Tavstukha O.G., Miheeva E.V., Moiseeva A.N. DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL READINESS OF MASTER’S STUDENTS TO WORK WITH GIFTED CHILDREN [№ 1 ' 2023] A qualitative leap in the development of new technologies has led to the need of society for people who are able both to solve new problems in an unconventional way and to bring new content to all spheres of life. Therefore, today an important direction in state policy in the field of education is connected with the development and support of children with increased educational needs and abilities, which constitutes the potential of the country. To identify such children at the earliest stage, to promote the development of their talents is the task of modern education. The primary role in this process is played by teachers working with children. It depends on them whether the child will be able to develop his/her abilities or not. In modern psychological and pedagogical research works, it is noted that only a teacher with general and special knowledge, certain personal qualities of character can work effectively with such a category of students as gifted children. All this demanded the timely and qualitative preparation of students of correspondence courses to work with gifted children in educational institutions. Readiness to work with gifted children is directly related to the readiness of teachers to implement the educational process in accordance with the requirements of modern state educational policy, taking into account the needs, capabilities, desires and abilities of students, to develop and implement program and methodological documentation, to carry out scientific and methodological work and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, to the development and implementation of pedagogical innovations in the educational process. The purpose of our experimental work was connected with the practical implementation of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of professional readiness of students of correspondence courses (teachers of additional education) to work with gifted children.
Moiseeva A.N., Tavstukha O.G., Polkina S.N. DESIGNING A MODERN LESSON IN THE CHILDREN ADDITIONAL EDUCATION SYSTEM [№ 5 ' 2020] Lesson in the system of additional education is the basic form of organizing the educational process. Features of the content, variety of forms, variants of classifications, design technologies and lessons are presented in scientific publications, educational publications, regulatory documents, teaching materials. Despite this, there is a need to disclose the design features of a lesson in the system of additional education. Within the framework of our theoretical research, the main requirements for a modern occupation were identified: designing an occupation based on a system-activity approach; providing the student with the achievement of personal and meta-subject results; adherence to the logic of designing and conducting classes as an integral system of educational activities of the teacher and students; implementation of the developmental nature of educational activities; adherence to basic didactic principles; development of the main components of educational activities. Our study of the activities of teachers of additional education shows that a significant part of them experience certain difficulties in designing a lesson, manifested in an insufficiently effective organization of students’ activities. In a number of cases, basic didactic principles are violated, and group activities of students are inappropriately organized. To eliminate the identified difficulties, we have proposed the following methods: achieving compliance of the structure and content of the lesson with regulatory documents; allocation and implementation of educational tasks as a strategic action plan for students at each stage of the lesson; defining the topic as a problem that needs to be solved in the lesson, defining the purpose of the lesson as disclosing the semantic key concepts of the topic; organization of work to assimilate the methods of activity by students; drawing up an initial model (product) of the final activity of students in class; selection of information taking into account the interests and needs of trainees; the use of research assignments, non-standard, entertaining tasks, educational problem situations; development of motivation; carrying out semantic reflection. In general, the teacher needs an understanding that in the classroom, pedagogical activities are carried out, which allow achieving modern educational results.
Matviyevskaya E.G., Moiseyeva A.N., Muratova A.A. PECULIARITIES OF SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM DESIGNIN MODERN CONDITIONS [№ 5 ' 2019] The education of a harmoniously developed and socially responsible person on the basis of spiritual and moral values of the peoples of the Russian Federation and historical and national cultural traditions is enshrined in the leading normative documents of the State level. The national pedagogical tradition is to carry out the educational process in the system. The school has the necessary resources to create an educational system that will ensure rich and socially significant activities of students, to form socially significant qualities: initiative, activity, responsibility. The system construction of the educational process in the school is based on the organization of hard, out-of-school and out-of-school activities of the students. The core of the educational system is the continuing and emerging traditions in the educational organization. The preservation and creation of traditions is based on significant events, familiar relations in the collective, changes in the sociocultural situation and forms the way of school life. In order to effectively design educational systems, it is necessary to bring them to conceptual and structural unity, which is ensured through the interaction of the specialized ministry, the specialized higher educational institution, municipal methodological services, school s and the improvement of the skills of participants implementing educational systems within the framework of professional activity. The most productive training is carried out with team training: a specialist of the municipal service, deputy director of educational work, head of the school methodical association of class leaders. Prospects for the development of educational systems of schools are presented in the development of the institution of mentoring, mainstreaming, development of virtual methodological offices on problems of education; Identification and dissection of the best pedagogical experience.
Moiseeva A.N., Chelpachenko T.V. SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF THE CLASS TEACHERS ACTIVITIES TO UPDATE THE CONTENT OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN THE EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION IN THE COURSE OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES [№ 5 ' 2018] The changed socio-cultural conditions in society led to the formulation of new tasks for the pedagogical community — updating the content and pedagogical support of teachers-class teachers who perform an important mission to form value orientations, the development of spiritual culture of the younger generation. The educational process taking place in educational institutions should be redesigned in the light of the practical experience of schools implementing social and pedagogical projects. Today, the potential of projects in solving urgent educational problems becomes essential: supporting family education, creating a school of responsible parenthood, implementing the educational function of the educational process, the interaction of the school, the system of additional education and public associations. The authors propose scientific and methodological recommendations for class teachers to update the content of the educational process thematic projects. The results of the study allowed to determine the optimal conditions for the implementation of educational projects; to identify ways of interaction between various social structures and school methodical associations of class teachers; to create a system of pedagogical cooperation and support for families involved in project activities aimed at solving urgent educational problems.
Moiseeva I.U., Volohova A.V. LEXICAL REPRESENTATION OF CONCEPTS “NATION” AND “NATIONALITY” IN PRINTED MEDIATEXTS [№ 8 ' 2017] The study of the coverage of interethnic relations in the media is carried out by journalists, sociologists, and political scientists. However, this question is slightly illuminated in modern linguistics. The texts have been studied through concepts that are “the main indicator of the author’s thoughts”. The main segment of the study was the lexical representation of the concepts “nation” and “nationality” in printed “media texts”. The analysis of the main theme of each text “requires an integrated approach.” The meaning has a portrait of a potential audience. In many respects it is “from the reader’s interests that depends on what and how the authors write”. That is why the material of the study was four Russian publications with the largest circulation and different readership: “Vedomosti”, “Kommersant”, “Argumenty i Fakty”, “Moskovsky Komsomolets”. There are 1279 rooms in total. Journalistic works are called a “mirror of society”, therefore, the period in which media text is created is equally important. The political situation in the country is reflected in the media. Therefore, we studied the numbers published before the financial and economic crisis in Russia (2011) and after (2016). For a heterogeneous society, which is Russia, the ethnic factor is among the most important, defining the atmosphere in society. One of the most important channels of influence on people’s opinions is the mass media. Many Russian scientists have studied this topic. GM Niyazova argues that “one of the most commonly used technologies for spreading” ethnophobia “in the media is the creation and dissemination of negative ethnic stereotypes.” Modern researchers of Russian journalism believe that “this is a kind of consequence of the” world through ethnic glasses “approach, when in any event an emphasis is placed on the ethnic component.” Serious attention is paid to the problem of interethnic relations in the media at the state level. Minister of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev said: “Interethnic conflicts are often developed and heated by the mass media. Serious work and strict responsibility are required.” During the research of media texts of the newspaper “Vedomosti”, “Kommersant”, “Arguments and Facts”, “Moskovsky Komsomolets” 2011-2011, 2016, we came to the conclusion that the lexical representation of the concepts “nation” and “ nationality “reflects the political situation in society. In 2011, the lexico-semantic fields of the concepts studied were words aimed at the formation of people’s unity (“all”, “every”, “any”, “regardless of”, etc.). In 2016, media texts are aimed at strengthening international relations and shaping the image of Russia in the world arena (“dignity”, “rehabilitation”, “well-being”, “pride”, etc.).
Moiseeva I.Yu., Remizova V.F. THE POSITIONAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE INTENSIFIERS IN THE TEXTS OF BLOGS [№ 5 ' 2017] The formation of text linguistics at the turn of XX–XXI centuries, associated with major advances in development trends, approaches and methods of his research. First of all, in the field of text formation, functional stylistics, the General theory of text. However, many of the questions that interest of domestic and foreign linguistics, was left without a proper analysis. In particular, it seems necessary theoretical understanding of the “negative language material”, namely new kinds of texts, blogs and commentaries, as well as the search for universal criteria that would allow to identify mechanisms of intensity, as a linguistic category, isolated from all linguistic units are those that affect the gain of the statements or parts of statements. Material of the study consists of texts of blogs the English newspaper “Guardian”. In this paper, we consider the actual blogs and comments to them, because comments to the blog constitute texts that are thematically related to the basic, developmental, enriching the ideas of the main text, which introduces additional nuances in its content. As a basic principle of studying the functional features of blogs and commentaries recognized method for functional and stylistic analysis. Functional style the main text of the blogs and Newspapers defined as journalistic, and the style of the texts as spoken. To identify the qualitative significance of the functioning of language units under the influence of the text itself raznostilevyh texts have undergone the positional analysis. The study of the localization of lexical intensifiers for inline segments and the construction of the invariant distribution of this linguistic phenomenon spacing was carried out according to the developed algorithm consists of 6 operations. It is revealed that the total number of lexical intensifiers in the texts of the blogs of the newspaper “Guardian” is shared about equally between the intensifiers in the basic texts of the blogs and commentaries. The results obtained positional distribution of lexical intensifiers in the basic texts of the blogs, the English newspaper “Guardian” in the text of the review has led to the conclusion that the most dense concentration of lexical intensifiers observed in the intervals predgornogo center and predgornogo center regardless of their affiliation morphological and functional-stylistic features of the text.
Moiseeva I.Yu., Melnikova E.A. THE FEATURES OF THE FORMULAS OF RUSSIAN AND FRENCH SPEECH ETIQUETTE IN ORAL SPEECH: CONTRASTIVE ASPECT [№ 3 ' 2017] The lexical system of the language is an open dynamic system that are most sensitive to changes in the social, political, economic, and spiritual spheres of society, and in this connection it is an object of research not only linguists, but also multidisciplinary works. The system of rules of verbal behavior, the norms of use of language in certain conditions is not so dynamic, but the values, ideas about the national culture of the individual play a major role in the process of its successful socialization into the foreign language environment. As a basic principle of the description of verbal behavior accepts the principle of contrastively developed by I.A. Sternina, which is the most accurate method to detect and describe both common and national characteristics of the communicative behavior of the people. The unit of analysis was the most neutral and most frequent formula of speech etiquette used in situations of abuse and raise awareness in the Russian and French languages. The analysis revealed that the matching in both cultures the communicative signs of speech etiquette when applying, is the model of “you” — “you”. To the national specific communicative signs of the use of etiquette formulas of the appeal in the Russian language are: reference by name and patronymic, contact psychological proxemics, i.e. the absence in the Russian speech of a well-established treatment to the recipient; a gender differentiation of communicants when referring to a single person or multiple people; the leveling of the gender differentiation when addressing a large audience, the predominance of social differentiation.
Moiseeva I.Y., Nozdrina T.G. THE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF KEYWORDS POSITION DISTRIBUTION IN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TEXTS: GENDER ASPECT [№ 1 ' 2017] The article is devoted to a research of features of keywords (KW) position distribution in primary and secondary texts depending on gender of the author. For achievement of this aim the stating psycholinguistic experiment is carried out. The technique of the experiment is based on the technique of text studying and text perception developed by L.N. Murzin and A.S. Stern. The position analysis of keywords distribution in primary and secondary texts is carried out for registering the intensity of organization processes and forming self-organization process. Symmetry, the principle of repetition of form and content elements which is carried out in space-time and asymmetry — contrast of symmetry have acted as criteria of the analysis. Based on results of the comparative analysis of primary texts shaping scenarios which are reconstructed depending on KW marked by men in texts of belles-lettres and newspaper styles, the invariant feature of a primary text forming is revealed, namely,the harmonization of text intervals : Absolute beginning — Beginning — pre-HCb— post— HCb and the End. The distinctive feature of a primary invariant text shaping, on the basis of KW marked by women, is the high coefficient of KW distribution in a position HCb which promotes optimum perception of a text plot. The analysis of the secondary text forming process made by women has revealed the following tendencies: 1) primary influence of symmetric tendencies; 2) dense distribution of KW in the beginning of the text (Beginning, pre-HCb, post— HCb) and the End interval, which support the thematic component of the text. The main components of the secondary text structural organization of men group are the asymmetric tendencies influencing ambiguity of primary text meaning transfer this fact does the text unpredictable for the recipient. The comparative analysis of the secondary texts forming scenarios produced by men and women revealed a position of the Harmonic Center of the whole text as a position of structural harmonization.
Moiseeva I.Yu., Remizova V.F. DIFFICULTIES IN DEFINING THE CONCEPT OF THE FUNCTIONAL STYLE [№ 11 ' 2015] The development of modern means of mass communication has caused the linguistic interest to close studies of new types of "speech products" from different points of view, including functional stylistics. The very definition of the functional style is presented in different ways in the theoretical sources. The major part of researches are done according to numerous propositions of academic schools and with the help of vast corpus of empirical data. The accurate number of functional styles has not been defined; their exact ontological status has not been stated: they are considered as both speech and language manifestations. For the first time the main propositions of system approach have been used to elicit the components found in the definitions of the functional style. The research material is the definitions of the functional style given in different dictionaries, reference books, text books on stylistics. The application of the component-and-quantity method to the analysis of the functional style gives the possibility to define the component frequency and as a result the importance of the components and then structurally arrange them. The syntactic segmentation of the definitions under study has revealed the structural links of the components according to the scheme N — A — L — P, where N is the nominal part of the predicate, A is the attribute, L as the locative and P is the modifier of purpose. It has been revieled that the key components of part N are: variety (7), subsystem (4), system (3), type (2), realization (2). The most frequent attributes are social (8), functional and function (7), historical (6), and word combinations with conscience in their structure (4). Part L is represented by the following components: in communication, in the spheres of communication, social practice, speech practice, human activities, national language. Part P contains only two components: to secure the purport of communication, to express the communicative contents in the most efficient way. Thus the most frequent components have turned out to be such components as function (used 14 times), social (12), communication (8), variety (7), historical (5), system (5), subsystem (4). The elicited component frequency gives the opportunity to state that the functional style is the language fact rather than the speech fact.
Moiseewa I.Y., Isaev D.V. LANGUAGE SITUATION PREDICTION BASING ON THE SOCIOLINGUISTIC MOTIVATION CHANGE [№ 11 ' 2014] The article deals with the principles of language situation development prediction as a part of the diachronic approach basing on motivation studies in language subsystem functioning. The sociolinguistic motivation is being treated as the complex of language attitudes determining the possibilities of the use of the system and its unique components depending on the communicative situation. The part of motivational aspect in language system development is being analysed. The authors come to the conclusion that leads to the understanding of the leading role of the sociolinguistic motivation as the factor of determination of both language situation development and language policy success.
Moiseewa I.Y., Putilina L.V. MASTER'S PROGRAM "LANGUAGE THEORY" IN THE CONTEXT OF HIGH EDUCATION REFORM [№ 2 ' 2014] The given article deals with the structural and conceptual analysis of master's program "Language theory" features in the context of modern high education reform in Russia. The paper also reveals implementation peculiarity of fundamentalisation, humanitarisation and integration by academic subjects of this master's program. The types of interdisciplinary relations are defined here which provide the formation of the common cultural and professional competences of masters.
Moiseewa I.Y., Eremeewa L.R. THE PECULIARITIES OF POSITIONAL ORGANIZATION OF LEXICAL SYNONYMY BASING (ON THE STORIES OF V.F. ODOEWSKY) [№ 11 ' 2013] The article deals with studies of positional organization of lexical synonyms in the intertextual fragment of space-time. The main principle of synonyms localization research ist he principle of form and content elements' repetition occurring in space and time. The main scenarios of symmetric\asymmetric intervals transfer in the invariant story text are determined. The equal conditions of entering the system and exiting it are found out to be the peculiarity of the text.
Selezneva E.S., Belousova Z.P., Moiseeva L.M. GENOTOXICITY OF SYNTHETIC PHENOLIC DERIVATIVES OF BENZIMIDAZOLE [№ 5 ' 2010] We studied genotoxicity for Allium sulfur benzimidazolilmethylphenol and 2-methyl benzimidazolilmethylphenols. It is shown that it depends on the position of the OH group in the benzene ring, in particular, 4-substituted phenols are more genotoxic than 2-substituted ones. Possible mechanisms of action of these compounds are discussed.
Sipailova O.Yu. Moiseeva E.V., Ivanov Yu.B. APPRAISAL OF THROMBODEFENCINS INFLUENCE ON THE GROWTH OF INTORTED BREAST CANCER "IN VIVO" [№ 12 ' 2009] Experimentally the authors observed the presence of antitumor activity in thrombodefencins, and more effective than the well-known immunomodulators, which are used as drug-comparison.
Moiseeva I.Yu., Makhrova E.I. LINGUISTIC AND EXTRALINGUISTIC REASONS OF INADEQUACY OF FICTION TEXT UNDERSTANDING [№ 5 ' 2009] This article is devoted to the problem of interrelation between reader and fiction text. At this research the author makes an attempt to determine functional place of a text as a unit of higher level of speech communication, where interaction of all intra- and extralinguistic factors originating supposition for achievement of its appropriate understanding are concentrated.
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Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |