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ЭБС Лань
Лицензия Creative Commons

April 2021, № 2 (230), pages 58-64

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-230-58

Chatoeva Z.B. PEDAGOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE DESIGN AND THE APPLICATION OF TESTS IN THE PRACTICAL COURSE OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGEModern certification requirements for mastering Russian as a foreign language require the creation and systematic updating of the content of training materials for preparing for testing in the Russian language. Compliance with the methodological and methodological principles of the formation of test tasks in this regard is an actual didactic skill for teachers engaged in the process of teaching and preparing for testing students and students, since it will provide an individualized approach to each student, thereby creating favorable conditions for mastering the Russian language and improving the existing level. The article considers the content of individual levels of testing of language and communication skills. The analysis of the compliance of the Russian state system of testing in Russian as a foreign language and the European national testing systems is carried out.
In the context of the considered levels of testing, the typology of tasks is given. Each type of task is evaluated in terms of compliance with the level of testing and application tasks: processing and storing test results. Specific examples of each type of task are given, taking into account the possible varieties. Examples of tasks are also analyzed from the point of view of the components of communicative and language competencies, the formation, development and consolidation of which they are aimed at. Special attention is paid to the selection of language material for the preparation of test tasks, the application of the rules for the preparation of test tasks, in particular, the rules for the use of distractors. The considered rules are based on six basic principles of constructing linguodidactic tests: scientific, effective, comprehensive, hierarchical organization, systematic and consistent, and objective. The stages of designing test tasks are also described, each of which consists of a number of practical actions, the conscientious implementation of which, in turn, allows you to implement the above principles in relation to different types of speech — oral and written, expressive or impressive. A detailed review of the types of tasks, their varieties, principles, rules and stages of their creation allows us to formulate clear, unambiguous criteria for evaluating both the results and the process of developing skills in Russian as a foreign language.
Key words: the Kyrgyz Republic; the Russian language; the education; the test; pedagogical foundations of the design and the application of tests in the practical course of the Russian language.


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About this article

Author: Chatoeva Z.B.

Year: 2021

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-230-58

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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