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№ 7 2007

Humanitarian sciences

Gorokhov P.A. SHAKESPEARE’S STUDY OF HUMAN NATURE: ATTEMPT OF TYPIFICATIONWorld view of the great genius through prism of his philosophic anthropology which is based on principals of Christianity, ideas of altruistic love and total mercifulness from one side and existential idea of world evil power and absurdity from another side is regarded in this article.
Eguneva M.V. PROBLEM OF FREEDOM AT HUMANISTIC PSYCHOANALYSIS OF E. FROMMSocial-philosophic measuring of the problem of freedom finds distinct expression in the concept "personality’s self-determination" becoming the most important category of the system of E. Fromm’s humanistic psychoanalysis. The nature of the phenomenon of freedom, the essence of its transformation, methods and mechanisms of escape from it, all these questions become the subject of reflexion of outstanding thinker.
Penionzhek E.V. INTERACTION OF GENERALLY CHRISTIAN CONCEPTIONS ABOUT TIME AND ANTIQUE PHILOSOPHYThe questions of the concept "time" forming at medieval philosophy from the point of view of its conditionality by antique philosophy, in particular by the studying of Prokl’s Neo-Platonism representative are regarded in this article. The author made an attempt to show how the concepts of Neo-Platonism "time" and "eternity" assisted the development of the concept "history" at medieval philosophy.
Toporkova K.A. EXISTENCE OF A HUMAN BEING AS A DIALECTICS EXPRESSION OF "EXISTING" AND "DUE" IN ANCIENT GREEK PHILOSOPHY The conceptions of antique philosophers on human nature from the position of "existing" and "due" are presented in this article. Philosophers of ancient Greece tired to find true "due" of existence for a human being, "existing" contradictory nature of a human being where spiritual and physical, emotional and rational had been combined, became the barrier on the way of "due".
Yuzhaninova E.R. M.A. BULGAKOV AND THE RUSSIAN PHILOSOPHY Genetic connection of philosophic world view of M.A. Bulgakov with philosophic ideas of leading representatives of "silver century" of the Russian culture and philosophy, whose work is penetrated with existentialization orientation is researched in this article.
Baikov E.A. VIRTUAL COMPONENT OF SPIRITUAL EXISTENCE OF SOCIETY The phenomenon of virtual reality as ideal and wider than spiritual world of a human being where the subject transforms the content of substantial, social or psychological realities is regarded in this article. In his work the author rests upon workings in the sphere of mentality, consciousness, spiritual and ideal of such researchers as N. Vinner, D.I. Dubrovsky, N.I. Zhukov, E.V. Ilienkov, N.N. Moiseev, V.V. Orlov, Z Freud, K.G. Yung, at the same time making alterations at reading of general philosophical and scientific categories by them.
Gorokhov P.A. GLOBALIZATION: EXPERIENCE OF PHILOSOPHIC UNDERSTANDING Globalization is analyzed as universal, multifold process of forced world transformation into integral and uniform system at the Western standards, coincided with the Third world war which is conducted by developed countries of the West against the rest of the world.
Golovanov A.A. CATEGORY OF SOCIAL CHOICE IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL-PHILOSOPHIC DISCURS This article represents the containing part of results of philosophic work on the theme: "The problems of social choice: philosophic aspect of research". The characteristic of advantages and distinguishing features of social-philosophic approach specificity to the problem of social choice is regarded in this article and also the necessity of studying of this social phenomenon is proved here.
Istyufeev A.V. HUMANISM CRISES AT CONDITIONS OF MODERN MAN-CAUSED CIVILIZATIONTechnocratizm is regarded in this article as a typical feature of modern man-caused civilization, which is opposed to the present humanism. Technocratizm regards the means as an aim projecting as a modern form of dogmatic, mechanistic world view and activity. In such conditions humanism crises arises as at the present time technical progress outdoes cultural and technical progresses. Technique dominates under human community dictating its own rules and will, thereby leading humanity to degradation.
Lyubichankovsky S.V. STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL PARADIGM AND PROBLEM OF POWER CRISES The absence of unity at understanding of state institution crises is indicated in this article and also the determination of this concept from the position of structural-functional paradigm is suggested here. Belonging of internal (system) crises of state institution to the class of quasiregularities of historical process is proved in this work.
Maslennikov R.M. ABOUT ONTOLOGICAL CATEGORIES OF INTERNETInternet is not only technical innovation of contemporaneity. It is a global informational and social sphere, another reality and new type of existing. Internet influences essentially on life of a person, brings new forms and norms of communication. From the philosophic point of view the general problem is that Internet is not studied practically. So that to start such research the attempt of working and understanding of the most important ontological categories of Internet, as its essence and fundamental principles are researched in this work.
Mekh S.L. "SOCIAL ILLNESSES" OF MODERN RUSSIA AS PHILOSOPHIC PROBLEMThe foundation of modern Russia is accompanied with inevitable in such cases "social illnesses". Decrease of its influence on social life is one of the most important tasks of the Russian philosophy, the solution of which is possible only with help of social-philosophic analysis of their origin reasons.
Mosunov E.L. MENTALITY OF POLITICAL LANGUAGEThe language as an instrument of political consciousness forming of citizens is regarded in this article which embraces both as sphere of philosophy as spheres of linguistics and sociology. On the examples of works of art and also messages of native and foreign mass media we disrobe the methods of influence on political consciousness of society with help of language means.
Pavlova N.S. PHILOSOPHICAL-SOCIAL AND HISTORICAL BASES OF THE SAFETY IN SCIENCE HISTORY PROBLEM FORMATION Different aspects of safety problem are analyzed in this work, also different determinations of its essence and workings of policy realization of safety guaranteeing strategy are given here. Ambiguity of philosophical and sociological positions at the approach to the problem of safety is revealed. It is possible to say, that safety and its understanding are connected and determined with world outlook purposes at world explanation, its origin and development.
Popov A.V. BASE CHARACTERISTICS OF SCIENTIFIC PERCEPTIONGeneral characteristics of scientific perception allowing revealing of typical peculiarities of science as form of social perception are regarded in this article.
Savinkov L.L. SOME APPROACHES TO UNDERSTANDING OF THE CONCEPT "CIVIL SOCIETY" The attempt to regard and analyze general approaches to the determination of "civil society", existing at the modern scientific literature is made in this article.
Kashin V.V. DRAMA OF HUMANISTIC IDEALThe author researches social-ontological and philosophical-anthropological bases of humanism crises and those ideas which are connected with its idea in our country at the birder of XX-XXI centuries.
Klimov V.V. VALUE SELF-DETERMINATION OF A PERSONALITY: DIFFICULTIES AND CONTRADICTIONS…The base of value self-determination of a personality is a complicated, dynamic, managed system of interdependent elements, which includes different levels and forms of interaction of social and individual features in a personality, definite forms of internal and external interaction, specific forms of environment understanding by a personality, presence and future, and also the essence of a person’s own "I".
Kuptsova I.A., Shishimorova Yu.I. FORMING OF A MAN INTRODUCTION AT THE RUSSIAN CULTURE Dynamics of a man introduction at the Russian culture is regarded in this article. The great attention is given to the process of native Orthodox traditions forming at the views on human essence, his nature and place in the world. The comparison with pagan introductions of the Old Slavonian is given in this article. The authors relying generally on works of Old Russian literature (chronicle, didactic, agiographic, apocryphal and others), analyze the process of formation and transformation of a man introduction at the Russian culture.
Kuskarova O.I. THE CONCEPT OF IRRATIONAL IN PHILOSOPHY The centre of attraction of this article is the regarding of the concept of irrational in philosophy, its general types and importance at perception and also different approaches revealing the essence of irrational are given here. The importance of this theme is caused first of all with peculiarities of science-technical development of civilization.
Mantrov A.V. PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECTS OF A PERSON’S RIGHTS ON LIFE AND DEATH Unexplored problem is a question of a person’s rights on life and death. Ignored by state the right of a person on death is a multifold problem, the solution of which is impossible. The attempt of this problem actuality and timeliness proving as in a world scale as in a modern Russian reality is revealed in this article.
Sukharev S.I. ABOUT LOVE DEMONSTRATION AT LOGICAL, RATIONAL AND INTELLECTUAL THINKING (PHILOSOPHICAL-THEOSOPHICAL ASPECT)Three general types of thinking: logical, intellectual and rational are regarded in this article. During the process of distinguishing and description of these three types of thinking the author researches how love is revealed at three distinguished types of thinking. Some peculiarities of theosophical conception of researched theme are revealed in this article.
Urmantsev N.M. FREEDOM AS A FACTOR OF A PERSON AND UNIVERSE UNITY Heuristic possibilities of synergics at the analysis of problems of objective suppositions of freedom are regarded in this article. Reduction of freedom concept content to the highest modi of human and transcendental spirit impoverishes it conserving contraposition of a person and nature, though the search of its united ontological bases is important.
Shvetsova N.A. PHENOMENON OF CHARISMATIC FEATURE AT MODERN RELIGIOUS CONCISENESS The structure of religious conciseness and charismatic feature as a special emotional condition of conciseness at the modern stage of society development are regarded in this article. The sources of charismatic feature, historical and modern forms of its demonstration, polyfunctionality of this spiritual phenomenon, its place at religious conciseness and culture are revealed in this work.
Shchetkin A.V. LIFE QUALITY AT THE CONTEXT OF PHILOSOPHICAL KNOWLEDGE The analysis of conceptions about life quality, composed at frames of philosophical knowledge is realized in this article. The author marks that philosophical approach to the research of life quality is characterized with great variety of interpretations of the concept "life quality", and different understanding of its essence.
Kolomiets G.G. ART IS A TYPE OF EXISTING IN THE WORLD OR TO THE QUESTION OF COMMUNICATIVE FUNCTION OF ARTAccording to the author the art is a type to be in the world which realizes many-valued communicative function being the method of aesthetic, value interaction of a person with himself, with society and with all universe.
Kuznetsova T.V. PHILOSOPHIC THEORY OF CULTURE: STAGES OF DEVELOPMENTThe research of culture theory stages development beginning with understanding of culture as some unity and integrity when social consciousness leads to rational understanding of special mechanisms of the human race development. It is marked, that higher culture guarantees continuity, unity, creates the system of values, and another part of culture – "lower culture" guarantees self-development of the system and its renewal.
Khayalina F.R. TO THE PROBLEM OF STYLE UNDERSTANDINGStyle is a aesthetic-historical phenomenon, it is a problem of aesthetics and art science. Style as a philosophical category from the position of art ontology is regarded in this article and also division of such concepts as style, stylistics, styling and eclecticism is given here.
Belyaev N.I. CHARACTER OF A PERSON AT ART: INDIVIDUAL AND TYPICAL This article is devoted to the specification and interpretation of classical conceptions of individual and typical at art character which expresses the idea of a person. The author accompanies theoretical analysis of individual and typical correlation at visual art character with regarding of human character, presented in well-known works of art.
Dyukov A.B. TO FORGET BODRIYAR, OR LIFE AS A CAUSEThis article is a response on death (March 06, 2007) of Jane Bodriyar who is one of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth century. It is not the portrait of thinker and not brief story about his life and work way, probably the text pathos is immanent to philosopher’s mood especially at last period of his work: motive of finalism and unauthentic anthopic reality – "prepotent center" of the French thinker’s reflexion.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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