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№ 12 2005


  • app.1
  • Natural sciences

    Burlutskaya O.I. METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF RISK APPRAISAL OF IODINEDEFICIENT SICKNESSES ON THE LEVEL OF IODINATIVE SALT PRODUCERVaried methodic approach to the risk appraisal of iodine deficit on the level of iodinative salt producer is worked out in this article. The results of population risk appraisal with intercommunication of parameters of population biological reply during the periods of risk alternative levels are represented here. Urgency of new criterions on the base of ascertained biological regularities in the system of ecological and social-hygienic monitoring is proved here too.
    Ivanov S.I., Sergeev S.Yu., Bystrykh V.V. ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITY OF OOO "ORENBURGGAZPROM" AND POPULATION HEALTH PRESERVATIONThe analysis of environmental activity of OOO “Orenburggazprom” is presented in the article. Also the appraisal of environment condition in the zone of possible influence of Orenburg gas-chemical complex is made and priority measures are determined. The appraisal of economical activity influence on the population health is made in this article too.
    Konyukhova L.V., Konyukhov V.A. RISK APPRAISAL OF FLUORINEDEFICIENT SICKNESSES IN MULTIPLE-DISCIPLINE INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATIONThe results of risk appraisal of fluorinedeficient conditions in multiple-discipline Institute of Higher Education on the base of modern methodic approaches are represented in this article. The dynamics, structure, average long-term levels of risks depending on types of water supply point, stage of water consumption, control tensity and quality of drinking water and other existing terms, are analyzed here too. The strategy of preventive measures with accounting the risk appraisal results is proved here scientifically.
    Notova S.V., Nekrasova V.I., Frolova O.O. ELEMENTAL STATUS OF EMPLOYEES OF ORENBURG INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISESComparative group analysis of chemical elements content in the employees’ hair of different enterprises is given in this article for setting of possible dependence of employees’ “element portrait” from professional belonging.
    Pogadaev M.E., Boichuk V.A., Gabdrakhmanova L.I. SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS, INFLUENCED ON FORMING JUNIOR PUPILS’ HEALTH IN A BIG INDUSTRIAL CITYFactors both as ecological-hygienic as psychosociological influence on children population health of big industrial cities. It is shown that more important point for junior pupils’ health is considered a family structure, psychological climate of family relations, family material income and housing quality.
    Setko N.P., Skripko I.V. INFLUENCE OF GAS-CHEMICAL PRODUCTION FACTORS ON CHILDREN HEALTH CONDITION, MOTHERS OF WHOM ARE EMPLOYEES OF ORENBURG GAS-TRANSFERING PLANT AND LIVE IN THE REGION OF ITS LOCATIONThe peculiarities of physical, neuropsychic development, adaptative potential of primary school age children, mothers of whom are employees of Orenburg gas-transfering plant and live in the region of its location, are discovered in this article. Got facts allows to make a conclusion that the level of physical and neuropsychic development, the level of adaptative opportunities of a children organism, mothers of whom are employees of gas-chemical production and who live in the region of its location are sharply decreased.
    Bystrov I.V., Podshivalov A.A. Ni G.V., Shvetsov A.V. ECOLOGICAL AND FAUNISTIC PECULIARITIES OF BLOOD PARASITES OF WARM-BLOODED ANIMALS OF ORENBURG REGIONSpecific structure of the most important ecological and faunistic characteristics of parasites of birds’ and small mammals’ blood of Orenburg region are determined during the long term researches. The problems of specificity of parasite-host relations and biotopical belonging of separate group of blood parasites on the studied territory, are studied in this article.
    Efremov I.V., Rakhimov N.N., Yanchuk E.L. PECULIARITIES OF RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDE MIGRATION OF CAESIUM-137 AND STRONTIUM-90 IN THE SYSTEM SOIL-PLANTThis article is devoted to the studying of radioactive nuclide Cs-137 and Sr-90 migration in soil-plant complexes of Orenburg region. Line dependence between radioactive nuclides concentration in soil and plants is got on the base of mathematical modeling method. Equation of regression, allowing to appreciate intensity of radioactive nuclide migration by soil description are constructed here. Correlated analysis between physical-chemical characteristics of the soil and radioactive nuclide of caesium-137 and strontium-90 contents in the soil description is made in this article too. Analytical dependences allowing to calculate radioactive nuclide contents in plants depending to their concentration in soil and physical-chemical soil characteristics are get here on the base of method using of group argument accounting.
    Lepilina I.N. CONDITION OF STURGEON MESONEPHROS IN MODERN ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONSMorphofunctional condition of sturgeon mesonephros was researched on the light-optic level. Different changes in nephrons elements of fish trunk kidney were discovered in this article. Albuminous masses gatherings in convoluted tubule lumen were marked here, also parenchymatous degeneration, edema of tubules walls, focal hemorrhage around them, gatherings of hemosiderin as consequences of hemorrhage were revealed in epithelium. Presence of parenchymatous degeneration pigment and features of tubules epithelium is evidence possibly of nephrolithiasis presence. Pathological changes of mesonephros elements changes are responses on negative influence of environment.
    Brudastov Yu.A. DETERMINATION OF ANTICOMPLEMENTARY BACTERIA ACTIVITY BY KINETICS OF IMMUNE HEMOLYSISMethod of anticomplementary bacteria activity determinations, based on measuring of kinetics parameters of immune hemolysis in liquid phase is described in this article. Levels comparability of anticomplementary activity of S. aureus and E. coli, measured with suggested and earlier described method, based on detection of hemolysis degree in gel is shown here too. Advantages and disadvantages of these methods are discussed in this article.
    Mikhailova E.A., Voronina L.G., Perunova N.B., Kuznetsova E.K., Geneles L.N., Mikhailova O.O. PATHOGENETIC MEANING OF EJACULAT MICROFLORA IN FORMING OF MALE CHRONIC GONORRHEAPeculiarities of specific structure of virulent and persistent characteristics of male ejaculat microflora at different forms of gonococcal infection are revealed in this article. The patient, who has fresh gonorrhoea, has decrease of specific variety as compared with a person in good health, whereas a patient, who has chronicle form of infection, has sowing different types of gonococcal microbe-associats, having high persistent potential. The meaning of revealed peculiarities of pathological biocenose in the process chronization is discussed in this article. Key words: gonococcal infection, ejacula, persistence, microflora.
    Chainikova I.N. SELF-DESCRIPTIVENESS OF IMMUNOLOGICAL INDEXES AND BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SALMONELLAS AT FORECASTING OF SALMONELLA INFECTION OUTCOMEThe dominate role of immunity factors in forming of reconvelsion salmonella bacteria carrying on the analysis base of persistent salmonellas characteristics self-descriptiveness, indexes of system and local immunity, is set in this article.
    Chuenko E.A., Usvyatsova B.Ya. CHARACTERISTIC OF ANTICAROSINE ACTIVITY OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF STAPHYLOCOCCUSAnticarnosine activity (AcrA) of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic staphylococcus is investigated, isolated from a mucous membrane of a nose of healthy people and bacteriacarrier. It is established, that the degree of expressiveness and frequency of the AcrA depends on a specific accessory of microorganisms and a source of allocation. In the group of conditionally pathogenic staphylococcus the direct communication is revealed of the AcrA with factors of colonization and persistence, but inverse relationship with virulence factors. At pathogenic form S. aureus direct dependence is determined between AcrA expression and frequency of colonization factors occurrence, persistence and virulence. Key words: spaphylococcus, anicernosine activity, factors of pathogenicity.
    Yatsenko-Stepanova T.N., Nemtseva N.V., Muravyeva M.E. ECOLOGICAL AND STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF ORENBURZHE’S ALGOFLORA The results are shown of regular structure analysis of 1033 kinds seaweed, varieties and forms concerning 10 departments, 15 classes, 33 orders, 85 families, 210 sorts, the contribution of conducting taxons and proportions of algoflora of reservoirs of the Orenburg region on the original data, and also the qualitative and ecological characteristic of flora are resulted. It is shown, that alongside with green and diatomaceous, "face" of investigated flora euglena seaweeds also define.
    Denisov E.N. CONDITION OF ENDOTHELIUM DEPENDENT REGULATION OF VESSELS TONE AT CHRONIC CARDIAC INSUFFICIENCYEndothelium dependent mechanisms of vessels tone regulation were investigated at patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency of I-III functional class. Changes in regulation of vessels tone are found out, progressing in process of weighting of cardiac insufficiency. It is shown, that one of the reasons of arising endothelium dysfunction are infringements in system of the red blood, developing at chronic cardiac insufficiency.
    Kamchibekova Ch.K. DEVELOPMENT OF SYNTHESIS METHODS OF EFFECTIVE ANTINEOPLASTIC PREPARATIONSProspects of development are appreciated in the field of effective antineoplastic preparations creation. New regioselective way of alkylurea glycosylation opens essentially new opportunities for modification of connections with the help of glycosylamide connections, allowing receiving the preparations having small toxicity and action selectivity.
    Mamtsev A.N., Bondareva I.A., Kamilov F.H., Kozlov V.N. ESTIMATION OF PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF IODINE CONTAINING BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE COMPONENT ON THE BASIS OF PECTIN AT EXPERIMENTAL HYPOTHYROIDISMIn the article the results of researches are submitted according to specific physiological activity of iodine containing organomineral complex in relation to thyroid system of laboratory rats. The importance of chronobiological researches of rats’ body temperature is shown during experimental modeling of hypothyroidism and studying of efficiency of iodine containing biologically active components.
    Mihaylova I.V., Smolyagin A.I., Ermolina E.V., Boev M.V., Boev В.М. FEATURES OF BIOLOGICAL ACTION OF POTASSIUM DICHROMATE AND BENZENE ON RATS WHISTАRFeatures of the immune and microelement status at rats Whistar are investigated at parenteral injection with potable water of potassium dichromate (К2Сr2О7), benzene (С6Н6) and a mix (potassium dichromate + benzene). It is revealed, that researched substances have immune depressive action as on parameters of blood, amount of cells in thymus, spleen, and on reaction of hypersensitivity of the slowed down type, and also cause shifts in the maintenance of microcells in blood and bodies.
    Pustotina G.F. APPLICATION OF POPULATION GENETICS METHODS IN BREEDING WORK WITH LARGE HORNED CATTLEIn the article the material is submitted on application of modern methods of selection with simmentalskaya breed of large horned cattle. Biological, selection parameters of the given population are investigated, and with the account of economic situation in the industry the program of the selection is developed, allowing to optimize the parity of variables and constant factors and to reveal the optimal at which the highest genetic progress of a population with the least expenses for its introduction turns out.
    Babin S.M., Vasilyeva A.V. SUPERVISION VALUE IN COMPLEX TREATMENT OF MENTAL FRUSTRATION Supervision process is described – it is one of the basic methods of preparation and improvement of professional skill in the field of psychotherapy and practical psychology. The special attention is given to understanding of supervision from the point of view of the dynamic approach. Both actual Russian and foreign experience of supervision realization is considered at therapy of mental frustration.
    Garaeva L.N., Schekin S.V., Frolov A.L., Shabanova N.A., Mavzyutov А.Р. MISSED ATTEMPTED ABORTION: CLINICO-IMMUNOLOGICAL FEATURES
    Gorlova V.A.., Budza V.G., Volyanik M.N., Perevertova I.V., Mazalova T.V. ADAPTATION OF PSYCHOEMOTIONAL PARAMETERS ON THE EXAMPLE OF CHARAC-TERISTICS OF ANXIETY AT CHILDREN WITH BRONCHIAL ASTHMA UNDER INFLUENCE OF PERIODIC HYPOBARIC HYPOXIC STIMULATIONSAdaptation to periodic hypobaric hypoxic stimulations (APHHS) – is a new noninvasive and nonmedicamentous method of influence on parameters of psychoemotional conditions at children with bronchial asthma (BА). The importance of this method is in opportunity of nonmedicamentous adaptation of psychoemotional parameters at children suffering with BА. In the article for the first time the indications are investigated, bearableness and adaptive opportunities of children with BА at realization of APHHS course.
    Lobanova L.N. REMOTE ACTINOTHERAPY OF MAMMARY GLAND CANCER AND ITS INFLUENCE ON CONDITION OF CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMIn the work the brief review to actinotherapy methods of mammary gland cancer and the analysis is given of studying results of morpho-functional condition of cardiovascular system at their application. Original research is carried out at 47 women, suffering with a mammary gland cancer, up to and within one week after the termination of course of treatment on devices of remote gammopathy "AGATE - R" and "AGATE - S" at a total doze 44-46 Gray. Decrease of adaptable opportunities of the cardiovascular system is established, confirmed by increase of a tachycardia and decrease of variability of an intimate rhythm. Defeats of a pericardium are clinically significant. The opportunity is determined of the prevention of adverse effect of remote beam therapy on cardiovascular system by retarding agents of angiotensin converting enzyme.
    Matchin A.A. PARAMETERS OF CENTRAL HEMODYNAMICS AND MICROHEMOCIRCULATION AT COMBINED TREATMENT OF CANCER OF ORGANS OF ORAL CAVITY PATIENTSThe parameters of central hemodynamics and parameters of microhemicirculation had been investigated at 95 patients with cancer of organs of oral cavity T3N0-1M0 after the ending of preoperative radiotherapy by the rheography method. Preoperative gamma irradiation does not render essential influence on parameters of central hemodynamics in comparison with control group of patients, but causes the expressed changes of local blood circulations in a skin of the neck which are included in a zone of an irradiation.
    Prokofyev A.B. ANTIISCHEMIC AND HYPOTENSIVE EFFECTS OF APPLICATION OF ADAPTATION TO PERIODIC ALTITUDE CHAMBER HYPOXIA AT MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION PATIENTS The dynamics of clinical picture of disease was studied, ABP, parameters of holterovskiy monitoring under influence of rahabilitation actions at 66 men with a myocardial infarction in the period of scarring which middle age has made 52,4 years. As a rehabilitation method periodic altitude chamber hypoxia was applied at test group of patients, and at group of the control - classical physical rehabilitation. It is established, that the given PACH method renders more significant medical effect expressed in reduction of the basic clinical symptoms at patients, authentic decrease as SBP, and DBP, and also reduction of duration and number of episodes of an myocardial ischemia, that finally promotes of doze decrease of coronaroactive and antihypertensive drug at the given category of patients. Key words: myocardial infarction, rehabilitation, altitude chamber hypoxia.
    Savelyeva I.E. MORPHOLOGICAL AND FUNCTIONAL VISUALI-ZATION AT INSULTSDynamic inspection of 267 patients with cerebral ischemia is carried out. Methods of morphological and functional visualization were applied. Necessity of realization complex inspections of patients with suspicion on an insult is shown which allows receiving the most authentic view about character, localization and a degree of expressiveness of pathological process.
    Tinkov A.N., Kolesnikov B.L., Prokofyev A.B., Grintsova M.V., Bredihina M.N., Pronina T.N. CLINICAL EFFICIENCY OF HYPOBAROTHERAPY AT MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION PATIENTS DURING OUT-PATIENT - POLYCLINIC STAGE OF REHABILITA-TIONInspection of 57 men with myocardial infarction in the period of scarring (middle age is 52,4 years) is carried out, at which as a method of rehabilitation periodic hypoxia was applied in conditions of pressure chamber "Ural 1". The complex of inspection, including bicycle ergometry and holterovskiy monitoring, is carried out up to the beginnings and after end of the rehabilitation course. It is established, that the given method renders significant medical effect at 89 % of patients, due to reduction of symptoms both specific, and common character, authentic growth of tolerance to physical loading, reduction of number and duration episodes of an ischemia and decrease of extrasystole activity. Key words: a myocardial infarction, rehabilitation, altitude chamber hypoxia.
    Tuhvatullina R.F., Krasikov S.I., Leyzerman V.G., Budza V.G., Karpets A.V., Bikaeva N.N. CORRECTION OF PERSON`S CHANGES AT ALCOHOLICS DURING ADAPTATION - PERIODIC HIPOXIAThe present research is devoted to studying influence of adaptation to periodic hypoxia on the clinical course of alcoholic illness connected to influence on psychological changes of a person, formed as a result of illness. For studying of person’s changes psychodiagnostic researches were carried out by the following techniques: personal Ayzenk’s questionnaire, technique by Spilberger-Khanin, technique of personal differential, K.Tomasa’s technique, diagnostics of self-relations. Results of the carried out researches have shown, that psychological parameters change as a result of treatment. Positive influence on behavioural features of a person is marked that promotes prolongation of remission. As a result of supervision over patients during spent research increase of initiative level, adequacy of emotional reactions, downturn of conflict level is observed. Among stereotypes of interpersonal interaction by patients harmonious styles of dialogue began to be used.
    Gziryan V.S. SOCIAL - LABOUR ADAPTATION OF INVALIDS FROM AMONG PARTICIPANTS OF OPERATIONS, LIVING IN THE ORENBURG REGIONTaking into account significant difficulties in the decision of a question of the professional employment, caused by the specificity of military service, necessity arises of social - labour adaptation which will be carried out at the turn of interests of some structures: services of employment, educational establishments, education controls, institutions of local government, the enterprises, public organizations.
    Korshunova E.A. APPLICATION OF ADVERTISING TECHNOLOGIES IN MODERN MEDICINEIn the work the author considers features and opportunities of application of advertising technologies in modern medicine. The general technique of use of the advertising technologies is offered, taking into account specificity of the goods and services of medical assignment and allowing providing their effective deducing and introduction on the market.
    Dolgih E.V., Brudastov Y.A., Konyuhov V.A. ORGANIZATION METHODOLOGY IN MULTIPLE-DISCIPLINE HIGH SCHOOL OF INTERNAL INDUSTRIAL INSPECTION BEHIND WORKPLACES EQUIPPED WITH COMPUTERSThe situational analysis of system of industrial inspection behind working and educational places is submitted, equipped with computer engineering, in multiple-discipline high school. The new organizational model is proved with annual economic benefit more than 1 million rubles.
    Ramenskiy V.A. TO UNDERSTANDING OF MULTIENZYME COMPLEX ACTION ON TRANSFORMATION OF NUTRIENTS AND ENERGY OF FORAGE IN ORGANISM OF ANIMALSIn the article results of research are given by definition of multienzyme complex influence on conversion of nutrients in an organism of the ruminants receiving multienzyme preparation and silo made with its use.
    Leyzerman V.G ., Svistunova N.V., Krasikov S.I., Bugrova О.V. ESTIMATION OF SANATORIUM TREATMENT EFFICIENCY ON TOLERANCE TO EMOTIONAL STRESSThe present research is devoted to an estimation of sanatorium treatment efficiency on increase of stability of an organism to psycho-emotional loadings (PEL). The carried out complex of treatment and sanitary improving actions raised stability of central nervous system and cardiovascular system to action of PEL. It is shown, that sanatorium treatment by significantly raised tolerance to action of standard psycho-emotional loadings.
    Nekrasov V.I. ELEMENT STATUS OF NOVOSIBIRSK’S INHABITANTS, WORKING IN NUCLEAR INDUSTRY AND OCCUPIED IN NON-PRODUCTIVE SPHEREIn the given work on the basis of the analysis of hair methods ИСП-АЭС and ИСП-МС the element status is investigated of the workers of the Novosibirsk chemoconcentrate factory in comparison with group of practically healthy adults the inhabitants of Novosibirsk who are not contacting to chemical elements on manufacture. The basic and control groups included 100 person in the age of from 25 till 46 years. It is revealed, that loading with toxic chemical elements at workers of NCF is comparable to average values over Novosibirsk. However at workers of NCF in comparison with control group the revealed deficiencies and surpluses of chemical elements are more expressed and infringements of a mineral exchange also meet more often, than at the persons occupied in non-productive sphere. Key words: macrocells, microcells, toxic chemical elements, the analysis of hair, workers of the nuclear industry, the element status.

    Sergey Aleksandrovich

    © Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
    Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
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