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№ 4 2008

Economic sciences

Lapaeva M.G., Dedeeva S.A. ECONOMIC REFORMS IN RUSSIAN AGRICULTURE The questions of agriculture development at reforms period: trends of social-economic transformations in agrarian sector, reasons of agricultural production crises are showed and necessity of wide state support of APC is proved, are regarded in this article.
Barinov N.I., Gasparyan S.V. DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION IN PENAL JURISDICTION ON THE BASE OF STRATEGY FORMING It is spoken in this article about necessity of strategical planning of criminal-executive system in agricultural production, about possibility of using of such forms of integration, as entrepreneurial nets and unions, allowing forming of clusters. The forecast of integrated forms development is given on the base of economic-mathematical modeling.
Antropov V.A., Kortenko L.V. CHANGES OF CONTENT OF PERSONNEL APPRAISAL AND DEMANDS TO THE QUALITY OF PERSONNEL TRAINING IN THE ASPECT OF TECHNOLOGICAL WAYS CHANGE Formation and development of technological ways appropriated them economic and management theories are regarded in this article, and also achievements in the sphere of personnel management in the aspects of social-economic development of society are revealed. On the base of conducted analysis the authors of the article determined demands to the personnel training and formed the content of the concept "personnel appraisal" on every stage of social-economic development of society.
Evstropov M.V. APPRAISAL OF POSSIBILITIES OF BANKRUPTCY FORECASTING OF ENTERPRISES IN RUSSIA Possibilities of using of two foreign methods of bankruptcy forecasting in Russia are regarded in this article and also new models of forecasting for working out of which at first time in Russia the logit-analysis is used, in the base of which new systems of forecasting indexes are stood.
Miller A.E., Simonova O.S. TRENDS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP ORGANIZATION IN LAKE FISH FARMS Theoretical and practical aspects of formation and development of entrepreneur relations in activity of lake fish farms are regarded in this article. Peculiarities of structural transformations of entrepreneur units are revealed which help to systematize trends of entrepreneurship organization.
Sergienko G.S. DIFFICULTIES OF PRECIOUS METALS MARKET FORMATION IN RUSSIAAll world markets of precious metals are the sphere of private business exceptionally, the role of state in the sphere of extraction, production and treatment of precious metals and stones is limited. For entry of Russia on international levels of cooperation it is necessary to make legislative base according to international standards and to refuse regulation measures blocked fully channels of doublesided change of products and feed stock for its production.
Varavva M.Yu. STAGES OF FORMATION AND TENDENCIES OF KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT The problems of knowledge economy formation through disclosure of its most important modern tendencies of development are regarded in this article and also the stages and regularities are revealed here.
Chebykina M.V., Snitko N.A. SIZE, TRENDS AND DYNAMICS OF INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION OF POPULATION Trends, size, tendencies and intensity of population migration are regarded in this article. The authors discuss in detail demographic tendencies and problems in Russia, stand important tasks and suggest concrete solutions.
Shreider R.B. COST APPRAISAL OF SUPPORT OF MACHINE-BUILDING ENTERPRISES RESTRUCTURING WITH SUBJECTS OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Base precondition of enterprise restructuring is the interest in it with different subjects of economic activity. It is necessary to determine financial aspects of their influence on the process of restructuring. Following tasks as revealing of subjects influenced on enterprise activity, determination of forms of this influence and expression of it in quantitative indexes, are solved in this article. This problem is studied on the example of machine-building in Orenburg region.
Malakhova O.B. STATE REGULATION OF REGIONAL SOCIAL-ECONOMIC SYSTEMS OF BORDER TERRITORIES Forming and functioning of border territories have own specificity. In this article border region is regarded from the position of management theory as compound social-economic system which needs special state regulation, as on federal level as on regional one.
Smagin S.V. ABOUT RESTRUCTURING PASSING OF TAX DEBTS AND COMPULSORY PAYMENTS WITH ENTERPRISES OF ORENBURG REGIONIn aims of enterprise paying capacity restoration in this article the restructuring of account payable of taxes and compulsory payments and tendencies of its passing with organizations in Orenburg region is suggested which is revealed in presented tables. This mechanism is an effective instrument of organization improvement, but not all enterprises are able to realize conditions of this type restructuring presentation.
Yarullin R.R. CONCEPTION OF PROCEEDS FROM PROPERTY LEVY BY STATETheoretical aspects of property taxation of managed subjects are regarded in this article. The great attention is given to the model of tax on production assets on the base of theory and methodology of funds circulation which allows connecting mechanism of tax collection with factors of production and indexes of their effectiveness.
Ivannikova I.V., Sizov D.V. USING OF METHODIC METHODS OF AUDIT IN AIMS OF ECONOMIC SECURITY GUARANTEE This article is devoted to the necessity of working out of instrument of enterprise economiчc security guarantee. Internal standards of audit activity which has system approach and allows determination of enterprise strategy and formation of objective conclusions are suggested in this article.

Natural sciences

Kozminykh V.O., Kirillova E.A., Goncharov V.I., Golotsvan A.V. TERNARY TANDEM HETEROCYCLIZATION OF ACETOPHENONE WITH DIETHYLCSLAD AND M-AMINOPHENOL – NEW METHOD FOR GETTING OF 7-HYDROXY-4-PHENYLQUINOLIN-2-CARBOXYLIC ACIDThe ether condensation of acetophenone with diethyl oxalate and m-aminophenol in presence of sodium followed by treatment of the reaction mixture with acetic acid proceeds unusually to preparatively yield 7-hydroxy-4-phenylquinoline-2-carboxylic acid. This three component tandem heterocyclization is proposed to be used as a new regiodirected method of quinoline-2-carboxylic (quinaldinic) acid synthesis. The reaction pathway and structure peculiarities of the prepared compound as well as alternative structures are under discussion.
Levkovsky E.V., Guber A.K. CALCULATION OF DIFFERENTIAL POROSITY ON THE BASE OF HARD SOIL PHASE CHARACTERISTICSPossibility of differential porosity calculation of agro-dark-grey soil with second humic level according to data of granulometric structure, density and content of organic matter with using of regression models complex is shown in this article.
Besaliev I.N. PARAMETERS OF HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE AGROCENOSIS, HUMIDIFICATION AND TEMPERATURE CONDITION OF AIR FOR FORMING OF CROP CAPACITY OF SPRING BARLEY OF DIFFERENT LEVELS IN THE ZONE OF SOUTHERN URALAccording to results of long-term (1973-2003) researches of spring barley cultivation technologies the parameters of agrocenosis are established, and also humidification and temperature condition of air for forming of crop capacity levels till 1 ton, 1-2 ton, 2-3 ton, 3 and more tone from 1 hectare and their possibility.
Rodionov Yu.A. SPEED OF SEED GERMINATION OF VEGETABLE PEAS IN DIFFERENT MAGNETIC CONDITIONS The influence of constant induction 1 mTl and compensated magnetic field on process speed of water absorption with seeds and growth of roots and bines is researched in this work.
Turbina I.N. INTRODUCTION POSSIBILITIES OF MOUSE HYACINTH IN CONDITIONS OF TAIGA ZONE IN TYUMEN REGION Biological peculiarities of 11 species, grades and forms of Muscari Mill genus in conditions of taiga zone in Tyumen region were researched in this article. Phonological observations which involved the whole cycle of plants development were conducted. Morphogenesis on two model species in conditions of culture was regarded in this work. Coefficient of seed production of Muscari genus representatives was determined here. And also availability and stability of Muscari for practical using in city landscape gardening were established.
Perezhogin Yu.V. RELICTS IN FLORA OF KOSTANAY REGION (NORTHERN KAZAKHSTAN) Relicts of Kostanay region flora, which are distinguished into two categories: Pleiocene and Pleistocene are revealed in this article. Their classification inside of category was made. It is marked, that generally they are represented with migration species. 27 of them need security on the region territory.
Brekhov O.G. COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTIC OF FAUNA OF WATER COLEOPTERAN COASTAL LAKES OF LOW POVOLZHIE LEFT SIDE The results of coastal lakes fauna studying which are specific ponds of Low Povolzhie, are published in this article. Species composition with exact indication of collection places and dates is given here. In total 66 species of water beetles from 5 families are fixed for coastal lakes. Fauna structure of coastal lakes of different origin is analyzed in this work.
Vepreva V.V., Fattakhov R.G. APPRAISAL OF CYPRINID FISH INFECTION WITH METACERCARIAS OF TREMATODA OF OPISTHORCHIDAE FAMILY IN PONDS OF TYMEN CITY Species composition of cyprinid fish Trematoda in ponds of Tyumen city is determined at the process of long-term helminthological researches, which have important epidemiological and epizootiological meaning. Information about fish infection with helminthes larvae is got and places of parasites’ localization in a fish body are distinguished in this work.
Sigida R.S. ANALYSIS OF ECOLOGICAL SITUATION ON THE TERRITORY OF CENTRAL CISCAUCASIA General forms of anthropogenic influence on ecological systems of Central Ciscaucasia are described in this article. The list of main ecological problems is given here. The complex of measures, which are necessary for ecological catastrophe prevention in researched region is worked out and suggested to immediate realization.

Technical sciences

Medvedev V.M., Mishchenko V.I., Solokha N.G. DEVELOPMENT OF PRODUCT OPERATION CONCEPTION This article is devoted to solution of tasks of complex proving of demands to general parameters of product operation system. The methods of joint optimization of control fullness and terms of product technical service are suggested in this work.
Chepasov V.I., Osipov O.V., Teterin A.P. MISTAKE OF SIGNALS APPROXIMATION AT TIME AND SPECTRAL SPHERES The results of signals approximation at time and spectral spheres are regarded in this article. Polynomial models of parametritic forecasting got with method of the least square and with method of Brandon D. At time and spectral spheres are given here.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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