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№ 4 2003

Humanitarian sciences

Matyash S.A. NEW ARGUMENT IN OLD PROBLEM (TO THE QUESTION ABOUT NATIONAL SOURCES OF RUSSIAN VERSIFICATION REFORM) Opinion of native and foreign scientists of sources reform of Russian versification of Lomonosov-Trediakovsky is classified in this article. Trediakovsky's relation to versification translation (enjambement) is considered as additional argument in favour of conception of national reform foundation.
Dolin Y.T. DO WE NEED A NEW SHEET OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHOGRAPHY: FOR AND AGAINST In this article the author guards from a new sheet of the Russian orthography, the necessity of which has reached long ago. Now current rules of the Russian orthography and punctuation were issued by Teaching-Pedagogical Publishing House in 1956 and they have become out of date, because they do not show modern conditions of the Russian language, the language of the end XX - the beginning of XXI centuries. New sheet of orthography eliminates also the disagreement, which is present now as in different writing texts as in periodical press.
Ganeev B.T. PRIMARY ENANTIOSEMY AND DIFFUSENESS IN A LANGUAGE The hypothesis of primary enantiosemy, which was put forward by K. Abel, is considered in the article, because of it approaches of Z. Freud, E. Benvenist, Samy-Aly are analyzed. The term of enanthionym is suggested for an unit of language, corresponding to phenomenon of enantiosemy. Thus, enantiosemy as cause and effect of languages changes appears only on definite stage of word polysemantization and connects with problem of word semantic diffuseness.
Egorova O.G. ABOUT RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH VARIANTS OF TALES' TITLES BY V. NABOKOV IN A FRAME OF PROSE CYCLE THEORY Interrelationship and interidentity Russian and English titles of Nabokov's tales are studied in this article. It is made a conclusion that tales can be assimilated more complete only with taking into consideration English equivalents (considering primordial special bilingua nature of Nabokov's work); only in such way it is possible to feel essential and cycleformative connections and to make sure in a presence and a functioning of special (modernist and postmodernist) type of cycle structures.
Chirsheva G.N. BILINQUAL SPEECH Bilinqual syntaxemes are built according to principals of morphemes order and system morphemes, which underlie frame model of matric language. Activation of substantial morphemes and different types of system morphemes are happened in different levels of speech production. Idea of morphosyntactic frame, as separate level of speech production is confirmed with psycholinguistic researches especially in sphere of speech mistakes. Comparison of utterances with code switchings and lexical mistakes gives an opportunity to find general mechanism of this phenomenon origin.
Eremina N.V. POSSIBILITIES OF STUDY GAME USAGE ON LESSON OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE Possibilities of study game usage on lesson of foreign language as method of speech activity activation of non-language specialty students are opened in the article, also game superiority under other studying means is proved here. Studying games, which are more effective for students audience are considered in this article; their peculiarities and using expediency on every stage of studying are considered in the article.
Reilly E., Machneva L. STUDYING OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE BY DRAMATIZATION Using of dramatic literature on lessons of foreign languages can be important method, because it promotes increase of student vocabulary, improvement of their pronunciation and language using in real situations. Though the students teaching of acting technique can be seemed a hard task, in reality it is not so. It can be easy to teach general acting skills, that is proved in this article.
Ivanischeva O.N. CORRELATIVE AND UNCORRELATIVE REALITIES AS OBJECT OF BILINGUAL VOCABULARY Division of cultural-connotative vocabulary on correlative and uncorrelative realities, which took the place of traditional terms equivalent / nonequivalent is presented in this article, because according to the author's meaning new terms are less attached to a word, to denotation. The types of uncorrelative realities, such as nomenclature names, realities with names of analogical nature, cultural-connotative combinations, which are not researched in special literature, are presented in this work.
Kolesnikova M.S. LEXICAL PARALLELS IN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION AS LEXICOGRAPHICAL PROBLEM Different conceptions of lexicographical approach to the problem of lexical parallels in new genres of lexicography - bilingual studying and cultural science dictionaries (based on material of the German and the Russian languages) are considered in the article. Lexicographical codification tendency of lexical parallels is analyzed here. Principals of semantization and lexical units translation from point of view of modern intercultural communication are discussed here too.
Korovushkin B.P. NON-STANDARD VOCABULARY IN ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN MILITARY SUBLANGUAGES (CONCEPTUAL ORGANS OF SOCIALLEXICOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION) Sociallexicological description of non-standard vocabulary of English and Russian military sublanguages includes notions of sociallinguistic norm, existential form of language, diglossia, national variant, literary standard, popular language, sublanguage, sociolect, lexical systems of sublanguage, military sublanguage and military sociolect, invective. Classified foundation of words stock of language is social-communicative stratification of components of literary standard and lexical popular language.
Osiyanova O.M. LINGUISTIC EDUCATION IN CONTEXT OF PERSONALITY FORMING On the brink of new millennium our society has changed political reference points and come to the XXI century with open borders and impetuous developed mass communication. The role which attached to the language, has changed in a side of its practical usage as effective instrument of intercultural communication. At the same time, the language is important part of national spiritual culture. Right case organization in the most important branch of humanitarian education - philology, is correct and clear introduction of place, tasks, content and ways of linguistic education development, which allows to solve the most important , modern global problem of personality humanization.
Solodilova I.A. SENSE WITHIN GERMENEVTIC TEACHING In spite of the fact that the problem of sense determination and its place in the structural text organization has old traditions, it is hard to get the one point of view of this problem (to give sense differentiation), because the sense is many-dimensional and multifold phenomenon, phenomenon not only artistic but communicative, pragmatic and psychical plans.
Tyomkina V.L. ROLE OF MONOLOGIC AND DIALOGIC SPEECH IN LINGVOCOMMUNICATIVE CULTURE FORMING Dialogical relations are practically universal phenomenon, which pierce all manifestations of human life, all that has sense and importance. Informational and communicative space need, that a man refuses from "unconscious might of egocentrism", which hinder from new knowledge beginning and understanding of own "I" and "You" of other / strange in surrounding world. A man is able to open himself, which is expanse for own ideas and actions, to become ligvocommunical personality, if he is ready for joint reflection, if he has monologic and dialogic forms of verbal activity, if he takes into consideration their manifestation and their correlation in lingvocommunicative culture formation.
Mikhaylov F.T., Demchenko L.M. PHILOSOPHY, EDUCATION, POWER The problems of education crises in our country, its social, political, economic and socialcultural foundations are considered in the article, also necessity to turn back all high education to the status of state-civil institutions is proved here. Bureaucratization of all neareducational power structures in a state of non-civil society stands one of the most important reasons of education. The going out from educational process crises needs role strengthening of civil association of scientists and teachers, and limitation of bureaucrat arbitrariness in education, exactly "bureaucrat" innovations in education, refusal from universal regulation of educational process by bureaucrats.
Alexeev S.V. ADMINISTRATIVE-LEGAL REGULATION OF EMPLOYER ACTIVITY The specificity of administrative-legal relations, originated in process of employer activity regulation in the Russian Federation, development dynamic and opportunities of perfection of administrative-legal regulation of Russian entrepreneurship mechanism are considered in the artile.
Borisyuk N.K., Mykhsinova L.Kh. THEORETICAL AND METHODICAL FOUNDATIONS OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION EFFECTIVENESS Market reorganizations of economic cause special acuteness of production effectiveness increase. These processes have own peculiarities in countries of former USSR, which is shown on the example of industrial complex of Azerbaijan Republic. Theoretical and methodical foundations of production effectiveness appraisal are considered in this article, also organic collection of indicators, allowing enterprise management to realize more operative management of production, is presented here.
Bannova N.E. MACROMODEL OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION SPHERE INFLUENCE ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Mathematical macromodel of science and education sphere influence on economic development is considered in this article, also its interpretation on the base of parameters of anthropological (psychological) society structure is given here.
Bogolyubov S.A. DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS OF ECOLOGICAL LEGISLATION General problems of modern ecological legislation, its contradictions and gaps are considered in this article. It is paid attention to implantation of international ecological norms and standards in Russian legislation, correlation of federal and regional legislation in sphere of nature management and environmental protection. It is suggested the conception of ecological legislation development.
Amelchenko S.N. OBJECTIVE REALITY OF DUE IN CULTURE: PROBLEM OF BASIS It is analyzed in the article the sense of category "due", also cosmological, idealistic (theocentric), social, anthropocentric and knowmenal approaches to comprehension of given term, which determine peculiarity of traditional, modernist and postmodernist types of culture are revealed here.
Kuzmin V.Y. TRAINING OF RUSSIAN PHYSICIANS IN XVIII - BEGINNING OF XX CENTURIES The problem of educational system forming of training of doctors, medical assistants and midwives is considered in this article. Passed scientific research has shown that to XVIII century the treating of ill people from courtier tsar's court was realized by foreign physicians, presented on service in Russia. As a result of Peter the Great reforms the studying of Russian physician began, and later the other category of medical employees, which continued to the October Revolution in 1917.
Komarov V.P., Isaeva O.V. TOLERANCE BRINGING UP OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Scientifically proved system of tolerance bringing up of student youth on the base of contradiction exposure and pedagogical opportunities of educational institution will promote success tasks solving of specialist training in university as harmony developed personality.
Popova V.I. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY AS SOCIAL-PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATIONAL SURROUNDING OF STUDENTS Theoretical foundations of extracurricular activity of students, technologies and conditions of professional students' formation realization are considered in this article.
Borodina N.V., Goronovich M.V. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITION OF MODULE TECHNOLOGIES USAGE IN DISTANCE EDUCATION In this article the opportunities of module education is compared with peculiarities of distance education, and model of module technologies usage in distance education is described according to definite pedagogical conditions.
Epanchintseva G.A. ABOUT PECULIARITIES OF SUBSTANTIAL-ORIENTED TESTS DESIGNING General problems of substantial diagnostic norms are considered in this article. General algorithms of tests designing are analyzed here. General lines of test fulfillment are presented. Author's conclusion of substantial diagnostic boundedness is stated.
Kurina V.A. INTEGRATION PROCESSES IN CONTINUOUS SYSTEM OF TECHNOLOGICAL TRAINING The subject of the article is integration of studying in the system of technological training, which includes general education level and forming of high qualified teacher of subject sphere "Technology". Historical stages of integration processes in technological training, opportunity to realize integration on the base of technology sections are analyzed in the article.
Popov E.B. FOUNDATIONS OF QUALITATIVE APPROACH TO RESEARCH OF CONDITION AND CHANGES IN A SYSTEM OF GENERAL EDUCATION The specificity of qualitative methods of pedagogical reality studying as humanitarian examination, supposing information analyses, presented and subjectively interpreted by participations of pedagogical process are revealed in the article.
Aniskin V.N. TECHNOLOGICAL CULTURE OF FUTURE TEACHER AS A CATEGORY OF DIDACTICS Interpretation of conception "technological culture of a teacher", as an assemblage of his skills to use in adequate way in everyday pedagogical work such technologies as technology of informational-oriented activity, technology of studying information presentation, technology of control-appraisal activity, are suggested in this article. At the same time reproducibility of pedagogical technology results are considered as difference of it.
Anisimov V.P. ART-PEDAGOGICS AS A SYSTEM OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESS New tendency of pedagogic science connected with working out of psychotechnology art methods is disclosed in this article. The author devotes special attention to the system of psychological support of educational process.
Mitina A.M. THEORY "LEARNING ORGANIZATION" IN MODERN FOREIGN ANDRAGOGICS The conception "Learning organization", which involves different tendencies connected with studying through all life, is considered in this article. The author considers the specificity of studying process formation with account of its organizational components.
Skvortsov G.I. PERSONAL-ORIENTED APPROACH TO SELF-DETERMINATION OF STUDENTS-SPORTSMEN IN BEFORE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING (CONCEPTUAL THESIS) The problem of formation and development of professional-pedagogical skills of students-sportsmen, studied in special sport and profile forms of physical and sport direction is considered in the article. Pedagogical principals of before professional training are determined here. Realization of these principals in practice of pedagogical work in profile forms allowed building model of students-sportsmen self-determination in before professional training. Analysis of personality formation process in teenager and youthful age in paradigm of modern personnel-oriented education allowed choosing system, personnel-oriented approach as methodological foundation of education.
Borisova S.A. TEXT SPACE AS MATERIAL OBJECT Text as any material object is placed in space, forms space and can analyze in terms of space diagram "receptacle". Text space is double-layer: outside, visually observed layer, which represents lined consequence of fixed author's "locations" of verbal signs; inside layer is inaccessible for speaker's immediate observation and contains imply information of unlined character. During process of text perception by a recipient the verbal units and constituent text space enter in relations of intercompatibility, correlativeness and interconditionality, which promote text understanding.
Yudina T.D. TENDENCIES OF DEVELOPMENT OF POLITICAL RELATIONS "CENTER-REGION" IN MODERN RUSSIA Development peculiarities and prospects of relation between center and region as independent subjects of power in process of political modernization of modern Russia are considered in this article. Comparative characteristics of regions are given here, also subjects' groups are considered, concerning character of its interaction in a system "center-region".
Kuvshinova O.A. GERONTOLOGICAL THEORIES OF PEOPLE ACTIVITY IN MIDDLE AGE Old age is peculiar age-psychological period, which attracts great changes. Traditionally old age is interpreted as process of degradation and decline, however development of a man takes place in this period too. Twenty-thirty age, which a man lives in old age, is enough term for acquisition of new knowledge and skills. In many cases, life activation is necessary condition for life quality improvement.
Lomakina N.N. STUDYING OF PRODUCTIVE COMMUNICATION ON FOREIGN LANGUAGE AT RECEPTIVE TYPES OF SPEECH ACTIVITY Possession of foreign language as a mean of communication becomes integral part of modern specialist professional culture in any sphere of knowledge. Knowledge of foreign language allows to use information from different sources, including new informational technologies. Teaching of foreign language communication proposes the skill to realize creative search and information processing at specialty, including marketing, patents, advertising, articles of science character, modifying different combinations of reading types, at work with authentic literature.
Pugach O.I. POTENTIAL OF EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS AS AN ELEMENT OF EDUCATION MANAGEMENT The article contains critical analysis of modern condition of educational statistics, including its problem, among of which such as not enough usage of analytical methods of mathematics statistics and potential opportunity of tactless interpretation of published data.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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