Lebedeva O.S. GUIDELINES OF SPIRITUAL AND MORAL EDUCATION SYSTEM OF PRIMARY SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN IN THE WRITINGS OF V.V. ZENKOVSKY [№ 1 ' 2020] In modern society, spiritual and moral education is one of the relevant areas in the field of education. Problems in the field of education, associated with the lack of, first of all, a unified ideology, were the basis for studying the established approaches to understanding the subject and content of education. Research and retrospective analysis of the philosophical and pedagogical heritage of the great Russian teacher, psychologist and theologian of the twentieth century V.V. Zenkovsky about the process of spiritual and moral formation of the personality of a child of primary school age made it possible to highlight his fundamental ideas of education. Spiritual and moral development of a personality in Zenkovsky’s pedagogy is impossible without the formation of moral principles in it, where the sphere of “spirituality” is the highest value of a person, the formation and correction of which goes beyond the framework of rational understanding. The basis of such a development of the child is the Christian-humanistic tradition, in which the spiritual and moral personality is integral, free, aware of the unity of the Creator and creation, and sees his life’s destiny in the continuation of God’s creation. Thus, for the theory of the education of Zenkovsky of primary school children, the fact that only moral education, filled with religious meaning, forms the true spiritual order of the child, is essential.
Eremenko V.I., Stasenkova Yu.V., Lebedeva N.V. FUNCTIONAL STATE OF THE ADRENAL CORTEX IN COWS OF DIFFERENT LINES [№ 11 ' 2017] Further increase in milk production depends on the level of breeding work in dairy herds of cows. Studies of various authors found that the adaptive properties of the body of animals with an increase in the level of dairy productivity are reduced. A special role in the adaptation processes of the body is played by the adrenal cortex. Proceeding from this, the goal was to determine the level of cortisol and the functional reserves of the adrenal cortex in lactating cows of the 2nd lactation of the Simmental breed of the different lines Romulus, Redad, Haxle and Honig. The research was conducted in OOO “Protective” in the Shchigrovsky district of the Kursk region. The level of cortisol in the blood of cows of different lines showed that the lowest level was at the beginning of lactation and at 8 months. The maximum level of the hormone was noted on the 3rd month of lactation (lactation peak). Between the concentration of cortisol in the blood and the level of milk productivity of cows of different lines a positive correlation is established rš=š0.59–0.64. In the first half of the lactation, the concentration of cortisol was higher in Romulus cows compared to other lines, but these differences were statistically unreliable (Pš>š0.05). The results of functional loads on the adrenal cortex with the help of ACTH testify that the cows belonging to the Romulus line possess higher functional reserves of the adrenal cortex. The index of activity of the adrenal cortex (Iakne) was higher for them than for the line of Redad, Huxle and Honig and at lactations of 1.16 and 1.18 for 3 and 6 months, for the cows of the Rhedad line 1.03 and 1.10, for the Huxle line 1.00 and 1.09, at the Honig line 1.02 and 1.08. This indicates a higher adaptive capacity of the animal organism of the Romulus line, which allows us to recommend this line of cows for use in the dairy herd.
Nikitin A.Y., Markova I.V., Lebedev S.V., Meshcheryakov A.G., Klychkova M.V. INFLUENCE OF ENZYME PREPARATIONS ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PRODUCTIVE POTENTIAL OF BROILER CHICKENS ON THE BACKGROUND OF REPLACING THE GRAIN PART OF WHEAT WITH TRITICALE [№ 8 ' 2017] It is very important in feeding birds to maximize the use of traditional feed. However, their use can adversely affect the metabolism and productivity of poultry due to the high content of anti-nutrients in them. For the best digestibility of difficult fissionable components of mixed fodders, it is expedient to use exogenous enzyme preparations. The issue of the indisputable positive effect of enzyme preparations Avizim, Natufos and Ronozym on the growth, physiological state and metabolism of broiler chickens when 15š% of wheat is replaced by 15š% triticale is studied. With the introduction of drugs decreased feed intake from 2.1 to 12.1š%, the maximum values when using Ronozym, the minimum — Avizima. A sufficiently high level of metabolic processes in the broiler organism also against the background of the introduction of the preparation Natufos and Ronozym was characterized by high indices in comparison with intact animals by 13.8–15.0š%. In studies, a feature in the digestibility of feed nutrients, expressed in a depression of digestibility of organic matter by 1.7š% in group I and maximum figures (78.61š%) when using Roozim. The detailing of the indices testifies to the marked superiority of the II and III experimental groups over the control ones, the difference in raw protein was 1.1 and 3.3š% (pš˜š0.05), for raw fat 0, and 2.2š% (pš˜š0, 05), respectively. The use of Avizima does not significantly affect the digestibility of the main nutrients of the feed, which puts it in the category not effective when used in the triticale diet.
Spasov A.A., Bugaeva L.I., Lebedeva S.A., Tekutova T.V., Korzhova T.M., Getmanenko A.Y. THE INFLUENCE OF ALIMENTARY MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY ON THE PROCESSES OF EMBRYO- AND FETOGENESIS, RECORDED IN THE ANTENATAL PERIOD OF INCREASE OF THE FETUS RATS [№ 10 ' 2016] The human body has a self-regulation of homeostasis system in which play important role nutrients. Pathological conditions, stress, increased functional activity of the body may be the cause of macro- and microelementoses, resulting in biochemical and functional changes in an organism. Magnesium deficiency is an important problem both abroad and in Russia. When magnesium deficiency reduced antioxidant protection, impaired insulin secretion, changes the metabolism of protein and fat metabolism, there is a pathology of the endocrine system. Magnesium deficiency is common among women in the 20-30% more often than men. Female body more sensitive to magnesium deficiency that biologically expedient in connection with the active participation of magnesium in the childbearing function. In chronic magnesium deficiency observed irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, there is a pronounced premenstrual syndrome, osteoporosis, most cervical pathology occurs. All of these disorders associated with magnesium deficiency in the female body can be pathologically changed during pregnancy and childbirth. In this regard, it was conducted preclinical study the effect of nutritional magnesium deficiency on the processes of fetal development in rats. The content of the diet to rats resulted in the development of blood without hypomagnesemia magnesium salts. Magnesium level in female experimental group decreased plasma to 18.6š% (pš<š0.05) and 24.8š% (pš<š0.05) in red blood cells compared to control. The females have a deficit of magnesium pre-implantation and post implantation fetal loss increased on 2.3 (pš<š0.05) and 3.8 (pš<š0.05), respectively. Magnesium-deficient state during pregnancy significantly increases the pre- and post-implantation fetal death increases the number resorption fetus reduces their weight and craniocaudally size, and the number of seats in the ossification of the sternum, metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal.
Yamalov S.M., Tania I.V., Hasanov G.R., Lebedev M.V. TWO ASSOCIATION OF HERBACEOUS PLANT COMMUNITIES IN RIZA RELIC NATIONAL PARK (REPUBLIC OF ABKHAZIA) [№ 8 ' 2016] Subalpine meadows communities are widespread in at an altitude of 1600–2400šm above sea level in the Riza relic national park (RRNP), traditionally used as a pasture. Most of them are disturbed in a varying degree, and partially transformed to ruderal communities. So these are highly significant in nature conservation and recreation. Authors set the object to characterize two associations of meadows in RRNP. The dataset is 10šreleves executed by authors in the field season of 2013–2015. Participation of species in a vegetation was estimated on Braun-Blanquet scale. For processing of releves the software packages of TURBOVEG and JUICE are used. According to syntaxonomy analysis result communities were attributed to Potentillo ruprechtii-Campanuletum tridentatae association (Hyalopoetalia ponticae Onipchenko 2002, Salicetea herbaceae Br.-Bl. 1948) and Gentiano dshimilensi-Sibbaldietum semiglabrae association (Nardetalia Oberd. ex Preising 1949, Calluno-Ulicetea Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Klika et Hadač 1944). The first one combine low-herbage alpine meadows of low alpine belt. These are chacterized by significant snow accumulation in winter, short vegetation period and located on south slopes of mountains. The second one combine subalpine meadows communities on poor rocky soils (above 15š% of substratum rockiness). These are located on moderatly steeep north and north-west slopes. There are rare and conservation needed species in floristic composition of association: Traunsteinera sphaerica (Red book of Russian Federation included), Potentilla ruprechtii, Cystopteris fragilis, Coeloglossum viride (Red book of Krasnodar district). Communities have high nature conservation importance because of its small distribution area in RRNP and lack of sufficient protection at the present time.
KorotkovÁ A.M., Lebedev S.V., RusakovÁ E.A. DNA-DAMAGING EFFECTS OF NANOPARTICLES NIœ AND NIO FOR EXAMPLE A PLANT SPECIES TRITICUM VULGARE [№ 10 ' 2015] The effects of spherical nanoparticles of nickel Ni˚ diameter of 70š±š0,3šnm and nickel oxide NiO diameter of 94š±š0,3šnm in three dilutionsš— 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1šM at the root of the 4-day seedlings of Triticum vulgare. After 48šhour incubation with nanoparticles plants recorded dose dependent increase in DNA fragmentation. Electrophoretic separation of DNA showed the change in mobility from the perspective of reducing the amount of content the least migratory agarose gel closest to the start of the fragments formšI (1000šbp), constituting the largest amount in the control samples, and the transition of the bulk of the DNA fragments from -flowing nucleotides (formšIIš— less than 1š000šbp). Thus, under the influence of NPs Niœ and NiO in concentrations 0.025–0.1šM there was an increase of less than 1š000šbp fragment (formšII) to 53–59š% and 55–59,8š% with simultaneous reduction of formšI at 16,6–20,9š% and 15,6–22š%, respectively, compared to the control. The calculated results for the coefficient electrophoretogram of DNA damage in the case of 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1šM nickel nanoparticles was 1.052š±š0.009, 1.126š±š0.043 and 1.2š±š0.03, and nickel oxide nanoparticlesš— 0.982š±š0.02, 1.053š±š0.013 and 1.192š±š0.21 (against the background of the control 0.398š±š0.05), respectively. Linear DNA profile electrophoregrams testified that nanoparticles at low concentrations (0.025 and 0.05šM) cause system degradation to discrete DNA fragments from the nucleotide-flowing transition from the bulk of the DNA in the region of less than 1š000šbp and the concentration is 0.1šM appearance of apoptotic "steps" represented by a group of split peaks located descending area, in which a multiple number of DNA 180šbp.
Lebedeva E.N., Krasikov S.I., Sharapova N.V., Setko N.P., Zakharov A.A. LIPID AND ADIPOKINE PROFILE IN WORKERS OIL REFINERY [№ 9 ' 2015] The most important indicator of the health of society is the health of its employees. The chemical and oil refining industry production factors lead to the disruption of many metabolic processes. Thus, in those long-term employees in enterprises of petrochemical previously noted the presence of traditional risk factors for cardiovascular diseaseš— an increase of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, TAG and IA due to lower HDL cholesterol. It was found that the number of individuals with overweight and obesity increases in proportion to length of service in hazardous work. Based on the fact that long-term exposure to toxic substances causes oxidative stress and has obesogenic effect (increases the total weight of the fatty tissue), the aim of study was to evaluate the lipid and adipokine profile of the workers of a petrochemical enterprises in the Orenburg region. A determining the level of leptin, adiponectin, TNF-α performed by ELISA, C-reactive protein (CRP)š — turbidimetric method. The study shows that the values of CRP and TNF-α were elevated, indicating that the process of inflammation. Leptin, reflecting the total amount of adipose tissue in the body was significantly higher than normal (in females 2.5štimes). Values adiponectin, in contrast, were extremely low, particularly in men: almost 10-fold decrease relative to normal. Thus, the individual long-term employees in enterprises of petrochemical noted the presence of both the traditional risk factors for cardiovascular diseaseš— high cholesterol blood serum (the development of hypercholesterolemia) and a violation of the distribution of cholesterol between atherogenic and antiatherogenic lipoprotein fractions (dyslipoproteinemia) and pro-inflammatory nature of the changes adipokine profile. The data obtained allow us to recommend the use as informative biomarkers of the toxic effects of environment factors determining pro- and antiadipokinesš — leptin, adiponectin, TNF-α and C-reactive protein. Studies have shown that changes in lipid metabolism in the background of overweight are closely linked to the change in indicators adipokine regulation that dictates the need for the correction of these changes.
Lebedev S., OsipovÁ E., Salnikova E. CHANGING THE QUANTITY OF ELEMENTS IN WHEAT TRITICUM VULGARE VILL. BY DIFFERENT FORMS OF IRON WITH HUMIC ACID [№ 6 ' 2015] There is the prospect of using nanoiron as plant growth stimulants. Literature data on the effects of fine particles of iron on the elemental composition of plant species TriticumvulgareVill (soft wheat) inadequate, moreover, virtually no study the interaction of these particles with natural sorbentsš— humic acids, which control the bioavailability and transport elements in natural objects. Therefore, this article examines the change of elemental composition plants TriticumvulgareVill under the influence of the spherical iron nanoparticles Fe0 (diameter of 80šnm ± 5šnm) and nanoparticles of magnetite Fe3O4 (50—80šnm in width and a height of 4—10šnm), as well as solutions of iron sulfate (II) sulfate and iron (III) in the presence of humic acids. It was revealed that the potassium content under the influence of nanoparticles and ionic forms is about on par with the control. However, the shortage of nutrients for 21šdays the amount of potassium is increased by 25š% (22š393šmkg ± 4š479šmkg/g) under the action of magnetite in an amount of 0.01šg/l of iron and 20š% (21š738šmkg/g ± 4š348šmkg/g) under action of nanoparticles of iron in an amount of 0.0001šg/l as compared to controls (17š752mkg/g ± 3š550šmkg/g). Nanoparticles of Fe0 iron on dayš21 reduces the amount of magnesium at concentrations of 0.1 and 0.01šg/l at 27š% and 12š%, respectively, at a concentration of 0.001šg/l magnesium content is on par with the control (2š957šmkg/g ± 443šmkg/g) and at a concentration of 0.0001šg/L of this element increases the amount of 10š% (3š266mkg/g ± 490šmkg/g). Under the influence of all forms of iron and phosphorus concentration varies similarly control experiments and is 4š967šmkg/g ± 993šmkg/g, 7š154mkg/g ± 1š431šmkg/g, 9š943šmkg/g ± 1š989šmkg/g at 7, 14 and 21šrespectively. Thus, nano forms of iron can be used to enhance the stability of wheat TriticumvulgareVill on depleted soils in a lack of nutrients.
Korneev G.I., Lizurchik L.V., Sipaylova O.Yu, Lebedev S.V., Sheyda E.V. MORPHOFUNCTIONAL CHANGES OF THE FETOPLACENTAL COMPLEX RATS ON THE BACKGROUND OF TOBACCO INTOXICATION [№ 6 ' 2014] The work presents the results of studying the influence of the tobacco intoxication on the feto-placental complex of white rats using experimental model of "passive Smoking". Revealed pathological signs of placental insufficiency (reduction of the weight and thickness of placentae; reducing the number of fruit capillaries and maternal sinuses while reducing their diameters; cir-culatory disorders in the form of a sharp hyperemia, edema, hemorrhage in the labyrinth layer placenta; foci of ischemia and thrombosis maternal gaps with the development of a major ischemic heart attacks; the formation of large pockets of destruction of trophoblast cells with the formation of various sizes cavities and other), which contributed to the delay in fetal develop-ment and the emergence of cases of fetal death.
Notova S.V., Timasheva A.B., Lebedev S.V., SizovÁ E.A.,Miroschnikov S.V. ELEMENT STATUS AND BIOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BLOOD LABORATORY ANIMALS WHEN ADMINISTERED INTRAMUSCULARLY ASPARGINATA AND COPPER NANOPARTICLES [№ 12 ' 2013] The paper presents the results of a study of the element status and biochemical composition of the blood of laboratory animals when copper in various forms. It was revealed that the performance of mineral metabolism depend on the physical and chemical form of the metal. Since the introduction of copper aspartate accompanied by significant increase in concentration of Co, Cu, Ca, P, Sr against decrease I, Se, Pb. At the same time the introduction of copper nanoparticles increases the concentration of Cu, Ca, P, Al, Sr, against reduction Pb and I. when introduced into the body of copper in nanoform, biochemical blood indices have lower values than in a asparginata.
Nesterov D.V., Sipaylova O.Yu., Lebedev S.V. INFLUENCE OF THE SULPHATE AND MIKROCHASTIC ZINC ON EXCHANGE TOKSICHESKIH ELEMENT IN BONE FABRICS CYPLYAT-BROILER [№ 6 ' 2012] In given work are presented given on influence of the sulphate of the zinc and his(its) mikrochastic on exchange toxic element in bone fabrics broiler. The Got data point to reduction of the toxicological load on organism of the bird under influence given microelectronics not dependent from the form, herewith defogging effect more expressing when entering the zinc in ration of the bird in the manner of mikrochastic.
Rusakova E.A., Lebedev S.V., Sipaylova O.Y., Kvan O.V., Kosyan D.B. EFFECT OF PHYTASE ON MORPHOFUNCTIONAL STATE OF INTESTINAL OF BROILER CHICKENS AT DIFFERENT LEVELS OF PHOSPHORUS IN THE DIET [№ 6 ' 2012] The paper presents results of experimental studies on the morphofunctional stateof the intestine of the experimental birds by using an enzyme preparation RonozimNT (CT) at different levels of phosphorus in the diet. Histological analysis ofintestine (thin section) confirms the positive effect of the drug Ronozim NT (CT) on the morphological characteristics of the mucosal relief of the small intestine of broiler chickens.
Sizova E.A., Miroshnikov S.A., Lebedev S.V., Glushchenko N.N. EFFECT OF MULTIPLE DOSES OF NANOPARTICLES COPPER ON THE ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION OF RAT LIVER [№ 6 ' 2012] The results of studies on the effect of copper nanoparticles on the mineral composition of the liver with varying degrees of stress the body. Is set change the microelement status of the liver and increase the ratio of trace elements in the direction of the elements that have influence gen damaging.
Lebedev S.V.1, Salnikova E.V.1, Rodionova G.B.2, Kudryavtseva E.A.1 ESTIMATION OF THE MAINTENANCE OF HEAVY METALS IN GRAIN CROPS OF THE ORENBURG REGION [№ 12 ' 2011] Researches of ecological safety of raw materials and foodstuff are conducted in various prirodno-climatic zones of the Orenburg region. The maintenance of heavy metals in vegetative raw materials is established.
Rusakova, E.A., Lebedev S.V., Kopaneva N.Y. EFFECT OF PHYTASE ON SOME BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF BLOOD BROILER CHICKENS [№ 12 ' 2011] The article presents the results of experimental studies of biochemical blood when introduced into the diet of the experimental birds enzyme preparation Ronozmi NT (CT), indicating a decrease in the concentration of urea, creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase decrease in activity, with an increase in total protein content.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |