№ 4 2002
Humanitarian sciences
Kovalevsky V.P. V.P. THE CONCEPT ESSENCE AND CONTENT "THE SYSTEM OF TEACHING" AND "THE SYSTEM OF EDUCATION" The article is devoted to the examination of the logical correlations and available differences between systems of teaching and systems of education. Theoretical propositions worked out by the author are called to ensure the creation of the conditions to meet the needs of the market as well as the physical persons in knowledge, skill and practice more complete.
Economic sciences
Lapaeva M.G., Kal'vina Yu.I. OIL ENTERPRISES: THE STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT ELABORATION The article considers the combined development strategy of oil-industry enterprises in modern conditions, which is based on the strategy element combination of intensive and integrational growth. This strategy gives an opportunity to oil enterprises to increase the new deposits workings and the oil mining capacity with the help of vertical integration advantages and inclusion the state in it.
Medvedeva T.P. THE GOODS CONSUMERS' MARKET RESEARCH AS THE BASIC FORMS OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT The article considers the characteristics and the compound links of the goods consumers' market on regional level as the component of analytical function realization in trade enterprises marketing. The new approach was constituted to good definition as the specific marketing category and the classification integrated variant of consumers' markets. The infrastructural types of consumers' market were considered and the basic classificational sign was defined for trade enterprises on modern stage development of market relations: the segmentation by population incomes level.
Ivleva G.Yu. THE RUSSIAN SOCIAL-ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES AND RESTORING DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT The article analyses the Russian lag reasons and its development prospects within the different concepts of social-economic development: staged, civilized, evolutionary, existentional, institutional and synergetical. The restoring development model is proposed in the capacity of integrated concept.
Beloglazova G.N. THE MODERN TENDENCIES OF BANK BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT The strategic purpose of the bank sector reformation is defined by the Government and Bank of Russia as its approach to international standards of modern bank business. This raises the questions: what is the modern bank business? What tendencies are typical for its development? And how far is the Russian bank business in these tendencies turn?
Tyapukhin A.P. LOGISTIC SYSTEM PROJECTION OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES DISTRIBUTION Recentl y the theory and methodology of distributive logistic (1, 2, etc) are intensively developed, so it was possible to create the necessary pre-requisites for the more precise definition of the notion "logistic". As appears from literary sources specialists accentuate two main aspects of logistic - function and management.
Bulganina S.N. THE NATURE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE RUSSIAN ECONOMY SUBJECTS The article deals with the nature and genesis of the market economy subjects as a result of the process of personification and depersonalizing in the economic relations. The author analyses the peculiarities of the structure and functions of the Russian economy subjects. The author also proposes the hypothesis about the necessity of two vectorial development of the Russian economy, the latter being the processes of synchronous forming of the individual economic freedom and organized structures which represent the integrated individuals' interests.
Parusimova N.J. METODOLOGIC ASPECTS OF ANALYZING THE CREDIT BUSINESS IN PRESENT-DAY RUSSIA The efficient management in the credit business is impossible without considering the patrimonial properties and credit laws, without understanding the credit business allowance and its specific character, the mechanism of its interrelation with other sectors of the capitals' market, without studying the evolutionary processes of the credit relations and the credit form transformations. The investigation of these problems will make it possible w evaluate the condition of the present-day credit market and w define the development stage of credit relations in Russia, w draw up the credit mechanism identical w this stage. The automatic use of the international standards in the credit business without their adaptation to the transition conditions may appear w be inefficient or even harmful for the credit business in Russia.
Kosmachyova N.M. THE EVOLUTION OF THE CREDIT COOPERATION PRINCIPLES IN DEVELOPED COUTRIES The credit cooperation is gradually becoming a phenomenon of the present-day economy in Russia. There appear more and more publications about the development forms of the credit cooperation and about the problems of coming into being the cooperative movement.
Vylkova E.S. THE DIVISION INTO PERIODS IN THE PLANNING OF TAXES IN THE WORLD AND IN RUSSIA In the article the author has formulated the viewpoint w the notion of the planning, the planning of taxes; there is also giver the detailed division into periods in the planning of taxes in the world and in Russia. Having studied the historical aspect of the taxation, the author has revealed the planning of taxes element and the planning of taxes on different evolution stages in the taxation as a whole and in Russia in particular.
Litun O.N. OBJECTIVE PRE-REQUISITE OF STRUCTURAL REORGANIZATION BANK SECTOR RUSSIAN ECONOMY Social and political system changes in Russia at the end of the twentieth century, social system economy breakdown conditioned the necessaty of industrial relations cardinal reforms, institutional changes and economy structural reconstructions on the base of wide use market mechanism with managing subjects interaction, suitable organization-legal infra-structural creation, etc. Basic bearers forming of market relations, is led a main part in the process, as well as an adequate bank system creation.
Bobrova V.V. RATION CLUSTER FORMING IN THE ORENBURG REGION Organization and economic mechanism of food industry restoration in the Orenburg region, based on the cluster approach is offered in the article. The cluster idea is given and main directions in the food industry cluster scheme are detailed.
Pankova S.V. WITHIN THE FIRM SYSTEM AUDIT QUANTITY BOOK-KEEPING MONITORING Within the firm system of audit quantity book-keeping structure is regarded in the article, the meaning of inner control regular examination effectiveness in the auditor organizations is settled down, complex measures on organizations system quantity monitoring is proposed recommendations on outlay estimation and improvement of examined system forming are giver here.
Derevjanko O.V. ECONOMIC CONTENT OF WITHIN IN FIRM FINANCIAL PLANNING AND CONTROL, ITS PLACE IN THE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Planning of enterprises and firms economic activity in modern market relations is the main free production and enterprise pre-requisite, resources and goods distribution and use. Activity planning became free market relations economic base in our days, separate persons as well as whole groups, small and big enterprises, various firms; all leading subjects and economic objects with different forms of property.
Nemirova G.I. FINANCIAL BASIS TO MANAGE THE REGION Financial methods to manage the region are increasing in market economy conditions. The budget relations in the certain region are being analyzed as a financial system regulator. The region has been shown as regulated and regulating systems. The criteria of distribution of expenses and tax authority between state and local self-government institutions are shown in the article.
Kharitonov O.P. STIMULATING COMPONENT OF REGIONAL TAXATION RELATIONS The article defines the part of taxation privileges in the process of economic relationship development both on the state and federal subject levels. It analyses the current mechanism of granting taxation preferences in Orenburg region.
Krivolapov V.S. ABOUT NOTIONS OF FINANCIAL AND TREASURY CONTROL IN BUDGETING PROCESS The published work is devoted to different aspects of classifying various control activities, carried out by state budget treasury fulfillment agencies. Regarding the problem in the context of present-day Russian legislation and common practice the author thinks it is caused by erroneous identification of the two notions - financial and treasury control - as independent components of budgeting process.
Renner A.G., Yarkova O.N. MODELLING OF LABOUR RESOURCES MARKET IN THE REGION The authors suggest to approximate the dynamic interaction of social-economic process indeces by the continuous diffusive model. They determine the initial and boundary conditions of different variants for the investigation object functioning and suggest the numerical-analytical method of working out the problem.
Kostrukov A.V. THE POLICY OF PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE AND INCREASING OF EDUCATIONAL LEVEL IN THE SYSTEM OF PREHIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNIVERSITY The essence and the main principles of the policy of professional guidance and increasing of pupils' and students' educational level in the system of prehigher education in the university is shown in the article.
Zelentsova L.S. THE FORMING IDEA OF FLEXIBLE LINKS BETWEEN THE ELEMENTS OF MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Being the process of forming of advisable behaviour management requires time and place organization. The necessity of this requirement has been expressed in the aspiration of management for the special mechanism which gives the possibility to make proper and effective solutions. The result is the making of management system.
Aralbaeva F.Z., Karabanova O.G., Krutalevich-Levayeva M.G. RISK AND VAGUENESS IN MAKING AN ADMINISTRATIVE SOLUTION The authors releal the maintenance of the notions "risk and vagueness" while making an administrative solution.
Grebenyuk V.F., Tarasov V.M. MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION IN MARKET ECONOMY Problems of municipal administration need to be analysed and solved on the basis of well-proved principles of science and technology, latest conceptions and modern information systems development. The authors suggest some principles for reorganizing municipal administration structures, based on the decision-making system as well as on modern mechanisms of its realization. Priority must be given to the sphere of economy and interaction with industrial enterprises based in the municipality, as well as to a number of problems concerning municipal administration. According to the article, it is necessary to work out a package of special-purpose programmes based on short- and long-term economic forecasts. The most important part of municipal administration is the social sphere, - especially, education and healthcare administration as well as administering the territories' vital systems.
Pogorelov B.K., Aralbaeva F.Z., Pogorelov D.B. CONTROL AS THE MECHANISM OF GUARANTEEING OF EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF STATE UNITARY ENTERPRISES The system of inner and outer control of efficiency and advisability of federal and regional property is the important mechanism of guaranteeing of effective state regulation of economy.
Bolodurina I.P. STATISTIC DATA IN INDUSTRY MANAGEMENT PROCESSES IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION SUBJECTS AND SOME FORMED COLLECTION ANALYSES AND RELIABLE STATISTIC INFORMATION METHODS In order to prepare the administrative decisions the local Russian Federation State authorities should have actual, qualitative and adequate information about the socio-economic processes occurring in the region. Modern and mobile data collection system creation is bound up mainly with raising the level of personnel skills and new information technologies introduction. One of the strategy direction which provide the State authorities with information statistic resources is the analysis of the comparative financial indices which characterise the industrial enterprise economic position. The article analysed the existing problems when receiving the statistic information and gave some suggestions to solve these problems.
Tujacova Z.S., Satalkina E.V. WHOLESALE FOOD MARKET AS A NEW WHOLESALE FORM IN ORENBURG REGION Among the main wholesale trade organization forms which native and foreign specialists have singled out the wholesale food market is the Ceast developed and studied form in Russian Federation. In this work the authors tried to generalize the world and historic experience in the wholesale markets activity organization and gavethe conducted sociological in terrogation results.
Nezhivenko E.A. EDUCATIONAL POTENTIAL AS AN ELEMENT OF JOINT ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF MACHINE-BUILDING ENTERPRISE The article analyses the methodical aspects concerning the joint economic potential forming of machine-building enterprise, suggests the approaches to the classification of joint economic potential. Much attention is paid to the links with the opportunities of raising the competitiveness. The author defines the approaches providing the effectiveness of educational potential with the approaches providing the effectiveness of educational potential with the help of its optimization.
Voronina V.M. JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES PURE ASSETS: ANALYSES AND VALUATION QUESTIONS In the article the author has worked out the basic trends in pure assets analyses and valuation in Russian Federation civil code context and "Joint - Stock Companies" federal law. These questions were applied to because there is no Combined methodological basis of pure assets analyses and valuation in economic literature. Pure assets analyses is examined as a possibility to work in undesirable situations warning conditions without correcting their consequences. The question is to use pure assets to give grounds for administrative decision which is dictated by the financial managements inquiries.
Kolbin A.G. OBJECT HIERARCHY MODELING OF PROCESS-ORIENTING CONTROL OVER TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS UNDER CONDITIONS OF TECHNOLOGICAL PREPARATION OF NEW PRODUCTS PRODUCTION A Certain complex of objects is attained in the process of business System functioning owing to the development of business. The main task of object hierarchy construction is to establish the directions for business-processes modeling of technological innovations. The optimal conditions selection of the development process of highly-technological complex for the new products production is realized by means of object hierarchy analysis.
Natural sciences
Lyubichankovsky V.A. PREDICTION POSSIBILITIES OF PHYSICAL THEORIES Various prediction schemes which are characteristic of physical theories are analyzed in this article: determined, probabalistic, the combination of both, prediction of new physical events, prediction of prohibition and the analysis of their appearance in developing physical knowledge.
Kondakov V.A. "AN ECONOMY MAN" IN THE SOCIAL-CULTURAL MEASUREMENT The article deals with the actual problem of "an economy man" who determines the general tendencies and perspectives of not only occidental, but also Russian socium evolution. The author reveals characteristics of the essence features of "an economy man", his rationality and strongly pronounced extroversion supplemented by modus "to have, but not to be".
Borisuyk N.K. SOME ASPECTS OF REGIONAL INVESTED POLICY The article gives a definition of "invested climate". After monitoring which was made by Bank of Russia Main Office among the intermediate zone of invested activity. It is determined that the investment volume is stile not enough. Adaptation of up-to-date investment model to the proper market conditions is offered. It may be reached by the long life bank credits.
Dryndin V.L. AGRICULTURAL MODERNIZATION IN 1950-1960 S. At the beginning of 1950 years conditions for social and economical development of collective farms in USSR were different in comparison with pre-war period. Policy influence on manufacturing in 1950-1960 years was ineffective. It was a period of economy stagnation. Grain and other foodstuff were imported. This article analyzes the achievements and inefficiency composition of Soviet agricultural policy.
Lyubichankovsky S.V. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PROVINCE URAL BOARD LEADING SINCE 1907 UP TO 1913. Statistics data analyses is given on the main characteristics: religion, age, education, length of service. The social and cultural governing body testimonial of the four Ural province in the period since 1907 up to 1913 is given in this paper. The statistics data analysis is given according to three main indices: age, education, length of service.
Mukhametshin F.B. PEACE JUSTICE IN RUSSIA: THE PAST AND THE PRESENT Legal reform carried out in Russia restored the Justice of the Peace Institute. Such form of legal procedure on less grave criminal cases and on some civil cases indicates the developing tendency which should lead to the principles of civil society in Russia. Under present conditions peace justice is sure to provide judicial defense of man's rights and liberties. That's why it is necessary to trace the main moments of the JP Institute forming and developing in reforming Russia.
Kidanov V.N. MARKET ADMINISTRATION OF BUILDING COMPANY In the article author dwells upon the problems of creating the new mechanisms of the administration of economic systems directed toward the market criteria and the aims of work. The article reveals the peculiarities of the process of the administration of the building company it the market conditions, its new aims, top priority tasks and functions a new approach to the administration at the market conditions is that the building company is considered to be an "open cystem", an effective functioning of which depends on the way the enterprise can adapt itself to the environment. It is definite that the conception of marketing is the perspective conception of administration.
Degtyaryeva T.D. DIFFERENTIATION OF STUDDING: TOTAL DEGREE KNOWLEDGE MODELS It is suggested to organize the building of strategy of studing on the basis of inculation of informational technologies for increasing efficience and quality of the process of studing. These technologies distribute the time factor and provide the maximum degree of proximity to individual trajectories of development of each student. The represented models of studing can become the basis of building of such technologies.
Mohnatkina L.B. BUDGET DIRECT EXPENSES OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION SUBJECT AND MUNICIPAL FORMATION INDEPENDENCE The article is written on the results within the framework of the research directed on the improvement of interbudget relations in the Orenburg region. The main strategy contents of the expenses influence estimation of Russian Federation are presented in the work. For the first time the theoretical dependency of the direct expenses description on the municipal formations independence is published.
Suvorova N.N. MIGRATION AS THE FACTOR OF THE SOCIAL-ECONOMIC REGION DEVELOPMENT The migration processes always play an important role in the social-economic and political life of the country. Migration for Russia was one of the most important directions of the state policy. That's why nowadays the intent attention of the state authorities organs is rivit on the management of the migration processes and on the questions of the fight with the illegal immigration.
Science events
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |