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June 2015, № 6 (181)

Milanovskiy E.Yu., Shein E.V., Rusanov A.M., Tygai Z. N., Il'in L.I., Zinchenko S.I., Fomin D.S., Bykova G.S. SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT IN THE SOIL IN THE CENTRAL CHERNOZEM AGROLANDSCAPESThe study of the organic carbon and CaCO3 distribution of in the 80 m long transect crossing the field of agriculture and forest belt characteristic of the age showed significant differences in the distribution of organic and mineral carbon profiles in chernozems under the arable land and in the vicinity of the forest belt. This is due to a dominant role in the formation of hydrothermal conditions of reserves and the content of organic matter in the chernozem and points to the importance of assessing the physical conditions that lead to the formation conditions of accumulation of organic and inorganic carbon in soils, determining the conditions for the functioning of soil biota in steppe landscapes.Key words: chernozem, organic matter, carbonates, shelterbelts, agrolandscape, complexity of the soil cover, hydrothermal conditions.


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About this article

Authors: Ilyin L.I., Tyugay Z.N., Milanovskiy E.Yu., Shein E.V., Rusanov A.M., Zinchenko S.I., Fomin D.S., Bykova G.S.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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