Ermolaeva S.V., Khomyakova I.A., Khayrullin R.M. COMPARISON OF THE LENGTH AND THE BODY WEIGHT OF ULYANOVSK LEARNERS WITH SIMILAR INDICATORS OF THE SAME AGE LEARNERS LIVING IN OTHER TERRITORIESBasic anthropological characteristics are adaptive features significantly varying for the population of different climatic areas. It is a scientific and practical interest to compare the data of the physical development of children and adolescents of different regions of Russia, made in the comparable period. In this study, a comparison of the growth length (GL) and body weight (BW) of boys and girls of school age, residing in the city of Ulyanovsk, with those from Nizhny Novgorod and Saratov, and a comparison of these indices in schoolchildren of the Ulyanovsk region and Nizhny Novgorod and Arkhangelsk regions. These areas are different, both in environmental quality and in terms of socio-economic development. We used the materials of anthropological study of learners from 19 secondary educational in municipal districts of Ulyanovsk and Ulyanovsk region. For a comparative analysis of growth length and weight of Ulyanovsk schoolchildren with their peers living in other areas, we used information on indicators of the body of total size of the urban and rural students three Russian regions included in the collection of materials "Physical development of Russian children and adolescents" (2013. Issue 6). A comparative analysis showed that the values of the length and body weightof Ulyanovsk schoolboys of younger and middle age did not significantly differ from their peers in other regions of Russia. Teenager boys in Ulyanovsk are lagging behind in the growth from their peers from Nizhny Novgorod and its region, Saratov and Arkhangelsk region. Girls of Ulyanovsk region have similar values with the girls of Arkhangelsk region, but these values are lower than of the girls from Nizhny Novgorod region. Weight of boys and girls of Ulyanovsk region does not significantly differ from the weight of their peers from Nizhny Novgorod and its region, but significantly heavier than the weight of school children of the city of Saratov. During adolescence, the body weights of the girls of Ulyanovsk region have virtually identical values with the weight of girls of Arkhangelsk region. Such differences in the size of total body may indicate that the children are exposed to different sets of unfavorable social, climatic, and other environmental factors. Key words: body length, body weight, regional differences, environmental factors, school age.
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About this article
Authors: Hayrullin R.M., Homyakova I.A., Ermolaeva S.V.
Year: 2016
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |