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№ 12 (148), 2012


Agafonova V.V., Kachalina G.F., Frankovska-Gerlak M.Z., Khaludorova N.B., Chubar V.S., Solomin V.A. POSSIBILITY OF MEDICAL SUPPORT OF PHACOEMULSIFICATION COMPLICATED WITH PSEUDOEXFOLIATION SYNDROMECharacter and the postoperative course after cataract surgery complicated with pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEX) was investigated in patients taking Doxihem (Calcium dobesilate). The efficacy of a preventive medicine correction of vascular alterations in PEX was confirmed.Key words: pseudoexfoliation syndrome, vascular alterations, Doxihem (Calcium dobesilate)
Atamanov V.V., Chernykh V.V., Toporkov I.Yu. BOTULINUS TOXIN "А" IN COMPLEX TREATMENT OF DRY EYE SYNDROME OF MIDDLE AND HEAVY DEGREE We offer a treatment way of dry eye disease of average and heavy degree. Injections were spent to a circular muscle of an eye. We applied preparations "Dysport", "Botox", "Xeomin". In 89% of cases the positive clinical result has been received. The duration of positive result was 3–9 months after single injection.Key words: The dry eye disease, OCT, Botulinum toxin "A", "Dysport", "Botox", "Xeomin".
Balashevich L.I., Nikulin S.A., Kachanov A.B., Yefimov O.A., Churakov T.K., Zavyalov A.I. TO THE QUESTION OF REFRACTIVE RESULT REGRESSION IN LONG-TERM PERIOD AFTER LASIK SURGERYNowadays LASIK is the most widespread surgical method for myopia correction. But the received refractive result is not always remains resistant. In the long follow-up period after operation substantial growth of a corneal thickness in the central part is observed. The increase in a thickness first of all connected with morphology of the interface between flap and corneal bed. Regress of operation result and its expressiveness depend on initial degree of myopia, time after intervention, and structural changes in operated tissue. Key words: Refractive surgery, long-term results of LASIK, pachymetry, ultrastructural cornea changes.
Belyy Yu.A., Solovyev D.K. INTRAOCULAR ELECTROCHEMICAL LYSIS AS A STAGE OF LARGE INTRAOCULAR TUMORS ENDORESECTION Further investigations in clinical group are necessarily to determinate the real possibilities of the combined method and the indications for endoresection with intraoperational intraocular electrochemical lysis for large intraocular tumors.Key words: intraocular tumor, choroidal melanoma, endoresection, electrochemical lysis.
Bikbov M.M., Bikbulatova A.A., Khusnitdinov I.I., Mannanova R.F. COMPARISON ANALYSIS OF CHANGES OF PSEUDOPHAKIC EYE OPTIC SYSTEM ABERRATIONS AFTER ADD-ON IOL SULCOFLEX IMPLANTATION AND EXCIMER LASER INTRASTROMAL KERATOMILEUSISThe paper presents comparison analysis of changes of pseudophakic eye optic system aberrations after add-on IOL Sulcoflex implantation and LASIK. Aberrations tests were performed using OPD-Scan (Nidek). Received results showed that Excimer laser and intraocular correction of low and average residual ametropia has decreased the level of low aberrations without increasing the level of higher order aberrations.Key words: residual ametropia, LASIK, add-on IOL, aberrations
Bulgakova L.A., Shangina O.R. COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ALLOTRANSPLANTS FOR SCLEROPLASTY MADE USING DIFFERENT METHODSThere was performed the study of the structure and strength properties of the transplants for sclerostrengthening surgeries. Allotransplants from dura mater of brain and wide fascia lata, preserved by different methods, were investigated. Key words: allotransplants, fibroarchitectonics, lyophilization of donor tissues, conservation of donor tissues
Varvarinsky Е.V., Gorbenko О.М., Shvayuk А.P., Bratko G.V., Trunov A.N., Chernykh V.V. CONTENTS VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL GROWTH FACTOR AND SEVERAL CYTOKINES IN THE VITREOUS BODY PATIENTS WITH PROLIFERATIVE DIABETIC RETINOPATHYConducted determination of the concentrations of vascular endothelial growth factor, interleukin 17A and 10 in the vitreous body of patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Found that in the pathogenesis of proliferative diabetic retinopathy activity of local immuno-inflammatory process (increased concentrations of IL-17A) and vascular proliferation (increased concentrations of vascular endothelial growth factor) plays significant role. Identified correlations indicate the relationship of these processes.Key words: diabetic retinopathy, cytokines, vascular endothelial growth factor
Galimova A.B., Pervushin Yu.S. ESTIMATION OF MATERIALS POSSIBILITIES TO FORMATION OF IMPRESSION ROBUST BANK ON THE BASE OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES A preclinical evaluation of an ability of the silicone sponge and biomaterial for scleral buckling to create a reliable buckling effect was done. The mechanical properties of the materials were tested by an axial compression. An elasticity modulus and proportional elastic limit were measured. It was established that the flexibility and pliability of the silicone sponge can result in an unsufficient buckling effect. In contrast, higher elasticity and stiffness of the biomaterial for scleral buckling provide a reliable and controlled intendation.Key words: scleral buckling, biomaterial, elasticity, pliability.
Gordeeva M.V., Gatsu M.V. RESULTS OF SUBTHRESHOLD AND MICROPULSE LASERCOAGULATION OF SOFT MACULAR DRUSEN This study demonstrated morphological results of different modifications of threshold green photocoagulation (direct, indirect) and subthreshold micropulse photocoagulation in eyes with confluent soft drusen. After 6 month-period of follow-up, there was complete or partial resolution of drusen in most eyes treated by direct and indirect threshold green photocoagulation. The subthreshold micropulse photocoagulation did not demonstrate clinical response. There were no statistically significant differences in visual acuity. Key words: soft macular drusen, age-related macular degeneration, photocoagulation of soft drusen, micropulse photocoagulation.
Guro M.J., Potapova V.N., Khzardzhan J.J., Sharifova О.Sh. CLINICAL VALUE OF FUNDUS AUTOFLUORESCENCE REGISTRATION AND SCANNING LASER OPHTHALMOSCOPY IN DIAGNOSTICS AND TREATMENT OF CENTRAL SEROUS CHORIORETINOPATHYThere were examined 16 patients (16 eyes) with central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCRP) aged from 28 to 65 years. It was found that scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (in 68,8% of cases) and fundus autofluorescence (AF) registration (in 75% of cases) enable revealing zone of leakage and performing laser coagulation which is of particular significance in patients having contraindications to fluorescent angiography. Key words: central serous chorioretinopathy, fundus autofluorescence registration, scanning laser ophthalmoscopy, treatment.
Drozdova E.A., Bukharina E.S. DIAGNOSTIC PECULIARITIES OF ISOLATED AND COMBINED CONTUSIONAL FRACTURES OF ORBITAL MEDIAL WALL There were investigated the peculiarities of the clinic and modern diagnostic methods of isolated and combined contusional fractures of orbital medial wall. There were obtained the data supporting the need for early implementation of multispiral computed tomography — research for suspected fracture of the orbit medial wall.Key words: blunt trauma, orbit, fracture, medial wall of the orbit, diagnostic.
Egorov V.V., Danilova L.P., Emanova L.P., Utkina E.S., Smolyakova G.P. EFFICIENCY OF COMPLEX SYSTEM OF MEDICO-SOCIAL REHABILITATION OF PATIENTS WITH AN EDEMATOUS EXOPHTHALMOSEfficiency of complex treatment of an edematous exophthalmos is reached by Methylprednisolonum pulse-therapy method in combination with surgical treatment with carrying out bilateral internal orbital decompression. In overwhelming majority of cases (68.75%) permanent clinical cure was reached in a result of carried out Methylprednisolonum pulse-therapy in combination with prednisolonum. The internal orbital decompression executed in patients with an edematous exophthalmos in a stage of compensation in the presence of a residual asymmetric exophthalmos was highly effective both clinically (exophthalmos reduction of 3,0±0,5мм in 8 patients, improvement of a corneal epithelium condition in 5 patients), and cosmetic (satisfactory esthetic result in 10 patients).Key words: endocrine ophthalmopathy, Methylprednisolonum pulse-therapy, orbital decompression.
Zabolotniy A.G., Sakhnov S.N., Parakhuda S.E., Smolyanskaya O.A., Yezerskaya A.A., Geyko I.A. STUDY OF TERAHERTZ BEAM INTERACTION WITH EYE SURFACE — FIBROUS TUNIC OF EYEBALL, CORNEA AND SCLERA IN EXPERIMENTIn experiment on cadaver animals' eyes the authors carried out the study of terahertz beam interaction with eye surface — fibrous tunic of eyeball, cornea and sclera of pig. It was researched the penetrating possibility of picoseconds length impulses (ps): transmission spectrum and gleam with anterior eye surface components in terahertz diapason of electromagnetic oscillations spectrum 0,05–2,0 THz. Power parameters of THz beam for sclera transmission 30–40 mW was determined. THz beam of high power is necessary for cornea, center and peripheral and libal.Key words: terahertz spectroscopy, ophthalmology, eye surface, cornea, sclera.
Zaydullin I.S., Babushkin A.E., Matyukhina Ye.N. NEW DRAINAGE FOR REFRACTORY GLAUCOMA TREATMENT A new drainage based on a polymer material containing mitomycin C was proposed. A low concentration of mitomycin C with its gradual release and local influence minimizes the toxic effects of the drug on the eye tissues. At the clinic this drainage was evaluated in 8 patients with end-stage of glaucoma. In the long-term follow-up (one year) the hypotensive effect was 87.5%.Key words: drainage, refractory glaucoma, mitomycin C, scarring.
Zvezdin J.N., Ekgardt V.F., Skrebkov A.I. FENOFIBRATE IN THE TREATMENT OF NON-PROLIFERATIVE STAGE DIABETIC RETINOPATHYThere was investigated the effect of fenofibrat trajkor on eye functional parameters and hemodynamics in patients with non-proliferative stage of diabetic retinopathy. Established the increase of visual acuity, improvement of electrophysiological indicators, as well as optimization of the blood flow in eye vessels of the against the background of trajkor treatment.Key words: diabetic retinopathy, phenofibrate, trajkor.
Zlobina A.N., Malyshev V.V. Shchuko A.G. LASER TREATMENT OF CHRONIC CENTRAL SEROUS CHORIORETINOPATHYTranspupillar thermotherapy (TTT) reduces the height of the detachment of the retina pigment and neuroepithelium and improves visual acuity, and improves blood circulation in the posterior short ciliary arteries, thus being pathogenetically proved safe and effective treatment of chronic central serous chorioretinopathy.Key words: Transpupillar thermotherapy, chronic central serous chorioretinopathy.
Ivanova Е.S., Tumanyan N.R., Lyubimova T.S., Subkhangulova E.A. SELECTIVE LASER ACTIVATION OF TRABECULA IN TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PRIMARY OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMA To compare the effectiveness and safety of selective laser activation of trabecula (SLAT) with selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) in lowering intraocular pressure (IOP) in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). SLAT results in a maximal trabecular meshwork cleaning and better IOP reduction compared with SLTKey words: functional angular block, angle-closed glaucoma, differential diagnostics
Ilyukhin D.A., Kanyukova Yu.V., Pogodina Ye.G., FIRST RESULTS OF PRIMARY OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMA TREATMENT BY THE METHOD OF SELECTIVE TRABECULOPLASTY There was showed the efficiency of selective laser trabeculoplasty in primary open-angle glaucoma treatment. 6 patients (10 eyes) with unstable level of ophthalmotonus were treated by this method. High efficiency of glaucoma treatment by the method of selective trabeculoplasty was proved by the results of visometry, tonometry and perimetry. Key words: primary open-angle glaucoma, selective laser trabeculoplasty.
Kadyrov R.Z. OPTICAL LAMELLAR KERATOPLASTY USING HETEROTOPIC TRANSPLANTHeterotopic biological transplant was suggested for lamellar optical keratoplasty. Patients with superficial corneal leukoma of different etiology and pterygium were operated on. During follow-up period (up to 6 months) the transplant was replaced by transparent corneal tissue and as a result the visual acuity increased. But there was observed post-operative myopic astigmatism. Key words: optical lamellar keratoplasty, biomaterial alloplant
Kanyukov V.I., Kanyukov V.N., Kazennov A.N. ENGINEERING PROVIDING OF LASER TECHNOLOGIES IN OPHTHALMOLOGY The complex of technical providing of laser operations which are applied in Orenburg branch of FSBI IRTC "Eye microsurgery" named by S. N. Fyodorov for ophthalmopathology correction is presented in the article. There are given main characteristics and parameters of the applied laser correction. Key words: lasers, ophthalmology, technique.
Kanyukov V.N., Stadnikov A.A., Trubina O.M., Yakhina O.M. PECULIARITIES OF CORNEA REGENERATION AT APPLICATION OF BIOPLASTIC MATERIAL ON THE BASE OF HYALURONIC ACID There were simulated chemical (alkalotic and acid) cornea burns in experiment. Comparative analysis of this pathology treatment with "hyamatrix" application and conservative treatment with keratoplastic means was carried out. We noticed peculiarities of cornea reparative regeneration at new method of treatment application. Key words: cornea diseases, "hyamatrix", eye burns, experimental and histological investigation, hyaluronic acid.
Kanyukova Yu.V. FIRST RESULTS OF RETINA PATTERN LASER COAGULATION APPLICATION IN TREATMENT OF PROLIFERATIVE DIABETIC RETINOPATHY There were analyzed the results of retina pattern laser coagulation in the treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy. The investigation showed that the technology of pattern panretinal coagulation application is perspective and allows essentially abbreviate the period of laser influence at the same time raising efficiency and safety of treatment. Key words: diabetic retinopathy, pattern, coagulation, retina.
Karimova Z.Kh. DYNAMICS OF VISUAL ACUITY AND VISUAL FIELD BORDERS IN PATIENTS WITH ANTERIOR ISCHEMIC NEYROOPTIKOPATIEY AFTER TREATMENT BIOMATERIALS ALLOPLANTThere has been estimated the dynamics of visual acuity and visual field in patients with anterior ischemic optic neuropathy after treatment with the use of Alloplant biomaterial.Key words: anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, visual acuity, visual field, Alloplant biomaterial.
Karushin O.I. CHANGES OF ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL DATA IN DIFFERENT GROUPS OF COMPARISON OF SURGICAL INTERVENTIONS FOR GLAUCOMAIn this study there are represented the changes of the thresholds of electrosensitivity and electrolability in different groups of patients who underwent surgical interventions for primary open-angle glaucoma. The study showed that the combination of antiglaucomatous surgery with neuroprotective influence surgery is the best choice in the treatment of this pathology.
Kachalina G.F., Kishkin Yu.I., Maychuk N.V., Takhchidi N.Kh. OPTIMIZED APPROACH TO EXCIMERLASER CORRECTION OF MYOPIA There have been given the comparison of the results of the Q-value guided FemtoLASIK for myopia correction in different age groups with the MicroScan Visum. Key words: myopia, aberrations, visual quality, Q-value, FemtoLasik.
Kopayeva V.G., Kopayev S.Y. DIGNITY OF RUSSIAN TECHNOLOGY OF LASER CATARACT EXTRACTIONThe Russian technology of laser cataract extraction (Nd:YAG laser with 1.44 mcm wavelength) is effective in removal of any nucleus hardness. The tip and tissues of the eye are not overheated. The nucleus is cracked spontaneously under the radiation effect. It is safe for surrounding tissues. Key words: cataract, russian technology of laser cataract surgery.
Kotsur T.V., Izmaylov A.S. COMPARATIVE ESTIMATION OF LASER COAGULATION EFFICIENCY IN MACULAR AND MICROPHOTOCOAGULATION OF HIGH DENSITY IN DIABETIC MACULOPATHY TREATMENT The modern standard of treatment of clinically significant diabetic macular edema is macular laser photocoagulation was suggested in the reports of the Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS, 1985-1990). Subthreshold microphotocoagulation (MicroPulse) leads to developing barely visible or invisible retinal burns and also has been shown to be effective in treating macular edema with no side effects comparing with ETDRS methodic (retinal pigment and choroidal atrophy, decreasing of retinal sensitivity). Effectiveness of microphotocoagulation may arise in high density laser applications, however in modern literature exists rare publications concerning this question.Key words: diabetic maculopathy, diabetic retinopathy, diabetes of II type, microphotocoagulation, subthreshold laser coagulation.
Koshelev D.I. MOVEMENTS OF THE LEFT AND RIGHT EYES DURING FIXATION IN EMMETROPIA AND MYOPIA.There were examined peculiarities of movements of the left and right eyes during monocular fixation in children and adults with emmetropia and myopia. There was revealed higher quality of the right eye movements. In myopia, the differences in the quality of the left and right eyes movements are statistically more significant.Key words: myopia, norm, eye movements, visual acuity
Kuzbekov Sh.R., Farkhutdinova A.A. TRANSKANALICULAR LASER DACRYOTSISTORINOSTOMY WITH LACRIMAL APPARATUS INTUBATION BY SILICONE STENT UNDER ENDOSCOPIC CONTROL AT CHILDREN The paper presents results of surgical treatment children with chronic dacryocystitis. Shows the effectiveness of laser transkanalicular dacryotsistorinostomy with this disease.Key words: treatment of chronic dacryocystitis in children.
Kulbaev N.D., Dyatchina E.V. THE MODELING OF THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURES OF SOFT FACIAL SKELETON WITH THE USE OF BIOMATERIALSThere are presented the results of morphological studies on experimental transplantation of structured and dispersed forms of biomaterials based on collagen and elastin in the article. It is shown that transplantation of the studied biomaterials Alloplant in the area of fascial nodes leads to the formation of the regenerate as a dense fibrous connective tissue with the strengthening of the supporting structures of soft skeleton face. The derived data are used by the authors in the development of aesthetic surgery technologies, including the prevention and correction of involutory changes of the face.Key words: soft skeleton face, fascia and fascial nodes, transplantation of biomaterials.
Lantukh Yu.D., Pashkevich S.N. SUPERLUMINESCENCE IN THE DNA-DYE FILM STRUCTURESThe method of production of optical uniform double-helical DNA film structures is proposed. These structures were formed according to the "guest-host" principle and the dye molecules act as the "guest" and demonstrate high fluorescence capability. Superluminescence of Pyronin G is realized in such system.Key words: DNA films, "guest-host" principle, Pyronin G, superluminescence
Letuta S.N., Kuvandykova A.F., Pashkevich S.N, Saletskiy A.M. LASER INITIALIZATION OF DELAYED FLUORESCENCE OF EXOGENOUS FLUOROPHORES IN BIOLOGICAL TISSUES There have been represented the investigation results of kinetics peculiarities of delayed fluorescence (DF) and phosphorescence of exogenous fluorophores (molecules of organic stain) in biological tissues. There are discussed possible reasons of differences between DF obtained curves and probes of healthy and pathogenic tissues stained by erythrosine in vitro.Key words: fluorescence, phosphorescence, investigation of biological tissues.
Lobanova O.S., Slominskyi Yu.B. EARLY DIAGNOSTICS OF SYMPTOM "DRY EYE" AT KERATOCONUS BY METHOD MENISCUSMETRY There were investigated states of eye surface at keratoconus by noninvasive method OCT meniscusmetry. Patients were examined as according to the standard method so with the help of cornea central thickness measurement (Allegro Oculyzer) and keratotopography (Allegro Topolyzer). There was established that disfunction of tear film stability occurs on the background of lacrimal fluid production normal dimension.Key words: keratoconus, syndrome of dry eye, tearproduction, meniscusmetry, lacrimal fluid stability.
Machekhin V.A. PNEUMOTONOMETRY ON HEALTHY EYES AND IN CASE OF GLAUCOMA (THE RESULTS OF PROLONGED, REPEATED OBSERVATIONS)There was conducted a retrospective analysis of the clinical records of 31 outpatients (62 eyes) with glaucoma at the age of 52–82 years old (mean age — 68.6 years old), who underwent Reichert 7cr pneumotonometry. 326 measurements were obtained, 203 of which were made on the eyes with different stages of primary open-angle glaucoma and 123 — on the healthy fellow eyes of the same patients. Follow-up period averaged at 6.9 months. In most cases simultaneously the applanation tonometry by Maklakov was performed on the same eyes with conversion to the true intraocular pressure. Key words: glaucoma, pneumotonometry, true IOP.
Molotkova I.A., Belyy Yu.A., Evsigneeva E.M. DRAINAGE SURGERY OF GLAUCOMA IN CHILDREN Epidemiological data, classification, and forms of congenital glaucoma are presented in the article. The main treatment methods for refractory glaucoma in children are analyzed. A clinical experience of drainage system Ahmed Glauсoma Valve implantation at glaucoma surgery in children is presented. Advantages and disadvantages of the system are shown. Technical peculiarities and operational and postoperative complications of the drainage surgery with use of drainage system Ahmed Glauсoma Valve are demonstrated.Key words: congenital glaucoma, microinvasive nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery, drainage system Ahmed Glauсoma Valve.
Muldashev E.R., Nigmatullin R.T., Nuraeva A.B., Shcherbakov D.A., Yanborisov T.M., Gizatullina E.R. THE PROSPECTS OF R4 CONCEPT IMPLEMENTATION IN THE CRANIOFACIAL SURGERYThere are analyzed the possibilities of the basic points of "P4 Medicine" doctrine implementation in reconstructive surgery of skeleton and soft skeleton face in the article. There are considered the opportunities of personification and predictive of the treatment, relapse prevention and patient responsibility as an example of regenerative surgery of Alloplant technology. It is shown that transplantation methods of therapy in the craniofacial surgery are perfectly fit to the basic principles of medicine P4 and can be considered as its integral part. Transplantology can effectively use the achievements of systemic and evolutionary biology, genomics, information and nanotechnology in the format of the new paradigm of clinical medicine.Key words: craniofacial surgery, transplantation of biomaterials, regenerative surgery, medicine R4
Musina L.А., Balkhiyeva L.Kh., Khismatullina Z.R., Tabanakova Т.М. THE EXPERIMENTAL MODEL OF THE EYE RETINAL PIGMENTAL DEGENERATIONThe pigmental epithelial cell structure of WAG/Rij rat strain retina has been studied with histological and electron-microscope methods. A new potentially useful experimental model was recommended to develop the methods for the treatment of the eye retinal degenerative diseases.Key words: degeneration of retina, pigmental epithelial cells, WAG/Rij rat strain
Naumenko V.V., Balashevich L.I., Kachurin A.E. NATIONAL LEUCOSAPPHIRE EXPLANTODRAINAGE APPLICATION IN HYPOTENSIVE SURGERY AT PATIENTS WITH REFRACTORY FORMS OF OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMA There are represented comparative clinical results of operations: explantodrainage surgery of anterior chamber by leucosapphire drainage and sinustrabeculectomy in typical methods. In 3 months after operation IOP normalization was achieved at 130 patients (91,8%) and was kept in long-term period (3,0±2,5 years) at 67,3% patients. Key words: leucosapphire explantodrainage, refractory open-angle glaucoma.
Obodov V.A., Ageev A.N., Shlyakhtov M.I. THE POSSIBILITIES OF VIRTUAL ENDOSCOPY OF THE NASAL CAVITY IN PLANNING OF ENDONASAL ENDOSCOPIC DACRYOCYSTORHINOSCOPY TECHNOLOGYThe article presents modern possibilities of virtual endoscopy of the nasal cavity based on computer modeling of muli-spiral computer tomography. The advantages of virtual endoscopy compared to real video endoscopy in planning of endonasal approach to the lacrimal sac in dacryocystitis are shown. A 3D model of the nasal cavity built in the pseudo– endoscopic model of the nasal cavity gave a possibility to obtain a virtual protocol of nasal cavity examination with lacrimal pathways visualization in 4D format with a possibility to plan an optimal surgical technology of dacrycystorhinostomy.Key words: virtual endoscopy, endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy.
Pavlova O.V. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF TONOMETRIC DATA AND REFRACTIVE RESULTS AT PATIENTS AFTER PHACOEMULSIFICATIONThere were analyzed and studied changes in IOP and refraction after cataract phacoemulsification. It was revealed that hypotensive effect of phacoemulsification was explained by true ophthalmotonus reduction. Key words: intraocular pressure, fluid dynamics, tonometry, refraction.
Pogodina Ye.G., Ilyukhin D.A. TWO CLINICAL CASES WITH APPLICATION OF YAG-LASER HYALOIDOTOMY METHODSOn the example of 2 clinical cases there are presented the results of YAG-laser hyaloidotomy methods application. Surgical treatment was carried out on the background of resolving therapy. The examination showed positive dynamics of managing patients as at early so at late postoperative period. Key words: YAG-laser, hyaloidotomy, retinal haemorrhage, optic spheres, haemophthalmos.
Pozdeeva N.A., Maslova N.A. СORRECTION OF RESIDUAL AMETROPIA ON EYE WITH ANIRIDIA AFTER ARTIFICIAL IRIS LENS DIAPHRAGM IMPLANTATION. CLINICAL CASEThis clinical example shows possibility of high clinical functional indices of eyesight after hard eye traumas in patients with aniridia, implanted artificial iris lens diaphragm and induced ametropia represented by irregular mixed astigmatism. Use of technology of corneal segments intrastromal implantation with use of femtosecond laser is effective and safe for treatment of this pathology. Key words: artificial iris lens diaphragm, intrastromal corneal segments implantation, residual ametropia
Polyakova E.Yu., Baranchikova I.V. THE EXPERIENCE OF ALLOPLANT BIOMATERIAL USAGE IN THE TREATMENT OF CONGENITAL ATROPHY OF OPTIC NERVES (CLINICAL CASE)During two years there was examined the dynamics of visual functions changes of a child suffering from congenital atrophy of optic nerves, operated on with the use of alloplant biomaterial. There was presented data about correlation of the parameters of the visual evoked potentials on flash and visual behavior of the child.Key words: alloplant, optic nerve atrophy, visual evoked potentials (VEP)
Rakhmatullin R. R., Burlutskaya O.I., Adelshin A.I., Burtseva T.I., Adelshina L.R. DEVELOPMENT OF THE INNOVATIVE NANOSTRUCTURED BIOMATERIAL FOR AN OPHTHALMOSURGERYUse of nanotechnologies for the purpose of creation of bioplastic materials, essentially new highly effective biomaterials allow to create meeting the requirements ophthtalmosurgery. High-efficiency of the created bioplastic material proves to be true by cells testing in vitro conditions.Key words: hyaluronic acid, ophthalmosurgery, bioplastic material.
Rusinov A.P., Kucherenko M.G., Fedorov D.S. HOLOGRAPHIC RECORDING OF THE RELIEF-PHASE GRATINGS IN POLYMERIC MEDIA BY THE LASER SWELLING MECHANISMThe process of laser initiation of relief structures on the films surface of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) by the laser swelling mechanism. Laser action was selected in which ablation of the polymer excluded. The simple mathematical model of the recording of the relief-phase gratings by the laser swelling mechanism was proposed and the calculations which made on the basis of a theoretical model were compared to experimental data.Key words: laser swelling, relief-phase grating, diffractive efficiency, viscoelasticity.
Sagatova N.M., Zhumaniyazov A.Zh., Valyamov R.L., Bayramgulov R.R., Makhonin V.B. RESULTS OF BILATERAL RETINOBLASTOMA TREATMENT Results of the combined therapy of bilateral retinoblastoma are presented. Efficiency of laser coagulation in treatment of a retinoblastoma of the small sizes is shown. Key words: retinoblastoma, combination treatment of tumors of the retina, lazercoagulation.
Solovyeva E.P. THE RESULT OF PATHOMORPHOLOGICAL STUDY OF ENUCLEATED EYES AFTER VITRECTOMY WITH SILICONE OIL REPLACEMENTA morphological study was performed on eight enucleated eyes of the patients who underwent vitrectomy with silicone oil replacement. We revealed that the silicone oil, which was introduced into the cavity of the eyeball, penetrated almost into all its tissues, causing chronic inflammatory and degenerative changes.Key words: silicone oil, intraocular tamponade, complication, chronic inflammation, gliosis.
Solodkova E.G., Melikhova I.A. CORNEAL COLLAGEN CROSSLINKING SAFETY EVALUATION IN TREATMENT OF PROGRESSIVE KERATOCONUS BASING ON REMOTE POSTOPERATIVE RESULTSSafety and efficiency of two corneal collagen crosslinking (CXL) techniques was brought to comparative analysis. CXL was performed in 25 patients with progressive keratoconus: 9 patients (9 eyes) underwent a conventional CXL; 16 patients (16 eyes) had a modified CXL which novelty consisted of a depth-metered deepithelialization performed by excimer laser with on-line pachymetry Schwind Amaris (Germany). UV-A exposure was made by means of "UV-X" device (version 1000) (IROC Inc., Switzerland). All patients were prescribed to wear silicon-hydrogel soft contact lenses until a complete epithelial recovery. Improvement of NCVA, BCVA, topographic parameters, pachymetric values along with integrity of endothelial cell density was registered in all the cases which allows concluding that both CXL methods are safe and effective. Key words: corneal collagen crosslinking, keratoconus.
Sorokin E.L., Kolenko O.V., Pshenichnov M.V., Moskovchenko A.A. CLARIFICATION OF SEQUENCE OF DIFFUSE DIABETIC MACULAR EDEMA FORMATION AT DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 2Clinical-morphometric research of thickness and volume of a retina, a condition of a retinal cut at diffuse macular edema was carried out on 152 eyes of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. We defined conditionally three severity by criteria of thickness of a macular retina and macular volume: flat diffuse diabetic macular edema (DME) (thickness of a macular retina 385,74±52,72 mcm volume 12,81±0,71 mm3); expressed diffuse DME (thickness of a macular retina 486,74±39,42 mcm macular volume 13,79±0,62 mm3); high diffuse DME (thickness of a macular retina 634,54±27,3 mcm macular volume — 15,35±0,61 mm3). The tendency of rise of frequency and volume of cystous cavities, of the areas of firm exudates, of frequency and prevalence of neuroepithelium detachment was revealed.Key words: diffuse macular edema, optical coherence tomography, retina thickness in fovea, macular retina volume.
Stebnev V.S., Malov V.M., Stebnev S.D. THE RESULTS OF VITREORETINAL FOVEOSHIZIS SURGERY Clinical research of 3 patients with myopic foveoshizis after vitreoretinal surgery. 3 port vitrectomy 25-gauge was performed to all patients. Posterior hyaloids membrane and internal limited membrane were removed with Brilliant Blue G. All operations were finished with oil tamponade. The effectiveness off retina-vitreal surgery is shown, which helps to cure all patients with foveashizis.Key words: Foveoshizis, vitrectomy 25-gauge.
Stepanov V.N., Kutovaya Yu.S., Sudareva T.V. INFLUENCE OF INTENSIVE LASER RADIATION ON LENS OPTIC ABILITIES FOR VISION CORRECTIONThis paper investigated the effect of intense laser radiation on the optical properties of plastic lenses used for vision correction. Found deterioration transmittance material lenses depending on the time of exposure and the nature of the impact of the laser radiation.Key words: spectrophotometry, influence of laser radiation on material, optic lens parameters, optic characteristics of polymers.
Strelkov N.S., Zharov V.V., Perevozchikov P.A., Vasiljev U.G., Karban O.V., Samartsev V.S. MICROINJECTION EFFECTS OF HUMAN NANODISPERSED PLACENTA IN EXPERIMENTEffects of nanodispersed placenta microinjection in eye conjunctiva depending on an entered dose are studied in rats experiments. It is demonstrated the proportion rise of biological effects due interaction with recipient surrounding tissues as entered nanodispersed placenta dose increases. In particular vascularization and kollagenogenesis, which is derived from the reparative regeneration process, increase. However a number of biological effects connected with evident exudative processes in a introduction zone are able to be harmful because of increase of entered nanodispersed placenta dose to 25 mg in 0,08 ml physiological solution.Key words: a reparative regeneration, human nanodispersed placenta, microinjection.
Takhchidi E.Kh., Gorbunova K.S. APPLYING SULFATED GLYCOSAMINOGLYCANS IN OPHTHALMOLOGYExcessive cicatrization after tissue damage is an actual problem of ophthalmology. Sulfated glycosaminoglycans is a promising substance for studying and applying in clinic to reduce inflammation, control reparative processes and prevent scarring.Key words: sulfated glycosaminoglycans (sGAG), chondroitin sulfate, keratan sulfate, control reparative processes, prevent scarring.
Tereshchenko A.V. SYSTEMIC APPROACH TO OPHTHALMOLOGIC HELP SYSTEM FOR PREMATURE INFANTSThe ophthalmologic help system for premature infants in Central region of Russia combines all directions from detailed diagnostic to hich-technology treatment. It allows to reproduce one all over the Russian Federation territory.Key words: retinopathy of prematurity, aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity, ophthalmologic help system.
Trifanenkova I.G., Tereshchenko A.V., Tereshchenkova M.S., Sidorova Yu.A. STAGE-BY-STAGE APPROACH IN RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY TREATMENT The basic regulations of the complex retinopathy of prematurity treatment are early, within first 6 weeks of chronologic age, photocoagulation to delay progression of the retinal detachment and to stabilize vascularity, and early vitrectomy if ROP progressing after the laser treatment.Key words: retinopathy of prematurity, aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity, complex treatment.
Ulitina A.Yu., Izmaylov A.S. DIFFERENCES IN RESPONSES AT CHOROID NEOVASCULAR MEMBRANES TREATMENT BY RANIBIZUMAB AT WET AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION Provided comparative assessment of efficacy of treatment with intravitreal ranibizumab in exudative age related macular degeneration (AMD) depending on the types of choroidal neovascularization (CNV). Predominantly classic CNV has more high treatment density, then occult CNV. In cases of occult CNV are necessary more injections. The results of treatment are worse if patient non-observance recommendation. Absence of state support in respect to patient with exudative AMD is negative factor in functional results of treatment, especially in cases of occult CNV. Key words: choroid neovascularization, subretinal neovascular membrane, angiogenesis inhibitor, age-related macular degeneration, fibrovascular detachment of pigmental epithelium.
Fayzrakhmanov R.R., Bikbov M.M., Yarmukhametova A.L. RETINA CENTRAL PART CHANGE AT SPONGY DIABETIC MACULAR EDEMA ACCORDING TO OPTICAL COHERENT TOMOGRAPHY DATA There is a spongy retinal swelling of 48% in the whole diabetic macular edema. The study found that if patient has the spongy macular edema, there is pathological damage in the outer nuclear layer of the retina, the outer plexiform, retinal pigment epithelium, which determines the change in the total profile of the macular area.Key words: edema, diabetes, retina.
Khalimov A.R. OPHTHALMOLOGICAL SOLUTION FOR CORNEAL COLLAGEN CROSSLINKING WITH RIBOFLAVIN AND CHITOSAN The article provides information about the clinical use of ophthalmic solution for corneal collagen cross-linking by riboflavin and chitosan. Riboflavin and chitosan ophthalmic solution for cross-linking is accelerating regeneration of the cornea epithelium.Key words: cross-linking, keratoconus, chitosan.
Chashchin G. V., Ponomarev V. O., Nosov S. V., Barybin A.S. NEW INORGANIC FLUOROFOR AND PHOTOSENSITIVE RETINAL-CONTAINING PROTEINS AS A BASIS OF ELEMENT BASE FOR QUANTUM NANOSURGERY OF EYE RETINA Possibility of restoration of sight at dystrophic defeats of a retina by introduction of quantum dots and their interaction with visual proteins of photoreceptors is discussed.Key words: quantum dots, eye retina, photoreceptors
Shakirov R.F. CHANGES OF THE CORNEA THICKNESS IN KERATOCONUS FOLLOWING PERILIMBAL INJECTION OF DISPERSED ALLOPLANT BIOMATERIALIn the article there are presented the results of the measuring of cornea thickness in keratoconus of different stages before and after perilimbal injection of the dispersed alloplant biomaterial.Key words: dispersed alloplant biomaterial, keratoconus, keratopachimetry
Shunkevitch O.N., MelikhovaI.A., BoriskinaL.N., BalalinS.V. ROLE OF DESCEMETOGONIOPUNCTURE IN NORMALIZATION OF INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE IN CASES OF IOP ELEVATION IN THE EARLY POSTOPERATIVE PERIOD AFTER MICROINVASIVE NON-PENETRATING DEEP SCLERECTOMYThere were analyzed reasons, inducing elevation of intraocular pressure in 49 patients (49 eyes) with primary open-angle glaucoma in 1–3 months following microinvasive non-penetrating deep sclerectomy. A high thickness of trabecular Descemet membrane and presence of hypoechoic contents within the intrascleral space are the main factors leading to worsening of aqueous humor outflow and elevation of IOP in the early postoperative period. Normalization of IOP level basing on findings of ultrasound biometry was achieved in all the patients due to laser Descemetogoniopuncture. Key words: glaucoma, Descemetogoniopuncture.
Shcherbakov D.A., Nuraeva A.B., Musina L.M. INFERIOR ORBIT WALL RECOVERY USING CHONDRAL ALLOGRAFTSWe have proved experimentally what the feasibility of chondral allografts for reimbursement of various defects of the inferior orbit wall. In the clinical part of the study we have developed indications for plate chondral allograft for fractures of the inferior orbital wall type blow-out with prolapse of orbital contents into the maxillary sinus and the combination of connective biomaterials to reconstruct small defects of the inferior orbital wall.Key words: inferior orbit wall, chondral allograft
Shchuko A.G., Chesheyko Ye.Yu., Yuryeva T.N. CRITERIA FOR DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSTICS OF FUNCTIONAL ANGULAR BLOCK — LATENT STAGE OF CLOSED-ANGLE GLAUCOMA90 patients with suspected angle-closed glaucoma were examined. Control group consisted of 22 healthy patients without glaucoma, and no serious injuries of eyeball structures. Structural and functional changes in the visual system, characteristic for functional angular block, were revealed. They are significantly different from that of patients with functional angular block. UBM criteria of iridociliary zone structure in patients with functional angular block were determined. Functional angular block is an independent pathological status of visual system and is a latent stage of angle-closed glaucoma.Key words: functional angular block, closed-angle glaucoma, differential diagnostics
Ekgardt V.F. ORBITOTOMIYA IN COMPLEX TREATMENT OF ENDOCRINE OPHTHALMOPATHYThe paper considers different variants of orbitotomy in patients with endocrine ophthalmopathy, defines the indicators for their performance. There was evaluated orbitotomy efficiency from the position of cosmetic and functional result.Key words: endocrine ophthalmopathy, orbitotomy.
Yarmukhametova A.L., Fayzrakhmanov R.R., Valyamov R.L. LASER PHOTOCOAGULATION OF NEOVASCULAR MEMBRANE AT AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION WET FORM CONSIDERING MICROPERIMETRY DATA The growth of classic neovascular membrane causes the reducing of light sensitivity up to 0 dB, this allows to determine the localization of neovascular membrane and make laser photocoagulation considering the visual fields loss.Key words: classic neovascular membrane, laser photocoagulation, light sensitivity.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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