types of multimedia learning) turns the student from an object into a subject of training, stimulates his creativity, willingness to apply knowledge in practice. Podcasting requires from a student the basic knowledge of a foreign language, the ability to select and logically arrange linguistic material. The teacher acts as a mentor, guides and corrects educational activity of the student. Integration of teacherš— student collaboration is a fundamental principle of the podcast technique. As teaching practice shows, the podcast technique has a significant impact on the development of students' cognitive-communicative competence and is an effective means of creating a sustainable motivation of trainees and provides a great opportunity in foreign language subject-related teaching. Use of media must be properly dosed and combined with other learning methods and must complement each other.
Sakharova N.S. SEMANTIC REALIZATION OF THE VERB TO BE WITH THE INFINITIVE IN THE ENGLISH FICTION TEXTS (DIACHRONIC APPROACH) [№ 11 ' 2015] The verb to be with the infinitive is the part of isofunctional microsystem expressing prospectiveness. Possessing one common meaning of hypothetical modality these microsystem members obtain various semantic and stylistic features. The meaning of prospectiveness in some cases is actualized in its pure manifestation, whereas in the majority of cases it is accompanied by the additional modal sense. The semantics and functioning of the verb to be with the infinitive is determined by some structural and semantic factors: the type of the compound and complex sentence, lexics of modus and dictum of the utterance, microcontext. The structural peculiarity of the verb to be with the infinitive is considered to be its functioning in simple sentences. Usually the semantics of this construction is formed of the meaning of prospectiveness and the modal meaning of necessity depending on recommendation or plan. The comparative analysis made in diachronic aspect (XVI, XVIII, XX) makes it possible to monitor the dynamics of this construction development as well as to come to the conclusion about semantic stability of this prospectiveness means.
Sakharova N.S., Tomin V.V. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS POLYETHNIC COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT DURING CROSS-CULTURAL INTERACTION [№ 2 ' 2015] The internal and external factors that can influence cross-cultural interaction, either providing or preventing its' realization, are analyzed in the article. One of such factors is, for example, personal characteristics of the interaction participants, among which a very special attention is paid to the national conscience and self-conscience. Ethnic self-conscience is a phenomenon that is constantly being in the state of transformations and changes, and that is formed under the impact of the acquiring knowledge and evaluation system, allowing a person to act as a full member of cross-cultural interaction. Using the axiological approach, authors note that ability and readiness of a person to enter the cross-cultural interaction has at least 3 stages: evaluative orientation, evaluative self-orientation and evaluative interaction as such. The article comprises different definitions of "polyethnic or cross-cultural competence" of university students. Being the condition of effective cross-cultural interaction, and at the same time, its' result, the polyethnic competence of students implies practical application and realization of knowledge ground, theoretical norms, rules and categories in cultural and social spheres in order to set a communicative channel and mutual understanding with the representatives of different ethnic groups and cultural communities. In order to define the mechanisms of cross-cultural competence development, there is its' component structure emphasized and described in the article, including cognitive, axiological and praxeological elements, though their boundaries are vague in reality and have rather idealized character. Authors arrive to the conclusion that students cross-cultural (polyethnic) competence is an intricate system anthropocentrically directed, which is characterized by total of axiological, cognitive and operational aspects, having the following dynamic properties: formation, functionality and development. Process of cross-cultural competence development comprises personal transformation by means of gradual reformation of cognitive and evaluative properties of an individual in the current real space and time dimension and is stipulated by changing succession of diverse phases, stages and levels.
Sakharova N.S., Ivanova S.G., Dmitrieva E.V. VARIABILITY OF ASPECT-TENSE FORMS IN PROSPECTIVE MEANING IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (DIACHRONIC ASPECT) [№ 11 ' 2014] This article describes microsystem of aspect-tense forms in prospective meaning from the point of view of semantic syntax. The main point deals with the diachronic aspect of the variability of aspect-tense forms.
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Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |