№ 7 2003
Humanitarian sciences
Bendas T.V. RUSSIA AND KAZAKHSTAN: ETHNOCULTURAL AND HENDERNAL DIFFERENCES Different foreign typologies of cultures are considered in the article. Ethnic cultures of Russia and Kazakhstan are compared here (on the base of own researches of Russian and Kazakh man and woman) and it is determined their places in these typologies as intermediate cultures.
Strelets Yu.Sh. ETHICAL INTERPRETATION OF HUMAN LIFE SENSE The problem of life sense is investigated in the article from the point of view of its morally-ethical contents, suggested an opportunity not only theoretical comparison of moral existing and due, but practical combination of behavioural and senseformative aspects of morality. Its basis mechanism is represented as a dialogue of a man with the Absolute: absolute news (conscience), but due and able to justify life for a man (responsibility) in respondent reflexion cause existing moral sense of his life.
Sakharova N.S. TO THE QUESTION THAT STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY HAVE FOREIGN COMPETENCE The foreign competence contents of the university students is regarded in this article, also its essential characteristics are determined here. Intercommunications among components of foreign competence are brought in this work.
Florya A.V. WORD-FORMATION IN STYLISTIC ASPECT This article is devoted to expressive opportunities of linguistic units of word-formation level in fiction texts. The fragment of school-book "The Russian stylistics".
Yurikova N.I. MYTHOLOGICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF PERSONIFICATION METHOD OF STUDYING This article is devoted to studying of personification in the aspect of mythology, philosophy and psychology. Personification as a type of metaphor, as trope, is the object of linguistic and literary research. However, in order to reveal more complete and deeper its specific features, to discover cognitive and aesthetic meaning, put in it, complex method to this phenomenon is necessary, at this opportunities and progress of other science, which is interested with problem of creative thinking, would be taken into consideration.
Doliner L.I. MODEL OF STUDYING IN CONDITIONS OF ADAPTIVE METHODICAL SYSTEMS USING Technology of adaptive methodical systems (AMS) construction is regarded in this article and methodology of studying model construction in conditions of similar systems using during education informatization is suggested here.
Romanova K.A. ECOLOGICAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND RESPONSIBILITY ARE NEW VALUE LANDMARKS OF EDUCATION The author raises the most important and social-ecological-economical problem of contemporaneity, that is people survival in situation of ecological crises. According to synergetic method it is suggested construction of ecological education system, this education forms new model of modern social-natural world for learned people, where this model assists changes of their consciousness responsible for attitude to the nature. Ecological consciousness is regarded by leading structural component of ecological culture. The author during some years conducted such studying of heads of preschool educational organizations, directors of gymnasias, lyceums, colleges, deans of institutes of higher education, leaders of enterprises. The total quantity of learned people is about 1400 people. The results shown the effectiveness of suggested idea by the article's author.
Ryndak V.G., Utepov M.B. TO THE QUESTION ABOUT PROJECTION OF INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL ROUTE AS MEANS OF PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENTS FORMATION OF SENIOR PUPIL The problems of motivation, projection and control of personal achievements of senior pupil at educational process are regarded in this article. From the point of view of personal-oriented method the essence of personal achievements is revealed here. The author applies to the questions of aim placing, of control and appraisal, conditions creation for collaboration in educational school process. At the present days the condition of control and appraisal of pupils achievements needs the review. The author suggests his view on solution of this problem.
Zhumaganbetov S.S. TRAINING PROCESS CONSTRUCTION OF SPORTSWOMEN The problems and principals of training process construction of sportswomen and the ways of sports training methodic perfection are regarded in this article.
Denina O.O. REALIZATION OF PITHY COMPONENT OF STUDENT PERSONALITY IN STUDYING PROCESS The problem of students studying activity is regarded in this article from the point of view of active method realization. The general composing problems are analyzed here, and also the ways of its solution are suggested.
Musalimov T.K. STUDYING ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS IN THE PROCESS OF GRAPHIC TRAINING IN THE SYSTEM OF HIGH PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION The problems of higher educational graphic activity of future teacher of drawing and fine arts are investigated in this article. Psychological and pedagogical aspect of student personality forming in process of professional-graphic activity is regarded here. Analyzing general problems of activity theory, essence and specific of graphic disciplines, peculiarities and intercommunication of graphic and cognitive activity it is marked out that graphic activity has opportunities of complex tasks solution of pedagogical process.
Corvyakov V.A. SELF-EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS AS PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEM The essence of self-education, which is one of main in determination of method to research of process of skills development of self-educational activity, is regarded in this article. The clear determination of self-education essence is very important in practical and theoretical treatment. Statement of concrete tasks, bringing in the process of self-educational students activity, depends on contents, which is put in this conception.
Bikmetov E.Yu. THE PROBLEM OF UNITY OF SOCIAL EDUCATIONAL SUBJECTS: GENETIC ASPECT The article is devoted to research of methodological principals of secondary education, and also to the analysis of subject problem of educational activity. The author, tracing the evolution of such subjects of educational process as personality, family and school, accents his attention on their unity. The educational systems are regarded as open systems, which are dynamically interconnected with social-cultural and social-economical conditions.
Shurakhanova K., Sokolova L.B. FORMATION OF STUDENTS' THOUGHT CULTURE IN THE PROCESS OF KNOWLEDGE FUSION Didactic terms, provided effective formation of student personality culture in the process of knowledge fusion (on the example of economic institute of higher education) are revealed in this article.
Economic sciences
Parusimova N.I., Kononenko V.A. THE ROLE OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE INFRASTRUCTURE OF RUSSIAN FUND MARKET The studying of fund market condition in the definite historical and economical terms, trends revelation of its development needs the answer on some questions: How does the essence of modern fund market prove? What are the implications of its creation? What is the specificity of fund market? What is the mechanism of fund market interaction with other sectors of money fund market? What is the role of commercial banks in the infrastructure of the Russian investment market?
Vanyukhina I.V. GENERAL PROBLEMS OF CONTROLLING INTRODUCTION IN THE NATIVE COMMERCIAL BANKS Bank business in Russia has not controlling yet. Unclaimed controlling in the Russian bank business is caused by following features: experience and traditions absence, specialists absence, process labour-intensiveness and unreadiness of methodic, which are adapted to the Russian conditions.
Bralina A.G. ABOUT REFORMING OF BUSINESS ACCOUNTING IN BANKS Republic of Kazakhstan, one of the firsts of pastsoviet space accepted the program of transition of the second level banks to the international standards at the end of 1996. Its demands were hard enough, and those banks, the activity of which did not correspond to the international standards, had to produce the plan of recapitalization and their work improvement in the National Bank. The measures, produced by National Bank gave good results. And the beginning of October 2001 the quantity of banks, having license on bank operations realization consisted of 45. According to norms of program, 8 of native banks referred to the first group, 18 - to the second group, and 6 banks fully carried out the demands of the given program. Although final results of realized program must be known at the nearest time, in whole bank system activity of transition to the international standards must be appreciate as positive.
Lapaev S.P. REGIONAL MARKETING USING FOR INCREASE OF ORENBURG REGION COMPETITIVENESS There are general directions of regional marketing using for increase of region competitiveness: forming of positive image, widening of region and its subjects participation in the realization of international and federal program, attraction of orders in the region, increase of region appeal for investments of resources in it, stimulation of resources acquisition of regions outside of it, in the article. It is offered the creation of interregional marketing center in Orenburg for support of collaboration with other regions of the country.
Kolmakova I.D. DEVELOPMENT OF COLLECTIVE-TREATY REGULATION OF LABOR RELATIONS ON THE MODERN PERIOD OF TIME The author considers the mechanism of collective-treaty regulation of social-labor relations on federal and regional levels as the most important link in the system of labor management in the modern period of time. The experience of formation and functioning of social partnership system in the country, difficulties and contradictions of its development are described in this article.
Kapshitar R.V. PORTFOLIO APPROACH IN THE SYSTEM OF MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL BANKS RISKS Activity of commercial bank is accompanied with risks, influence of which can be as important as critical in different degree, which can lead as to considerable worsening of commercial state of bank as to capital loss, bankruptcy. Studying, analysis and appraisal of bank risks are the base of loss insurance of bank system.
Davletkalieva Z.B. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF RESTRUCTURING OF RUSSIAN AND KAZAKHSTAN STATE FOREIGN DEBT: COMMON PROBLEMS AND WAYS OF ITS SOLUTION IN MODERN CONDITIONS Comparative analysis of restructuring of Russian and Kazakhstan foreign debts is necessary, first of all, for solution of common economical problems and ways of its solution in modern conditions, as the structure and the size of foreign debt affect on the most important macroeconomic activities. The increase of foreign debt will repulse on such activities as Inner Gross Product, budget deficit, gold and exchange currency reserves, credit rating, foreign investments, foreign trade balance, products and services import, rate of refinancing of inner credits and borrowing.
Razumova I.A. BECOMING AND DEVELOPMENT OF MORTGAGE BANKS SYSTEM OF GERMANY Revival of hypothecary crediting in Russia has caused need of studying the experience of German mortgage banks, the organizations of their activity on hypothecary roar with the purpose of revealing prospects of development of a hypothecary affair in conditions of modern Russia. German mortgage banks differ high specialization, cheap refinancing and sufficient reliability.
Tikhomirova E.V. MANAGEMENT OF THE CREDIT PORTOFOLIO OF BANK Expansion of crediting of real sector of economy, increase of volume of credits and change of structure of credit investments will demand more effective control system of a credit portofolio of commercial bank. Now a credit portofolio of the Russian banks the significant share is occupied with prolonged credits. Therefore the problem of prolongation is enough serious for Russia, demands development of an effective technique of the analysis of quality of a bank credit portofolio.
Glushech V.V., Shukurova B.M. FEATURES OF THE TAXATION OF SMALL BUSINESS SUBJECTS Becoming and development of small business in Kazakhstan is natural and objective process of realization of economic reforms of formation in the outlook of market economy. Economic conditions of managing have changed for the subjects of small business for the period, past from acceptance of the first tax laws in republic as a result of realization in life of reforms in economy. Therefore the acceptance of the new Tax Code of the country is dictated by the today?s requirements.
Bayzhanova G.D. THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS IN KAZAKHSTAN The history of becoming and development of statistics in Kazakhstan is reflected in the article, questions of purpose of statistics.
Zhetesova M.T. QUALITY OF LIFE PREDOMINATES THE FUTURE OF MANKIND Recognition of the importance of quality of life of the population in the world will put an end to poverty. The planned purposes. Socially - economic aspects of balanced development. The major factors influencing improvement of quality of life: health preservation of the environment. The activity directed on performance of these purposes in the countries, in particular in Kazakhstan.
Kapanova S.T. INTEGRATION OF REGULATION FORMS IN MIXED ECONOMY The substantiation of the regulation mechanism of modern market economy is carried out in the article. Features of spontaneous market self-regulation, conscious state regulation and corporative regulations of a market economy are analyzed. The significant attention is given to finding - out of ways and ways of a combination of the state and market regulation of mixed economy.
Velikaya E.G. APPROACH TO STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF CORPORATION The conceptual approach to consideration of strategic management is considered in the article as effective mechanism of maintenance of effective functioning of industrial corporation in dynamical conditions, and frequently uncertain and turbulent environment caused by process of free market formation in Russia.
Lugovaya I.V. LIDERSHIP IN REFORMING MANAGEMENT The article contains the principles of reforming management, contributing and motivating the subjects to achieve new aims through the new type of interrelation.
Ergazina M.S. LABOUR-MARKET FORMATION: GENDER ASPECT Questions of labour market formation , regulation of labour relations, system of gender relations formation are considered in the given article on the basis of statistical materials.
Lugovoy O.J. ECONOMIC EVOLUTION AND ECONOMIC GROWTH: METHODOLOGICAL ASPECT The key aspect of the innovational process is determined in the article, compelling to make innovations.
Iskakova D.M. PERFECTION OF PRODUCTIVE AND ECONOMIC MUTUAL RELATION IN AGRARIAN AND INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Economic relations are backbone in the system of productive relations. They support proportionality the development of elements of manufactures, distributions, exchange and consumption. The compound troupes of productive relations: social and economic organizational - economic and technological are stated in detail in the article, and also the complete methodological approach of productive and economic mutual relation perfection in agrarian and industrial complex is offered.
Shukurov A.K. THE MECHANISM OF STATE REGULATION OF AN AGRICULTURE IN REGION AND PROBLEMS OF ITS DEVELOPMENT The modern market economy is characterized by the increased role of the state in world practice. In conditions of KazAkhstan, as well as in other countries of the CIS, the imperfection of the market or as it is quite often named "failures" of the market dictate the necessity of state regulation of development of a national economy at formation of structures of a market mechanism. Moreover, the economic functions of the state are realized through the mechanism of state regulation. At the same time, the certain set of means of economic and not economic character is used: administrative - legal and economic means for achievement aims put by.
Natural sciences
Skalnyj A.V., Rudakov J.A., Notova S.V. BIOELEMENT MEDICINE: QUESTIONS OF THE TERMINOLOGY The conceptual device and terminological base of the scientific - applied direction are considered studying the contents and the interaction of chemical elements an organism. The system of terms for a designation of various characteristics of an element exchange in conditions of norm and a pathology is offered.
Isaykin A.V., Isaykina E.J., Komarova N.K. THE USE OF LASER RADIATION IN TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES AT MILK PRODUCTION The problem is raised in the article of the use of non-polluting laser radiation for stimulation of dairy efficiency and treatment of an udder disease (mastitis).
Kolotvin A.V., Zinyukhin G.B. MODEL OF CITY ECOSYSTEM As a result of research of existing models describing a city the model is developed and offered, describing the city environment as spatially - limited, naturally - technical system with the detailed analysis of subsystems. Quality of an atmosphere of a city is estimated through specific potential of pollution, which is created by a unit of square of separate territory, being a source of emissions of impurity in atmospheric air. Physical sense of which is that it serves a threshold determining expediency of an intensification of pollution of territory.
