Kiryakova A.V., Yuzhaninova E.R., Moroz V.V. V.A. SUKHOMLINSKY ABOUT THE AGE FORMATION OF SCHOOLCHILDREN’S VALUE ORIENTATIONS. LOGIC, MECHANISMS, TECHNOLOGIES [№ 3 ' 2023] The rich pedagogical heritage of V.A. Sukhomlinsky by virtue of its depth and uniqueness makes it possible to identify the axiological constants of pedagogy, relevant at each stage of society development. The purpose of this article is to reveal the logic of formation of value orientations of schoolchildren in the age aspect on the basis of V.A. Sukhomlinsky’s work experience as a teacher and director of Pavlyshskaya secondary school. To achieve this goal, the article addresses the following tasks: an attempt is made to identify those parts of V.A. Sukhomlinsky’s heritage that reflect the regularities of age and value development of schoolchildren; synthesis on their basis of the age logic of the formation of value orientations; filling the values realized in the pedagogical process by V.A. Sukhomlinsky with the content relevant for modern schoolchildren. In V.A. Sukhomlinsky’s pedagogical system it is possible to distinguish a special line of development of a schoolchild’s personality — age-specific features of the formation of his value orientations, which determine the subsequent life of a person: his future choices, successes and failures. The strength of V.A. Sukhomlinsky’s axiological ideas lies in building a system of school work on basic universal values, including the universal triad: Truth — Goodness — Beauty. Having proclaimed and realized first in the experience of his school and then in the pedagogical theory the cult of Book, Knowledge, Beauty, — he actually created a basic classification of values-objectives in pedagogy. According to the authors, this hierarchy of values of an adult can be relevant today, if we fill these values with actual content within the pedagogical process. The changed realities of the first third of the XXI century require the rejection of formal analysis of Sukhomlinsky’s heritage, since extrapolation of the great pedagogue’s ideas to the realities of the modern school in an unchanged form has become impossible. Gamification, neural networks and avalanche-like flow of information, which modern schoolchildren face, require adaptation of the great teacher’s ideas and change of approach to education, departure from value neutrality.
Kiryakova A.V., Garaeva E.A. DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITALIZATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT [№ 2 ' 2021] Promising trends in the development and application of information and communication technologies in the field of education actualized the problem of developing information and communication skills of University teachers. The digitalization of the educational environment has ensured the formation of a new type of high school teacher, able to design a personal learning environment, which is a set of interrelated and interdependent components: educational-methodical, material-technical, organizational and axiological. The purpose of the study was to clarify the essence and develop a classification of information and communication skills of a University teacher in the conditions of digitalization of the educational environment. As a result of theoretical study of the scientific and pedagogical literature revealed that the digitalization of the educational environment is currently being implemented in the following areas: transfer of learning materials (lectures, presentations, textbooks, complexes of individual creative tasks, control knowledge) in the electronic environment; designing interactive e-learning environment interaction between teacher and students, providing access to electronic information and educational resources of the University; development of innovative educational resources (electronic textbooks, video lectures, electronic problem books, etc.); organization of innovative forms of obuchenie through the use of electronic resources the educational environment of the University; use in educational activities resources artificial intelligence. We see the essence of the concept of “information and communication skills” as a complex of General user, pedagogical and subject-pedagogical skills that ensure adequate perception, processing and reproduction of information. The developed author’s classification allows us to systematize the information and communication skills of a University teacher in accordance with the leading directions of digitalization of the educational environment. The information and communication skills of a University teacher in the conditions of digitalization of the educational environment include: the ability to use office software to present educational materials and pedagogical work; use Internet resources for educational purposes; use synchronous and asynchronous Internet communication tools; develop electronic textbooks with elements of interactive technologies; carry out the educational process in online and (or) mixed mode; work in online pedagogical communities; work in the format of video conferences; use artificial intelligence technologies for educational purposes. We note that to a large extent, the effectiveness of the development of information and communication skills of a university teacher is ensured by activating the axiological component of the personal educational environment. The paper considers the axiologization of education as a key modern trend in the development of higher education in a rapidly changing world. It is proved that the result of axiologization of education is the development of the value attitude of the university teacher to the profession, stable professionally significant and vital value orientations that determine the achievement of high results in life and in professional activity.
Kiryakova A.V., Speshilova N.V., Gorelikova-Kitaeva O.G. PROS AND CONS OF QUALIFICATION WORK DEFENCE IN STARTUP FORM [№ 1 ' 2021] To date, students of all higher educational institutions of our country have the opportunity to submit for defense as a final qualifying work (WQ) not a classic diploma, but a real startup. Over the four years that have passed since the beginning of the implementation of such an opportunity in practice, many Russian universities, including our Orenburg State University, have developed their own trajectory in this direction. In this article, we have made an attempt to analyze the experience gained. The issue of the legality of accounting for diplomas in the form of startups is considered, the features of start-up projects and the most obvious differences between the final qualification work performed in the form of startups and the classical FQP are highlighted. It is noted that during the transition to a new form of defense, clearly focused on the practical component, the stages of work on the final qualifying work, its structure and procedure for defense change. We identified a number of issues arising in connection with the organization of the defense of FQPs in the form of startups at the University: the inexpediency of distributing start-up diplomas to all students; the need for a detailed development of the Regulation on the protection of the final qualifying work in the form of a startup; revising curricula with the aim of developing students’ skills in developing start-ups and developing their entrepreneurial mindset; Difficulty finding ideas for startups organizational issues related to the appointment, incentives and remuneration of WRC leaders in a new form; providing students with the opportunity to switch to the usual form of protection in the event of a failure in the development of a startup. In conclusion, the advantages of protecting FQPs in the form of startups, identified on the basis of the experience of Russian universities and expert opinions, are presented, and the prospects for the implementation of this form are outlined.
Kiryakova A.V. ORENBURG BRANCH OF THE SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL OF AXIOLOGY OF EDUCATION T.K. AKHAYAN (TO THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF BIRTH) [№ 5 ' 2020] The article is dedicated to the outstanding teacher, professor Tamara KonstantinovnaAkhayan, who has devoted fifty years to work at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen and service to pedagogy. Through the prism of relevant pedagogical problems of the modern world, the fundamentals of T.K. Akhayan’s scientific heritage, the significance of her views on social labor activity as a factor of schoolchildren’s education are shown. The ideas, once expressed by T.K. Akhayan, were developed and continued at a new stage in the development of pedagogy in the research of disciples and followers of her scientific axiological school. The name of the scientist is titlyconnected with Orenburg region because of herpupils who realized her ideas in theirpractical work.
Kiryakova A.V., Suleimanova A.K. AUTHOR’S MODELS OF EDUCATION OF FOREIGN AND RUSSIAN THEORY AND EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE AS AN AXIOLOGICAL ORIENTATION OF CONSTRUCTION OF AUTHOR’S SCHOOL [№ 2 ' 2020] The educational system in the world is in constant innovative development. This article uses learning models (concepts and educational projects) that provide an opportunity to develop humanistic pedagogy in modern times and to serve as the basis for the formation of new pedagogical theories and practices. Models of education are distinguished by a qualitative originality, a pronounced author’s approach, axiological significance. We came to the conclusion that there are irrefutable human values in the world that exist in the world not less than a hundred years ago. The purpose of the article is to show that they are the axiological basis of pedagogy. We have presented the models of anthroposophical pedagogy by Rudolf Steiner, Alexander Neill Free School, “Children’s Home”, Maria Montessori, Yen Plan, “School without Forcing”, Celestin Freine, as well as some Russian models of upbringing, such as “School on Pudozhskaya”, lyceum No. 2 in Orenburg, pedagogical ideas of L.N.Tolstoy. A more detailed consideration of the listed alternative models of education allows us to highlight the provisions that are most important for axiological orientation of building the concept of the author’s school. A comparative analysis of axiological ideas in foreign and Russian pedagogies of the twentieth century is also presented.
Kiryakova A.V., Garaeva E.A. INTERNET RESOURCES IN THE UNIVERSITY TEACHER PROFESSIONAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY [№ 5 ' 2019] Intensive informatization of the education sector provided opportunities for creating conditions and enhancing the use of Internet resources to improve educational practice. Internet resources are seen as a means of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process. The global digitalization of society has contributed to the fact that at present part of the teacher’s professional activity is being transferred to the Internet. In this regard, the problem of identifying the capabilities of Internet resources as a means of organizational and methodological support of the educational process was updated. The purpose of the study was to clarify the essence, consider the main characteristics, and also identify the capabilities and key functions of the Internet resources most used by university teachers. As a result of theoretical study of scientific and pedagogical literature it is revealed that the educational potential of the Internet is currently not sufficiently studied and therefore not fully used in education. We see the essence of the concept of «Internet resource» as text, graphic, and multimedia information posted on Internet sites that can be delivered to a user’s computer at his request in the form of a file or sets of files of various formats. Educational resources of the Internet include: Internet resources specially developed for use in the educational process at a certain educational level and for a specific subject area; Internet resources used for information support of the education system as a whole, the activities of educational organizations or education management bodies; Internet resources represented by educational sites and portals. The specificity of the resources of the Internet lies in the fact that the services used can perform many different functions and do not have universality for all subjects of the educational process. The role of Internet resources lies in the fact that they have a wide range of informational, interactive, technological, organizational and methodological capabilities to increase the effectiveness of the educational process. The existing classification made it possible to systematize the resources of the Internet in accordance with the types of professionally significant tasks of the teacher, to which they are aimed, and the goals for which they are used in the educational process. The revealed capabilities and functions of various Internet resources provided an understanding of the technology of their use by the university teacher in professional and pedagogical activities.
Kiriakova A.V., Yuzhaninova E.R. THE AXIOLOGICAL POTENTIAL OF SOCIAL NETWORKS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION [№ 10 ' 2017] Innovation and investment in higher education for the business community often look unattractive, and the state does not always have the ability to meet the financial needs of the entire education system. However, no system can develop without innovation. If we take into account the speed with which the shortcomings and the lag in higher education from the demands of society are beginning to affect all aspects of society, the position obliges to look for possible solutions. One of them is the use of technologies that had been originally created for other purposes, but with adaptation to educational objectives. One option is represented by social networks. The constant competition between social networks led to the fact that they began to possess almost all the necessary opportunities for their use in the educational process of the university, i.e. they began to have an axiological potential for education. Specific elements of the networks (recordings on the wall, the creation of a training post with the addition of photographs, photo albums, chats, discussions, video, animation, live broadcasts, the publication timer) allow to provide a full-fledged process of distance learning and pedagogical support for the student. The process of a group conducting in the social network compared to the personal site of the teacher or a special learning environment has become more convenient: content changes in the group are reflected in the news line and on smartphone screens; a delayed publication of several posts is possible; about the beginning of the video broadcast, all students receive notification in real time; recently published information is placed in the tape above, later — below; it is possible to create thematic photo albums; students enjoy social nets more willingly and visit them more often than individual sites. The teacher can see how many people got acquainted with the teaching material. Social networks have all the attributes of value for the educational process in the university: the importance, usefulness, necessity, expediency. They have a clear axiological potential for the university, since they are a full-fledged technological platform for the pedagogical support of the student during his studies.
Kiryakova A.V., Bеrоeva E.A. AXIOLOGICAL ASPECTS ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION AS A FACTOR OF THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPECIALIST [№ 3 ' 2016] The system of additional professional education is considered from the point of view of process and result, the axiological development of professional competence of a specialist. The most important direction of development of professional competence is a definition perspective of value orientations. The essence of professional competence of a specialist is determined by the willingness to solve current and prospective problems and tasks. The study of the value consciousness of the expert, allows deeper to reveal the underlying mechanisms of its work and value orientations that underlie their professional competence. Value orientations are an essential component of professional consciousness of the expert, is a regulator of professional conduct specialist. The development of professional competence from the perspective of the implementation of axiological approach presented on the example of the work of the Intersectoral regional center for advanced training and professional retraining of specialists of the Orenburg state University. Based on the experience of implementation of additional professional programs, pedagogical conditions of development of professionally significant values of a specialist. In the system of additional professional education is the development of professional competence, forming the axiological basis of intellectual development and moral and spiritual formation specialist.
Kiryakova A.V., Olkhovaya T.A. DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS AXIOLOGICAL POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT [№ 2 ' 2014] The article presents a comprehensive analysis of axiological bases research results of university teachers' professional activity, including value-ideals, value traits of personality and behavior values. The authors identified the main trends and contradictions of teaching activity development, marked the models of axiological potential development of the university teachers' personality.
Kiryakova A.V., Olkhovaya T.A. METHODOLOGICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF INNOVATION PROJECTS REALIZATION IN CONDITIONS OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATION [№ 2 ' 2013] University education is considered as a resource of intellectual, scientific and industrial society development, as a centre of innovational development of region. In the article methodological basis of designing and realization of university innovation projects, integrated parameters of the assessment of innovation effectiveness in education are presented. The authors point out potential risks of innovation educational projects introduction.
Matushkin S.E., Kirjakova A.V. ACTIVITY OF DISSERTATIONAL COUNCIL AS THE FACTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SCIENTIFIC AND PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY POTENTIAL [№ 2 ' 2012] The basic results of activity of dissertational council D 212.181.01 are presented at the Orenburg state pedagogical university from the moment of its creation (1999г.) on the present. Actual directions of the researches spent by schools of thought and creative collectives are defined. The scientific results received by scientific and pedagogical community OGU at studying of problems of an axiology of formation, development the approach in the conditions of a university complex, education and socialization of the person, vocational training modernization are concretized. Criteria of examination of dissertational researches in aspect of their conformity are given requirements of new position about Council about protection of dissertations.
Kiryakova A.V. VALUE REFERENCE POINTS OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATION [№ 2 ' 2011] The axiological paradigm of pedagogics as a strategic orientation of the development of higher education is presented in the article. The education axiology is the perspective scientific trend, which allows finding a resource of improvement of education quality. The basic resource of improvement of education quality, in the axiology context, is the personal potential of the university student and the teacher.
[№ 12 (app.1) ' 2005]
[№ 12 (app.1) ' 2005]
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Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |