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February 2020, № 1 (224), pages 6-13

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-224-6

Aptikieva L.R. PSYCHOLOGICAL VIOLENCE CONSEQUENCES FOR DIFFERENT AGE CATEGORIESAn increase in the number of victims of psycho-violence, which has a traumatic effect on the personality, causing emotional stress, stress, discomfort, and depression, necessitates studying the consequences of psycho-violence for different age categories. Three categories of manifestations of psycho-violence are distinguished: verbal aggression; dominant behavior; manifestations of jealousy that affect the victim of violence in different ways. Violations developing after the experienced psycho-violence affect all levels of an individual’s functioning and lead to sustainable personality changes. Objective: to identify the consequences of psycho-violence for different age categories.
My theoretical study of the consequences of psycho-violence for different age categories made it possible to identify specific features of the consequences for different age categories. Consequences for children: sleep disturbances; hyperreactivity; impaired memory and concentration; irritability; a sharp decline in school performance; change of worldview; the emergence of many complexes; low self-esteem; maladaptation; health problems (various diseases occur); difficulty in building relationships; developmental delays (mental, emotional, speech); constant stress, fear, expectation of danger; suicidal tendency, asocial lifestyle. The consequences of psycho-violence in adults are disorders of a psychological and physical nature: sleep disturbances; nervous breakdowns; irritability; depression; anxiety; difficulty concentrating; panic conditions, heart attacks; loss of self-esteem; decreased self-esteem; violation of social relations; decrease in labor productivity.
The consequences of psycho-violence for different age categories are different, the general thing is that violations affect all levels of a person’s functioning and lead to persistent personality changes.
Key words: violence, psychological violence, emotional violence, age, psychological trauma, mobbing, aggressor.


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About this article

Author: Aptikieva L.R.

Year: 2020

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-224-6

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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