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April 2016, № 4 (192)

Baranov D.A., Vlatka V.I., Pankratiev P.V., Petrishchev V.P., Stepanov A.S. SOFTWARE PLATFORM BUILDING INTERACTIVE MAPPING SERVICESMapping services are becoming an integral part of modern life. They are used in various spheres of life che rights. Non-commercial mapping services for the quality of work requires the involvement of qualified programmers to modify the software code. The cost of commercial mapping services, operating with large volumes of data does not allow them to be used in most non-commercial projects. In the course of the project to create the portal of ecological safety of the Orenburg region has developed a universal software platform for building map services, can significantly reduce the complexity of the process of their development. From existing solutions platform favorably the use of free and open software at its core. In developing the platform used Xia framework Django language Python (version 1.8). Applications built according to the design pattern, "Model-view-controller" (Model View Controller, MVC). The main part used is given map-tion is stored in a PostgreSQL database with the extension PostGIS. The result of the submission of a HTML-page, but this may be the data in a different format — PNG, JSON, XML, etc. Portal development environ-tion safety Orenburg region was selected GIS Geoserver. Requests for data visualization to Geoserver through the protocol Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web Map Service (WMS) for vector and raster data, respectively. The first project, implemented on a platform of information mapping portal has become the environmental safety of the Orenburg region, that combines data on the ecological state of natural complexes, owls and man-made objects of the Orenburg region. Continued use of a universal software platform allows you to create high-quality car-tograficheskie services do not require a significant investment in software.Key words: GIS, geographic information systems, web-applications, interactive maps, Geoserver, PostGis.


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About this article

Authors: Pankratyev P.V., Vlatskaya I.V., Baranov D.A., Petrishchev V.P., Stepanov A.S.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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