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June 2016, № 6 (194)

Stelmach V.Y. CONCEPT AND SYSTEM OF MEANS OF PROOF IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGSThe article discusses the concept of "means of proof in criminal proceedings". Based on the analysis put forward in the science point of view the author believes that the means of proof should be those specific actions, through which the production of evidence gathering. Currently, the system of evidence: 1) investigative actions directly under criminal procedural law and regulated in detail to them; 2) The other procedural actions of the investigator (query); 3) The verification activities that occur in the stage of a criminal case; 4) operational-search measures; 5) legal action powerless protector and other participants in criminal proceedings; 6) actions taken in the framework of other activities (for example, administrative and legal). The probative value of the results of these actions differ. Thus, the results of investigation as the main sources of evidence have a direct probative value, and does not require any additional procedures for the introduction of the information received in the criminal proceedings. The results of other legal proceedings also have probative value, but by their conduct unacceptable to seize objects that are material evidence. The results of some validation activities have independent probative value (for example, audits and documentary checks), while others can be re-obtained during the investigation. The results of operatively-search actions acquire probative value after entering a special procedure in criminal proceedings. Action Results powerless direct participants in criminal proceedings of evidence do not matter, and sent powerful parties to the criminal proceedings that are required to make the necessary investigations. The results of actions carried out under other procedural regulation (for example, administrative and legal) acquire probative value only if these actions are performed prior to the initiation of criminal proceedings, and thus complied with the procedure of these actions, the rule of law provided for the relevant industry.Key words: criminal proceedings, evidence and proof, means of proof, investigations, legal proceedings, inspection activities, the operational-search activities.


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About this article

Author: Stelmah V.Yu.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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