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2012, № 5 (141)

Savitsky G.V. DEVELOPMENT OF SANITARY-AND-HYGENIC TRENDS IN ORENBURG TERRITORY IN XIX AND EARLY XX CENTURY: HISTORICOGRAPHIC ASPECTThe paper covers the history of establishing sanitary-and-hygienic trends in Russia in XIX and in early XX centuries. The process of sanitary-hygienic service formation has been shown in Russia and on the Orenburg territory. Role of Zemstvo and communities in the development of sanitary occupation has been described. Historic graphic review has been given. Less investigated aspects have been revealed.Key words: sanitary-and-hygienic service, sanitation, hygiene, Zemstvo, Orenburg territory, historiography.


1. Khromchenko O.M., Kutsenko G.I. Sanitary-and-epidemic service. — M.: Medicine, 1990. — 272 p.

2. Levit, M.M. Formation of public medicine in Russia. — M.: Medicine, 1974. — 231 p.

3. Mirskii, M.B. Medicine in Russia in 10-20 centuries: Essays on history. — M.: Russian political encyclopedia (ROSSPEN), 2005. — 632 p.

4. Weber, L.G. Organization of sanitary-and-epidemic service in USSR. — M.: Medicine, 1968. — 251 p.

5. Belyaev, E.N. Role of sanitary-and-epidemic service in proving sanitary-and-epidemiological wellness for the population of Russian Federation. — M.: Publishing Information Centre for State Committee of Sanitary-and Epidemiological Supervision of Russian Federation, 1996. — 416 p.

6. Nichugovskaya A.I., Kostova T.V. History of public health service and medicine in the Orenburg province. — Orenburg: Publishing House "Childhood", 2010. — 160 p.

7. Review of the Orenburg province dated 1892. Supplement to all-citizenship report of Orenburg governor. — Orenburg: Printing-House of Province administration, 1893. — 52 p., 8 records.

8. Report on activity of Orenburg municipal sanitary doctor in 1907. — Orenburg: Dvorzhets' steam typo-lithograph, 1908. — 38 p.

9. Report on activity of Orenburg sanitary-and-charitable trusteeships in 1907, i.e. for the first 10 months of their existence. — Orenburg: Dvorzhets' steam typo-lithograph, 1908. — 126 p.

10. Report on activity of the Orenburg committee for folk help, established on the occasion of fire devastation of Orenburg town in 1879. — Orenburg: Orenburg Provincial Publishing House, 1880. — 43 p.

11. Medico-sanitary chronicles: information on mobility of the population of the Orenburg Provincial in January 1914. — Orenburg: [without publishing house], 1914. — 25 p.

12. Pupyryov, S. Description of epidemic disease called cholera appeared in 1829, in an early autumn in Orenburg and the Orenburg district, with composition of its ways of treatment, made by doctor of the first department Pupyryov. — [without location]: [without publishing house], [without date]. — 30 p.

13. Composition of acts and observations relating with cholera that was at the end of 1829 and at the beginning of 1830 in the Orenburg Province. — SPb.: Publishing House of Medical Counsel, 1836. — 298 p.

14. Popov, A.V. Cholera of 1829 — 33 in the Orenburg District // Proceedings of the Orenburg Learned Archives Commission. — Orenburg: Electro-steam typo-lithograph company "Karimov, Husainov and Co", 1910. — Issue 21. — 361 p.

15. Pavlovskaya, L. Choleric years in Russia: historical essay. — SPb.: K.L.Rikker's Publishing House, 1893. — 92 p.

16. Hubert, V.O. Smallpox and its inoculation. Historical essay up to 19-th century. — SPb.: P.P. Soykin's Publishing House, 1896. — 536 p.

17. Kenigsberg M.M. Experience of medico-topographic investigation of Orenburg: dissertation for a degree of MD of M.M. Kenigsberg. — SPb.: Semyonovskaya typo-lithograph, 1886. — 202 p.;

18. Kenigsberg, M.M. Sanitary condition of the Orenburg province according to the data of a natural motion of the population for a period of 3 years, i.e. between 1897 and 1899. — Orenburg: Provincial typo-lithograph, 1901. — 114 p.

19. Kenigsberg, M.M.. Elements of natural motion of the population of Orenburg province according to data between 1902 and 1906 and to mean data for 10 years, i.e. between 1897 and 1906. — Orenburg: Breslin's typo-lith., 1911. — 41 p.

20. Khlopin, G.V. Ural fiscal factories and mines in medico-sanitary relation. Report on business trip. — Petrograd: P.P. Soikin's Publishing House, 1916. — 109 p.

21. Vyatlovskiy, E.V. Information upon the sanitary position of Russian peasantry. — Kharkov: Printing-House of Regional administration, 1887. — 313 p.

22. Dementyev, E.M. Medical Assistance to Factory Workers. — SPb.: Printing-House of V.F. Kirshbaum, 1899. — 76 p.

23. Kanel, V.L. Factory Medicine and Bureaucratism. — M.: Bell, 1906. — 47 p.

24. Pogozhev, A.I. Historical bases of the sanitary reforms in Russia. — M.: Printing-House of E. Arngold, 1891. — 17 p.

25. Nechaev, N.N. Upon the statute project of medical institutions of the civilian communities // Russian thought. — 1892. — Book VII.

26. Freiberg, Z.G. Medical — sanitary legislation in Russia. — SPb.: Practice Medicine, 1914. — 169 p.

27. Molleson, I.I. Russian territorial medicine. — Kazan, 1871.

28. Zhbankov, D.I. Social Medicine in Russia. Report on the XII International Congress of Doctors // Medical Conversation. — 1897. — №18.

