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№ 5 (141), 2012

Historical sciences

Lyubichankovskiy S.V. HISTORY OF LOCAL MANAGEMENT OF THE ORENBURG REGION IN THE PRE-REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD: THE MAIN GOALS OF A MODERN HISTORIOGRAPHYIn article the analysis of a modern historiography of local management of the Orenburg region during the pre-revolutionary period is given. Strengthening of researchers' attention to this problematics is shown. The conclusion is drawn on absence of an integrated picture of regional local management' history and ways of the decision of this problem are offered.Key words: local management, a historiography, the Orenburg region, historical research.
Zlobin Y.P. ACTUAL ISSUES IN HISTORY OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES OF ORENBURG REGIONThis article describes the process of studying the history of the formation and activities of law enforcement agencies of Orenburg region in modern historiography. Defined undoubted achievements and identified actual problems existing in the regional science of history.Key words: law enforcement authorities, Orenburg region, history of the study, actual issues.
Safonov D.A. ACTUAL ISSUES IN THE HISTORY OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT OF ORENBURG REGION (BEFORE 1917)The article examines the state of knowledge of the problem of socio-political development in the South Ural region before 1917, marked by controversial historiographical issues, challenges and achievements. Identified new directions of research, possible and recommended in the future.Key words: historiography, liberation movement, political activity, political parties, workers and peasants movement.
Bannikova E.V. ACTUAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL HISTORY OF ORENBURG REGIONThe article analyzes the main challenges facing of the social history as a separate area of historical research. Revealed the most studied and least-developed themes and periods of social history of Orenburg region. A survey of works devoted to various aspects of this area of historical scholarship of the Orenburg region.Key words: social history, social movements, history of mentalities, history of daily life, demography, gender history.
Bolodurin V.S. HISTORY OF THE FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION IN THE ORENBURG REGION (XVIII-XXI CENTURIES)This article provided an overview of the history of studying of the formation and development of education in Orenburg region, described the achievements of Orenburg scientists. Highlighted a number of unresolved actual problems.Key words: history, education, Orenburg region.
Savitsky G.V. DEVELOPMENT OF SANITARY-AND-HYGENIC TRENDS IN ORENBURG TERRITORY IN XIX AND EARLY XX CENTURY: HISTORICOGRAPHIC ASPECTThe paper covers the history of establishing sanitary-and-hygienic trends in Russia in XIX and in early XX centuries. The process of sanitary-hygienic service formation has been shown in Russia and on the Orenburg territory. Role of Zemstvo and communities in the development of sanitary occupation has been described. Historic graphic review has been given. Less investigated aspects have been revealed.Key words: sanitary-and-hygienic service, sanitation, hygiene, Zemstvo, Orenburg territory, historiography.
Kamskova T.А. ACTUAL ISSUES IN CULTURAL HISTORY OF ORENBURG REGIONThe article discusses the basic problems of cultural history of Orenburg region, which became the subject of investigation in the 90s of XX — the first decade of XXI centuries. Presented general literature on the subject. Based on the analysis identified actual objectives of development of regional cultural history.Key words: history of culture, regional culture, historical-cultural approach to the study, branchs of culture.
Zlobin Y.P. ACTUAL ISSUES IN HISTORY OF THE INDUSTRY OF ORENBURG REGIONThis article describes the process of studying the history of industrial production in the Orenburg province and Orenburg region in modern historiography. Summarized the results of the development of this subject and identified actual problems existing in the science of history. It is concluded that there is no general pattern of industrial development in the region and suggested the main directions of further research this topic.Key words: industry, Orenburg province, Orenburg region, history of the study, actual issues.
Khisamutdinova R.R. ACTUAL ISSUES IN AGRARIAN HISTORY OF ORENBURG REGIONThe article deals with actual problems of agrarian development of the Orenburg region in the pre-revolutionary, Soviet and contemporary historiography (XIX — XXI centuries): socio-economic situation of peasant households, state and development of agriculture in the years of NEP, of Great Patriotic War, of postwar recovery, from the reign of N.S. Khrushchev in the 1980s.Key words: actual issues, agrarian history, agriculture, the Soviet and modern historiography.
Semenov V.G. MILITARY HISTORY OF THE ORENBURG REGION IN THE PREREVOLUTIONARY PERIOD: PROBLEMS OF THE MODERN HISTORIOGRAPHYIn article the analysis of a modern historiography of military history of the Orenburg region in the pre-revolutionary period is given. Strengthening attention of researchers to a problem of the Orenburg Cossacks is shown. Absence of historical researches concerning other military units created at the Orenburg region is noted. The conclusion is drawn on need of complex research of military history and solutions of this problem are offered.Key words: military construction, historiography, separate Orenburg corps, Kazan military district, historical research.
Fedorova A.V. FRONT REPLENISHMENT BY HUMAN RESOURCES IN THE SOUTHERN URALS IN DAYS OF THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR: HISTORIOGRAPHIC ASPECTThe article deals with the literature analyses of 60 — 80th years of XX century about military-organizing activities of the South Ural Councils during the Great Patriotic War.Key words: Great Patriotic War, Councils, mobilization.
Futoryansky L.I. HISTORIOGRAPHY OF THE COSSACKS OF XX — EARLY XXI CENTURYThis article provides an overview of the brightest and most significant publications on the history of the Cossacks, issued at the end of XX — early XXI centuries. On the basis of analysis of historiography the author concludes that the least studied are the characteristics of material and spiritual culture of the Cossacks, and, above all, their customs, manners and housing.Key words: historiography, the Cossacks, the Civil War, World War II.
Amelin V.V. HISTORY OF ETNIC COMMUNITIES OF ORENBURG REGION: PROBLEMS OF MODERN HISTORIOGRAPHYThe article deals with problems of the modern historiography of the history of the ethnic communities of Orenburg region. The analysis indicates a growing interest of scientists in this subject. It is concluded that a number of studies are amateur, rather than professional historical.Key words: ethnic group, historiography, history, ethnography.
Polyakov A.N. THE METHOD AND SOME RESULTS OF THE STUDY OF ANCIENT RUS' AS A SPECIAL CIVILIZATION The article discusses the author's method of the study of Ancient Rus' as a special civilization, different from its medieval Western European. To substantiate this hypothesis, identified the distinctive terms and conditions of the formation of Ancient Rus' civilization, features of its social and economic structure, political system, values.Key words: method, history, Ancient Rus', civilization, society of polis type, veche monarchy.
Ovseyko V.P. CHARITABLE ACTIVITIES OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH IN THE ORENBURG DIOCESE DURING THE WORLD WAR IThe article analyzes the main trends of charitable activities of the Russian Orthodox Church during the World War I on the territory of the Orenburg diocese. The author concludes that, despite the crisis in the life of the church in the early XX century the clergy willingly responded to the state call for help in difficult conditions for himself.Key words: World War I, charity, Russian Orthodox Church, social work, Orenburg diocese.
Shakirova E.Z., Bannova V.I. STATE POLICY TOWARDS THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH IN SOUTHERN URAL AND MIDDLE VOLGA IN THE SECOND HALF OF XX CENTURYThis article focuses on the implementation of state policy towards the Russian Orthodox Church, which has gone from power politics to the containment policy and concerted actions in the post-perestroika period. Particular attention is given to periods of strained relations, when the pressure of the authorities was particularly noticeable and put it in the tightening of the religious laws, in the conducting of aggressive offensive atheist propaganda, in the unjustified administering of believers.Key words: state policy, Russian Orthodox Church, believers, anti-religious propaganda, atheistic work.
Efimenko M.N. ACTUAL ISSUES IN THE HISTORY OF RELIGIONS OF ORENBURG REGIONThe author analyzes the main trends of regional historiography for the study of the history of the Diocese of Orenburg and the fundamental problems in the history of Orthodoxy in the South Urals. She examines the features of research approaches and subject areas of regional historians at various stages of the regional historical scholarship on the study of Orthodoxy in the South Urals. She highlights the main trends in the modern history of the Church and the least-studied problem.Key words: history, historiography, Orenburg diocese, Orthodoxy, religion.
Yagudina O.V. ROLE OF OLD BELIEF FACTOR IN SOCIO-RELIGIOUS LIFE OF ORENBURG AND URAL COSSACKS (SECOND HALF OF XIX — EARLY XX CENTURY)The article analyzes the role of Old Believers in the socio-religious life of the Ural and Orenburg Cossack armies in pre-revolutionary period. In addition, the question about the influence of Old Believers in the life of the region through participation in local government is interesting.Key words: Cossacks, Old Believers, socio-religious life, missionary work, Old Belief, Ural Cossack army, Orenburg Cossack army.
Kamzina A.D. THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH MISSION AMONG THE OLD BELIEF AS AN OBJECT OF RUSSIAN HISTORYThe article is devoted to the problem of the Russian Orthodox mission among the Old Believers as it describes in Russian historical literature. The author pays much attention to the regional researches' works. The article determines the historiographic stages of development of this problem and its peculiarities.Key words: mission, the Old Belief, historiography.
Akhtyamov K.Sh. ABOUT SOME PROBLEMS OF THE FORMATION OF ISLAM IN VOLGA AREAThe article deals with actual problems of Islamization of the Volga area on the example of territories included in the present time in the Volga Federal District. Shown the importance of process and its influence on the formation of new traditions. When writing used archival documents that allow to highlight some previously unknown issues.Key words: Islamism, Volga Bulgarija, Orenburg province, Islamic factor.
Denisov D.N. REQUIREMENTS FOR CANDIDATES FOR THE POST OF MUSLIM CLERICS IN THE DISTRICT OF OMSA (END OF XVIII — EARLY XX CENTURY)In article on the basis of analysis of legislation and law enforcement of the Russian Empire are considered state requirements for candidates for the post of Muslim clerics in the district of OMSA, which were formed and operated during the late XVIII — early XX centuries.Key words: Islam, Muslim clergy, mullah, muezzin, OMSA, Russian Empire.
Smirnova N.A. ORTHODOX TRADITION OF STUDYING OF HISTORY OF EUROPEAN REFORMATION AND PROTESTANTISMThe article deals with problems of the modern historiography of Reformation and the feasibility of reference to the works of Orthodox researchers of the XIX century. On examples of works of V. Sokolov, V. Mikhaylovsky, Сh. Retivtsev and others author argues the research and worldview importance of Orthodox tradition of studying of the history of the European Reformation and Protestantism — especially Anglicanism.Key words: Reformation, Protestantism, Anglicanism, Orthodox historical tradition, modern historiography, religious and church history of Europe.
Kim G.P. FORMATION OF THE KOREAN DIASPORA IN A POLYETHNIC ORENBURG REGIONMultiethnicity level in Russia is not only a historical feature, but also an important marker of ethnic and cultural and multi-confessional diversity. The initial stage of formation of Korean diaspora Orenburg region, as reflected in the documents of the State Archives of the Orenburg region, allows to conclude that state regula-tion of this process indicates pre-revolutionary periodKey words: Korean Diaspora, polyethnicity, migration, Russian citizenship, Orthodoxy, Orenburg province, composition of the population, identity, Far East.
Morgunov K.A. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEM OF NATIONAL REPRESENTATION IN THE SOVIET AND PARTY BODIES OF POWER IN THE POST-WAR YEARS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE BASHKIR ASSR AND CHKALOVSK REGION)The article considers the ratio of national representation in Soviet authorities, as well as in the party structures of the Bashkir ASSR and Chkalovsk region in the second half of the 1940s. Reflect specific features of accounting of the ethnic factor in the process of forming government and party structures.Key words: national policy, national representation, indigenization, ethnicity.
Moskvin I.U. THE DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIAN NATIONAL-CULTURAL ASSOCIATIONS ON SOUTH URAL'S DURING THE POST-SOVIET PERIODThe article is about formation and development of Russian national-cultural associations on south Ural's during the post-soviet period. The formation of Russian national-cultural associations of Orenburg. Chelyabinsk regions and the Bashkiria is analyzed. The characteristic of their activity is given. Key words: national-cultural association, Russian ethnos, ethnocultural development.
Deryabina S.R. NATIONAL-CULTURAL AUTONOMY AS A FORM OF ETHNIC SELF-ORGANISATION: THE LEGAL BASIS AND PRACTICE OF THE ORENBURG REGIONNational-cultural autonomy (NCA) — one of the forms of ethno-national consolidation of the individual ethnic groups, which are national minorities in a particular area. It gives the possibility to provide the specific cultural needs of these population groups. The author considers general principles of formation of the NCA, as well as their role in meeting the ethno-cultural demands of the multinational population of the Orenburg region.Key words: national-cultural autonomy, ethnic interests, ethnic communities, activities of the NCA.
Tugay T.I. REPRESENTATIVES OF ORENBURG PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION AND OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES IN THE STUDY OF KAZAKHSTAN AND CENTRAL ASIA (SECOND HALF OF XIX — EARLY XX CENTURY)The article is devoted to the study of Kazakhstan and Turkestan by military and civilian officials of the provincial administration. Considered the local historical activities of scientific societies of Orenburg. Presented an overview of historiographical studies of ethnographic, natural scientifical, historical, topographical character. Distinguished humanities tendency of practical Oriental studies.Key words: governor-generalship, officials, scientists, Orenburg Scientific Archival Commission, Orenburg Division of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, Oriental studies, regional studies.
Goloktionova A.A. INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY OF SOVIET TRADE UNIONS IN 1966-1970 (ON THE MATERIALS OF SOUTHERN URAL)The article analyzes the trade-unions activity at the enterprises of metallurgy and machine building industries of the South Urals. Considered the production function of trade unions, the merger of public organization and Party organs of the USSR, the experience of trade unions activity on the implementation of Eighth Five-Year Plan.Key words: production function, trade unions, socialist competition, mass production work.
Ivanova A.G. ELECTIONS IN THE PERIOD OF PARLIAMENTARY OPPOSITION STRENGTHENING (1996-2000): REGIONAL ASPECTThe results of the first regional parliamentary elections in the Southern Urals amid the formation of the local party-political system have been analysed. The regional aspect of the elections under the conditions of parliamentary opposition strengthening has been studied.Key words: political party, multiparty system, electoral campaign, elections, electorate.
Koksharov A.D. FEATURES OF HELMET OF "BURGINOT" (FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE ORENBURG REGIONAL HISTORY MUSEUM)During the conservation work on a solid-forged burginot of Austrian type identified a design feature — its crown and cheek armor are made from two layers of metal by tapping. The reason of two-layered material choice is ascertained: it is the reducing of energy and labor-intensiveness. The application of two layers of steel reduced energy consumption for also piercing of a helmet under conditions of battle. The most probable variations of various aspects related to Western European helmet in the Southern Urals in the XVII–XVIII centuries are ascertained.Key words: burginot, helmet, armor, forged, knockout, service class people.
Magomedov R.R., Shmakova N.N. POPULATION OF SOUTHERN URAL IN BEGINNING OF THE FIRST WORLD WARThe article reveals the attitude of the population of the Southern Urals to the beginning of the World War I. The author shows attitude to the war of various social and political forces in the region. The article concludes that at the beginning of World War I in the South Urals there was an increase of the patriotic and national sentiments in favor of supporting government policies.Key words: World War I, Southern Urals, mobilization, patriotism, political parties, political mood.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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