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№ 4 2006


  • app.1
  • Humanitarian sciences

    Ananieva E.I. MODULE STUDENTS’ TEACHING AS PEDAGOGIC PROBLEMDifferent approaches to the concept of module teaching are regarded in this article; and approaches of foreign and native researchers at this problem are analyzed here. Researchers’ views on organization of module principal of teaching structuring are analyzed. Some problems to be additionally worked out are discovered in this article too.
    Samerkhanova E.K. RESEARCH OF STUDENTS’ DEVELOPMENT AND SELF-DEVELOPMENT MOTIVATION AT “MATHEMATIC” COURSE STUDYINGThe author suggests innovation experience at research of students’ development and self-development motivation during the process of mathematic studying. This experience was tested in Volzhskaya Engineering-Pedagogic Academy (N. Novgorod), Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University (Moscow) and Building College (Perevoz).
    Paputkova G.A. ORGANIZATION-PEDAGOGIC CONDITIONS OF PROFESSIONAL-ECOLOGICAL EDUCATION TECHNOLOGIES REALIZATIONThe author suggests innovation experience of students’ professional-ecological education of institute of higher education, constructed on realization of vitagen model and also some results of introduction. This experience was tested in Volzhskaya Engineering-Pedagogic Academy (N. Novgorod), in some educational institutions of N. Novgorod region, Volgo-Vyatsky region of the Russian Federation, Perm, Surgut and Chelyabinsk.
    Tavstukha O.G., Gordeev Yu.M. EMPATIC CULTURE OF A STUDENT OF MILITARY INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION AS A FACTOR OF CONSTRUCTIVE FORMS DEVELOPMENT OF INTERACTION IN MILITARY COLLECTIVEThis article is devoted to the constructive forms discovering of interaction in military collective. The reasons of unregulated interrelations are shown, pedagogic potential of empatic culture forming of a student of military institute of higher education is set, and value aspects of interpersonal attitudes in military collective are stressed in this article.
    Shevelev A.N. ACTIVITY OF INSTITUTIONS OF LOCAL GOVERNING IN DEVELOPMENT OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION OF PRE-REVOLUTIONARY ST. PETERSBURG This article is devoted to the insufficiently known aspects of native elementary school development in the context of research of city educational systems history and perspectives of social participation at this process. The author shows achievements, problems and conditions of successful activity of Petersburg city Duma in the sphere of education, actual modern school problems on the large material of historical sources.
    Markovtseva O.Yu. SOCIAL-ETHNIC MATERIAL OF PERSON’S EVERYDAY BEINGStructures of social-ethnic ordinariness, which were born by immediate people’s motional experiences of proper being moments which had the character of historical reality, are described in this article. It becomes co-being matrix, which is fastened in people’s consciousness: perception, images, fantasy and other its modus forms and actions.
    Zaviyalova E.E. SPATIAL MODELS OF LOVE LYRICS DURING 1880-1980At the last third of XIX century the majority of known genres of love poetry went out of use or was dissolved in the mass of lyrical poems. It is expedient to talk about love lyrics of that period as about special apocryphal structure, which has some categoric features. The images of space in poems of A.N. Apukhtin, A.A. Golenichshev-Kutuzov, S.Ya. Nadson, S.A. Andreevsky, A.A. Fet, K.M. Fofanov are analyzed in this article and the conclusion of spatial models existing, which are typical for apocryphal genre of love lyrics, is made here.
    Shemchuk Yu.M. NUANCING AT RENAMING (ON THE MATERIAL OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE DURING LAST TEN YEARS)New lexemes of the German language – renamings, originated with the aim of concept nuancing which determines difference of renamings from its predecessors are considered in this article. The problem of nuancing is shown on the example of metaphorical renamings, color designation, and also feminist neologisms. Cases of named sphere narrowing of adopted words which are wide at its semantics, are analyzed here.

    Economic sciences

    Lapaeva M.G., Lapaev S.P. REFORMS IN RUSSIA: XX CENTURYThe analysis of economic reforms in Russia, contribution of Russian scientists-economists in their scientific basis is given in this article. At the same time the comparison with modern reforms in economics of Russia is made here.
    Baitlyuv S.A. APPRAISAL CRITERIA OF REGIONAL INVESTMENT POLITICS MANAGEMENT LEVELThe problems of appraisal indexes forming of regional investment politics effectiveness are considered in this article and criteria of its appraisal are suggested here.
    Tatarskikh B.Ya., Simonova M.V. PROBLEMS OF LEVEL INCREASE OF SCIENTIFIC AND STAFF PROVIDING OF CONSTRUCTING COMPLEXThis article is devoted to the problem of organizational-economic mechanism development of works perfection, directed on constructing complex enterprises providing with qualitative labor force. General trends of difficult tasks solution of personnel activity effectiveness increase on the regional level in the system of constructing complex: general reserves of these problems solution are marked, are shown here.
    Amirkhanova L.R. GUARANTEE OF PRODUCTION STABILITY AND MANAGEMENT ECONOMY IN ECONOMIC SYSTEMSThe object of research is the system of repair and technical servicing of industrial enterprise technological equipment. The model of optimal tasks distribution at levels of technological equipment repair and technical servicing system is suggested in this article. Optimization is fulfilled at the criteria: management economy and production stability. Production stability is suggested being appreciated with middle time of bug existing. Management economy is determined with enterprise’s losses because of bugs at the reason of equipment downtime at the given calendar time. The example of optimization of tasks distribution of downtime situations removal in the system of equipment servicing is regarded in this article.
    Malyshev Yu.A. THEORETICAL BASIS AND GENERAL PRINCIPALS OF INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS ANALYSISDetailed analysis of institutional relations is given in this article. It is marked that the platform in the sphere of institutional relations is regulations based on that the institutional analysis harmoniously is a part of economic theory and history, at the same time the influence of transaction expenses on functioning of economic and politic systems is admitted here.
    Lugovoi O.Yu. COMPETITIVE STATETheoretical critics of public goods conception is expounded in this article. Bases of state services as goods and a state as a firm (microeconomic organism), competing with another economic agents (individuals and firms) is suggested here.
    Pankova S.V., Kuzmina I.G. ORGANIZATION OF INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM MONITORING IN A TRADE ORGANIZATIONThe concept and general demands of organization of internal control system monitoring in a trade company are considered in this article; great attention is given on using of financial indexes by persons making monitoring with the aim to reveal the stages of an enterprise life cycle; the order of correcting actions fulfillment of analysis results passed during internal control system monitoring in trade organizations of Orenburg city is offered in this work too.

    Natural sciences

    Kazachkov G.V. DOMINATING TYPES OF ICHTHYOFAUNA OF ORENBURG REGION AT 1930 YEARS ACCORDING TO DATA OF FISHERY STRUCTUREInformation about fish’s variety in Orenburg region at 1930 years, and also about fishery at that time based on studying of archival documents is offered in this article. It is proved that general food fishes in ponds of Orenburg region at 1930 years are bream, pike and crucian.
    Lepilina I.N. MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF PERIPHERIC BLOOD OF STURGEON PRELARVAThe structure of peripheric blood on the early stages of sturgeon fishes ontogenesis, determined at the period of descent from natural places of spawning is offered in this work. It is shown that blast forms are predominated in peripheric blood on the early stages of sturgeon fishes development. The first mature forms of erythrocytes and lymphocytes appear at 39-40 stages of development.
    Sokolova O.Ya., Stryapkov A.V., Antimonov S.V., Solovykh S.Yu. HEAVY METALS IN THE SYSTEM ELEMENT – SOIL – GRAINSThe influence of different factors on heavy metals content in some types of grains is researched in this article. General results of mineral structure are analyzed here too.
    Rusanov A.M., Koval M.A. INFLUENCE OF HILLSIDE ASYMMETRY ON SOIL PROPERTIES AND TOP-SOIL OF ORENBURG PREDURALIEFactors peculiarities of soil producing (geomorphology, mesoclimate, vegetation, geology) of northern and southern expositions slopes asymmetrical to watersheds of northern step are regarded in this article. The results of comparative analysis of soil properties of rectified slopes and structure of its top-soil are offered here. The results of zoning of sloping space territory on landscape microzones are given and suggestions of their regional using are offered here.
    Belan L.N. ABOUT ECOLOGICAL DANGER OF SULFUR FIELDSEcological consequences of sulfur and oxidated gold-bearing ores working and concentration on the territory of Bashkirian Zauralie are considered in this article. It is shown that the elements with the largest meanings of potential toxicity indexes (PTI) are general indicators of wastes and drains toxicity of enterprises which conduct mining and concentration and therefore must be accounted firstly at organization of control net of ecological monitoring and planning of nature-conservative and medical-preventive measures.
    Setko N.P., Malakhova U.G. ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF ACTUAL EATING AND ALIMENTARY STATUS OF RURAL PUPILS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, LIVING ON THE TERRITORY OF ORENBURG REGIONThe analysis of actual eating of elementary school pupils living in rural areas of Orenburg region has shown that lack of essential nutrients is connected possibly with contamination of using food substances with xenobiotics. It influences on health indexes of children population, on children height and development, on their physical and psychophysiologic development, which demands eating correction of children of elementary school ages in changes of its structure, adequacy and rationality.
    Denisov E.N. CHANGES OF CIRCULATORY ERYTHROCYTES PARAMETERS OF PATIENTS WITH ARTERIAL HYPERTENSIONParameters of circulatory in blood erythrocytes of patients with arterial hypertension of I-II stages at classification of VOZ are researched with measuring method “turbidity spectrum”. Changes of erythrocytes sizes, increased as arterial hypertension progressiveness, influenced on rheological properties of blood, mechanisms of vessel tone progressing and development of arterial hypertension at patients with this illness, are discovered in this article.
    Ivashkina G.A. THE SECOND TASK OF DARBU FOR EQUATION EILER – DARBU WITH PARAMETERSGeneral solution of equation Eiler – Darbu for parameters with help of special functions introduction is given in this work and the task of Darby has been solved.
    Golianova O.N. MANAGED MODEL OF AFFORESTATIONS DEVELOPMENT IN TVER AND ARKHANGELSK REGIONSGeneral n-measured managed model, which describes the process of afforestations development, is regarded in this article. Calculation of three-dimensional dynamic system parameters for Tver and Arkhangelsk regions is given here. Position of equilibrium of every system is investigated and optimal management is constructed in this work.

    Technical sciences

    Portnikov B.A., Sultanov N.Z. STRUCTURAL MODEL OF AIR ENTERPRISE AS AVIATION SPECIALIZED SYSTEMGeneral principals of decomposition, optimization and program-purposeful planning in frame of air enterprise are formed in this article according to the analysis and theory of complex systems. The operational models system of base forming for plans, helicopters and light aircrafts on passenger, freight and agricultural air works, on special air works of aviation use in national economy, is worked out and models of subsystems providing are suggested here.
    Chebotareva A.V., Kasperovich V.L., Zinyukhin G.B. PECULIARITIES OF AIR AND DUST FLOWS DISTRIBUTION ON GRAIN PROCESSING ENTERPRISESTechnological processes on grain processing enterprises are accompanied with intensive dust escape. The research of peculiarities of air flows distribution, created with technological equipment and factional-for-factional distribution of grain and flour dust in different functional departments of enterprises of this sphere allows working the device and more effective method of industrial apartments dedusting.
    Fedorchenko V.I., Goncharenko N.A. TRANSFORMATION OF SOME CHEMICAL ELEMENTS DURING THE PROCESS OF HUMUS FERTILIZER GETTING FROM BROWN COALS OF TYULGAN FIELDSThe results of research at redistribution (transformation) of some chemical elements from starting brown coals of Tyulgan fields to the products of its chemical processing according to the schemes of organoalkali and organoacidic processing are presented in this article.


    Zinatullin Z.Z. AGAIN ABOUT TRENDS AND SOME QUESTIONS OF RESEARCHES METHODOLOGY IN THE SPHERE OF CRIMINAL-PROCEDURAL SCIENCE(according to the materials of international scientific-practical conference, devoted to the memory of the professor Yu.D. Livshits, which was in the Orenburg State University at 14-15 April 2006).

    Sergey Aleksandrovich

    © Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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