29. Zhbankov, D.I. Results of territorial medicine // The Doctor. — 1894. — №18.

30. Veselovskiy, B.B. The 40-year history of District Council: in 4 volumes. Vol. 1. Budget, medicine, public assistance, public education, a systematic index of literature on the Zemstvo issues. — SPb.: Edition of O.N. Popova, 1909. — 592 p.

31. Semashko, N.A. Selected Works / under the edition of P.I. Kaliyu. — 2nd edition. — M.: Medicine, 1967. — 397 p.

32. Solovyev, Z.P. Questions of Social Hygiene and Public Health Service. Selected Works — M.: Medicine, 1970. — 528 p.

33. Batkis G.A., Lekars L.G. Social Hygiene and organization of Public Health Service. — M.: Medicine, 1969. — 599 p.

34. Skorokhodov, L.Y. Short Essay on the History of Russian Medicine. — L.: Practice Medicine, 1926. — 262 p.

35. Vasilyev K.G., Segal A.E. History of Epidemics in Russia. Materials and Essays. — M.: Medgis, 1960. — 398 p.

36. Pokrovskiy V.I., Onischenko G.G., Cherkasskiy B.L. Evolution of Infectious Diseases in Russia in the XX century. — M.: Medicine, 2003. — 664 p.

37. Zabolotniy, D.K. Selected Works: in 2 volumes. — Kiev: Editor AN USSR, 1956. — V.1: Plague. — 285 p.

38. Zabolotniy, D.K. Selected Works: in 2 volumes. — Kiev: Editor AN USSR, 1956. — V.2: Cholera, Syphilis, Epidemiologic and other works. — 318 p.

39. Blinkin, S.A. Combating Infections. On the Heroic Achievements of everyday life of scientists and doctors. — M.: Medicine, 1971. — 168 p.

40. Tudor V., Strati I. Smallpox. Cholera. — Bucharest: Military publishing house, 1981. — 360 p.

41. Lomovskiy, A.M. History of Public Health in pre-revolutionary Russia (after-reformation period): author's thesis of candidate of medical sciences. — M., 1947.

42. Kanevskiy L.O., Lotova E.I., Idelchik Kh. I. The main features of medical development in Russia in the period of capitalism (1861 — 1917). — M.: Medgis, 1956. — 194 p.

43. Petrov, B.D. Essays on the History of National. — M.: Medgis, 1962. — 302 p.

44. Karpov L.N. Territorial Sanitary Organization in Russia. — L.: Medicine, 1964. — 122 p.

45. Kuzmin, V.Y. Power, Society and Territorial Medicine (1864 — 1917). — Samara: Publishing Office of Samara University, 2003. — 392 p.

46. Pristanskova, N.I. Legislative Regulation of Medical — sanitary Service in the Russian Empire: XIX — beginning of XX cent.: author's thesis of candidate of juridical sciences. — SPb., 2007. — 21 p.

47. Zakharyan, A.G. Russian state activity upon the development of the public health management system in 18th — beginning of 20th centuries: author's thesis of candidate of historical sciences. — M., 2008. — 26 p.

48. Markuzon, F.D. Essays upon the Sanitary Statistics in pre-revolutionary Russia and in the USSR. — M.: Gosstatizdat, 1961. — 131 p.

49. Essays upon the national Sanitary Statistics / under the ed. of prof. A.M. Merkova. — M.: Medicine, 1966. — 287 p.

50. Shestova, T.Y. The History of the Public Health Service of Perm and Orenburg provinces in pre-reformation period. — Perm: Publishing Office of Perm University, 2000. — 284 p.

51. Shestova, T.Y. Public Health Service Development of the Ural provinces (Perm, Vyatka, Orenburg provinces) 1864 — 1900. — Perm: Publishing Office of Perm University, 2003. — 376 p.

52. Krasyuk A.Е., Lebedeva I.V. Establishment of community medicine in the Orenburg region // Researches and Researchers of Orenburg territory 18th — beginning of 20th centuries. — Sverdlovsk: UNC AN USSR, 1983. — P. 131 — 133.

53. From the history of the sanitary and epidemiological service in Orenburg (to the 50th anniversary of sanitary and epidemiological station — sanitary and epidemiological centre in Orenburg) / under the ed. of E.L. Borschuk. — Orenburg: [without publishing house], 1998 — 75 p.

54. Scherstnev, V.M. Desinfection Service: yesterday and nowadays. — Orenburg: Publishing House "Dimur", 2011. — 136 p.

55. Zheltova V.I., Lyaschenko I.E. Unknown Activity of the military governor P.K. Essen on the prevention of infectious diseases in Orenburg territory // War. Culture, Victory. Materials of Ural Scientific Forum. — Chelyabinsk: Ch.State Academy of Arts and Culture, 2005. — P. 153 — 157.

56. Zheltova V.I., Lyaschenko I.E., Skachkov M.V. From the history of combating cholera in the Orenburg region (to the 175th anniversary of the first cholera epidemic in Orenburg) // Epidemiology and Vaccinal prevention. — 2005. — №1 (20). — P. 59 — 60.

57. Zheltova V.I., Lyaschenko I.E., Savitsky G.V. The first monographs on cholera in the Orenburg region as an informational source of food policy administration (1829 — 1833) // Agricultural Development and Food Policy of Russia in the 18th — beginning of the 20th centuries: problems of the sources and historiography: collector of articles. — Orenburg: Publishing House of Orenburg State Pedagogic University, 2007. — P. 492 — 495.

58. Nichugovskaya A.I., Kostova T.V. The History of the Public Health Service and Medicine of Orenburg province. — Orenburg: Detstvo, 2010. — 160 p.

About this article

Author: Savitskiy G.V.

Year: 2012

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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