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April 2021, № 2 (230), pages 76-82

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-230-76

Gerasimenko S.A., Pavlenko A.N. DEDUCTIVE-EMPIRICAL APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF MATHEMATICAL CYCLE DISCIPLINES IN NATURAL SCIENCE COURSE IN MATHCADNowadays, the main trends in the reform of higher education naturally lead to a significant decrease of classes in the educational process, which negatively affects the study of the disciplines of the mathematical cycle due to their abstraction and often complexity of material presentation. Thus, there is a need to increase the effectiveness of contact work and to strengthen the role of independent study of students.
One of the factors contributing to improving the effectiveness of contact work is the preliminary propedeutic independent study of the material when applying the empirical component of the deductive-empirical approach to teaching higher mathematics.
The proposed new deductive-empirical approach to the organization of non-auditory independent work in the study of the disciplines of the mathematical cycle by students of natural sciences should include the following directions/stages: 1) providing historical information on the empirical approach to solve mathematical problems arising in solving natural science and technical problems, 2) experiments leading to the expediency of introducing new concepts and experiments illustrating definitions, 3) empirical justification of difficult-to-prove and not obviously feasible theorems, 4) application of experimental method to find numerical values of quantities, 5) use of the experimental method to illustrate and check the results of solving a problem, 6) monitoring the effectiveness of applying a deductive-empirical approach to teaching mathematics.
To increase the efficiency of propedeutic independent study, it is necessary to use appropriate methodological support. And the last (depending on the section being studied), you can use interactive methodological guidelines integrated with applications written in various high-level languages, emulators of devices for conducting mathematical experiments, etc.
Thus, students of natural sciences should study mathematical disciplines in the inextricable unity of the traditional deductive presentation of educational material with an empirical approach to learning with the wide use of interactive technologies.
Key words: deductive-empirical approach to learning, propedeutic study, extracurricular independent study, information technologies, methods of teaching mathematics in higher education.


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About this article

Authors: Gerasimenko S.A., Pavlenko A.N.

Year: 2021

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-230-76

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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