Pankratiev P.V., Vlackaya I.V., Petrishchev V.P., Stepanov A.S., Baranov D.A. DEVELOPMENT EXPERIENCE OF INFORMATION CARTOGRAPHIC DATA PORTAL OF ORENBURG REGION ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY [№ 5 ' 2016] Nowadays, when Internet communication increases the impact on all spheres of human life and society, the problem of providing the user with accurate and timely information on the state of natural objects and processing of Web-content is in the public domain, is extremely significant. The main objective of the development of the portal was the expansion of the information space of the Orenburg region in the field of ecology and the environment for scientific, educational and administrative purposes. Using the portal will significantly improve the quality of employment in educational institutions, institutions of higher and secondary education. Regional environmental portal can be viewed from one side, as a distance learning, and, on the other hand, as a means of interactive training elements study. Actualization of the portal new data research creates the possibility of the publication of scientific achievements and discoveries. Of particular importance is the information component of the portal to increase the efficiency management decision-making by public authorities in the field of environmental protection. In the operation of the portal is expected to saturate the thematic sections copyright specialized data posted on the cartographic basis. A database management system allows users to update the information portal, build queries, prepare local databases. Further development of the portal supposes the possibility of joining the development of photographic materials for specific projects, the development of Environmental Forum, the formation of the environmental pages of schools, publication of scientific papers students.
Baranov D.A., Vlatka V.I., Pankratiev P.V., Petrishchev V.P., Stepanov A.S. SOFTWARE PLATFORM BUILDING INTERACTIVE MAPPING SERVICES [№ 4 ' 2016] Mapping services are becoming an integral part of modern life. They are used in various spheres of life che rights. Non-commercial mapping services for the quality of work requires the involvement of qualified programmers to modify the software code. The cost of commercial mapping services, operating with large volumes of data does not allow them to be used in most non-commercial projects. In the course of the project to create the portal of ecological safety of the Orenburg region has developed a universal software platform for building map services, can significantly reduce the complexity of the process of their development. From existing solutions platform favorably the use of free and open software at its core. In developing the platform used Xia framework Django language Python (version 1.8). Applications built according to the design pattern, "Model-view-controller" (Model View Controller, MVC). The main part used is given map-tion is stored in a PostgreSQL database with the extension PostGIS. The result of the submission of a HTML-page, but this may be the data in a different format — PNG, JSON, XML, etc. Portal development environ-tion safety Orenburg region was selected GIS Geoserver. Requests for data visualization to Geoserver through the protocol Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web Map Service (WMS) for vector and raster data, respectively. The first project, implemented on a platform of information mapping portal has become the environmental safety of the Orenburg region, that combines data on the ecological state of natural complexes, owls and man-made objects of the Orenburg region. Continued use of a universal software platform allows you to create high-quality car-tograficheskie services do not require a significant investment in software.
Baranov D.A., Vlatskaya I.V. USING THE NETWORK DATABASE FOR STORING COMPLEX STRUCTURED DATA ON THE CLIENT IN AN INFORMATION SYSTEM WITH A WEB-INTERFACE [№ 13 ' 2015] The development of Web 2.0 technologies has led to the displacement of complex applications on the Web. A Web-based applications have several advantages, however, the current limitation of the Web 2.0 platform (in particular, the lack of support for distributed object systems) do not allow to effectively handle complex structured data, which hampers the implementation of information systems in the form of web-based applications. The data with a complex structure (complex structured) include arrays, lists, trees, graphs, networks and combinations thereof. The problem is the complexity of the relevance maintenance of the web pages and synchronization with the server, the large amounts of data need to be transmitted, as this could adversely affect the reaction rate of the application user interface. Hence, an important task is to minimize the volume of transmitted data necessary to perform an operation and the elimination of reloading data. As a solution to this problem is proposed to introduce a separate (sub) level data on the client side. In the course of such a level of abstraction that solves the problems described above, it developed the concept of a unified oriented graph (UOG), which is a special case of the network database.
Belonovsky P.V., Vlatskaya I.V. AUTOMATION OF MONITORING OF GAS-DISTRIBUTING SYSTEMS SERVICE OF THE ORENBURG REGION [№ 4 ' 2015] The constant control and monitoring of its state is necessary for uninterrupted and accident-free supply of gas on all way of the gas pipeline. For this purpose it is required to automation of collecting, storage, the analysis and graphic localization of spatial data and attributive information. Special complexity is represented by this task for a network of gas distribution of the Orenburg region, extended and non-uniform on structure. This network includes 9 branches and 45 operational services and sites. The head office is located in Orenburg. For ensuring trouble-free and trouble-free operation the problem of development of GIS was solved. Organizational and technological tasks for a network of JSC Gazprom Gas Distribution Orenburg were considered. The problem of development of GIS for monitoring of technological survey of the gas pipeline was solved. The task included merger of various systems: monitoring of GRP and data of their configuration, telemechanics of SKZ, GLONASS/GPS of monitoring, database of a network of gas pipelines. The technical solutions satisfying to a number of criteria — personal GPS trackers and methods of systematization geo objects were found. The "System of Satellite Supervision over Mobile Objects" software product providing processing and data storage of monitoring and their display in gas distribution GIS in the Orenburg region is developed. The technology of programming of system included the MapGuide platform, the MSSQL database and the ASP.NET JavaScript programming languages. Possibility of drawing up reports on time of carrying out survey of the gas pipeline, viewing of the movement of the inspector, for detection of malfunctions of a tracker became result of introduction of system the program of control and diagnostics was developed, and the instruction on use of the software is also made. The system is introduced in operation since 2013. Daily the system analyzes more than 30000 GPS of points, rapprochement of the inspector with 1300 shutoff valves is defined, finding of crew on a survey route is established. Introduction of system increased discipline of work on technical inspection of gas pipelines, allowed to optimize a route configuration, revealed incorrect geo-information.
Korablev E.N. Vlatskaya I.V. APPLICATION OF THE DISPERSIVE ANALYSIS FOR OPTIMIZATION OF NUMBER OF SENSORS SECURITY ZONE OF THE PRODUCTS PIPELINE. [№ 12 ' 2013] For the purpose of plunder of the pumped-over agent (oil, gas and so forth) are applied to protection of the products pipeline against unauthorized inserts the automated systems of monitoring of unauthorized actions in a security zone of the products pipeline. As sensors of detection of malefactors geophones are used. By means of a method of the dispersive analysis the optimum quantity the sensor on different sites of products pipelines is offered.
Afanasyev V.N., Baranov D.A., Vlatskaya I.V., Ichkineeva D.A. APPLICATION OF GRAFOSEMANTIC MODELING FOR THE ANALYSIS OF SUBJECT DOMAINS OF SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION AGENTS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE JOURNAL "VOPROSY ECONOMIKI") [№ 9 ' 2013] The paper deals with the possibilities of method of grafosemantic modeling in relation to a problem of the analysis and assessment of subject domains of scientific production agents. As an example the articles from journal "Voprosy Economiki" for 2010–2012 (36 issues) are investigated. The main steps of grafosemantic model construction are described, the problems arising at modeling of subject domains of scientific production agents are considered. Some types of the analysis applicable to grafosemantic model are shown.
Vlatskaya I.V., Nesterenko M.Yu., Polezhaev P.N. DECISION SUPPORT MODELS UNDER UNCERTAINTY WHICH REDUCED TO COOPERATIVE GAMES [№ 9 ' 2012] This paper describes the decision support system under uncertainty on the basis of gaming simulation. It includes the model of management decision-making in competitive markets, the cooperation model of one product manufacturers in workflow, the model of scheduling jobs in grid and the model of costs distribution between the members of cooperative. Each model reduces the problem of decision-making to one of the variants of cooperative games.
Nesterenko M.Yu., Vlatskaya I.V., Polezhaev P.N. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH OF PARALLEL ALGORITHMS FOR STATISTICAL GAMES SOLUTION [№ 9 ' 2012] This paper describes parallel algorithms for solution of statistical two players games under condition of full or stochastic uncertainty. They are based on the computation of the classical decision making criteria. Developed algorithms experimentally demonstrated their effectiveness and scalability for SMP and cluster systems.
Baranov D.A., Vlatskaya I.V., Senchishak T.I., Travkin S.A. SPHERICAL APPROXIMATION OF THE FIREBALL BASED ON TWO SHOTS [№ 4 ' 2012] This article focuses on the automated processing of experimental data obtained in the study of flammable liquids explosions with the formation of fireballs. The algorithms of fireballs allocation in a picture using fuzzy clustering and construction of the sphere, which approximates the surface of the fireball based on two shots were proposed.
Vlatskaya I.V., Nesterenko M.Yu., Polezhayev P.N. DEVELOPMENT OF SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR DECISION-MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTY BASED ON THE GAMING SIMULATION [№ 5 ' 2011] In this work, we carried out a comparative analysis of existing approaches to decision making under uncertainty, developed a conceptual model of decision making in conflict situations, as well as proposed the support system for decision-making under uncertainty based on the gaming simulation.
Vlatskaya I.V. MODELING OF FUZZY CONTROLLER BEHAVIOR IN THE SYSTEM WITH KNOWN STRUCTURE [№ 1 ' 2011] The article reviews the performance of Takagi-Sugeno and Mamdani fuzzy controllers for automatic management of objects with a known structure, computer modeling of their work, as well as comparison with the work, with clear controllers
Vlatskaya I.V., Kozhevnikova V.E., Maksimenko A.V. THE ALGORITHM OF THE TRAJECTORY CALCULATION OF NONLINEAR SYSTEM UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF UNCERTAINTY [№ 9 ' 2010] The authors examined questions of the development of nonlinear systems with the discrete time under the conditions of uncertainty. There is the program realization of the algorithm of the trajectory calculation of nonlinear systems with the initial conditions and the external actions.
Vlatskaya I.V., Tatzhibaeva O.A. THE APPLICATION OF METHODS OF IMITATION SIMULATION IN REENGINEERING OF BUSINESS-PROCESSES [№ 9 ' 2010] The authors examined the task of reengineering of business- processes in an example of the enterprise OOO "Orenburggeofizika". The model of enterprise on the basis of queueing theory is proposed. The authors carried out the imitation simulation of the system in the sphere Stratum 2000. According to the results of simulation they obtained the economic measures of the effectiveness of reengineering of the work of the redesigned system.
Vlatskaya I.V., Sormov S.I. MANAGEMENT AND PROCESSING OF INFORMATION IN THE DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS [№ 4 ' 2010] In the present grant the distributed systems of the information are considered, principles, concepts and technologies of these systems: communication, processes, synchronisation, integrity and replication, protection against failures and safety are described. The special attention is given to specification of CORBA, and also World Wide Web which development was an incitement to sharp increase of the interest to the distributed systems.
[№ 12 (app.1) ' 2005]
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |