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№ 10 (146), 2012


Aipeisova S.A. DISJUNCTION IN THE FLORA OF AKTJUBINSKAYA FLORA REGIONThe study of natural habitat of the flora types of Aktjubinskaya flora region defined 79 species with real disjunctive natural habitats that made up 6.05% of the total number of our flora species. According to the spatial disjunction 3 groups of disjunctive natural habitats were revealed: a mega-disjunctive group, a macro-disjunctive group and a meso-disjunctive one. The ratio of disjunctive natural habitat groups of Aktjubinskaya flora region proves the heterogeneity and heterochroma of the flora.Key words: disjunction, natural habitat, the primary and secondary types of disjunction, megadisjunction, macrodisjunction, mesodisjunction, endemic.
Ibatullin A.A. MOSS FLORA CARBONATE STRIPING VALLEY SIM RIVER (CHELYABINSK REGION)Surveyed segment Valley Sim (30 km2), 3 km from the village Serpievka repeatedly. Identified 91 species of mosses collected mostly from the surface of the limestone. Among the first are Tortella bambergeri, Schistidium robustum, Stereodon holmenii — to the Urals, and Brachythecium erythrorrhizon, Schistidium lancifolium and Tortella alpicola, — for the Chelyabinsk regionKey words: Bryoflora, Ural, new and rare species of moss, carbonate outcrops.
Scheglova E.G. THE INFLUENCE OF GROUND FIRES IN THE DECIDUOUS FORESTS OF THE ORENBURG REGIONThe influence of different types of fires in the deciduous forests of the Orenburg region. Considered by the world total area and number of fires and compared with the indicators in Russia and the Orenburg region. Defined the reasons of occurrence of Wildland fires and the level of anthropogenic impact on the territory of the Orenburg region. Specify the influence of the grass-roots of fire on vegetation cover.Key words: natural fire, grass-roots fire, deciduous forests, anthropogenic impact.
Galinichev A.V., Anufriev G.A. CICADINA-FAUNA (INSECTA, HOMOPTERA, CICADELLIDAE) OF THE "DENEZHKIN KAMEN'" RESERVE AND ITS ENVIRONMENTS (SVERDLOVSK REGION)New data of 91 species of Cicadellidae for the territory of the "Denezhkin Kamen'" reserve (Northern Urals) and its environments.Key words: Cicadellidae, Northern Ural, Sverdlovsk region.
Vdovenko S.I., Sukhanova I.V. THE BODY MORPHOFUNCTIONAL STATE OBSERVED IN THE MALE RESIDENTS OF MAGADAN TOWN IN DEPENDENCE ON THEIR SMOKING LENGTHThe male residents of Magadan town, of them 87 smokers and 60 nonsmokers, were examined to compare their morphofunctional parameters. The subjects with a longer smoking length showed the tendency towards decreasing in the beat blood volume and oxygen intake that can testify to decreasing in the body nutrition and oxygen supply. Of note that the smokers demonstrated decreasing in the lung vital capacity and less stability of respiratory homeostasis as compared to those of the nonsmokers.Key words: tobacco smoking, adaptation changes, body functional systems, cardiorespiratory system.
Druz V.F. THE INFLUENCE OF LONELY LIVING ON PSYCHIATRIC STATE OF AGED PATIENTS AND FACTORS DETERMINING ITClinical and social-psychiatric methods were used to examine 235 60 and over year old patients living alone, followed-up in the psychoneurological dispensary. Lonely living influenced negatively on most patients (62,6%), rarer there was indifferent (22,5%) and positive (14,9%) influence. Clinico-social factors determining the character of lonely living influence on psychiatric state of patients were also disclosed.Key words: mentally ill patients, late-life, influence of lonely living, psychiatric state, clinico-social factors.
Duskayeva A.X., Miroshnikov C.B. THE INDICATIONS OF PROTEIN METABOLISM OF EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS IN THE PROCESS ОF PHENOTYPIC ADAPTATION TO CHANGE THE DIET The amino acids composition of the muscle tissue of experimental animals which received fast food and water with and without gas was studied. It was noted the negative impact of the experimental diet to the animals indications of protein metabolism.Key words: experimental animals, foods stress, rats males, fast food, amino acids and proteins.
Zhuravleva M.O. FUNCTION ASSESSMENT OF PATIENTS WITH REACTIVE ARTHRITISThe aim of the study was to evaluate the functional capacity of patients with ReA questionnaires BASDAI, DFI and scale LEFS. A total of 35 patients with ReA mean age 42±2,03 years, mainly acute flow. Questionnaires were examined before and after 1 and 3 months after treatment. Marked correlation with more severe clinical signs of activity than with the laboratory. The most valid for patients with ReA were BASDAI and LEFS. Questionnaires can be used for dynamic assessment of functional impairment in patients with ReA in outpatient clinical practice. Key words: reactive arthritis, functional activity, BASDAI, DFI, LEFS.
Kovalevskaya E.V., Kalinina T.N., Gilmutdinov R.G., Causeway N.A. ON THE NEED FOR THE STUDY OF VIRAL HEPATITIS E IN NON-ENDEMIC REGION BY THE EXAMPLE ORENBURG REGIONThis article focuses on studying the problem of viral hepatitis E in the Orenburg region. A total of 1230 people, of which 874 are human donors and 356 migrants. It was established that 24,1% of surveyed workers had antibodies to hepatitis E virus (HEV) — non-endemic for hepatitis B in the Orenburg region. Thus, these data indicate a high infection rates of foreign citizens arriving to the territory of the Orenburg region.Key words: hepatitis E, migrants, donors, the epidemic process.
Notova S.V., Duskaeva A.H., Miroshnikov S.V. EVALUATION OF INFLUENCE OF DIETARY STRESS ON PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL AND METABOLIC INDICES The article presents results assessment of physical development, behavior, and clinical-laboratory indicators of experimental animals the under influence fast preparation products in combination with water and carbonated drink. Observed adverse effects experienced diets at living mass of rats, reducing the horizontal and vertical motion activity, hematological indices of animals.Key words: laboratory animals, food stress, instant food, metabolism, behavior, open field.
Alekhinа G.P., Misetov I.A. IMPACT OF POLLUTANTS OF VARIOUS CHEMICAL NATURE OF THE MICROFLORA OF THE INTERNAL ORGANS OF THE BIVALVE MOLLUSK UNIO PICTORUMIt is shown, that with increase of the total pollution of the pond, there is a dependence of the size of the birth of microflora of the mollusc Unio pictorum of metals and nitrite-sulphate pollution. Key words: mollusks, microflora , reservoir pollution.
Burova Y.A., Ibragimova S.A., Revin V.V. PRODUCTION A BACTERIAL SUSРENSION PSEUDOMONAS AUREOFACIENS 2006 ON MOLASSES MEDIUM AND STUDY OF ITS SEVERAL PROPERTIESThe possibility of using molasses as the main component of the cultural medium of the bacteria Pseudomonas aureofaciens 2006. Optimal concentrations of molasses, nitrogen (NaNO3) and phosphorus (КН2РО4) sources at which the maximum increase in biomass were chosen. Bacterial cultural medium stimulates the growth of wheat and proсesses of antifungal effect.Key words: Pseudomonas aureofaciens, molasses, cultivation, biomass, phytopathogens, antifungal effect.
Vasilchenko A.S., Yarullina D.R., Nikiyan H.N., Teslya A.V. MORPHOLOGICAL AND FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BACTERIA BACILLUS CEREUS AT VARIOUS STAGES OF THE LIFE CYCLEUsing atomic force microscopy (AFM) the life cycle of spore-forming Gram-positive organisms Bacillus cereus IP 5832 was investigated. The morphological and mechanical changes of single bacterial cells by their long-term culturing were described. It is shown decreasing the number of viable cells at the 5 day of cultivation and no viable cells in bacterial population at 15 day. In this case, the presence of spores which are morphologically differentiated forms of resting cells was revealed by AFM.Key words: atomic force microscopy, life cycle, mechanical properties, bacterial cells, long-term culturing.
Dragunova Yu.E., Atykyan N.A., Revin V.V. EFFECT OF DEGREE OF GRINDING GRAIN RAW AND PRE-ACTIVATION OF YAST FOR ALCOHOL YEILDSUltrarefined particles of grain with size up to 250 nm were obtained. This refinement increases the output of simple sugars, even without prior enzymatic hydrolysis as was shown. The possibility of using a low (less than 60°C) temperature of enzymatic hydrolysis compared to classical schemes for the temperature treatment of grain mash was investigated. Was revealed that the use of nanostructured grain raw material and pre-activation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae allows to intensify the process of obtaining of ethanol, as result in fermentation medium it accumulates to 8,6%.Key words: ultrafine grain materials, mineral salts, fermentation, yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Sycheva M.V., Galiullina L.F., Kartashova O.L. THE INFLUENCE OF ANTIMICROBIAL PEPTIDES FROM PLATELETS OF FARM ANIMALS ON SENSITIVITY OF MICROORGANISMS TO ANTAGONISTIC ACTIVE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NORMAL MICROFLORAInfluence of antimicrobic peptides from platelets of agricultural animals on sensitivity of opportunistic microorganisms to antagonistic active representatives of normal microflora is studied. It is established that acid extracts from platelets of agricultural animals increase sensitivity of opportunistic microorganisms to antagonistic active substances of bacteria of Lactobacillus, Esherichia and Enterococcus. The greatest change of a sign at clones E. coli, S. aureus and C. albicans at joint incubation bacteria with defensins isolated from platelets of horned cattle and hens is registred.Key words: cationic antimicrobial peptides, thrombodefensins, bacteria, antagonistic active substances, representatives of normal microflora.
Bulgakova M.A. BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF ANTHROPOGENIC DISTURBANCES CHERNOZEMS STEPPE AND FOREST ZONEThe effect of pasture digression on the biological activity of soils of the steppe and forest-steppe zones. The analysis of dynamics of soil enzyme activity and population density Lumbricidae.Key words: pasture digression, cellulolytic activity, catalase, biomass, Lumbricidae, earthworms.
Dergacheva M.I., Nekrasova O.A., Vasilieva D.I., Fadeeva V.P. HUMIC ACID ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION OF DIFFERENT FORMATION CONDITION VIRGIN CHERNOZEMSHumic acid element structure characteristics of virgin chernozems of different regions (ETR, Southern Ural, Western Siberia and Mountain Altai) and different formation conditions are discussed. It is shown that the mass percentages, share of individual element content and their relationship clearly responsible landscape conditions. Materials can serve as a basis for assessing agricultural land and use for revealing of anthropogenic transformation specificity and diagnostic environment as well.Key words: elemental composition, humic acids, chernozems, European territory of Russia, Southern Ural, Western Siberia and Mountain Altai, different landscapes
Ishanova G.U. TO THE QUESTION OF THE IMPACT OF INSULAR FOREST STEPPE ZONE OF THE URALS ON THE SOIL FAUNA ADJACENT TERRITORYThe effect of insular forest steppe zone on the structure and biological diversity animals soil. There, where the action mezzoclimate forest "fades" locally formed a conditional boundary between forest-steppe and steppe; here was marked by the highest number of species of soil fauna, typical for both zones. Thus, the island forests have an impact on neighbouring territory, and this effect depends on the forest areaKey words: insular forests, mezzoclimate, soil fauna.
Pozdnyakov A.I., Eliseev P.I. DEPENDENCES OF SPECIFIC ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE FROM SOME PROPERTIES OF LOAMY SAND ARABLE SOILS IN CULTIVATED LANDSCAPES OF THE HUMID ZONEIt was ascertained, specific electrical resistance of loamy sand arable soils, measured both in a field, under natural high moisture, and in a laboratory, for samples moistens to a state of a paste, is strongly connected with such soil properties, as clay and humus content or cation exchange capacity. It's seemed to be very perspective to use the electrical resistance for the estimation of distribution topography of those properties inside the borders of a field during the development of precision agriculture and landscape-adopted farming or for different kinds of works.Key words: electrical resistance, degree of cultivation, loamy sand soils.
Stepantsova L.V., Volohina V.P., Nikiforova A.S. CONCRETIONARY NEOFORMATION DARK-GRAY SOILS IN THE DOUBLE-LAYER SEDIMENTS OF THE NORTHTHE TAMBOV PLAINObtained new data on the morphological characteristics, chemical composition and diagnostic significance of Fe-Mn and carbonate concretions dark-gray, dark-gray contact-gley and soddy-podzolic contact-gley soil on dual-layer sediments of the North of the Tambov plain.Key words: Fe-Mn ortsteins, carbonate concretions, dark-gray soil, double-layer rocks.
Shein E.V., Rusanov A.M., Anilova L.V., Dostova T.M. WATER REGIME CHANGE TYPICAL CHERNOZEM THE FORMATION OF SURFACE LAYER PYROGENS OF DIFFERENT POWERIn this paper we analyzed the projected water regime typical chernozem and its change during the formation of the surface layer of varying thickness of pyrogenic.Key words: water regime of typical chernozem, fumed layer.
Garipova N.V., Miroshnikov S.A., Holodilina T.N., Kurilkina M.Yа., Vanshin V.V., Zelepukhin A.G., Ryabov N.I. NUTRITIONAL AND PRODUCTIVE ACTION OF BRAN, MODIFIED IN THE PRESENCE OF PARTICULATE IRONIn work the experimental data showing modifying action of different types of processings (the microwave oven andultrasound) on otrubny a product in the presence of iron microparticles are presented. In experiment of "in vitro" the fact of increase of bioavailability of substances of a product subjected to processing is elicited. On the "in vivo" model effect of the processed bran in a combination with metal microparticles on an organism of chickens is shown rostostimuliruyushchy.Key words: ultrasound, electromagnetic processing, micropowders of metals, digestibility, productive action.
Rusakova E.A., Korolev V.L., Zaveryukha A.H., Kharlamov A.V. EFFECT OF PHYTASE ON ELEMENTAL STATUS OF THE BODY OF BROILER CHICKENS AT DIFFERENT LEVELS OF ENERGY IN THE DIETThe results of experimental studies that characterize the changes in the body of the element status of broiler chickens on the background of the enzyme preparation Ronozim NT (CT) in the diet with different levels of exchange energy. Found that when grown on low-energy diets of birds increases the bioavailability of I, Mn, Ni, Na, and with decreased bioavailability Cu, Fe, Ca, K, Zn. When adding phytase in a low-energy diet increased exchange of K, Na, P, Co, Zn, Se, V with a reduction in such As, Ni.Key words: mineral status, chemical elements, phytase, broiler chickens, exchange energy, Ronozim NT (CT).
Sizentsov A.N. DYNAMICS OF MORPHOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF BLOOD OF MAMMALS AT TREATMENT BY PRO-BIOTIC PREPARATIONS OF INTOXICATION BY LEAD AND ZINCIn article are submitted data, applications of pro-biotic preparations testifying to efficiency on the basis of sort Bacillus bacteria at treatment of intoxications by lead and zinc on the basis of morphological and biochemical indicators of blood.Key words: probiotics, Bacillus, lead, zinc, lymphocytes, leukocytes.
Silkin I.I. MORPHOFUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTIC OF MUSKRAT MALES MUSKY PREPUTIAL GLAND OF SEXUAL ACTIVITY DEPENDENCEComplex research of musky preputial gland in muskrat males inhabiting under conditions of Baikal region ecosystem in relation to sexual activity decay period and stage in sexual rest was carried out. By the methods of classical histology and modern histochemistry in differential assessment of various carbohydrate components, we have revealed of muskrat males musky preputial glands and reproductive system is physiological interrelation. Key words: musky preputial glands, muskrat males, sexual activity, carbohydrate components, gland cells, excretory duct.
Torshkov A.A., Vishnjakov A.I. THE IMPACT OF THE "ALEKSANAT — ZOO" ON QUALITATIVE INDICATORS OF MEAT OF CHICKENS-BROILERSThe effect of "Aleksanat—ZOO", included in the ration of broiler chickens on quality indicators of their meat. It is set that application of "Aleksanat—ZOO" to fivea week's age assists the increase of maintenance of protein in meat of broilers, maintenance of tryptophane and hydroxy-proline rises, as compared to the analogues of control group. Thus and an albuminous-high-quality index in the experienced groups excels control values.Key words: chickens-broilers, chemical composition, meat, fat, protein, tryptophane, hydroxy-proline.
Arinzhanov A.E., Miroshnikova E.P., Kilyakova Yu.V., Miroshnikov A.M., THE USE OF EXTRUDED FEEDS WITH THE ADDITION OF METAL NANOPARTICLES IN FISH FEEDINGIn the course of the research assessed the biological value of extruded feeds with the addition of metal nanoparticles, revealed significant changes concentrations in the body of the carp of microelements and essential trace elements.Key words: fish feeding, nanoparticles, macrocells, microcells.
Ivanova N.A., Usacheva J.N. ABIOTIC AND BIOTIC FACTORS OF OIL CONTAMINATED SOILState of oil-contaminated soils has been analyzed via various methods of biological indication. A set of biological indication methods for evaluation of oil contaminated soil has been selected specially for Khanty-Mansy Autonomous Okrug. Biological parameters of the soil during recultivation and self-recovery were determined.Key words: Oil pollution of soils, evaluation of oil-contaminated soil bioindication methods, abiotic factors of the soil environment, soil respiration rate, the toxicity of soils by lysis of the colonies of Azotobacter, the ratio of oxygen to the microorganisms and the deamination of amino acids, the rate of decomposition of cellulose, protease, urease, catalase activity of soil.
Korotkov V.G., Popov V.P., Vasilevskaya S.P. APPLICATION OF THE VECTOR OPTIMIZATION FOR SYNTHESIS AN EXTRUTION TECHNOLOGY OF THE BIOTECHNOLOGY FACILITIESMulti-criteria methods (vector) optimization of the problem of the optimization of biotechnological process based on the processing of the semi products of plant raw material.Key words: the vector of optimization, synthesis technology, extrusion, biotechnology.
Kudryavtseva E.A., Salnikova E.V., Kuzmin S.N., Kustova A.S., Miroshnikov A.M. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF ZINC IN THE ECOSYSTEM IN THE ORENBURG REGIONThe article presents data on the content of zinc, copper and cadmium in the soil, water, and wheat in the hair of the population of the Orenburg region.Key words: environment, health, population, heavy metals, Orenburg region.
Kuramshin E.M., Bogatova O.V., Nurtdinova E.E., Nikolayeva S.V. STIMULATING FOOD SOURCE FOR BEE FAMILIES WITH A COMPLEX AMINO ACID AND PROBIOTIC PREPARATIONSThe defective food source leads to deficiency of aminoacids and it weakens a bee families. It is necessary to add in a forage of bees preparations filling deficiency of amino acids, vitamins, microcells, also, probiotics, forcing out rotten microflora after wintering. Key words: heavy metals, pollution, ecology, ekomonitoring, maximum concentration limit, morphology, biology.
Mikhaleva T.V., Popov V.P. ANALYSIS OF THE PROCESS OF MASS TRANSFER IN THE SPRAY DRYING OF FOOD PRODUCTS IN A VARIABLE FLOWThe results of studies on the влагоотдачи in active hydrodynamic modes of drying wet raw materials. Determined by the diffusion coefficients. Describes the processes of mass transfer when using variable-flow.Key words: spray drying, the equation of mass transfer, diffusion coefficient.
Rusanov A.M. BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF ORGANIC MATTER CHERNOZEMS PASTURE ECOSYSTEMS AS THE RECOVERY FACTOR OF THE STEPPE VEGETATIONStudied conditions, the recovery of the natural grassy vegetation on previously degraded pasture landscapes.Key words: pasture digression, humus state, the density of soil, dehumidification, the qualitative composition of organic matter chernozems.
Salnikova E.V. ZINC — ESSENTIAL TRACE ELEMENTS (REVIEW)It is known that zinc is an essential element of the human body and is vital for all forms of life. A number of researchers monitored the environment for the establishment of iodine and selenium status, asthe content of zinc in the environment and the human body in the Orenburg region has not been studied.Key words: ecology, trace elements (iodine, zinc, selenium), Orenburg region.
Tarasova T.F., Baytelova A.I., Chekmareva О.W. CONTENT OF HARMFUL IMPURITIES IN PRECIPITATION AND SOIL AREA "BUZULUK MECHANICAL PLANT"The analysis of samples of precipitation and soil area adjacent to the JSC "Buzuluksky Mechanical Plant", the content of impurities and ranking study area for ecological trouble in terms of chemical contamination of sediments and total index of soil contamination. It is established that the priority of the impurities is hydrogen — ions, sulfate ions, calcium ions. From the values of the total index of chemical pollution of soils, it was found that the area in the SPZ boundary south-east of "BMP" refers to an area where critical loads, while the rest of the territory adjacent to the JSC "BMP" — the territory of the relatively satisfactory situation.Key words: mechanical plants, hazard category the company, the rate of chemical contamination of sediments, the total index of chemical pollution of soil, environmental well-being.
Shchurin K.V., Tretyak L.N., Bondarenko E.V., Volnov A.S. WAYS REGULATORY IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY OF ROAD TRANSPORTRoad transport is the major source of pollutants, and monitoring of exhaust gases of internal combustion engines is a priority. Using existing standards to control emissions of harmful substances, it is impossible to give an objective assessment of environmental hazard, which causes one or the other car on the environment. A method for quantifying the composition of the exhaust gas engines, and mobile information-measuring system for the implementation of the gravimetric method for the determination of particulate matter (soot).
Yakubovich A.N., Yakubovich I.A., Rassokha V.I. CONCEPTUAL BASES OF MODELLING OF SELF-RESTORATION OF ECOSYSTEMS OF THE EXTREME THE NORTHEAST OF RUSSIA, BROKEN AT CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY HIGHWAYS Results of the analysis of the major climatic factors predetermining rates of self-restoration of vegetation after the completion of operation of temporary highways in the conditions of the Extreme Northeast of Russia are given. Possibilities of an objective assessment of the ecological damage put to the territory at a construction on it of temporary highways, at the expense of imitating modeling are presented.Key words: temporary highway, climatic factors, ecosystem self-restoration, гомеостазис, imitating modeling.
Yakunin N.N., Filatov M.I., Dryuchin D.A. EKOLOLOGICHESKAYA'S INCREASE OF SAFETY OF MOTOR TRANSPORT AT THE EXPENSE OF PROCESSING NFTEOTKHODOVNeed of development of rules of the address with a petrowaste for the Orenburg region is defined. The analysis of standard and legal documents operating at federal level and at level of subjects of federation is carried out. The short description of basic provisions of these documents is given. The analysis of existing methods of processing and utilization of a petrowaste is carried out. Their merits and demerits are defined.Key words: ecological program, petrowaste, secondary raw materials, environmental protection, regeneration of oils, operation of cars.



Sergey Aleksandrovich

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