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№ 6š(194),š23šjuneš2016


Zimina I.S., Gavrilova M.N., Polozova O.V., Mukhina S.A. THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING ON ADAPTATION INDICATORS STUDENTSAdaptation resources of the human body largely determine the state of its health, not only physical but also psychological one. In conventional medicine the concept of health emphasizes the importance of perceived health, one component of which is welfare. Well-being along with happiness, satisfaction, comfort are the socio-psychological characteristics related to subjectively experienced processes of human life. The concept of "individual well-being" includes social, spiritual, physical, material, and psychological components. This involves the implementation of physical and spiritual human capabilities. The value of the sense of well-being is the basis of mental health, which is a basic phenomenon of human health. The realization of a person's own resources is impossible without psychological resistance. And as a consequence, it is impossible to feel satisfied with the process of self-realization and have a sense of well-being. In pedagogics of the higher school causes of psycho-pedagogical nature, making it difficult to master the specific learning activities, conditions for socio-psychological adaptation of students to educational process are not sufficiently disclosed. In the study it was found that students reduced the mechanisms of adaptation, as indicated by a low level of psychological well-being among boys and girls; decline in cardio-respiratory reserve; marked acceleration of the value of the "individual minute" in the majority of women; low stress in boys-mediated decrease in the level of activity. The work concluded that the increase in the level of compensatory-adaptive mechanisms in the 1st year students should be implemented on the basis of improvement of life conditions and the creation of educational health care environment.Key words: well-being, adaptation, stress resistance, cardiorespiratory reserve.

Philological sciences

Gasanova G.A. HEROES OF THE NOVEL OF L.šTOLSTOY "ANNA KARENINA" IN "LITERARY THOUGHTS" OF E.šEFENDIEVAThe choice of a subject of article is caused by the problems of a domestic komparativistika aimed at studying of these or those forms of an interliterary continuity. The speech, in particular, goes about perception and spiritual communication with the art world of Tolstoy, namely reception of "the family novel" in the book of the famous writer-playwright E.šEfendiyev. Creativity of the great realist, his searches of truth and attitude were close also to the Azerbaijani prose writer. The moral representations which are the cornerstone of author's interpretation have exerted impact and on interpretation ofessence of artistic images. Reflections of the writer about "the family saga"š— features of a perspective, the ideological and art party, heroes have found reflection in numerous sketches, separate records and the mini-essay. These are some kind of "sparkles of inspiration" which have arisen spontaneously, unexpectedly. They demonstrate beneficial influence and deep impact of the novel of Tolstoy on consciousness and a world view of the Azerbaijani writer and indisputable value of classics in modern art creativity. Thus, this research promotes expansion of our ideas of literary interaction and cross-cultural art dialogue.Key words: heroes of the novel, literary thoughts, "dialogue with itself", "others blood", dramatic nature of the novel, the great psychologist.
Dobrovolskaja O.J. CELTIC BORROWINGS AS A LEXICAL DATABASE OF THE MIDDLE ENGLISH OCCUPATIONAL TERMSThe article is devoted to the study of etymology of the Middle English language. The focus of the study lays on the lexical-thematic classification, functional differentiation, variability, chronological stratification of Celtic lexical borrowings in the Middle English language, in particular lexical-thematic group of occupational terms. Based on the analysis of dictionary definitions of occupational terms both common nouns and proper names are distributed in thematic groups and sub-groups with representation of their lexical-semantic and phonographic variation in chronological order. The actual material is distributed on a functional basis too, highlighting separately the three sub-groups: the names with established usage, the names with the unsettled usage, the names with the limited usage. The total number of occupational terms loan-blends formed from assimilated Celtic lexical borrowings using English derivational suffixes, isš6 (1š% of the total number of 755šMiddle English occupational terms-loan-blends); the names of craftsmen is the most represented subgroup. The data obtained serve as a confirmation of the scarcity of Celtic lexical borrowings, especially in the lexical-thematic group of Middle English occupational terms.Key words: Middle English language, lexical borrowing, Celtic language, occupational terms.
Inozemtseva N.V., Verzhinskaya I.V. STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF SUMMARIES OF SCIENTIFIC AND METHODICAL ARTICLESThis research paper is a parameter of the author activity. It should contain brief, but the sufficient report for understanding the research and objective discussion of its result. The scientific publication shows work of the author to the broad audience of the scientists, who are engaged in the given area of research. As to methodical publications it is necessary to note their constructive character. Both scientific, and methodical articles have similar structure, however the publication anticipates either the summary, or the abstract-text, everything depends on a genre of work. The body of the sample formed base for our research, including summaries of articles published in English-speaking magazines which are intended for theorists and experts in the field of training to English language as foreign. Results of the research show, that the structure of the research paper includes the summary which is its important component. It may contain fromš50 up to 400šwords depending on complexity of a material and requirements of specific magazine. However, the methodical edition is accompanied by the abstract-text which according to many linguists is considered as a synonym to the term "resume" (articles) and English "abstract". Though the given research denies this point of view.Key words: annotation, abstract-text, article, scientific article, methodical article.
Popova E.V. THE NATURE OF JUDICIAL DISCOURSE The article is devoted to consideration and analysis of legal discourse from the position of its mental essence. The study of professional discourse is currently a topical issue in linguistics. The research object of this article is the judicial discourse. The discourse represents, on the one hand, the abstract variable description of structural-semantic characteristics implemented in specific texts considering extralinguistic factors, and with anotherš— a set of texts of one and the same sphere of communicative activity. Legal discourse is a form of existence of language that is used to express specific mentality. In the relationship of courtroom discourseš— legal discourse, legal discourse can be called hieronimo, and judicial discourseš— gironimo. Courtroom discourse is realized in situations of specific activities.Key words: courtroom discourse, legal discourse, discourse, discourse analysis, text, language picture of the world, language personality, language code, pragmalinguistics, cognitive approach.
Troshkina T.P., Gabdreeva N.V. EXPERIENCE OF MAKING THE PROGRAM OF RETRAINING OF TEACHERS OF RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGEThis article presents the retraining program of specialists and teachers regarding teaching the Russian language as a non-mother tongue. The necessity of retraining the teacher who works in the multicultural audience is an important task of the Russian education. The retraining program creates the opportunities for adopting the modern techniques and teaching methods in a multicultural audience, gives an important theoretical and practical material for preparing and conducting practical classes, organizing self-study process of learners and for creating teaching materials; it also acquaints the teachers with the latest achievements in the field of methodological and linguo-didactic developments. Here are modules, concerning the integrating role of the Russian language in the political, social and cultural spheres, also we cover the topics, representing the content of the language legislation of the Russian Federation and its subjects, the peculiarities of functioning of the Russian language in the cross-cultural communication of Russian peoples, various aspects of constructing linguistic identity, and also introducing the innovative teaching methods of the Russian language as non-mother tongue. Within the elective modules we consider the topics, which expect the deepening knowledge about the integration potential of the Russian language, about language and culture in the aspect of area studies; about the status, situation, processes and tendencies of the development of Russian studies; about the paradigms and directions of Russian studies; about techniques of text creating and comprehension; about concepts of modern language education; language support in the professional communication, cultural linguistics, orthology in the system of professional communication, etc. The structure of the course proposed by the authors has the methodological accompaniment in a form of the control-didactic unit and the list of recommended literature, based on the works of the leading modern linguists.Key words: competence, training, modules, retraining, cultural linguistics, the structure of lectures and seminars.
Chugunova K.S. REPLACEMENT COMPONENTS OF THE ELOQUENT EXPRESSION WITH THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE SEMANTIC CORE IN D.šYEMETS`S WRITINGThe article considers one of the types of paremias' transformations in D.šYemets's texts, the famous Russian author whose works belong to the popular literary young-adult style. The change of component structure of an eloquent expression, which can lead to change of initial paremia's semantics, is the most frequent type of transformation of phraseological units in D.šYemets's texts. The author shows the most important aspects of this process. Such component replacement not only cardinally changes semantics of the statement, but also often brings comic and ironical shades in it. In the transformed paremias references to the case sources, which are known to most of recipients, are allocated (for example, to folkloric pieces of work, to classical and modern literature, to the historic and public facts and events having special value and reflecting in other cultural heritage), but at the same time the attention is turning to the effect of surprise that arising in consciousness of the readers who have got used to the settled sense of an eloquent expression. In general the variation of the paremias acting as text signs allocates semiotics system of the text targeting different groups of readers. There is the similarity between author's logic of D.šYemets's writing and other contemporary authors, who also rethink and transform the source phraseological units in order to achieve advertising goals, increase readership, etc. Thus, orientation of the author mainly to the universal and precedent phenomena which are included in the "universal" cognitive space when using in the text of phraseological units and their active transformation contacts idea of creation of the new type of D.šYemets's textš— the "universal" text.Key words: aphoristic, phraseologism, D. Yemets, precedent sources, language game, replacement of the component composition, transformation of eloquent expression, "universal" text.


Avdeeva Y.A., Medvedeva O.A., Korolev V.A., Kalutskii P.A. INFLUENCE OF PROBIOTICS BACTISTATIN AND NORMOBACT ON THE COMPOSITION OF THE MICROBIOCENOSIS OF THE LARGE INTESTINE IN EXPERIMENTAL DYSBIOSISChange in the qualitative and quantitative structure of microbiocenosis of the colon ofš— dysbiosis is a background condition for the development of a large spectrum of diseases, and alsoš— factor in the weakening of the immune system. Studied Influence of drugs with pronounced probiotic effect of bactistatin and normobact on the composition of the microflora of the large intestine in experimental dysbiosis of gentamicin. Correction of dysbiosis due to gentamicin with probiotics bactistatin and normobact led to change in the quantitative and qualitative composition of representatives of the mucosal microbiota of the colon. Use of bactistatin and normobact led to normalization of content 12šofš13 and 9šofš13 microorganisms, respectively, defined in the composition of the mucosal microflora of the colon. A more pronounced effect of the correction of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the intestinal microflora observed in the use of the drug bactistatin. In our opinion, the differences in the normalization of the microbiota of the large intestine, associated with the species composition of microorganisms used in probiotics. This allows to recommend in clinical practice the use of these drugs for the selective correction of dysbiosis after the study of qualitative and quantitative structure of microbiocenosis of the large intestine.Key words: mucosal microflora of the large intestine, dysbiosis, bactistatin, normobact.
Ermolaeva S.V., Khomyakova I.A., Khayrullin R.M. COMPARISON OF THE LENGTH AND THE BODY WEIGHT OF ULYANOVSK LEARNERS WITH SIMILAR INDICATORS OF THE SAME AGE LEARNERS LIVING IN OTHER TERRITORIESBasic anthropological characteristics are adaptive features significantly varying for the population of different climatic areas. It is a scientific and practical interest to compare the data of the physical development of children and adolescents of different regions of Russia, made in the comparable period. In this study, a comparison of the growth length (GL) and body weight (BW) of boys and girls of school age, residing in the city of Ulyanovsk, with those from Nizhny Novgorod and Saratov, and a comparison of these indices in schoolchildren of the Ulyanovsk region and Nizhny Novgorod and Arkhangelsk regions. These areas are different, both in environmental quality and in terms of socio-economic development. We used the materials of anthropological study of learners from 19šsecondary educational in municipal districts of Ulyanovsk and Ulyanovsk region. For a comparative analysis of growth length and weight of Ulyanovsk schoolchildren with their peers living in other areas, we used information on indicators of the body of total size of the urban and rural students three Russian regions included in the collection of materials "Physical development of Russian children and adolescents" (2013. Issue 6). A comparative analysis showed that the values of the length and body weightof Ulyanovsk schoolboys of younger and middle age did not significantly differ from their peers in other regions of Russia. Teenager boys in Ulyanovsk are lagging behind in the growth from their peers from Nizhny Novgorod and its region, Saratov and Arkhangelsk region. Girls of Ulyanovsk region have similar values with the girls of Arkhangelsk region, but these values are lower than of the girls from Nizhny Novgorod region. Weight of boys and girls of Ulyanovsk region does not significantly differ from the weight of their peers from Nizhny Novgorod and its region, but significantly heavier than the weight of school children of the city of Saratov. During adolescence, the body weights of the girls of Ulyanovsk region have virtually identical values with the weight of girls of Arkhangelsk region. Such differences in the size of total body may indicate that the children are exposed to different sets of unfavorable social, climatic, and other environmental factors. Key words: body length, body weight, regional differences, environmental factors, school age.
Zhelezova S.V., Ananiev A.A., Vyunov M.V., Berezovsky E.V. WINTER WHEAT CROP SURVEY WITH UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE AND OPTICAL SENSOR GREENSEEKER® RT200Using of unmanned aerial for crop survey by NDVI is expedient. Passive sensors (cameras) are using for survey, so the results depend on lighting conditions at the photographing time. For the calibration and verification of remote data from passive sensor it is necessary to conduct ground surveys by sensor with active radiation source. The using of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) SenseFly AG eBee (camera Canon S110 NIR) for monitoring of winter wheat was shown. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was measured by remote passive NIR camera and at the same time on the field by optical sensor GreenSeeker® RT200 with active light source. Using of active light source optical sensor is a standard method for NDVI measurement and it should be used for passive sensor calibration and correction of the results. Linear relationship is used for correction passive sensor measurement of NDVI value at the early crop stages (from seadling to tillering). Logarithmic equation is used for correction at the later crop stages. Crops UAV survey gives precise and repeatable measurements of NDVI distribution in the fields at different stages of crops development. It is demonstrated on the series of synchronic near the ground and remote surveys during the active growing season. Key words: NDVI, unmanned aerial vehicle, winter wheat, crop survey.
Ishmurzina M.G., Barlybaeva M.Sh., Ishbirdin A.R., Sujundukov I.B. ADDITIONS TO ADVENTIVE AND SYNANTHROPIC FLORA OF THE SOUTH URAL RESERVEThe process of synanthropization of the flora affected not only protected areas but also areas relating to specially protected, including protected. One of the first steps in the obstacle synanthropization Flor should be their inventory. The article presents information on the findings of 33šplant species identified in the study of commensal flora of the South Ural reserve. Specify habitat, the degree of participation and cenotype described species. Of the identified 33šspecies 12šrefers to the natural flora of the Republic of Bashkortostan, 21šare synanthropic. Among synanthropic lead ruderal speciesš— 36š%, segetal species represented 6š%, adventive speciesš— 15š% of the total complement flora of the reserve types. Thus, the flora of the South Ural reserve were supplemented with 33šnew species and 780šspecies of higher vascular plants, native flora includes over 700šspecies, adventiveš—š80.Key words: South Ural reserve, synanthropization, synanthropic flora, adventive species.
Maksutova N.V., Dusaeva G.H. SINANTROPIZATCIJA VEGETATION IN THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE ORENBURG URAL REGION UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF GRAZINGIn the process of economic development of the land man brings to the natural vegetation synanthropic species that are resistant to anthropogenic pressure. In the southern part of the Orenburg Ural region prevail pasture and grasslands. The results of the evaluation by synanthropization steppe, shrub, grassland, coastal aquatic communities common in the study area. The study contains 83šcommensal flora species. synanthropization index was 18.4š%, 10.6š% adventization index, apofitizatsii codeš— 40.9š%. The synanthropic group of plants is mainly dominated by species of the family Asteraceaeš— 25šspecies of plants, second only to the family Brassicaceaeš— 12šspecies. On 8šspecies found in families Poaceae and Chenopodiaceae. There was widespread synanthropic species got to meadow plant communities, where their number is aboutš1/3 of the total number of species of these communities (projective cover of the species fromš1 to 10š%). In the steppe and coastal water plant communities distant from settlements with minimal grazing pressure projective cover commensal species does not exceed 3-5š%, but often less than 1š% and grow singly. Number of commensal species in shrub communities is half of the total number of (projective cover of the species is about 1-2š%). It should be noted that the most active processes synanthropization occur in coastal aquatic communities, due to their location in places of watering, and the instability prevailing mesophytic gigrofitnogo components flora.Key words: Sinantropizatcija vegetation, grasslands, plant communities.
Miroshnikova E.P., Arinzhanov A.E. HEAVY METALS IN WATER AND BOTTOM SEDIMENTS OF THE IRIKLINSKAYA RESERVOIRRecently the volume of industrial drains in reservoirs of the Orenburg region has increased. Heavy metals in water ecosystems don't decay, are constantly redistributed on separate components and collect in hydrobionts of various trophic levels, including fishes and by that constitute danger to the person eating fishes from the polluted reservoirs. Maintenance and distribution of heavy metals in water and soil of the Iriklinsky reservoir have been investigated. Water samples were taken with a sampler of Rutner into 6šsections: Dam ples, Tanalyk-Sandusky ples, Chapaevsky ples, ples Sofinsky, Thanalakshi Sandusky Gulf and the Bay. Samples of bottom sediments were taken at channel stations from the horizon 0–10šcm of the grab. The studies observed excess of maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in water of reservoir compounds Cuš— in 3–10 times, Feš— in 2–10 times, Mnš— in 2–22 times, Alš— in 4–5 times. Sediments of channel sites Iriklinskaya reservoir were mainly represented by grey sandy silts, organic matter content of which was 15-17š%. For bottom sediments was characterized by excessive concentrations at all the study sites only for Cu (5–6 times) and Zn (5–7 times). In addition, the recorded excess of MPC for Pb in the sediments of the river and Chapaevskaya Soundexchange Bay in 1.5štimes, and Dam-site more than 5štimes.Key words: heavy metals, water, sediments, reservoir.
Pavleychik V.M. LONG-TERM DYNAMICS OF NATURAL FIRES IN THE STEPPE REGIONS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE ORENBURG REGION)Natural fires are an integral phenomenon of the steppe regions. However, studies on the spatial and temporal analysis of this phenomenon and the need for a more complete understanding of the processes, virtually no place in the steppe ecosystems. The article offers an analysis of current trends in the occurrence and spread of wildfires. The main estimated parameter accepted the evidence of total area burnt for some years, a multi-year (1983–2014) period. The boundaries of the fires were identified visually by the Landsat satellite images within the four key areas (Orenburg region). The data show a significant increase in the area of distribution and frequency of fires in all areas under consideration, since the mid-1990sš— beginning 2000-ies. It is revealed that the main cause of modern intensification of fires in the steppe regions is the decline in agricultural production 1980–1990-ies, typical of the post-Soviet countries as a whole. Reducing livestock population (in the Orenburg region in cattle by 63š%, sheep and goats by 87š%) was accompanied by a reduction in the load on pastures, revegetation and accumulation of dry plant mass. Everywhere began the practice of burning of grass to improve forage quality land and disposal of trash. At the same time there was a formation of extensive (about 32š% of the maximum area of cultivated land) area of fallow land. The relevance of the conducted, and further research based on the need to examine the environmental consequences of fires in terms of their contemporary time periods, including justification of effective methods of management of fire situations.Key words: steppe fires, intensification, Orenburg region, underutilized land, space images Landsat.
Tsandekova O.L., Kolmogorova E.Yu. FEATURES ADAPTATION REARRANGEMENTS NEEDLES PINUS SYLVESTRISšL. UNDER WASTE DUMP COAL CUT "KEDROVSKY"In the Kuzbass Pinus sylvestris L. is one of the suitable species for the growth of the waste industry in the dumps, but the identification of relevant growth conditions of its biological requirements on the waste dumps so far not been sufficiently studied. The complex of various diagnostic methods of P.šsylvestris needles in the territory of the waste dump coal mine "Kedrovsky" was spend. Defining the parameters of the water regime of the leaves (water scarcity, loss of subsistence, water retention), was carried out by repeated weighing method, peroxidase activityš— by A.N.šBoyarkin method, ascorbic acid contentš— by titrimetric method with using 2,6-dichlorophenol sodium and content of tanninsš— by Leventhal-Neubauer method in A.L.šKursanov modification. Some specific features of adaptive rearrangements in P.šsylvestrisšL. on-planned waste dumps revealed. In explored plants showed an increase of the area of vascular bundles and resin ducts. The changes of water regime of pine needles toward enhance water retention and reduce the daily losses been established. An increasing of peroxidase activity and tannins, reducing activity of ascorbic acid. Identified anatomical and morphological, physiological and biochemical adjustment in P.šsylvestrisšL. needles can be seen as adaptive reactions aimed at the survival of plants in terms of environmental waste dump. The experimental data can be used in the assessment of woody plants and as an informative parameter in the surrounding environment bioindication.Key words: Pinus sylvestris L., needles, water regime, anatomical and morphological indicators, activity of peroxidase, ascorbic acid, tannins, waste dump.
Shein E.V., Pochatkova T.N., Holodkov A.I. THE RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF SOD-PODZOLIC SOILFormation, stability and, on the other hand, the degradation of soil aggregate structure are the processes related to fundamental physical and chemical properties of the solid phase soil surface and are their functional manifestations. Rheological investigations allow to reveal the inner nature of the strength properties and provide an integrated assessment of the strength of the bonds involved in the formation of soil structure. In modern conditions of intensive anthropogenic load all the soil are exposed to a greater or lesser susceptible physical and technological degradation, which is manifested at different levels of structural organization. The purpose of the studyš— by modern methods of soil rheology set especially rheological behavior of genetic horizons of cultivated sod-podzolic soil under shear loads. The physical and chemical properties of the genetic horizons of cultivated sod-podzolic soils significantly affect the rheological behavior of the soil. Rheological properties were determined using a rotary viscometer "Reotest 2" with a cylindrical measuring device. The strength of the soil structure parameters, such as the commencement of the pressure of the soil suspension and the beginning of the destruction of the structure in the cultivated horizon is 20–40škPa, then reduced in eluvial and increases in the illuvial horizon of up to 70škPa. The viscosity of the start and end of movement in arable soil suspension horizons vary in the range of 110–120šPa*s, and in horizons samples A-ELB-B and A-ELš— in the range of 140–170 and 6–80šPa*s, respectively. When shear deformations of soil horizons of sod-podzolic soil is predominant phenomenon rheopexy, with different participation tiÈotrophic processes.Key words: soil, rheology, shear stress, strain rate, viscosity, strength, rheopexy.


Stelmach V.Y. CONCEPT AND SYSTEM OF MEANS OF PROOF IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGSThe article discusses the concept of "means of proof in criminal proceedings". Based on the analysis put forward in the science point of view the author believes that the means of proof should be those specific actions, through which the production of evidence gathering. Currently, the system of evidence: 1) investigative actions directly under criminal procedural law and regulated in detail to them; 2) The other procedural actions of the investigator (query); 3) The verification activities that occur in the stage of a criminal case; 4) operational-search measures; 5) legal action powerless protector and other participants in criminal proceedings; 6) actions taken in the framework of other activities (for example, administrative and legal). The probative value of the results of these actions differ. Thus, the results of investigation as the main sources of evidence have a direct probative value, and does not require any additional procedures for the introduction of the information received in the criminal proceedings. The results of other legal proceedings also have probative value, but by their conduct unacceptable to seize objects that are material evidence. The results of some validation activities have independent probative value (for example, audits and documentary checks), while others can be re-obtained during the investigation. The results of operatively-search actions acquire probative value after entering a special procedure in criminal proceedings. Action Results powerless direct participants in criminal proceedings of evidence do not matter, and sent powerful parties to the criminal proceedings that are required to make the necessary investigations. The results of actions carried out under other procedural regulation (for example, administrative and legal) acquire probative value only if these actions are performed prior to the initiation of criminal proceedings, and thus complied with the procedure of these actions, the rule of law provided for the relevant industry.Key words: criminal proceedings, evidence and proof, means of proof, investigations, legal proceedings, inspection activities, the operational-search activities.

Physical-mathematical sciences

Zakharov P.V., Eremin A.M., Manakov N.A., Starostenkov M.D., Vdovin R.S. COOPERATIVE ATOMIC DISPLACEMENTS NEAR INTERPHASE BOUNDARIES NI-γFEBy method of molecular dynamics studied the cooperative atomic displacements near the interface a bimetal solid-phase contact Ni-γFe. The differences in the behavior of the Ni and Fe atoms with their participation in the process of mass transfer across borders is established. Currently still a lot of unresolved issues related to the atomic structure of interfaces and mechanisms of their interaction with a variety of defects generated by, for example, by radiation exposure. In particular, special interest is the cooperative atomic displacements near the interphase boundaries and their contribution to the transport of energy and mass. It is shown that the introduction of interstitial atoms near the interface can cause a cooperative atomic displacements that lead to the climb of misfit dislocations. All cooperative atomic displacements proceeded on crowdions mechanism along the packed rows. The differences of behavior of atomic displacements on the number of interstitial atoms, and their type. The differences in the behavior of atoms, apparently, due to the high binding energy of the type Ni-γFe compared with connections type γFe-γFe, resulting in the Fe atoms are more mobile than the Ni atoms and penetrate through the interface is much more intense. Such activity of Fe atoms near the interface Ni-γFe border creates the preconditions for the consideration of such phenomena in the boundary as the basis for the creation of new materials with specific desired properties.Key words: bimetal, cooperative atomic displacements, misfit dislocations, interphase boundary, the method of molecular dynamics.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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