Abaimov V.F. BIOLOGICALLY -ECOLOGICAL SUBSTANTIATION OF TECHNOLOGICAL METHOD OF BARLEY AND OATS CULTIVATION IN CONDITIONS OF STEPPE ZONE OF THE SOUTHERN URAL In a steppe zone of the Southern Ural barley and овес are the conducting grain cultures. In long (1965-2002) experiences the key parameters were established of technological methods of cultivation of cultures and their biologically - ecological substantiation is given in view of natural factors of the environment of the region.
Fayzullin Z.M. OPTIMIZATION OF STEPPE HUNTING USE, BY MEANS OF REALIZATION OF HUNTING ORGANIZING WORKS ON BASIS OF TYPOLOGY OF STEPPE STATIONS ABODE In the article the problems are examined of optimization of hunting use in conditions of steppe zone and typology of chases.
Technical sciences
Kirko I.M., Kuznetsov V.A. ESTIMATION OF CHARGED PARTICLES OF NANODISPERSED CORUNDUM FORMED AT A BURNING OUT OF SOLID FLUEL ROCKETS In the work the estimation is made of a ratio between various kinds of energies in process of interaction of particles of aerosol corundum dust formed at recycling of solid fuel of rockets by burning. It has allowed defining a necessary specific electric charge for sedimentation of corundum dust.
A.V. Kosarev LAW OF ENTROPY GROWTH AS CONSEQUENCE OF DEGENERATION EFFECT OF THE RESULTING PULSE AND THE DOUBLE NATURE OF THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS As well as in the first mechanical variant of H-theorem of Boltsman, attempt to infer the law of entropy growth and an equilibrium condition through dynamics of collision of molecules is made. Basic difference from Boltsman?s technique is, that for a basis of dispersion noncentral impact is accepted, since at the central impact the dispersion does not occur. The nature of indemnification for transformation of heat to work is opened also.
I.M. Kirko, V.A. Kuznetsov BARRIER ELECTRICAL OZONIZER AS A TRANSPORTER OF CHARGES OF THE GENERATOR VAN-DE-GRAAF The method of ozonized gas spout using in barrier electrical discharge as a transporter of charges for electrostatic generator Van-de-Graaf is suggested and proved in this article.
V.A. Vasilieva HOMEOSTATIC STRUCTURES IN MEASURING TRANSFORMERS Questions of informational effectiveness increase of measuring transformers with homeostatic structures using are regarded in the article. Also the different types of measuring transformers structures are researched here, characteristic peculiarities are discovered and treatments types between structures are determined in the article. The role of homeostasis and homeokinesis in informational effectiveness increase is determined here. The examples of possible types realization of homeostatic structures in measuring transformers are presented here. General principals of homeostatic structures building are formed in this article.
E.I. Yablochnikov PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF SYSTEM SYNTHESIS OF AUTOMATIZED SYSTEM OF PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGICAL TRAINING Questions of automatized system construction of production technological training for machine-building enterprises are regarded in this article. The problems of production technological training and the role of modern informational and communication technologies are marked in effectiveness of work organization. Special attention is given to methods and means of common information space creation with using PDM-system of SmarTeam. It is suggested modern CAD/CAM/CAE-systems as base system for determination of project-technological tasks.
I.T. Kovrikav, I.Sh. Tavtilov DIRECTIONS OF RESEARCH AND FEEDER DESIGN FOR GRAINS SEPARATION IN VERTICAL AIR STREAM The literary analysis of existing feeder for giving of grain materials in air separator is shown in the article, also general its lacks are discovered here and tasks and the ways of their decisions are presented. The work theory of question of equal elements distribution of grain blend is worked out in this article.
N.M. Mikhin, D.V. Pichugin TO A QUESTION OF SERVICEABILITY OF RADIAL BEARINGS OF SLIDING INCREASE The questions of interaction of a shaft and the loose leaf of the radial bearing of sliding are considered in view of their mechanical properties and models of a roughness of surfaces of solids. It is shown, that absence of proximity in them is necessary for maintenance of high wear resistance of radial bearings of sliding. The design of the radial bearing of sliding with autoindemnification of deterioration is offered.
A.T. Raimova INFLUENCE ACCOUNT OF LATENT PERIODICITIES IN MANAGEMENT PROCESS OF REGIONAL PRODUCTION COMPLEX An opportunity of influence account on production activity of latent periodicities, fairly existing in extensive time intervals is regarded in this article. On the example of account of time dependence of using and production of technological resort parameter at using for management of the method of "etalon" models it is shown the opportunity of identification of enterprise technological processes - user and enterprise - producer, what can serve the base for concrete investments.
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 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |