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№ 2 (230), 22 april 2021

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457


Bochkareva T.S., Kabanova O.V. TO THE QUESTION OF CROSS-CULTURAL INTERACTION WITHIN THE “BUSINESS FOREIGN LANGUAGE” DISCIPLINE AMONG MASTERS OF NON-LINGUISTIC SPECIALTIESThe development of speech communication forms a socially active person. The formation of students’ communicative competence is the primary task of forming a socially active person. And this task is based not only on the knowledge of the language system and the language material (speech), but also on compliance with social norms of speech communication, rules of speech behavior.
During our research it was determined that for successful business relationships, it is necessary to clearly assess the importance of different value systems and how these different value systems affect the success of cross-cultural interaction. A students’ and teachers’ survey revealed the ways to intensify speech activities in classes in the “Business Foreign Language” discipline in which behavior standard are also learned. These ways directly affect the assessments development that determine the perception of other people, relationships and the communication style with them. The authors pay special attention to the concepts definitions such as “culture”, “value”, peculiarities of behavior in various modern societies when conducting international business.
We have discovered that the implementation of a specific life target setting occurs in the interaction process between the participants in communication and proceeds on the basis of feedback in specific types of speech activities. Within the framework of the “Business Foreign Language” discipline, the teacher needs to include the material on intercultural issues for successful cross-cultural interaction. This should become an integral part of the work on the undergraduates’ socialization who acquire communication skills in the cross-cultural space within international activity taking part in meetings and negotiations organized in classes, presentations, as well as through various forms of written communication.
As a study result, it was found that the use of a personal-oriented methods complex helps to overcome the psychological barrier in the communication process and to form culture of speech behavior, which is a factor in the development of a person's value attitude to learning a foreign language. The knowledge of behavior practices, the study of international experience of communication, cultural values are the key to successful cross-cultural interaction.
Key words: culture, value, business communication, foreign language communication, cross-cultural interaction, cross-cultural communication, behavior experience.
Danilenko O.V., Korneva I.N., Shupaev A.V. STUDY OF SANITARY AND HYGIENIC TRAINING CONDITIONS IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF ORSKThe study is devoted to the problem of studying the sanitary and hygienic conditions of education in educational institutions of Orsk from the standpoint of the health of schoolchildren. The aim of the study was to study the dependence of the health of schoolchildren on the sanitary and hygienic conditions of education in educational institutions of Orsk. The material and technical equipment of some schools in Orsk, the sanitary and hygienic conditions of education, the microclimate of the premises, the availability of recreational facilities and the relationship between the level of morbidity among schoolchildren and sanitary and hygienic conditions were studied..The conditions of education of schoolchildren, placement in ecologically unfavorable territories are analyzed: dangerously close location of industrial enterprises, highways with heavy traffic. The sanitary and hygienic state of educational institutions was analyzed, which revealed a positive trend, as evidenced by an increase in the number in 2019. secondary schools belonging to the 1st group of sanitary and epidemiological welfare and the absence of schools with the 3rd group of sanitary and epidemiological welfare. The number of educational institutions requiring major repairs has decreased. Along with positive dynamics, negative aspects are noted. The illumination of workplaces in classrooms in 2019 deteriorated, which correlates with an increase in the number of children with a decrease in visual acuity. In 2019, the proportion of educational institutions that do not meet sanitary and hygienic standards in terms of microclimate parameters increased, at the same time, it is noted that respiratory diseases among children and adolescents occupy a leading place.Key words: sanitary and hygienic conditions of education, formation of health of schoolchildren, optimization of the interschool environment, morbidity.
Imangalieva Sh.D., Akhmetova A.S. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF MOBILE APPLICATIONS FOR PARENTS ON PROBLEMS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT OF PRESCHOOL AND SCHOOL AGE CHILDRENThe realities of the modern digital development of the world raise the problems of psychological and pedagogical support of preschool and school children using mobile applications for parents. Of particular interest are mobile applications used in family practice. The experience of developing the most effective directions, forms, methods and technologies of similar applications is of interest.
We have carried out a theoretical study of the currently existing applications of psychological and pedagogical support for preschool and school children. It has been established that there is a specific potential of a mobile application based on taking into account personal, cross-cultural characteristics, as well as sensitive, crisis periods of psychological development of preschool and school children. A feature of a number of applications is the support of the process of family education of children from birth to entry into adulthood. To study parent-child relationships, projective methods were used. The relationship between parents and children was studied using the “My Family” methodology. Methods for the study of the relationship between adults and children make it possible to competently build interpersonal relationships of family subjects and form a culture of relations between adults and children in the modern world.
Thus, the mobile application can be used as an assistant for parents in psychological and pedagogical support of the child. The difference between the mobile application is the account of personal, cross-cultural characteristics and sensitive, crisis periods of the child's psychological development.
Key words: psychological and pedagogical support, preschool and school age, projective methods, mobile application.
Kargapolceva N.A., Saparkyzy J. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT OF PRESCHOOL AND SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN AS A PROBLEM OF MODERN EDUCATION AND THE FAMILYPsychological and pedagogical support of preschool and school-age children is an urgent problem of the entire system of modern education and the family, especially in the context of the digital transformation of the modern world.
New opportunities for effective problem solving and the development of cooperation in the interaction of the education system and the family are opening up in connection with the development of mobile applications for parents and other categories of users for psychological and pedagogical support of preschool and school-age children.
The most important areas for selecting relevant content not only for the family, but also for professional teachers, psychologists, and students of pedagogical universities were the formation of health and a healthy lifestyle, the creation of a comfortable developing educational environment in the family, materials for identifying and eliminating the psychological causes of violations of interpersonal relations of children with educators, peers, parents and other people; problems of early childhood.
Key words: psychological and pedagogical support, digital transformation, mobile application, teachers, parents, schoolchildren, diagnostics, intellectual development, creativity, adaptation, age development, psychological and pedagogical problems of education and upbringing.
Kiryakova A.V., Garaeva E.A. DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITALIZATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT Promising trends in the development and application of information and communication technologies in the field of education actualized the problem of developing information and communication skills of University teachers. The digitalization of the educational environment has ensured the formation of a new type of high school teacher, able to design a personal learning environment, which is a set of interrelated and interdependent components: educational-methodical, material-technical, organizational and axiological.
The purpose of the study was to clarify the essence and develop a classification of information and communication skills of a University teacher in the conditions of digitalization of the educational environment. As a result of theoretical study of the scientific and pedagogical literature revealed that the digitalization of the educational environment is currently being implemented in the following areas: transfer of learning materials (lectures, presentations, textbooks, complexes of individual creative tasks, control knowledge) in the electronic environment; designing interactive e-learning environment interaction between teacher and students, providing access to electronic information and educational resources of the University; development of innovative educational resources (electronic textbooks, video lectures, electronic problem books, etc.); organization of innovative forms of obuchenie through the use of electronic resources the educational environment of the University; use in educational activities resources artificial intelligence.
We see the essence of the concept of “information and communication skills” as a complex of General user, pedagogical and subject-pedagogical skills that ensure adequate perception, processing and reproduction of information.
The developed author’s classification allows us to systematize the information and communication skills of a University teacher in accordance with the leading directions of digitalization of the educational environment. The information and communication skills of a University teacher in the conditions of digitalization of the educational environment include: the ability to use office software to present educational materials and pedagogical work; use Internet resources for educational purposes; use synchronous and asynchronous Internet communication tools; develop electronic textbooks with elements of interactive technologies; carry out the educational process in online and (or) mixed mode; work in online pedagogical communities; work in the format of video conferences; use artificial intelligence technologies for educational purposes.
We note that to a large extent, the effectiveness of the development of information and communication skills of a university teacher is ensured by activating the axiological component of the personal educational environment.
The paper considers the axiologization of education as a key modern trend in the development of higher education in a rapidly changing world. It is proved that the result of axiologization of education is the development of the value attitude of the university teacher to the profession, stable professionally significant and vital value orientations that determine the achievement of high results in life and in professional activity.
Key words: information and communication skills of the teacher, digitalization, digitalization of the educational environment, axiological education, axiological approach, interactive electronic educational environment, Internet resources.
Nikishova A.V., Kryvonosova E.V., Rybakova S.M. CURATOR PARTICIPATION IN A STUDENT GROUP FORMATIONThe existence of the supervising institution for many decades does not solve the problem of defining the functions of the student group supervisor, his role in the formation of the team, it remains very urgent. We have investigated the activities of a curator in higher education institutions. In the course of practical research, we found that it is significant to use in the curator's work such key positions as adaptation technologies, reducing the level of anxiety, minimizing material and housing difficulties, and time management. A survey of curators working in student groups of the first and second years revealed a number of problems: 1) the student group is still a completely immature collective, which complicates effective interaction; 2) most freshmen are not ready for new challenges, the requirements of a new schedule, and, ultimately, they find themselves in a situation of overload, which often leads to stressful situations; 3) some students have to experience pressure from parents or teachers in an effort to get good grades, to earn authority in a new student group. A survey of first and second year students showed the shortcomings of the educational process, such as incomplete awareness of students about their rights, responsibilities and opportunities provided by the new student status; the wish of freshmen to receive timely qualified assistance from a curator in their studies and resolving conflict situations, in adaptation, monitoring progress and attendance, communication with parents; insufficient implementation of the organizational function of the curator. The conducted research work gives grounds to conclude that the task of creating a team based on a student group can be solved with the successful implementation of the activities of the institution of supervision as a pedagogical system. The most productive for the learning process consequence of solving the indicated problem is an increase in the degree of trust at the level “curator — student” and, of course, directly in the student environment, which, in turn, leads to an increase in motivation for the learning process and, as a result, a decrease in indicators. for unsuccessful and expelled students.Key words: curator, team, personality-oriented approach, adaptation technology, time management.
Chaika A.P. DEVELOPMENT OF UNIVERSAL COMPETENCIES IN THE SYSTEM OF FORMATION OF MILITARY-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTION OF PUPILS OF CADET SCHOOLThe article considers the conditions for the development of universal competencies in the system of military-professional orientation of the personality of pupils of pre-university educational organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. An understanding of the military professional orientation of the individual, understanding and content of universal competencies to be developed in the system of the military professional orientation of the personality, as well as individual components, factors and psychological and pedagogical conditions affecting their effectiveness in the development of universal competencies in the cadet are disclosed. The military professional orientation of the personality is considered as a complex integrative personality formation, the core of which is motives, value orientations, interests, goals, beliefs and ideals that ensure personally significant involvement in military professional activity, the desire for active mastery and self-development in it. It is noted that the structure of the military professional orientation is closely interconnected with universal competencies, which are also formed in the educational process of the cadet school. The conditions for the development of universal competencies in the system of the military professional orientation of the personality of pupils include conducting methodological and consulting work with pupils, teachers, teachers, parents of cadets in the office of military professional consultation, and a psychologist-teacher conducting an individual training course with cadets on the basics of choosing a military profession, the organization of platoon and course activities for the military professional orientation of the cadets, parent-teacher meetings on the course “Choosing a profession is a serious matter”, “How to become an officer of the Russian Army”, etc.; individual consultations with the cadets weekly. It is also noted that one of the main ways of forming a military-professional orientation in the school is self-education. The article also presents the results of the development of the military-professional qualities of the pupils, indicating the effectiveness of the described conditions.Key words: personality; military professional orientation; military professional fitness; universal competencies; psychological and pedagogical conditions; military professional qualities.
Yusupova A.A., Kargapolceva N.A. INTERPRETATION OF A MUSICAL WORK AS A MEANS OF DEVELOPING ARTISTRY IN THE PROCESS OF MUSICAL AND ARTISTIC EDUCATION OF FUTURE MUSIC TEACHERSArtistry plays an important role in the pedagogical activity of any teacher, but it is of particular importance in the activity of a music teacher, since it is the most important professional quality of the personality of a teacher-musician.
Pedagogical artistry, as is well known, consists of an external factor (intonation, diction, expressiveness, musicality, gestures, plasticity, etc.), which is developed through vocal art, and an internal one (spirituality, creative and musical-pedagogical thinking, imagination, etc.), associated with performing skills. Work on the interpretation of the work — improving the vocal technique, competent reading of the musical text, compliance with all the author's remarks, creating a musical and artistic image as a whole, is one of the main components of the formation of artistry.
The teacher's artistry presupposes his creativity, creativity, and the ability to navigate in any situation, so the actual pedagogical task is the formation of artistic singing skills in the process of musical and artistic education of future music teachers.
Key words: artistry, vocal art, poetic text, artistic image, expressive performance, intonation, musicality, musical perception, visibility of music, musical humanization of the individual.
Chatoeva Z.B. PEDAGOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE DESIGN AND THE APPLICATION OF TESTS IN THE PRACTICAL COURSE OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGEModern certification requirements for mastering Russian as a foreign language require the creation and systematic updating of the content of training materials for preparing for testing in the Russian language. Compliance with the methodological and methodological principles of the formation of test tasks in this regard is an actual didactic skill for teachers engaged in the process of teaching and preparing for testing students and students, since it will provide an individualized approach to each student, thereby creating favorable conditions for mastering the Russian language and improving the existing level. The article considers the content of individual levels of testing of language and communication skills. The analysis of the compliance of the Russian state system of testing in Russian as a foreign language and the European national testing systems is carried out.
In the context of the considered levels of testing, the typology of tasks is given. Each type of task is evaluated in terms of compliance with the level of testing and application tasks: processing and storing test results. Specific examples of each type of task are given, taking into account the possible varieties. Examples of tasks are also analyzed from the point of view of the components of communicative and language competencies, the formation, development and consolidation of which they are aimed at. Special attention is paid to the selection of language material for the preparation of test tasks, the application of the rules for the preparation of test tasks, in particular, the rules for the use of distractors. The considered rules are based on six basic principles of constructing linguodidactic tests: scientific, effective, comprehensive, hierarchical organization, systematic and consistent, and objective. The stages of designing test tasks are also described, each of which consists of a number of practical actions, the conscientious implementation of which, in turn, allows you to implement the above principles in relation to different types of speech — oral and written, expressive or impressive. A detailed review of the types of tasks, their varieties, principles, rules and stages of their creation allows us to formulate clear, unambiguous criteria for evaluating both the results and the process of developing skills in Russian as a foreign language.
Key words: the Kyrgyz Republic; the Russian language; the education; the test; pedagogical foundations of the design and the application of tests in the practical course of the Russian language.
Azimbayeva Zh.A. THE CONTENT OF THE STUDY OF TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY TEACHER’S PROFESSIONAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY AT CONDITIONS OF INNOVATIONSThe interest to organization of higher technical education teacher’s activity in conditions of innovative changes was due to internal and external factors. They influence to the development of higher education as a whole and activity of teachers individually.
The society has necessity in specialists of new format — socially and professionally active engineers with outlined personal features and unique competencies. This requirement is directing technical universities to preparation of engineers of new formation.
The rapid scientific and technical progress, integration of innovations to educational process of higher technical university are presenting new requirements to the teacher activity, that are connected with necessity to work in conditions of high competition and to use opportunities of educational environment and infrastructure of higher educational institution for the purpose of organizing the interconnection of all participants of educational process.
Technical university today is undergoing changes into the center of new technologies generation in preparation of technical staff. Now, it is being changed to a “hub” — the network of corporations that work with customers and suppliers of innovations the way they provide the transfer of technologies to modern market of consuming. These factors show high requirements to professional and pedagogical staff of university, teacher activity and their personal features and competencies.
The article tried to analyze professional-pedagogical activity of higher education teacher, professionalism of which is undergoing the increase of requirements. We noted that teachers have necessity to tackle society challenges and adequately react on innovative changes in order to keep competitiveness and high demand.
Based on found transformative changes at technical universities, problematic aspects of readiness of higher education teacher to complete professional and pedagogical activity in conditions of innovations were analyzed.
The necessity of forming new environment, changing professional behavior of teachers at higher technical education was noted based on research of professional-pedagogical activity of teacher. It is connected with strengthening the role of teacher not only as a knowledge medium, but as an agent of changes in education and interpreter of innovative tasks.
Key words: technical university, teacher, technical education, professional-pedagogical activity, innovative changes.
Aprelev A.E., Chuprov A.D., Gorbunov A.A., Astaf’ev I.V., Kanyukova Yu.V., Iserkepova A.M., Kogan M.A. EXPERIENCE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION OF STUDENTS OF ORGMU OPHTHALMOLOGY DEPARTMENT IN COVID-19 PANDEMIC CONDITIONSThe special epidemiological situation that arose in 2020 in connection with the spread of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 affected all spheres of human life, including the education system. The experience gained during the pandemic in the implementation of educational programs using distance technologies is unique in each university. The purpose of our study was to identify the attitude of students of ORGMU Department of Ophthalmology to distance learning. A survey of 439 students of 3-5 courses of medical, pediatric, dental and preventive medicine faculties of the Orenburg State Medical University was carried out. Among them: 122 boys (27.8 %) and 317 girls (72.2 %), the average age of the respondents was 20.4 years. The questionnaire consisted of 28 questions and included questions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, distance learning in self-isolation, the willingness of teachers to use modern information technologies, the level of personal computer skills and Internet skills. The students agreed on the advantages of distance learning: a low probability of contracting a coronavirus infection — 98 %, the possibility of re-familiarization with the training material — 75 %, restoration of the diet — 90 %, individual learning rate — 73 %, the use of modern teaching technologies — 41 %.
In addition, distance learning contributed to the development of self-discipline of students in preparation for classes and significantly increased the level of psychological comfort of students. With this type of training, a subjective assessment on the part of the teacher is excluded, since he does not take part in testing on the exam, but only processes the obtained results and puts marks in an electronic statement. Most students see this as the main advantage.
Key words: distance education, new coronavirus infection, ophthalmology, pandemic, webinar, questioning.
Gerasimenko S.A., Pavlenko A.N. DEDUCTIVE-EMPIRICAL APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF MATHEMATICAL CYCLE DISCIPLINES IN NATURAL SCIENCE COURSE IN MATHCADNowadays, the main trends in the reform of higher education naturally lead to a significant decrease of classes in the educational process, which negatively affects the study of the disciplines of the mathematical cycle due to their abstraction and often complexity of material presentation. Thus, there is a need to increase the effectiveness of contact work and to strengthen the role of independent study of students.
One of the factors contributing to improving the effectiveness of contact work is the preliminary propedeutic independent study of the material when applying the empirical component of the deductive-empirical approach to teaching higher mathematics.
The proposed new deductive-empirical approach to the organization of non-auditory independent work in the study of the disciplines of the mathematical cycle by students of natural sciences should include the following directions/stages: 1) providing historical information on the empirical approach to solve mathematical problems arising in solving natural science and technical problems, 2) experiments leading to the expediency of introducing new concepts and experiments illustrating definitions, 3) empirical justification of difficult-to-prove and not obviously feasible theorems, 4) application of experimental method to find numerical values of quantities, 5) use of the experimental method to illustrate and check the results of solving a problem, 6) monitoring the effectiveness of applying a deductive-empirical approach to teaching mathematics.
To increase the efficiency of propedeutic independent study, it is necessary to use appropriate methodological support. And the last (depending on the section being studied), you can use interactive methodological guidelines integrated with applications written in various high-level languages, emulators of devices for conducting mathematical experiments, etc.
Thus, students of natural sciences should study mathematical disciplines in the inextricable unity of the traditional deductive presentation of educational material with an empirical approach to learning with the wide use of interactive technologies.
Key words: deductive-empirical approach to learning, propedeutic study, extracurricular independent study, information technologies, methods of teaching mathematics in higher education.
Iskakov E.M. ON THE ISSUE OF PREPARING STUDENTS OF THE MILITARY UNIVERSITY MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAM FOR PROFESSIONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENTA modern officer is not only the backbone of the army and navy, but also a highly qualified, purposeful military specialist with clear and precise career guidelines. The training of officers in the military magistracy contributes to the development of a professional career. It seems expedient to consider this problem in the context of global trends and changes in the field of military security on the basis of the acmeological approach. Since the onset of the era of hybrid and network-centric wars poses serious tasks for countries to transform their armed forces and create modern, mobile, professional and well-equipped troops capable of quickly and effectively solving tasks in military conflicts of low, medium and high intensity. In these conditions, the face of the officer corps is rapidly changing, to which high demands are made by society and the state.
I have conducted a sociological survey of servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is noted that the professional development of officers is increasingly viewed from the perspective of a career approach. In the course of the study, it was found that the master's degree plays an important role in the professional life of an officer: it enriches it with new knowledge and ideas, contributes to meeting the needs for prestige and career. Modern trends indicate an increasing need for the elaboration of the methodology of this problem. The author presents his own view on the formulation of a number of concepts, such as “career and professional development of an officer”, “professional career of an officer”, “the readiness of graduate students of a military university to design and develop a career.”
Thus, the training of officers in the military magistracy in the context of the development of their professional careers has acquired the status of the most important problem of modern military education and a key task of educational reforms in the present and near future.
Key words: officer, master’s degree, military university, professional education, career and professional development, professional career.
Kuchurin V.V. MODERN TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN SYSTEM OF ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATIONCurrently, a promising direction for solving problems related to the modernization and transformation of the Russian school is the creation of a modern system of continuous professional development of teachers. To do this, it is necessary to clearly understand what changes are currently taking place in the field of additional professional pedagogical education as an essential component of the system of continuous professional development of teachers and what challenges should be met by regional institutions for advanced training and education development institutions.
In this regard, the article examines and analyzes the most important trends in the development of additional professional pedagogical education on the basis of a systematic approach. The analysis showed that in the current situation, institutions of additional professional education are forced to respond to a number of new challenges related to (1) ensuring competitiveness and productive interaction with employers and direct consumers of educational services, (2) gradual centralization and unification of additional professional pedagogical education, ( 3) the need to develop adaptive, practice-oriented and flexible additional professional programs focused on the current model of a highly qualified specialist and (4) the creation of a modern motivating educational environment, including through organizing the activities of network “professional communities of practice” based on the use of information and communication technologies.
Hence, the main conclusion is that institutions of additional professional pedagogical education should be transformed today into modern multifunctional centers that provide a variety of educational services, and the programs they implement should be transformed into complex block-modular constructs in which practice-oriented content is designed on the basis of micro– and nanomodular approaches, leading didactic scenarios, scientific and methodological infrastructure to support students in the learning process and in the post-course period, including “communities of practice” and “learning communities”, a methodology for assessing professional competencies, as well as possible career prospects and student requests.
Key words: additional professional pedagogical education, professional development, professional community of practice, professional learning community.
Olhovaia T.A., Hemrayeva A.R. THE PROCESS OF ACADEMIC MOBILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF INTERNATIONALIZATION OF EDUCATIONExporting education is one of the key areas of global higher education that has been hit hardest by the pandemic. This article focuses on the international academic mobility of students, which is one of the strategic sources of funding for universities in many countries of the world, which has significantly decreased since the beginning of 2020. According to the forecasts of experts, the higher education sector expects further significant changes in the number of foreign students, the demand for international education in different countries, as well as changes in the formats of education of foreign students. The study shows how student mobility has changed in Russia and in the world, and what are the expectations, challenges and forecasts for the export of education in the near future. The purpose of the study is to consider the concept of academic mobility, to analyze the impact of the pandemic on the process of academic mobility in Russian universities.
The article uses the methods of theoretical analysis of sources, analysis of statistical data, the results of observations of the organization of international academic mobility. In this article, the process of academic mobility is considered as a general term referring to both groups of participants — students and teachers of higher education institutions.
We live in an era of globalization, in which the internationalization of higher education refers to an overarching process of institutional transformation aimed at integrating the international and intercultural dimension into the mission and one of the core functions of higher education institutions. The process of globalization blurs the borders between countries, bringing together the education and science systems of different countries. Academic mobility of students and teachers is defined as crossing national borders for the purpose of studying or teaching in higher education or participating in research abroad. Through the development of the process of academic mobility of students and teachers, cooperation between universities will be strengthened, which is a prerequisite for achieving the internationalization of education.
Key words: academic mobility, internationalization, international activity, mobility of students and teachers, virtual mobility, globalization, international programs, internships, foreign experience, international cooperation.
Tsoupikova Н.V., Tsyguleva M.V. PRIORITIES FOR DEVELOPING COGNITIVE AND COMMUNICATIVE SKILLS OF TECHNICAL STUDENTSThe methodological part of the work of a university teacher is aimed at finding effective techniques and methods of teaching, namely, the definition and substantiation of a complex of universal educational skills of a cognitive and communicative nature. Their formation and improvement in students will ensure the planned high learning outcomes, reduce the time spent on mastering the educational material presented in text form, and provide students with reliable mechanisms of conscious self-reflection.
We have determined the composition of the cognitive and communicative skills of students necessary to achieve the planned learning outcome: the ability to find a solution, the ability to present and evaluate results, the ability to independently master information, the ability to read meaningfully, the ability to perform logical operations, the ability to work with information, the ability to construct a text, the ability design and redesign of the text, the ability to structure information, reflexive skills and others. The directions of work on the development of communicative and cognitive skills and abilities of students are determined: work on the development of information is organized on the basis of constructing supporting logical schemes, educational actions with language material serve to develop the mental operations of students — analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization, association, analogy, concretization, transcoding and many others; educational activity for building a text with expansion involves the development of skills and abilities of self-reflection — tracking and explaining the logic of their actions, assessing their own activities, correcting the results.
Having considered the components of cognitive and communicative skills and ways of their developing and sharpening, the authors select and demonstrate the relevance of the training content.
Key words: information, text, universal study skills, cognition, communicativeness, Russian Language and Culture of Speech.
Yankina N.V. THE DEVELOPMENT OF CRITICAL THINKING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSES AT A UNIVERSITY AS A WAY TO FORM THE INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE OF STUDENTSMulticulturality of the modern world assigns a special role to teaching foreign languages in higher education institutions: a future specialist is to get a high level of foreign language knowledge and skills as well as to learn how to use them to meet the challenges of professional communication with representatives of different cultures. To face these needs a university student is to develop intercultural competence, by which we mean a set of special knowledge necessary for intercultural dialogue, appropriate orientations that will ensure personal interaction based on understanding, respect, tolerance and interest to the values of another culture and a set of skills necessary for intercultural communication. While forming these abilities we should acknowledge that modern information technologies provide students with access to massive amounts of information and this charateristic of professional training actualizes the development of critical thinking skills — comprehension, analysis, systematization and evaluation of the acquired knowledge.
Theoretical and practical studies on the correlation between cross-cultural competence and critical thinking allowed us to formulate the requirements to the assignments’ content aimed at developing critical thinking skills during foreign language classes: it is important to provide students with the opportunity to introduce them to the realities that are extra to their own experience and to diversify their intercultural interactions’ scenario.
Observations about the changes in the students’ communicative and cultural activities led us to the conclusion that critical thinking stimulates the development of such important intercultural competence skills as multicultural awareness, readiness to learn cultural diversity, positive reaction to different viewpoints, formulating hypotheses and making assumptions about partner’s behavior and selecting an appropriate personal behavior model after identify similarities and differences, drawing independent and objective conclusion.
Key words: critical thinking, intercultural competence, foreign language knowledge and skills.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
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