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№ 11 2005


  • app.1
  • Humanitarian sciences

    Prokofieva A.G. S.A. ESENIN AND ORENBURG REGIONInteresting pages of work of Great Russian poet Sergei Esenin, connected with creation of the poem "Pugachev" and also with his communication with poets who were native of Orenburg region, are revealed in this article.
    Bunina S.N. "DESERT… NIGHT… AND STARS TWINKLING": ROMANTIC INTERTEXT IN WORK OF M.A. VOLOSHINFunctions of romantic intertext (firstly, intertext of M. Lermontov, A. Pushkin, E. Baratynsky) in the artistic world of M. Voloshin are researched in this article. The author shows that poet formation, who had the reputation of "Frenchman" and "Parnassian" till the present time, was in close interaction with Russian Romanism culture, and his work was oriented till his past days on classical traditions of native literature.
    Zhaplova T.M. FEATURES OF MANOR SPACE IN THE POETRY OF XIX – BEGINNING OF XX CENTURIESThe features of manor space in the poetry of XIX – beginning of XX centuries are regarded in this article. Comparison of architectural and poetical elements are made here, also united tradition of manor locus creation as common cultural space is revealed in this article too.
    Gorokhov P.A. HEROES AND ANTI-HEROES IN ENGLISH GOTHIC PROSE Masterpieces of English "Gothic prose", anticipated many plots of modern humanity spiritual history and influenced till the present time on literature, philosophy, psychology, mass and elitist culture, are regarded in this article.
    Borisova I.M. TO THE QUESTION OF SPECIFIC OF ITALICS FUNCTIONING IN EXPRESSED IN VERSE SPEECH (ON THE MATERIAL OF N.A. NEKRASOV POETRY)Graphical mode of italics with accounting of its functioning in expressed in verse speech is regarded in this article. Italics is shown here in interaction with expressed in verse formats: with rhyme and enjambement.
    Zelyanskaya N.L. AXIOLOGICAL AND GNOSEOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF LITERARY CATEGORIES IN THE SPACE OF RECEPTION (EXPERIMENTAL ASPECT)This article is devoted to the experimental researches of functioning peculiarities of literary categoric apparatus in the space of reception. The analysis of experiment results allows presenting receptive intensions of informants (teachers of the Russian language and literature) in the form of a model. The author regards this model as a representative of conceptual system of teachers, which organizes literary categories in the structure, reflected axiological and gnoseological priorities of teachers’ microsocial unity.
    Shlyakhova S.S. SOUND SEMIOTICS IN THE STORY "YELLOW ARROW" OF V. PELEVINIn this article the author suggests new understanding ways of artistic space of V. Pelevin’s texts. Special attention is given to semeiotic means of mystical beginning expression in the frames of human speech phonosphere. General stages of language philonez, properties of protospeach, general phonosemantic laws on the material of the story "Yellow arrow" are reflected in this article.
    Moskalchuk G.G. NON-CENTRAL REPEATS IN THE TEXTMethods of symmetrical and non-central repetition of wordorder in phrase repeats are regarded in this article on the material of dialect speech phonorecording. General methods of interaction symmetrical and non-central repeats in halting text, allowing transferring to the systematization and analysis of processes of spontaneous text order through categories of structural steadiness/ unsteadiness, are revealed here too.
    Belousov K.I. SEMANTIC TEXT ORGANIZATION AND ITS PERCEPTION IN THE ASPECT OF MODELINGThis article is devoted to the experimental research of semantic text organization. Using methods of analysis are represented in the form of complete researched program, allows transferring to the model studying of chronostructural text organization.
    Chebotnikova T.A. SPEECH CONTACT AS AN OBJECT AND SUBJECT OF STUDYINGCommunication is regarded in this article from the position of activity theory. The nature of speech contact, factors, determining its effectiveness and successfulness are in the author’s attention center, and also the ways and methods of skills forming of speech contact are set here.
    Moiseeva I.Yu. CONCEPTION OF SELF-ORGANIZATION IN THE CONTEXT OF POSTNONCLASSICAL PARADIGMThe analysis of modern condition of "postnonclassical" science, characterized with wide mutual integration of sciences; theory of "non central" development; theory of "evolution channels" and bifurcation are in the center of this article. Regularities of text shaping as a natural object, starting from general principals of symmetry and synergy theory are researched here.
    Prosvirkina I.I. REGIONAL LANGUAGE CONSCIOUSNESS AS A MODEL BASE OF REGIONAL LANGUAGE PERSON In the article during the analysis of terms "language person", "language consciousness", "mentality", the attention is given that long ethnic contacts influence on the forming of special regional consciousness , which is necessary to take into account at analysis of language person structure. The contents "regional language consciousness" and "regional language person" are introduced in this article.
    Milekhina T.A. THE IMAGE OF ENTREPRENEUR IN RUSSIAN LITERATUREThe image of entrepreneur in Russian historical and cultural context, in Russian classical literature, modern literature, television films, mass media, according to the materials of students’ questioning is analyzed in this article. It is proved that steady stereotype of negative perception of entrepreneur, formed in Russian social consciousness does not reflect objective reality. The necessity of real image creating of a man-owner on the base of positive examples from native history is forming at the present time.
    Pyataev N.V. FROM LEXICAL NEST TO GENETIC PARADIGM: TO THE PROBLEM OF DYNAMIC DESCRIPTION OF LEXICAL LANGUAGE SYSTEMOne of the ways of dynamic description of the Russian language lexical system in the form of construction of nest diachronic dictionary of new type is suggested in this article according to the synergetic principle of modern science. Types classification of lexical nests from the point of view of its structure evolution in the language history: word composition, root and etymological nests, genetic paradigm are given here.
    Goncharova N.N. MYTHPOETICAL BASIS OF INTERPRETATION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT PARABLE ABOUT LAMP UNDER VESSELThis article is devoted to interpretation of parable about lamp under vessel, which is the most interesting and deep parable at its content among parables of New Testament, represented in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luka. The accent is given here on its mythpoetical constituent, regarding of which opens wider opportunities for understanding the meaning of spoken "from word foundation" together with concrete language material.
    Kudaeva Z.Zh. TEMPORARY PARAMETERS IN ADYGEI MYTHEPIC TRADITION (ON THE MATERIAL OF PAREMIYA)The analysis of folklore materials, in particular omens-rules, allows having some notions about temporary space structure in Adygei mythepic tradition, also cosmogonical notions, connected with egg symbolism in omens, rules and myth-ritual complex.
    Temkina V.L., Sobchakova N.M. TO THE PROBLEM OF SYNTACTICAL UNITS MODELING AND ITS FUNCTIONING IN THE SPEECH (ON THE EXAMPLE OF COMPOUND SENTENCE WITH TEMPORAL SUBORDINATE)The authors of this article regard opportunities variety of such functional unit as compound sentence with time subordinate; also they make an analysis of speech demonstration of this syntactical form. The variety both as insidelevel as interlevel is regarded here too. Different approaches to the problem of syntactical constructions modeling are analyzed in this article.
    Sakharova N.S. ABOUT CORRELATION OF MODALITY AND TEMPORALITY IN THE ENGLISH SENTENCE-STATEMENT (ON THE EXAMPLE OF EXPRESSION MEANS OF PROSPECTIVENESS)This article is devoted to the questions of semantic syntax and reveals correlation of modality and temporality, passed by expression means of prospectiveness in the modern English language.
    Solodilova I.A. ABOUT SOME PROBLEMS OF TEXT BROOD AND PERCEPTION IN THE ASPECT OF COMMUNICATIONActual problem of text brood and perception are regarded in this article in its attitude to composing components of communicative act such as situation, motive, and addressee. Positions of psycholinguistics and hermenevtics are researched together with traditional linguistic positions.
    Osiyanova O.M. NATIONAL CULTURAL WORD SEMANTIC AND SPEECH CONTACTThis article is devoted to the actual for modern global world problem of language and culture intercommunication and regards one of its aspects, which is the role of "cultural component" of word meaning in attainment of speech contact effectiveness between representatives of different cultures.
    Shubina E.L. THE PROBLEMS OF SYNTACTICAL VARIATION IN THE GERMAN LANGUAGE ON THE LEVEL OF ANALYTICAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE TYPE EINE ART+ADJN (IN SYNCHRONISM AND DIACHRONICS)Normative grammas of the modern German language recommend choosing agreement or grammatical forming of word-combination of the type eine Art+AdjN. But extensive factual material shows that genitive and prepositional government dos not disappear from the word-combination of this type, but stays as an often using type of subordinating connection.
    Kharaeva L.H. SEMANTIC PROBLEMS OF RECONSTRUCTION: TO THE QUESTION ABOUT CORRELATION OF TETE AND CHEF IN THE FRENCH LANGUAGEThis article is devoted to the problems of inner reconstruction of French lexeme tkte and its derivatives went back to the Latin etymon testa, analysis of semantic parallels, and also differences in development of two French lexemes, from one side, and comparative analysis with bringing in given many-structural languages from other side.
    Pasechnaya L.A., Popova T.V. TO PROBLEM OF DEFINITIONS OF A NEW WORD IN MODERN LINGUISTICSWord-formation is connected closely with the process of new words creation in the language. The term "neologism" is used usually for indication of new words in linguistics. The problem of determination of the term "neologism", its vagueness and indistinctness is regarded in this article. The attempt to differentiate such notions as "new word", "neologism" and "new formation" was made in the frame of this article.
    Solodilova I.A., Vyatchina V.E. FRASEOLOGISM WITH MEANING "TIME" IN THE SPHERE OF LINGUISTIC-CULTURAL RESEARCHESThe factors of culture and language interference, considering different reflections in language functioning which suppose the realization of linguistic-cultural approach to the studying of fraseological units, are researched in this article. The analysis of fraseologisms with meaning "time" is the important point, on the base of which fraseologisms are joined in fraseo-semantic fields, conclusions are made, that the German and Russian cultures can be divided as monokhronic and polykhronic cultures at life rate and activity rhythm.

    Sergey Aleksandrovich

    © Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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