Sorokin E.L., Kolenko O.V., Pshenichnov M.V., Moskovchenko A.A. CLARIFICATION OF SEQUENCE OF DIFFUSE DIABETIC MACULAR EDEMA FORMATION AT DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 2Clinical-morphometric research of thickness and volume of a retina, a condition of a retinal cut at diffuse macular edema was carried out on 152 eyes of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. We defined conditionally three severity by criteria of thickness of a macular retina and macular volume: flat diffuse diabetic macular edema (DME) (thickness of a macular retina 385,74±52,72 mcm volume 12,81±0,71 mm3); expressed diffuse DME (thickness of a macular retina 486,74±39,42 mcm macular volume 13,79±0,62 mm3); high diffuse DME (thickness of a macular retina 634,54±27,3 mcm macular volume — 15,35±0,61 mm3). The tendency of rise of frequency and volume of cystous cavities, of the areas of firm exudates, of frequency and prevalence of neuroepithelium detachment was revealed.Key words: diffuse macular edema, optical coherence tomography, retina thickness in fovea, macular retina volume.
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About this article
Authors: Sorokin E.L., Kolenko O.V., Pshenichnov M.V., Moskovchenko A.A.
Year: 2012
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |