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№ 5 2004


  • app.1
  • Humanitarian sciences

    Dolin U.T. TO THE QUESTION ABOUT SYNTACTIC STATUS OF GENERAL-PERSONAL SENTENCES IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. The article is devoted to one of the controversial questions of Russian syntax - syntactic status of general - personal sentences. The author makes the conclusion in the result of the conducted theoretical analysis, that there are no impressive facts to figure out general - personal sentences in the class of a single structure, because they don't have its syntactic form, its structural scheme.
    Dymova I.A. FOLKLORE SONG AS THE SOURCE EXPRESSED IN VERSE NOVELS OF N.A. NEKRASOV. Four novels of N.A. Nekrasov in the aspect of genesis of genre are analyzed in the article; the presence of features of folk song in them is shown (including general for song and novel) and means of overcoming the song, thank to this the author has the opportunity to create innovative genre.
    Evseeva R.A. COMPOSITION OF GENRE OF A FRIENDLY MESSAGE IN THE CREATIVE REALIZATION OF V.A. ZHUKOVSKY. Friendly messages of Zhukovsky in the aspect of compositional forms of the beginning, development, ending and the character of its interaction are viewed in the article.
    Kirichuk E.V. ABOUT TWO TENDENCIES OF SYMBOLIC THEATRE OF THE BEGINNING OF THE 20TH CENTURY. Two tendencies in the development of French symbolic theatre of the beginning of the 20th century are viewed in the article. The first one is connected with the innovative contribution to the development of drama by M. Meterlink, and the second one is connected with the phenomenon of drama of A. Zharri, designing a peculiar way in the modern drama. The comparative analysis of this two tendencies, their interaction and influence on the formation of the 20th century are suggested in the article.
    Zubova L.V. ABOUT THE NATURE OF AGGRESSIVE INDIVIDUAL. The analysis of the problem of nature of aggressive individual, different ways of the display of aggressiveness in the psychology of individual are given in the article; the classification of leading scientific approaches to the problem is presented: concept of instinctive aggression, social study, aggressive study, compelled force. The peculiarities of display of aggression of man and woman are analyzed, the criteria of aggressive behavior of individual are revealed.
    Kolomiets G.G. WORLD OUTLOOK VALUE OF MUSIC. Researches of philosophic - esthetic aspect of perception of music are given in the article. Appealing to works of B.V. Asafiev, in which the approach to the music from the genoseological position is realized and educational value of music is singled out. According to this fact the author of the article puts forward the idea about the world outlook value of music.
    Ubiyko V.I. CONCEPT SPHERE OF A PERSON IN SEMANTIC SPACE OF A LANGUAGE. The configuration of semantic space, represented concept sphere of a person is viewed in the article. The author single out new volumetrical structures in the semantic space, organized by the principle of sphere: functional - semantic and functional - notional. The suggested approach allows to come to a standard of integration in semantic researches and to imagine volumetrically functional - notional sphere of a person in language.
    Popov E.B. PRESUPPOSITIONS AND PERSPECTIVES OF PEDAGOGICAL ALTERNATIVE IN CONDITION OF MODERN EDUCATIONAL POLICY. The author describes the conditions of formation of educational policy in modern Russia, marks specificity of pedagogical alternative as a result of conducted educational policy on the given stage and reveals such categories as "pedagogical alternative", "subject of alternative", "risk of educational activity".
    Kostrukov A.V. PRACTICE OF FORMING OF GRAPHICAL CULTURE OF STUDENTS IN THE PROCESS OF STUDY OF DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY AND ENGINEERING GRAPHIC ARTS: RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTAL EDUCATION. The model of graphical preparation, providing with continuity of study of graphical disciplines is suggested in the article, and also the process of realization of the given model is viewed.
    Mityaeva A.M. TECHNOLOGY OF INDIVIDUALIZATION OF CONTENT OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS. Basis of essence and content of individualization of educational activity are grounded, the ways of full usage of individual peculiarities of students in the way of educational process are revealed. It is proved that peculiarity of individualization of education caused by the complex of psycho - pedagogical and personal - activated peculiarities of students. Trends are singled out and specific methods in realization of individualization of educational activity of the students in university are defined.
    Lobova G.N. PREPARATION OF STUDENTS TO SCIENTIFIC - RESEARCH ACTIVITY: SUBSTANTIAL ASPECT OF WORKING PROGRAM. Preparation of students to scientific - research activity is integral component of higher vocational education, included in the State educational standard. Fragment of working program is presented in the article, used for all universities regardless of section and contained division of educational disciplines on semesters, necessary for mass continuous preparation of students for scientific - research activity during study hours.
    Yazykova I.N. ESSENCE OF MANAGEMENT OF PEDAGOGICAL PROCESS IN THE SYSTEM OF CONTINUOUS TECHNICAL EDUCATION. It is necessary to study mechanisms of processes, working in the system, conditions of its functioning and its progressive development, and also research of essence of management in the system of continuous technical education for building the model of management of pedagogical process in the system of continuous technical education. The central part of modern theory of pedagogical management is the theory of optimal management by progressive motions of educational activity of student from one level to another, higher. Its main meaning is constant creative renewal, development and perfection of each person during the whole life.

    Economic sciences

    Lapaeva M.G., Burdygin V.A. PRIVATIZE - INVESTMENT TRUST AS A MECHANISM OF DEVELOPMENT OF PRIVATIZATION IN THE REGION. Mechanism of development of privatization in the region on the basis of privatizes - investment trust, which include organizational and investment arrangements on economic restructuring of privatized regional enterprises is viewed in the article.
    Koske M.S., Shlaeva A.V. BOOKKEEPING AND TAX ASPECTS OF REFLECTION OF TECHNOLOGICAL LOSES. The problems of defining and account of technological loses, which appear in the process of goods production in the industry are viewed in the article. By the example of technological loses on the machine building enterprises of Orenburg, used methods of reflection of irrevocable wastes in bookkeeping and tax account are revealed, discussed questions in the methodology of defining and account of technological loses are found and possible variants of its solution are suggested.
    Echmakov S.M. EVOLUTION OF ECONOMIC - MATHEMATIC MODELS OF INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT OF CAPITAL IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE XXTH CENTURY. Retrospective analysis of economic - mathematic modeling of international movement of capital first of all from the point of view of enlarged reproduction is given in the article. The author consider in details the model of interaction of rates of economic growth, formation of economy, movement of commercial balance and export of capital. Then the author analyzes the model, which illustrate the mechanism of the process of export of capital. Also the model, which reflects conception of influence of inflow of investment of income from abroad on the economy of country - exporters of capital, more complicated models of "three - phase" of underdeveloped economy; models, the main function of which is analysis of the processes, connected with realization of buffer and investment payments are represented in the article.
    Kaspina R.G. SYSTEM OF FORMATION OF CORPORATIVE ACCOUNTING. New conception of corporative accounting and its influence on admission of cardinal decisions of corporative management is viewed, qualitative characteristics and elements of formation of corporative accounting, making it useful for investors and creditors is defined, tendencies in the sphere of economy, influence on the process of formation of finance accounting of Russian corporation are revealed.

    Natural sciences

    Karpov D.N., Lysenko T.M., Uritcina N.A. NEW FACTS ABOUT COMMUNITIES OF UNION FESTUCO - LIMONION GMELINII MIRKIN IN GLOUB ET V. SOLOMAKHA 1988 IN SOUTH URAL AND CONTIGUOUS TERRITORIES. New vegetative communities of union Festuco - limonion gmelinii Mirkin in Gloub et V. Solomakha 1988 - 3 associations and 3 subassociation - singled out on the basis of usage of principals of trends of Zh. Braun-Blanke in South Ural and contiguous territories. Key words: halophyte communities, Festuco - Puccinellietea Soy 1968, Festuco - Limonion gemelinii Mirkin in Golub et V. Solomakha 1988, South Ural.
    Rodicheva E.K., Kuznetcov A.M., Medvadeva S.E. BIOLUMINESCENT BIO-TEST ON THE BASIS OF LUMINESCENT BACTERIA FOR ECOLOGICAL MONITORING. Bioluminescent analysis is one of the most perspective experimental methods of biomonitoring of environment. Bioluminescent bacterial bio - tests give an integral value of pollution and often surpass other famous bio - tests of quick action, exactness, sensibility and simplicity. The technology of production of bio - tests on the basis of liophilically dried natural luminescent bacteria P. phosphoreum and recombinant culture E. coli with cloned gene of luciferase. The method standardize and used for ecological monitoring.
    Deryabin D.G., Polyakov E.G., Karimov I.F. PECULIARITIES OF USE OF BIOLUMINESCENT TEST - SYSTEMS BY RESEARCH OF ABIOTIC AND BIOLOGICAL LIQUIDS. Comparative analysis on the basis of natural and recombinant luminous bacteria is conducted, and also luciferase systems detailed from them, by the research of abiotic spheres and biological liquids. Peculiarities of reaction of bioluminescence on influence of serum of blood, urine, bile, backbrain and other liquids are demonstrated, and it is the basis for development of new trend of usage of bioluminescent analysis in biology and medicine.
    Notova S.V., Skalny A.V., Skalny V.V. THE USE OF METHOD OF CONTROL AND CORRECTION OF NUTRITION FOR PREVENTION OF BIOELEMENTS. Different methods of value of inflow of nutrients in organism are described in the article. The results of use of the given methods and value of adequacy of inflow of essential macro- and microelements and vitamins with water - food ration are given. The comparison of multiple - unit analysis of hair with analysis of standard nutrition in home conditions of invalids - liquidators of crash in Chernobyl nuclear-Electro station is conducted and optimal dietary habits, fortified by missing micronutrient is composed and usage of vitamin - mineral preparations is recommended. The results of control of alimentary inflow of micronutrient by separate nutrition are represented.
    Adigamova Z.S., Gaev A.Ya., Gatckov V.G., Leontieva T.V. ABOUT ZONATION OF TERRITORY BY LEVEL OF VULNERABILITY TO THE POLLUTION. The scheme of typification of the territory of Orenburg gas - industrial complex is build. 5 types of districts by different level of vulnerability to the pollution are singled out. Each of them is characterized by its meaning of module of let - go pollution from 70 tones/ km2 and higher to 5 tones/ km2 and lower. The building of ecologically dangerous objects is recommended to build on the areas, characterized by enough weak vulnerability to pollution.
    Gatckov V.G. ABOUT INFORMATIONAL ENSURING OF THROUGH GEOECOLOGICAL MONITORING. The experience of informational ensuring of through geoecological monitoring is characterized. The notions and definitions of main terms are given: geological information, geological informational resources, geological informational technologies, bases and data banks. Geological and geoecological blocs of informational ensuring of through geoecological monitoring are viewed.
    Stryapkov A.V., Salnikova E.V. INFLUENCE OF NATURE OF AMINE ON EXTRACTION OF RARE - EARTH ELEMENTS BY ITS MIXTURE WITH ALKYLPHOSPHOR EXTRAGENT. The extraction of rare - earth elements from sulfuric solutions by mixture of extragents di -2 ethilphosphoric acid and primary amine. Synergetic effect by extraction of yttrium by mixture of structure D2EGFK: ANP=4:1. Coefficient of division of pair Ce/La 1,7 times and Y/La 10,5 higher, than individual D2EGFK. Synergetic effect remains in chloride solutions.
    Vlatcky F.D. METHOD OF EXPRESS ANALYSIS OF CONTENT OF NATURAL RADIONUCLIDS IN TESTING BUILDING MATERIALS AND RADIATION - ECOLOGICAL MONITORING FOR GAS - AND - OIL PRODUCTION TRADES. Method of express definition of specific effective activity of radionuclids in testing of building materials and testing of radiation - ecological monitoring for gas - and - oil production trades, on the basis of experimental results, previous researches is suggested in the article. We can make a conclusion on the basis of received facts that it is possible to make measurings regarding energetic line 186 KeB without two - weeks extract.
    Kucherenko M.G., Rusinov A.P. DIFFRACTION OF PROBING BEAM ON TRANSITIONAL HEAT STRUCTURES IN SYSTEMS WITH SATURABLE THREE - LEVELS CENTERS. Analysis of the process of optical record and disintegration of transitional space structures in the system with nonlinear response, stipulated for incoherent saturation of three - level center is made. The main attention is paid to heat mechanism of phase record in spheres with coefficient of heat conduction, which doesn't depend on the temperature. Relaxation of heterogeneous temperature field and diffraction of probing beam on transitional structure is researched.
    Kuznetcov V.A. MATHEMATIC MODELING OF BARRIER ELECTRIC OZONATOR WITHOUT COOLING SYSTEM. Mathematic model of barrier electric ozonator without compulsory cooling, taking into consideration field of the speed of gas, generation of heat in gas and on the walls of class space is build, realized and researched. Numeral experiments made on the model, fit natural one, allow to research the dynamic of the field of concentration of produced ozone and to define the behavior of production of ozonator.

    Technical sciences

    Korotkov V.G., Ganin E.V., Antimonov S.V., Solovyh S.U. MODELING OF THE PROCESS OF MIXTURE WITH SIMULTANEOUS BREAKAGE OF THE FEED MIXTURES. Modern conditions of preparing of feed in small and middle farms, tendencies of machine development for recycling of grain - products are viewed in the article, kinetics of the process of mixturing by attendant breakage of grain components and power, expended on this process on the basis of halfemperic model of movement of sphere in mixer of chemical production is described.
    Ostrikov A.N., Kuznetcova I.V., Shevtcov S.A. RESEARCH OF MUSHROOMS BY THE METHOD OF DIFFERENTIAL - THERMIC ANALYSIS. The character of connection of moisture with the definition of parts, on which changes consisted components of mushrooms by the high temperature are realized is studied with the help of deferential - thermic analysis. Temperature zones, which correspond to extrication of moisture with various forms and energy of connection are defined.
    Norkin S.P., Kuznetcov O.F., Chernov A.I., Diyachenko E.V. WAYS, WHICH REDUCE LABOURIOUSNESS OF TECHNOLOGY OF EXECUTIVE SURVEY. Ways and methods of geodesic measurings, reducing labouriousness of executive survey are suggested. Necessary calculated formulas and its grounds, value of exactness of geodesic calculations are given. Middle-quadratic error of calculation of arch by theodolite T2 is defined experimentally.
    Bogoduhov S.I., Sheinin B.M. THERMOWORKING OF POWDER STEELS. Questions of thermic working of powder steels with the use of speed heat in melting of salts and TVCh are viewed in the article.

    Science events

    Sergey Aleksandrovich

    © Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
    Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
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