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№ 1 (224), 20 february 2020

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457


Aptikieva L.R. PSYCHOLOGICAL VIOLENCE CONSEQUENCES FOR DIFFERENT AGE CATEGORIESAn increase in the number of victims of psycho-violence, which has a traumatic effect on the personality, causing emotional stress, stress, discomfort, and depression, necessitates studying the consequences of psycho-violence for different age categories. Three categories of manifestations of psycho-violence are distinguished: verbal aggression; dominant behavior; manifestations of jealousy that affect the victim of violence in different ways. Violations developing after the experienced psycho-violence affect all levels of an individual’s functioning and lead to sustainable personality changes. Objective: to identify the consequences of psycho-violence for different age categories.
My theoretical study of the consequences of psycho-violence for different age categories made it possible to identify specific features of the consequences for different age categories. Consequences for children: sleep disturbances; hyperreactivity; impaired memory and concentration; irritability; a sharp decline in school performance; change of worldview; the emergence of many complexes; low self-esteem; maladaptation; health problems (various diseases occur); difficulty in building relationships; developmental delays (mental, emotional, speech); constant stress, fear, expectation of danger; suicidal tendency, asocial lifestyle. The consequences of psycho-violence in adults are disorders of a psychological and physical nature: sleep disturbances; nervous breakdowns; irritability; depression; anxiety; difficulty concentrating; panic conditions, heart attacks; loss of self-esteem; decreased self-esteem; violation of social relations; decrease in labor productivity.
The consequences of psycho-violence for different age categories are different, the general thing is that violations affect all levels of a person’s functioning and lead to persistent personality changes.
Key words: violence, psychological violence, emotional violence, age, psychological trauma, mobbing, aggressor.
Gorban I.G., Kholodova G.B., Grebennikova V.G., Udovichenko E.V. FEATURES OF STUDENTS VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS PHYSICAL TRAINING The modern level of development of volleyball demands high-quality approach to physical fitness of the player. The efficiency of educational and training process and effectiveness of game activity of the volleyball player depends on his overall, technical and tactical and psychological physical conditioning. There is no effective technique considering specific features of players when training college teams now.
During the main training time of the training process, much attention is paid to the technical and tactical actions of the player. For general and special physical training of volleyball players special conditions and additional training time are necessary. The lack of such conditions in most student volleyball teams significantly reduces the game result as a whole. In search of a way out of the current problem, we have developed a method of education of physical capable taking into account the peculiarities of game actions of volleyball players. On the basis of the individual approach, and taking into account the training conditions of the male team of OGU, a program of general and special physical training was drawn up for each volleyball player, depending on his playing function on the site. At the final stage of our experiment, the player 's physical and special-physical preparedness rates increased markedly. The level of endurance of anaerobic character, jump endurance, high-speed endurance of attacking players, “libero,” defenders increased by 30%. The level of speed and speed-force abilities of volleyball players with different game role increased from 25–37 %.
The obtained data of the study showed that the use of the technique developed by us of physical preparation of volleyball player significantly improved physical preparation of each player with different roles, and performance of the team as a whole.
Key words: volleyball, physical fitness, player role.
Lapteva E.I. SYSTEM FOR THE FORMATION OF COMMUNICATIVE-COMPENSATOR COMPETENCE OF THE BASIC SCHOOL STUDENTSThe revolutionary development of innovations in pedagogical science, due to the fundamental tendencies of social life, the expansion of the sphere of contacts between peoples and states within the framework of globalization and internationalization, implies significant changes in the field of basic general education as a strategically important area of the state policy of the Russian Federation, providing for the creation of a competent person and focuses on the need for the formation of communicative-compensatory competence of students of the basic school and the creation of a pedagogical system, the introduction of which will ensure the availability of a system of knowledge, skills, personal qualities that allows integrating strategic moves in the process of communicative interaction that are adequate to the communication situation that contributes to the positive effectiveness of intercultural contact.
The developed pedagogical system for the formation of the communicative-compensatory competence of students of the primary school is regulated by the social order and educational normative documents reflected in the normative block; is built on a complementary basis of systemic, competency-based and participatory approaches; consists of five interconnected blocks (motivational-targeted, organizational-substantive, operational-activity and reflective-diagnostic); functions taking into account the basic principles (consciousness, science, accessibility, activity, strength, visibility) and specific principles (emergence, overcoming sociocultural interference, software combination, interactive didactization, personal-vector reception). The main goal of the author’s system is to diagnose a high strategically productive level of formation of communicative-compensatory competence, which will provide students with the knowledge and skills to conduct a constructive dialogue, tolerate the views of a communication partner, understand and adequately interpret the communication situation that has arisen directing her to a productive result.
The results of the experimental work and a comparative analysis of the dynamics of the results of primary school students, as well as their diagnosis by the methods of mathematical statistics, showed a significant improvement in the level of formation of communicative-compensatory competence, which indicates the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed system.
Key words: students of the basic school, communicative-compensatory competence, a system for the formation of communicative-compensatory competence of students in the basic school.
Lebedeva O.S. GUIDELINES OF SPIRITUAL AND MORAL EDUCATION SYSTEM OF PRIMARY SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN IN THE WRITINGS OF V.V. ZENKOVSKYIn modern society, spiritual and moral education is one of the relevant areas in the field of education. Problems in the field of education, associated with the lack of, first of all, a unified ideology, were the basis for studying the established approaches to understanding the subject and content of education.
Research and retrospective analysis of the philosophical and pedagogical heritage of the great Russian teacher, psychologist and theologian of the twentieth century V.V. Zenkovsky about the process of spiritual and moral formation of the personality of a child of primary school age made it possible to highlight his fundamental ideas of education. Spiritual and moral development of a personality in Zenkovsky’s pedagogy is impossible without the formation of moral principles in it, where the sphere of “spirituality” is the highest value of a person, the formation and correction of which goes beyond the framework of rational understanding. The basis of such a development of the child is the Christian-humanistic tradition, in which the spiritual and moral personality is integral, free, aware of the unity of the Creator and creation, and sees his life’s destiny in the continuation of God’s creation.
Thus, for the theory of the education of Zenkovsky of primary school children, the fact that only moral education, filled with religious meaning, forms the true spiritual order of the child, is essential.
Key words: Zenkovsky V.V., elementary school students, education, personality, spirituality, morality, development, formation, formation.
Putistina O.V., Ovcharenko N.V. INTERACTIVE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE SYSTEM OF TRAINING LINGUISTS AND INTERPRETERSInteractive educational technologies have gained popularity in teaching foreign languages. Yet they have not been given enough attention in textbooks for training professional linguists and interpreters in foreign languages. At the same time the professional sphere of linguists is connected with different forms of communication and interaction. Communicate and social skills compose their professional communicative competence in foreign languages. The use of interactive technologies in teaching foreign languages to interpreters and translators fills the gap between the job requirements in this professional sphere and the professional training at universities.
In this article we provide a substantial theoretical ground for the efficiency of interactive educational technologies in training linguists and interpreters. The article also describes the procedure and results of the trial training programme for linguists with the use of interactive educational technologies that we conducted at university. We implemented a special complex of tasks based on interaction for developing the professional communicative competence of linguists and interpreters in reading classes in a foreign language. The article provides examples of interactive technologies based on the idea of live communicative interaction. After the implementation of the special complex of interactive tasks into practice the students demonstrated a positive shift in the development of the skills of their professional competence in foreign languages. We analysed the results of the study and proved the efficacy of interactive educational technologies in training future translators and interpreters.
The outcomes of the study indicate the increase of the level of the development of professional skills among the linguists students whom we taught with the use of interactive technologies and special interactive tasks. Thus we consider their use a perspective direction of research in the methods of teaching and training linguists and interpreters.
Key words: interactive technologies, professional communicative competence, foreign language, linguist, translation and interpretation.
Shipilina L.A. TEACHING MANAGERIAL DECISION-MAKING IN THE PROCESS OF EDUCATION MANAGERS TRAINING DURING THE MASTER’S COURSEProfessionalism of management in the area of education is one of the conditions that ensures quality of education. Decision-making is the sort of quintessence of management activity that has a direct impact on the operation and development of educational systems. Studying of the teaching experience of education managers training at a number of higher educational institutions in the Siberian region resulted in the necessity of considering the problem of rationalizing and developing the specialized program of teaching the decision-making process. The aim of the research is to rationalize, develop and prove experimentally the effectiveness of the program of teaching managerial decision-making for education managers during the Master’s course while using studies of the factors that have an impact on the efficiency of managerial decision-making.
During the research, statistical data about the influence of objective and subjective factors on the efficiency of education managers’ decisions made by them in the course of managing educational systems have been received. The concept of the author’s program of teaching education managers how to make managerial decisions ensures their mastering necessary skills as a process of development of the innovative culture. The content of the program allows to design the decision-making process as a specific kind of management activity. The methodical aspect of the program is aimed at using the case-study method in the process of teaching. The method provides optimal decision-making by its functionality. The research represents the experience of teaching the managerial decision-making process during the Master’s course at Omsk State Pedagogical University and the experimental data that prove the effectiveness of the developed program.
The realization of the teaching program of managerial decision-making in the process of education managers training during the Master’s course ensures developing the appropriate competence through mastering skills of strategy development, skills of analyzing the situation and taking into account its dynamics, skills of step-by-step implementation of decision-making procedure on the basis of comprehensive and qualitative information. Teaching managerial decision-making using the case-study method helps to decrease the role of subjective factors of the negative kind.
Key words: management as a specific kind of activity, managerial decisions, managerial decision-making, taking Master’s course, program of teaching managerial decision-making, case study.
Markova Т.О., Hovrina А.V., Bykovskaya N.V., Maslov M.V. USING THE ACTIVITY APPROACH AT EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ON BIOLOGY IN COREIDAE (HEMIPTERA) STUDYINGAn active approach to learning is provided in the process of working with reliance on internal incentives and the maintenance of educational motivation and makes it possible to move to a relatively active and performing active (creative) level. This can be achieved by setting problematic creative tasks and specific tasks, during which students understand the material of the topic, enrich the experience and knowledge of scientific researchers. Thus, new knowledge is remembered by using to solve the set educational tasks, and interested students receive additional information. They show interest in the subject, read special literature, expanding their knowledge in the field of biology, while the development of abilities takes into account individual characteristics. To achieve the result, the teacher needs to provide a psychologically comfortable climate that contributes to the activation of cognitive activity of students, their inclusion in the work and the development of independence.
We have presented the author’s development of an event for secondary schools using an activity-based approach to teaching biology. Tasks: selection of a relevant research topic, collection of collection and photo material, familiarization with literary sources on the ecology of the regional fauna, development of methods for conducting the event, generalization of the results.
Such classes contribute to the formation of the student’s personality, his communicative preparedness, cognitive skills, interest and a positive attitude towards learning, creative thinking. The information presented can be used by biology teachers as a local history material in secondary schools as a regional component of the educational program.
Key words: activity approach in training, insects, Hemiptera, Coreidae.
Prosvirkina I.I., Kulikova E.Yu., Kuleshova R.V. ETHNOMETHODOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL MODEL AS A WAY OF LABOR MIGRANTS LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL ADAPTATIONRussia, as a modern economically developed state, is faced with the need for linguistic and cultural adaptation of migrants, which is impossible without knowledge of the Russian language and culture. Moreover, a migrant needs to pass state testing in a short time — a comprehensive exam, and one of the modules is the Russian language. An exam can not always be passed without prior preparation.
The study found that the “portrait” of a modern migrant has changed significantly over the past decade. He was significantly “younger”, therefore, a young man coming to Russia for work does not already have an understanding of a “common country”. The educational system of Russia is unfamiliar to him. There is no motivation to study any “sciences”, since the main purpose of his arrival is to carry out labor activities. To provide professional linguistic and methodological assistance to labor migrants from the Republic of Tajikistan, we have constructed an ethnomethodic model. The model is based on factors that allow you to determine the approach, develop a strategy, select didactic material, choose methods and techniques. Such factors are the personality of the student, the level of his education, ethno-psychological characteristics, mentality. The main approach that formed the basis of the training model for labor migrants from the Republic of Tajikistan was ethnomethodic, the main principles of which are considered to be taking into account national mentality, cultural values and especially the language of students. When creating the training model, two linguistic-educational technologies were used: traditional and blended learning. Thanks to the technology of blended learning, the ELOK Internet resource, an ethnolinguistic online course, was created and introduced into the educational process. The resource potential allows a migrant to use training materials at a convenient time for him.
The effectiveness of the ethnomethodic training model for labor migrants from the Republic of Tajikistan, its role for integration into modern Russian society is confirmed by the results of experimental training and the results of state testing. An effective result allows us to talk about the need to create nationally-oriented programs of linguistic and cultural adaptation of foreign citizens.
Key words: ethnomethodological model, technology of blended learning, ethnolinguistic online course.
Aleksiuk Iu.O, Moroz V.V. CREATIVE-VALUE INTERACTION “TEACHER — STUDENT” IN A UNIVERSITY DIGITAL ENVIRONMENTIn spite of a numerous number of researches, creativity still is a quite uncertain and actual phenomenon in pedagogics. Nowadays creativity arises more and more interest due to dynamic changes in economics and society. Global changes in all spheres of human’s life make creativity an essential part of everyday routine. Creativity is a kind of balance between knowledge and ability to look at it critically. It is necessary to distinguish two concepts: creative teaching and teaching for creativity, where the first one involves the teacher’s creative activity in selecting the content of materials, and the second one engages and supports students in order to develop their creativity.
The nature of the creative-value interaction of the teacher and students in the process of teaching a foreign language has to be upcoming. It is possible to create such an interaction in the digital environment of MOODLE using some certain principles of course design.
In 2017–2018 there was implemented an additional course of a foreign language for students (1–3 courses) of non-linguistic specialties in the digital environment of Moodle, Orenburg State University. Experiment results showed that the level of creativity was higher at the final testing of the course comparing to the entrance one.
Key words: creative-value interaction, Moodle, higher education, digital environment, foreign language teaching.
Bessonova E.V., Kirillova I.K., Tarabarina YU.A. PREPARATION TECHNIQUE FOR WRITING ESSAYS AT INTERNATIONAL EXAMS IN ENGLISHToday experts with a high level of proficiency in a foreign language are considered in demand in the labour market. The level of foreign language proficiency is confirmed by a high test result of international exams in a foreign language. The essay is a mandatory part of international English language exams such as TOEFL, IELTS, and Cambridge Advanced English. We examined the requirements and assessment criteria for the essay writing exam task. The task assesses the level of speech skills formation necessary to create your own pieces of writing in a foreign language.
As part of the research, we developed a technology for teaching writing based on a product-oriented approach. According to the technology we have identified the following stages of text production: task orientation, text planning, text writing, and text self-editing. We have also proposed a set of exercises aimed at developing following skills: task understanding, formulating the author’s point of view and its proving with relevant examples, planning a cohesive and coherent text, text division into paragraphs, highlighting of the paragraph’s main idea, development of the idea in the text, expressing ideas in the text logically in accordance with the rhetorical structure of English essay, usage of lexical cohesive means, text self-editing.
This technology was tested during experimental training; its results prove the effectiveness of the proposed technology for teaching essay writing according to international English language exams requirements.
Key words: international exam, product-oriented approach, learning technology, writting, essay.
Markelova Yu.V., Baranov V.V., Vorobyov V.K., Popova E.A. DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS FOR EVALUATING THE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS LEADERSHIP QUALITIESChanges in the economy associated with the emergence of various types and forms of economic activity, economic freedom, stimulate a creative and innovative approach to professional activity, a professional with leadership qualities is in demand. University complexes as centers of education, science and culture of the region accumulate and transmit innovative pedagogical experience from Central universities to branches, creating a modern educational space for the multidimensional development of personal qualities of students. Analysis of scientific research in the field of sociology, psychology, and leadership pedagogy allowed us to specify a set of qualities that characterize the future leader in various areas of management-industrial, sports, tourism, and educational. The formation and development of students ‘ leadership qualities includes a multi-aspect diagnostics of leadership. Diagnostic tools are characterized by a significant variety, due to the ambiguity of the idea of a set of personal qualities needed by the leader. Integrative assessment of leadership qualities requires the use of a representation of the profile of leadership qualities. To select diagnostic methods, a critical analysis of tools for diagnosing students ‘ leadership qualities was carried out. A matrix of conformity of the diagnosed quality and the methodology used to assess its development was created. The presented tools were used to determine the main directions of work on the development of these qualities in students. A computer program for individual assessment of a student’s leadership profile has been developed, which functions through a personal account on the University’s website. Diagnostics of students from different universities allowed us to track the dynamics of changes in the development of leadership qualities of graduates, to assess the effectiveness of the proposed pedagogical measures, and differences in the mentality of young people in large and small cities.Key words: leadership, student, University complex, leadership profile, methodology for evaluating leadership qualities.
Olshanskaya S.A., Karaulova S.N. EMOTIONAL BURNOUT MANIFESTATION PECULIARITIES AMONG FOOTBALL COACHES Sports trainers are in the field of care professions — the person-person system. Their livelihoods are carried out in an environment associated with additional stressors: high requirements for victory, administrative and parental intervention or indifference, disciplinary problems, variety of roles. The above and other professionally significant components of the activity to a greater extent determine the premature development of professional burnout of trainers. It can manifest itself at different levels of personality organization and with its different behavioral manifestations. The professional burnout of football coaches can adversely affect their performance. The level of burnout of specialists in this field depends on their professional growth. The results obtained by studying the sources that affect burnout provide an opportunity to improve the system of early diagnosis and selection of personnel for the pedagogical profession, in particular, trainers in sports who deal with children, which explains their practical value. To the factors that reduce burnout, coaches include sports and the entertainment of football. However, this only delay their emotional burnout.Key words: sports coaches, profession, emotional burnout, stress factors.
Repyakh L.P. MODELING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY PERSONNEL TRAINING IN PRODUCTION RISK SITUATIONSDevelopment of the oil and gas industry in the world is followed by growth of risks of accidents, precedents and dangers. The production risk of the oil and gas industry (internal for the enterprise) is connected with actions of personnel — masters, technicians, engineers of an average link. Need of abilities of riskologichesky character for personnel is recorded in educational and professional standards. At the same time the conventional attitude of personnel to situations of production risk is established that increases danger of technological processes of the oil and gas industry, provokes accidents with significant damage and human losses, updates problems of the choice of the best ways of training of personnel in actions in the conditions of risk situations.
Relevant training of personnel as a part of the “training through all life” system is implemented in additional professional education which possesses necessary mobility and flexibility of programs, technologies and techniques of training for timely the answer to calls of dynamically developing oil and gas production. At the same time experience of DPO in training of personnel of an oil and gas complex for situations of production risk is insufficiently scientifically presented and studied.
The purpose of the article is to present the results of modeling and implementation of training of oil and gas industry personnel to situations of industrial risk in conditions of additional professional education (DPO).
I have developed a model of training of oil and gas industry personnel to situations of industrial risk, implemented in conditions of additional professional education on the basis of a systematic approach. The model is an integration of target, methodological, structural, content-technological and performance-evaluation blocks. Implementation of the model is based on interaction of “DPO-client-employer,” filling of DPO programs with up-to-date subject knowledge, orientation on digitalization and visualization of production and training processes. The pilot study involved 1,232 engineering participants.
The results of the study are based on the creation and implementation of a model for training oil and gas industry personnel for production risk situations. There were positive changes in the results of training — the share of students demonstrating the ability to act independently in situations of industrial risk increased in the experimental groups from 5.94% to 21.78%.
Key words: oil and gas industry, personnel, production risk, additional professional education.
Ustichev O.G. VALUE BASES OF PROFESSIONAL PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITYOF MILITARY UNIVERSITY TEACHERSA number of requirements are imposed on the activities of teachers in military schools due to certain restrictions, official relations, which are based on the principles of centralization and unity of command. The purpose of the study is to determine the value foundations and value-semantic components of professional and pedagogical activity of a military university teacher.
A theoretical study made it possible to establish reasons that affect the activities nature of a military university teacher. They are associated with a change in value orientations in society and the army. The rethinking of the traditional values of military service and officers is indicated. For the successful organization of professional and pedagogical activity of military university teachers, understanding of changes in norms, values, discourse and military professional and pedagogical activity is also required. The importance of the teacher’s personality, his unique professional and human qualities, as well as those values that he himself follows and broadcasts to cadets is emphasized. The results of axiological analysis show that the values of professional and pedagogical activity of teachers of a military university are a well-established system of attitudes, informed representations, which ensures the choice of strategies for professional behavior of teachers of a military university, its stability and continuity. This system is holistic in nature and acts as a cognitively functioning system that determines the relationship between the prevailing views on the problems of military education, the requirements of military service and the teacher professional and pedagogical activity.
Under the conditions of irreversible axiological changes, the work of a teacher at a military university is becoming more and more complicated. Values are manifested in the style of teachers professional and pedagogical activity, the nature of the relationship built by teachers. The values of professional pedagogical activity are formed on the basis of ethical standards, moral and ethical guidelines, attitudes that exist in the professional pedagogical community of military university teachers.
Key words: values, professional pedagogical activity, ethos of professional pedagogical community, Military University, teachers of military University.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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