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№ 2 2004

Humanitarian sciences

Kashin V.V. NOTIONAL REALITY OF GEOTHE Geothe was refused in his own philosophy, basing on classic philosophy break-off of ontology from epistemology. The XX century philosophy overcame this, also with the help of such ideas as notional reality. The notional reality is not an epistemological idea but axiological and ontological. The notional reality of Geothe is a precious system produced by himself, existing in spiritual relation to the world and is rooted in culture.
Belyaev I.A. VALUE CONTENT OF UNIQUE WORLD REALATIONSHIP The article is dedicated to research of human world relationship as unique biologic-social-spiritual creature. Basing on prevailing to the present moment values and values orientation of a person concept idea-terminological form, the author discloses his views on relations between these phenomenons. Unique world relation is considered as a whole of world definition and world creating its development is related with valuable opening up of reality.
Ivanov A.N. THE PROBLEM OF STABLE DEVELOPMENT IN GLOBALIZTION. The present article tries to characterize the problem of stable (self maintained) development in globalization, accenting on possibility of transition to stable development only due to dramatic changes of value orientations and co-evolutionary noosphere consciousness. The main condition of these transformations can be formation of the new system of nooshperical education as XXI century educational model.
Bogomolov S.A. FICTION VERSION OF "NEW IMPERIALISM" CONCEPT IN NEOROMANTISM OF R.L.STEVENSON This article is dedicated to the problems of imperial views system formation and development in heroic novels of R.L. Stevenson. The genre of romantic adventures became one of the main means of youth education in imperial manner. Neoromantism of R.L. Stevenson became a method of coming to consensus in security and expansion of the British Empire in late XIX century.
Lyubichankovsky S.V. THE GOVERNOR INSTITUTE NEW STUDY METHODS DEVELOPMENT IN LATE XIX - YEARLY XX CENTURY IN MODERN DOMESTIC HISTORICAL SCIENCE The article discloses and analyzes of new methods of study of the governor institute in late XIX - yearly XX century arised in domestic historical science in the late years. Main results takes shape.
Fomina O.A. STROPHIC OF VYSOTSKY Strophic of Visotsky is described for the first time. Statistics is disclosed, particularly on astrophic and strophic forms. Types of strophic arrangements are considered. Song and verse of Visotsky' s creative work are analyzed with typological analysis.
Kosova M.V. TERMINOLOGIZATION AS LEXIC AND SEMANTIC PROCESS The article reflects the results of basic laws of general lexis terminologization study; linguistic specialization, semantic modulation and semantic derivation processes are considered allowing to explain the language nomination tendency in Russian specific lexis.
Stashkevich I.R. PROJECT AND TECHNOLOGIC PRINCIPLE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDYING AT MILITARY SPECIALISTS' TRAINING It is regarded a new project and technologic principle of professional studying and its practical use by way of organization of studying and cognitive activity of students of military Institutions of Higher Education in didactic computers spheres, realizing integral model of studying.
Melekesov G.A., Syromitskaya I.A. ADAPTIVE PROCESS OF STUDENTS OF PEDAGOGICAL INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND ITS DIFFICULTIES Training of qualified teachers is an important condition of modernization of Russian educational system. Future teachers must realize panhuman values, learn to join pupils to values of world culture. Successful adaptation of students of Pedagogical Institution of Higher Education promotes to the decision of this question. With this aim it is demanded to educe difficulties of this process and ways of their solution.
Anisimova V.V., Serikov V.V. PROJECTION OF PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY: OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE BASES Pedagogical activity is regarded in this article as necessary element of projection of pedagogical system various attribute. The role of pedagogical projects in the realization of achievement technologies of educational objectives is given here, and also the influence on formation of subjective-personal and professional reality is showed in this article. The authors give in their article the analysis of logical-system model of pedagogical activity, which is represented as given project. As it is stressed in the article, psychological mechanism of pedagogical projecting is reflexive thinking of a teacher, which is showed in a form of intuition, reflexion and personal appraisal of proper experience.
Dubovitskaya T.D. DIAGNOSTICS OF STUDIED SUBJECT MEANING FOR DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENT'S PERSONALITY The problem of personality development in education is regarded in this article. Diagnostic system for determination of studied subject meaning for development of student's personality is given here. Also psychometric check of the test was realized here, and recommendations of studied disciplines teaching perfection were given here too.
Usmanov V.V. MANAGEMENT THEORIES AND PRACTICE ANALYSIS The article is dedicated to the matters of military-professional orientation of youth. The author considers the whole of management concepts in the aspect of its development in chronological order. An attempt to arrange different point of views on management was made, the whole of base variants and unified methodological grounds. The definition of methodological base of military-professional oriented youth management theory formation was made on the basis of brief management theories and practice analysis.
Bagishaev Z.A. FORMING OF STRATEGIC VECTORS OF RUSSIAN EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT The article is devoted to education modernization, working out of new strategic trends, conceptual theories, determination and substantiation of containing and procedural basis of variable educational model construction. The main topic of the article is an idea about an aspiration for All-European identity because of entry of Russia into Bolon process. Conduced analysis of educational situation on the base of theoretical researches shows the specificity of transformations, occurred in educational sphere of the Republic Bashkortostan.

Economic sciences

Voronina V.M. THEORETIC AND PRACTICE ASPECTS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION ANALYSIS AND DIAGNOSTIC OF CREDITIOR AT SUPERVISION PROCEDURE The present article specifies briefly exposed matters in the Federal Law "About business failure (bankruptcy)" from October, 26 2002 ? 127, relating to analysis during supervision procedure. The author's position is that using traditional methods of analysis of financial condition it is also necessary to use modern diagnostic instruments. Though in frames of anti-crisis management the methodology and methodic of enterprise diagnostic has statement character.
Oksamitny A.K., Popova E.A., Pryakhin G.N. TRANSACTOR'S RESTRUCTURING PROCESSES EFFECIENCY The article considers some basic theoretic and methodological matters of transactor's restructuring. Joint-stock company's adapt features and characteristics content is disclosed. Structure changes mechanism model is founded and restructuring potential is defines.
Kolmakova I.D. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC FEATURES OF REGIONAL LABOR MARKET The article considers the condition and social and economic features of labor market on the Cheliabinsk region example. Regional demographic data, employment service data are disclosed; labor market development factors and tendencies are considered. The article gives recommendations on improvements of regional labor market functioning efficiency.
Nezhivenko E.A. THEORETICAL GROUNDS OF COMPETITIVENESS OF MECHANIC ENGINERING ENTRPRISE RELATIONS WITH ITS EDUCATIONAL POTENTIAL The article considers classification of competitiveness mechanic engineering enterprise relations with its educational potential. Requirements and principles of building such relations are considered. Law of formation and development of relations of competitiveness with educational potential, natural to modern conditions of machine-engineering industry functioning are disclosed. Statement about influence of competitiveness relation with educational potential on enterprise operational activity efficiency improvements is motivated.
Alyoshin A.N. HYDROCARBON LANDUSE: CONDITION, PROBLEMS, RESOLVING The article is dedicated to prevailing relationships between state and land users, performing hydrocarbon extractions, problems and ways of resolving.

Natural sciences

Tarasova T.F., Garitskaya M.U. ECOLOGIC BURDEN ON ROADSIDE TERRITORIES OF ORENBURG STUDY The article is dedicated to roadside pollution of Orenburg streets. Roadside quality evaluation is made under total ecological burden of pollution substances and under burden norm exceeding coefficient.
Medvedev P.V., Stepanov A.S. REGULATION OF BREADMAKING IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENT The article discloses evaluation of competitiveness of breadmaking enterprises of Orenburg, allowing to mark out optimal objects for ecological management system implementation. Reduction breadmaking ecological danger propriety measures are proposed.
Efremov I.V., Yanchuk E.L. ATMOSPHERE POLLUTION SPACE-TIME NET MONITORING OPTIMIZATION WITH LINEAR INTERPOLATION METHODS The article considers math's aspects of atmosphere pollution dynamic control points location optimization, optimization methods analysis is carried out. Control points optimal location methodic is proposed based on function linear interpolation inaccuracy minimization, describing pollution substances concentration field.
Zhdanov S.I. ABOUT ORGANIZATION OF BIOMONITORING OF HUNTING-RESORT POTENTIAL IN ORENBURG REGION The concept about hunting-resort potential and minihunting usage is given in the article, also general directions of preservation and reproduction of hunting bioresources and organization of monitoring researchers of hunting farming of Orenburg region are given here too.
Bogatova O.V., Miroshnikova E.P., Zharkov A.N. CARP ENERGY CONSUMPTION AT STOCK SWIM Experimental data is disclosed, referring to carp energy consumption reduction at ponds keeping with 200 units/mI density of planting. Proposal was made that this phenomenon might be determined as fish moving in hydrodynamic justified groups.
Bugrova O.V., Uvarova E.A. TO THE MATTERS PATHOGENESIS FEATURES OF ANEMIC SYNDROME AT SYSTEM BIETT'S DESEASE Aiming to study the extent and pathogenesis mechanisms of anemic syndrome at system Biett's desease (SBD), parameters of iron, haemolysis and inflammation were examined from 44 patients. Anemia was at 75% of patients: chronic iron deficiency anemia, "inflammetary desease" anemia, normochromic were diagnosised; herewith subclinical haemolysis signs were presented. Anemic syndrome more frequently came with high level active SBD.
Razdobreev D.A., Lantukh U.D., Stryapkov A.V., Pashkevich S.N., Alidzhanov E.K. THIAZINE DYE DIMERIC FORMS DISSOSIATING ABSORPTION SPECTRUMS AND CONSTANTS Thiazine dye - methylene blue (Mg+) and thionine (TN+) in water solutions dimeric forms dissociating absorption spectrums and constants are calculated based on spectrumphotometric data. Conclusions on dimeric molecules structure of the dyes are made.
Stroeva E.V., Stryapkov A.V. POLYHALOGENEDE IONS ABSORBATION PROCESS BY ANIONEXCHANGE ABSORBENTS FROM SOLUTIONS OF DIFFERENT ION STRENGTH The article considers theoretic aspects of persorption of polyhalogenede ions at high-basic anion-exchanger in different conditions. Salt background and pH value influence are showed in model solutions with salt background concentration from 0.0 to 5.0 mol/l. Na2CO3 trace amounts influence on ion persorption process is considered, also selectivity row of AB-17-8 in Cl- in polyhalogenede ions form is proposed.
Vorobieva S.V. LAWS OF GOLDEN ORE, BASE METAL AND PRECEIOUS METALS LOCALIZATION IN TECTONIC FRAMES OF GNEISSIC GRANITE RECLAMATIONS ZONES IN ORSK URAL REGION The article considers typical geologic conditions of golden ore, base metal and precious metals localization. Ore sites are controlled by tectonic zones of dynamometamorphic antique ettle, which encases chunk reclamations of gneissic granite.
Savchenkov E.A. DESTRUCTION ENERGIES STRUCTURE FRACTAL SPECTRUM BY DIFFUSION ACTIVATED HYDROGEN STEAL Synergism of steal-hydrogen system is studied on basis of hydrogen damaging law. Structure break energy fractal spectrum is disclosed with level self-similarity function. The M factor is changing under geometric progression law and a constant, - universal dimensionless complex of material fundamental characteristics controlling stability of crystal array, is energetic spectrum quantum. Possibility of energetic parametrization of structure is disclosed. Ideas of energetic conditions of steal structures are introduced to Durability Physics and Hylology.
Bulatov V.N., Degtyaryov S.V. NOISY DOPPLER SIGNALS INFORMATION PART SPECTRUM MARKING OUT METHOD USING NONLINEAR TIME SYSTEM The article discloses the solution ot spectral transformation in nonlinear time system for the power series functions laying out signals. On this basis the noisy Doppler signals profiles spectrums approximated by Newton multinomial determining method is made up.

Technical sciences

Malyshkina V.A., Zinyukhin G.B., Belova A.G., Sidorenko G.A., Popov V.P. UNCONVENTIONAL RAW MATERIAL USE FOR PASTA PRODUCTION
Stryapkov A.V., Antimonov S.V., Sokolova O.J. EXTRUSION PROCESSING AS "ENVIRONMENTALLY SAFE" PRODUCTION FACTOR OF GOODS FROM GRAIN AND DERIVATIES The article considers the problem of getting feed-stuffs designed for feeding agricultural animals by extrusion grain wastages processing and VMR from "environmental safety" point of view, which is estimated through heavy metals content in original material and end-product.
Fedotov A.S., Kalimeneva O.A., Fedotov V.A. POLLUTED SULPHUR PURIFICATION AND MELTDOWN AT ORENBURG GPP The article discloses principal scheme of equipment for meltdown and purification of polluted sulphur, formatted in degassing, storage, warehousing and loading of sulphur goods. The equipment makes possible to get sulphur goods, excluding environment pollution, decreasing its cost and to use wastages for getting sulphur concrete.
Dmitriev P.A., Grebenyuk G.I., Zhadanov V.I., Kalinin S.B., Baev E.V. NEW DESIGN OF LARGE SIZE SLABS ON WOODEN BASE The results of development work of large size slabs on wooden base are disclosed. Advantages are noted when using in building covering as bay construction. New design is described differing from known analogues in material consumption reduction and intensive production. New design is certified by the certificate of authorship and patents of Russian Federation.
Vitvitsky E.E. CARGO DELIVERY BY SMALL CONSIGNMENT TO BUILDING SITES DELIVERY-COLLECTING AUTOTRANSPORT SYSTEMS PROJECTING METHODIC Few parties participate in cargo transport process. Coordination, planning is the most important. Vehicles work is calculated under shift-day planning. This methodic is the first and obligatory stage of shift-day planning of building cargo delivery by small consignment. In Russian Federation
Mochalin S.M. MATH MODEL OF TRANSPORT PROCESS DESCRIPTION IN MIDDLE LEVEL CARGO DELIVERY SYSTEMS The article classifies auto transport cargo delivery systems; system functioning features refer to necessity of description model development. The suggested model allows describing cargo delivery transport process accurately by radial route as middle level cargo delivery system.
Bravichev S.N., Bikovsky V.V. COMPLEX MAGNETIC CAPACITY IDEA USE AT ELECTRIC MACHINES MAGNETIC FIELDS CALCULATIONS The article develops the method of magnetic field calculation using complex magnetic capacity, allowing to determine magnetic induce for two moments of time, shifted on quarter of a period. It is possible to get information about magnetic field in every moment of time and to determine machine parameters completing the calculation of magnetic field for sing rotor position. The MKR of Poisson equation solution is considered taking material saturation into account.
Aralbaev T.Z. ABOUT ONE MODEL OF ADAPTIVE SELF-ORGANIZATIONAL TECHNICAL SYSTEM OF IMAGES' DEFINER The results of modeling and research of boundary ranges of work of images' definer adaptive equipment on the base of dividing functions of majority type are offered in this article.
Antsiferova I.V. POWDER TITAN MATERIALS The processes of getting and features of powder titan alloys Ti-Al, Ti-Al-Mn and compositional materials on basis of attritused titan powders are studied, Contents, structure and features of material are optimized.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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