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2012, № 5 (141)

Amelin V.V. HISTORY OF ETNIC COMMUNITIES OF ORENBURG REGION: PROBLEMS OF MODERN HISTORIOGRAPHYThe article deals with problems of the modern historiography of the history of the ethnic communities of Orenburg region. The analysis indicates a growing interest of scientists in this subject. It is concluded that a number of studies are amateur, rather than professional historical.Key words: ethnic group, historiography, history, ethnography.


1. Pallas, P.S. Travel in various provinces of the Russian Empire. — St. Petersburg.: At the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1785–1787. — 571 p.

2. Rychkov, P.I. Orenburg topography. — St. Petersburg.: At the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1762. — 593 p.

3. Cheremshansky, V.M. Description of the Orenburg province in economic, statistical, ethnographic and industrial relations. — Ufa: Printing of Orenburg provincial administration, 1859. — 472 p.

4. The main results of All-Russian population census in 2010 in Orenburg region (the ethnic composition and knowledge of languages, citizenship). Express information. / Federal State Statistics Service. Territorial administration of Federal Service of the Orenburg region. — Orenburg, 2011. — 11 p.

5. The Kazakhs of the South Urals: history and modernity: Cоll. materials of the regional scientific conference devoted to 150th anniversary of the birth of A. Kunanbaev (April 1, 1995) / Scien. ed. and comp. A.V. Fedorova. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1996. — 107 p. — (Series "Multinational world of Orenburg region", Iss. 1).

6. Orenburg region and Poland: problems of history and culture: Materials of the regional scientific conference devoted to the Days of Polish culture in Orenburg region (18–20 April 1996) / Scien. ed. and com. A.V. Fedorova. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1996. — 153 p. — (Series "Multinational world of Orenburg region", Iss. 3).

7. Tatars in the Orenburg region. Scientific-practical conference: Abstracts. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1996. — 224 p. — (Series "Multinational world of Orenburg region", Iss. 4).

8. Ukrainians in the Orenburg region: Materials of scientific-practical conference on the 150th anniversary of T.G. Shevchenko's stay in the Orenburg region / Ed. board: V.V. Amelin (resp. ed.) and others. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1997. — 180 p. — (Series "Multinational world of Orenburg region", Iss. 6).

9. Germans of Orenburg region: past, present and future: Coll. art. / Comp. V.V. Amelin. — M., 1998. — 167 p.

10. Orenburg Mordovians: Ethnic history and spiritual culture: Mat. region. scientific-practical conference, devoted to 100th anniversary of D. Morskoy. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1998. — 156 p. — (Series "Multinational world of Orenburg region", Iss. 8).

11. Jews in the Orenburg region: Mat. scientific-practical conference. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1998. — 96 p. — (Series "Multinational world of Orenburg region", Iss. 9).

12. Chuvash in the Orenburg region: Mat. scientific-practical conference, devoted to 150th anniversary of Chuvash educator I.Y. Yakovlev / Ed. V.V. Amelin. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1998. — 83 p. — (Series "Multinational world of Orenburg region", Iss. 10).

13. Armenians in the Orenburg region: past and present: Mat. scientific-practical conference. — Orenburg: Publ. сenter of OGAU, 2001. — 130 p.

14. Russian nation and Russian idea: history and modernity: Mat. interregion. scientific-practical conference: [in 2 parts] / Ed. board: V.V. Amelin (resp. ed.) and others. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1996. — Part 1. — 205 p. — (Series "Multinational world of Orenburg region", Iss. 5).

15. Belorussians in the Orenburg region: problems, contradictions, experience: Mat. scientific-practical conference, April 6. 2001. — Orenburg: Publ. сenter of OGAU, 2011. — 208 p. — (Series "Multinational world of Orenburg region", Iss. 13).

16. Ethnic history and spiritual culture of the Ukrainians of Orenburg region: status and prospects of development. Mat. scientific-practical conference / Ed. V. V. Amelin. — Orenburg: OGAU, 2004. — 152 p.

17. The problems of ethnic history and culture of Russian Koreans. Mat. region. scientific-practical conference / Ed. V.V. Amelin. — Orenburg: OGAU, 2005. — 100 p.

18. The Germans and the Orenburg region. Coll. art. and theses / Ed. A.V. Fedorova. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1994. — 60 p.

19. Orenburg Germans: ethnic history and spiritual culture. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1998. — 183 p.

20. The Germans of Russia at the turn of the century: history, current status, perspectives / Ed. V.V. Amelin. — Orenburg: Publ. сenter of OGAU, 2000. — 345 p.

21. Tyulyulyukin, E.F. Russian Germans in the history of Orenburg region (the end of XIX–XX centuries.). — Orenburg: Press, 2006. — 144 p.

22. From the history of Orenburg Germans. — Collection of documents (1817–1974) / V.V. Amelin. — Orenburg — Moscow: Gothic, 2000. — 288 p.

23. History of the Germans of Orenburg region in the documents. — Orenburg: Publ. сenter of OGAU, 2006. — 22 p.

24. Rakhimkulova, M.F. Madrasah "Hussainiya" in Orenburg. — Orenburg: Jana Vakyt, 1997. — 251 p.

25. Iskandarov, R.Sh. Orenburg Tatars: historical encyclopedic essay. — Kazan: Tatar. book publ., 2009. — 271 p.

26. Zobov, Y.S. The initial stage of formation of the Tatar population of Orenburg region (40–50s. of XVIII century) // Tatars in the Orenburg region. scientific-practical conference: abstracts. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1996. — Pp. 4-6.

27. Denisov, D.N. Stages of Tatar settling of Orenburg region // Reg. scientific-practical conference of young scientists and specialists of the Orenburg region: Coll. mat. — Orenburg: RIC OGU, 2004. — P. 61–64.

28. Denisov, D.N. Orenburg Tatars as the ethno-cultural community // Ethnocultural diversity of the peoples of Russia as a factor of stability in society: Mat. interregion. scientific-practical conference. — Orenburg: Publ. сenter of OGAU, 2004. — P. 95–99.

29. Bakirova, A.M. Tatar education in the Orenburg province of in the end of XIX — the first quarter of XX centuries. abstract of thesis... cand. hist. — Orenburg, 2004. — 29 p.

30. Kosach, G.G. City at the junction of two continents. Orenburg Tatar minority and the state. — M., 1998. — 148 p.

31. Denisov, D.N. History of settlement and ethno-cultural development of the Tatars of Orenburg region (XVIII — early XX centuries). — Orenburg: Publ. сenter of OGAU, 2006. — 190 p.

32. Denisov, D.N. Tatars // We — Orenburg people. Historical and ethnographic essays / Coll. author. Ed. V.V. Amelin. — Orenburg: IPK "South Ural", 2007. — P. 44–72.

33. Denisov, D.N. Orenburg Tatar in XVIII — early XX centuries: history of settlement, material and spiritual culture. — Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011. — 188 p.

34. From the history of the Tatars of Orenburg region (to 260-anniversary of Tatar Kargala): Coll. mat. region. scientific-practical conference. — Orenburg: Publ. сenter of OGAU, 2008. — 200 p.

35. History and ethnic culture of Tatars of Orenburg region (on the 150-th anniversary of the birth of M. Jalil, the 120th anniversary of the birth of M. Faizi and the 125th anniversary of the birth of G. Tukai): Mat. interregion. scientific-practical conference. — Orenburg: Publ. сenter of OGAU, 2011. — 296 p.

36. Zobov, Y.S. Resettlement of Ukrainians in the Orenburg region in XVIII –XIX centuries // Ukrainians in the Orenburg region: Materials of scientific-practical conference on the 150th anniversary of T. G. Shevchenko's stay in the Orenburg region / Ed. board: V.V. Amelin (resp. ed.) and others. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1997. — P. 11–16.

37. Zobov, Y.S. In search of land and a better life: The resettlement of Ukrainians in the Orenburg region in XVIII — XIX centuries // Southern Urals. — 1998. — June 26.

38. Zobov, Y.S. The Mayor of Orenburg and ethnographer N. A. Sereda // The steppes remember singer of Ukraine: Mat. scientific-practical conference, devoted to the 185th anniversary of the birth of T.G. Shevchenko / Ed. board.: V.V. Amelin and others. — Orenburg, 2000. — P. 96–102.

39. Zobov, Y.S. Ukrainians // Ethnocultural mosaic of Orenburg region (scientific articles, essays, statistics) / Ch. Ed. V.V. Amelin. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1999. — P. 57–66.

40. Bakanov, V.P. History of the Orenburg Cossacks. — Magnitogorsk: Magnitogorsk magazine "Tale", 1993. — 143 p.

41. Mashin, M.D. Orenburg Cossack army. — 2nd ed., rev. — Chelyabinsk, 2000. — 191 p.

42. Zobov, Y.S. Issues of the settlement of the Orenburg region in the works of pre-revolutionary historians // Research and researchers of the Orenburg Region XVIII — early XX centuries: Mat. region. scientific conference. — Sverdlovsk: UNC AN USSR, 1983. — P. 38–41.

43. Zobov, Y.S. Peasant colonization: The settlemen of the Orenburg region in the XVIII — beginning of XX century // Gostniy Dvor. — 1995. — №3. — P. 224–233.

44. Zobov, Y.S. Government policy on regulation of peasant resettlement in the Southern Urals in the first third of the XIX century // Reforms and reformers in Russia: past and present: Mat. interunivers. scientific-practical conference. — Orenburg, 1997. — P. 44–49.

45. The history of settlement, daily life, customs and traditions of Ukrainian immigrants in Orenburg region / Comp. T.Y. Skopintseva. — Orenburg: Agency "Press", 1997. — 54 p.

46. The steppes remember singer of Ukraine: Mat. scientific-practical conference, devoted to the 185th anniversary of the birth of T.G. Shevchenko / Ed. board.: V.V. Amelin and others. — Orenburg, 2000. — 112 p. — (Series "Multinational world of Orenburg region", Iss. 12.)

47. Ethnic history and spiritual culture of the Ukrainians of the Orenburg region: status and prospects for development. Mat. interregion. scientific-practical conference. — Orenburg: OGAU, 2004. — 152 p.

48. Kobzar and Orenburg region: Mat. region. scientific-practical conference, devoted to the 192-th anniversary of T.G. Shevchenko / Ed. V.V. Amelin. — Orenburg: OGAU, 2006. — 100 p.

49. Fedorova, A.V. Ukrainians in the context of the history of Orenburg // Ukrainians in the Orenburg region: Materials of scientific-practical conference on the 150th anniversary of T.G. Shevchenko's stay in the Orenburg region / Ed. board: V.V. Amelin (resp. ed.) and others. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1997. — P. 32–38.

50. Fedorova A.V., Dudko Y.A. Ukrainian theaters in the South Urals // The steppes remember singer of Ukraine: Mat. scientific-practical conference, devoted to the 185th anniversary of the birth of T.G. Shevchenko / Ed. board.: V.V. Amelin and others. — Orenburg, 2000. — P. 57–59.

51. Fedorova A.V., Romanchuk Y.V. Ukrainian Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in the period of Great Patriotic War // The steppes remember singer of Ukraine: Mat. scientific-practical conference, devoted to the 185th anniversary of the birth of T.G. Shevchenko / Ed. board.: V.V. Amelin and others. — Orenburg, 2000. — P. 86–87.

52. Futoryansky L. I. Forgotten name. Chairman of the Orenburg Council of workers', soldiers', peasants "and Cossacks" deputies P.D. Cherednichenko // Ukrainians in the Orenburg region: Materials of scientific-practical conference on the 150th anniversary of T.G. Shevchenko's stay in the Orenburg region / Ed. board: V.V. Amelin (resp. ed.) and others. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1997. — P. 39–41.

53. Futoryansky, L.I. Ukrainian element in Cossacks of Russia at the end of the XIX century // Ethnic history and spiritual culture of the Ukrainians of the Orenburg region: status and prospects for development. Mat. interregion. scientific-practical conference. — Orenburg: OGAU, 2004.

54. Morgunov, K.A. Legal regulation of the resettlement activities: Ukrainian settlers in the late XIX — early XX century // Ukrainians in the Orenburg region: Materials of scientific-practical conference on the 150th anniversary of T.G. Shevchenko's stay in the Orenburg region / Ed. board: V.V. Amelin (resp. ed.) and others. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1997. — P. 66–70.

55. Morgunov, K.A. Activity of Krayevaya Rada to protect the rights of Ukrainian immigrants and refugees // Migration processes in the Orenburg region: issues of economic regulation and social adaptation of immigrants. Mat. scientific semin. / Ed. V.V. Amelin. — Orenburg, 2004. — P. 33–36.

56. Amelin V.V., Moloschenkov A.N. Ukrainians in the Southern Urals. — Orenburg: Publ. center of OGAU, 2012. — 190 p.

57. Ethno-cultural mosaic of Orenburg / Ch. Ed. V.V. Amelin. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1999. — 224 p.

58. Ethno-cultural mosaic of Orenburg (research articles, essays, statistics) / Ch. Ed. V.V. Amelin. Publ. 2nd, ext. V. Orenburg, 2003. — 228 p.

59. We — Orenburg people. Historical and ethnographic essays / Coll. author. Ed. V.V. Amelin. — Orenburg: IPK "South Ural", 2007. — 224 p.

60. Kazakhs of Orenburg region: history and modernity. Coll. mat. interregion. scientific-practical conference / Ed. V.V. Amelin. — Orenburg, 2005. — 204 p. — (Series "Multinational world of Orenburg region", Iss. 16).

61. Together on common land. Ethnic history and culture of Kazakhs of Orenburg region. — Orenburg: Publ. center of OGAU, 2006. — 294 p.

62. Historical and cultural heritage of the Slavs in the Southern Urals: Mat. of 2nd region. scientific conference, devoted to Days of Slavic culture in the Orenburg region / Scien. ed. and comp. A.V. Fedorova. — Orenburg: Dimur, 1998. — 210 p.

63. Culture of Slavs of Orenburg region. Mat. interregion. scientific-practical conference / Ed. V.N. Raguzin. — Orenburg: Publ. center of OGAU, 2003. — 384 p.

64. The problems of ethno-cultural development of the Russian people. Mat. All-Russian scientific-practical conference. — Orenburg: Publ. center of OGAU, 2004. — 284 p.

65. Multiethnic Orenburg: Bibliographic index / Comp. V.V. Ronzhes, N.V. Kolyhanova. — Orenburg: Publ. center of OGAU, 2003. — 116 p.

About this article

Author: Amelin V.V.

Year: 2012

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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