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№ 2 1999

Humanitarian sciences

Matyash S.A. "VISIT" ENJAMBEMENTS IN PUSHKIN'S POEMS The article by S.A. Matyash "Visit" enjambements in Pushkin's poems" is dedicated to the representative functions of the enjambement. An analysis is made by using the authors terminology of the "visit" enjambements in the works of Pushkin (and other poets after him) to mark the appearance of the characters in the poems. Modifications of the "visit" enjambements are studied, and their final destinies are shown.
Dymova I.A. "THE HUSSAR" BY A.S. PUSHKIN (ON THE QUESTION OF GENESIS OF POETIC SHORT STORY) Some Russian researchers are of the opinion that "The Hussar", the poem by A.S. Pushkin belongs to the genre of ballad. However, in her paper "The Hussar" by A.S. Pushkin (on the question of genesis of poetic short story) I.A. Dymova argues that this opinion is open to dispute. The author gives a thorough analysis of the structure (plot, composition as well as the function of the fantastics) in the poem and claims that the poem presents one of the early experiments in the short story expressed in verse, i.e. ? poetic short story.
Ioannidy I.P. "MY GENEALOGY" BY A.S. PUSHKIN" (ON THE QUESTION OF THE SOURCES OF TOPICAL SATIRE EXPRESSED IN VERSE) In her paper "The poem "My Genealogy" by A.S. Pushkin" (on the question of the sources of topical satire expressed in verse) I.P. Ioannidy analyses the plot and structure of the poem and compares it with two pieces of prosaic topical satire by the same author. On the basis of the analysis it is affirmed that "My Genealogy" is a complex genre formation with some indications of poetical topical satire prevailing. It is consequently concluded in the paper that "My Genealogy" presents one of the early samples of poetical topical satire.
Yevseyeva R.A. ENDINGS IN V.ZHUKOVSKY'S PUSKIN'S SONGS AND ROMANCES The article is dedicated to the composition problem of V. Zhukovsky's and A. Pushkin's songs and romances. Such a compositional link as ending is being focused on. It's shown that both poets applied a number of common compositional devices, those of Zhukovsky however, being varied that made his songs so thematically monotonous. From the widest range of Zhukovsky's compositional models Pushkin chose the one - ring-poem that he brings to perfection. This device will be applied to Russian songs poetry.
Akhayan T.K. FEATURES OF THE NEW PUPIL UP-BRINGING IDEOLOGY IN THE TEAM-WORK OF SCHOOLS AND PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCE OF THE ORENBURG PROVINCE Science and practice integration is a typical characteristic of the education development in the Orenburg province. Scientific researches, carried out in schods and higher education establishments of the region, demonstrate the existence of a new ideology in person up-bringing. This ideology may be called value or axiological one. It reveals the significance of relations between a person and the world of men, ideas and things.
Smirnova N.V. EDUCATION FOR VIABLE GENERATIONS The author substantiates the topicality of education quality problem and defines the essence of this notion in its connection to the basic cultural values. Viability is proposed to be the basic cultural value of the information society. The author regards viability in the system of personal characteristics which enable stability and dynamics in society development.
Kargapoltseva N.A. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF MONRESSORY-TEACHER Humanistic ideas, unique technology of the process of education, results in the individual upbringing and socialization of a personality lead to the respect which pedagogical system of Maria Montessori has. The article reveals some aspects of preparation and professional activity of Montessori-teacher.
Ksenofontova A.N. NEW APPROACHES FOR EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT Pedagogical projecting is one of the main aspects of educational work and teaching. It implies the teacher's desire to create a special training environment and extra-curriculum activities in which students could spread out their inner life, gain success and comfort . Education in all its forms is understood by the author as the process of student personal development according to the created model-project.
Nosova T.A. STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL APPROACH IN TESTING PERSONAL SOCIAL SELF-ORIENTATION LEVEL The author suggests the testing method of personal social self - orientation level. Structual - functional approach is used. Value-orientation component consists of: society values acceptance, value attitude to social norms, readiness for social choice, awareness of social choice significance. Content-behaviour component reveals itself in behaviour reactions, determined by goal and value choice in life.
Kostryukova E.A. SELF-DETERMINATION OF SENIOR PUPILS AS A SUBJECT OF RESEARCH The author of the article points out the necessity to distinguish the levels of senior pupil readiness for self-determination in different activities. To estimate the resutls of senior pupil self-determination process the author suggests special qulitative indices.
Yankina N.V. FORMATION OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' READINESS FOR INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION The article presents the necessity to renew the contents and methods of foreign languages teaching, as an integral part of the university education. The understanding of scientists' experience in the fields of pedagogy, linguistics and psychology allowed the author to examine the term "intercultural communication". The author defines more precisely parameters and characteristics of intercultural communication readiness. To confirm the correctness of theoretical hypothesis, the researcher carried out the pedagogical experiment, the aim of which was to develop special skills and knowledge necessary for intercultural interaction.

Natural sciences

Rusanov A.M. THE INFLUENCE OF ANTHROPOGENIC DATA ON THE PERIOD OF DIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY AND HUMUS CHERNOZEMS Data on the changes in the period of biological activity and humus status of chernozems under the impact of long-term cultivation are represented. The factors affecting the duration of the period of biological activity within soil zone are examined. It is shown that soils biological activity depends on their physical properties and state of phytocenoses.

Economic sciences

Medvedeva T.P. REGIONAL PROCESSES IN MANAGEMENT OF INSURANCE MARKET DEVELOPMENT The problems of development management insurance market are considered in clause on regional level. It is chosen directions of activation dug the state management bodies in development of regional insurance market.

Technical sciences

Yakunin N.N., Ignatova N.V. ON THE ANALYSIS OF SERVICE MARKET IN TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT AND REPAIR OF AUTOMOBILES ACCORDING TO THE CERTIFICATION SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS The current development of market relations in transport makes necessary constant evalution of its state and delimitation of its further dynamecs. This paper deals with the research results in this sphere of economics in the Orenburg region during 1996-99. The certification system reguiments (GOST R) in technical management and repair of automobiles have been studied in this article.
Ogorelkow B.I., Bravichew S.N. REACTION OF ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT ON PERIODIC SEQUENCE OF VOLTAGE PULSES The article presents calculating method for transitional and established processes in linear electric circuits under periodic sequence of voltage pulses. The given method reflects rational as well as visual models of pulses under consideration. The established circuit reaction is being reached in closed form.
Bulatov V.N. METHOD OF EVALUATION OF PHASE SPECTRUM INACCURACY OF SEGMENT-APPROXIMATION SIGNAL The article brings forth the solution of spectrum transformation of signals, the functions of which are able to be distributed into Taylor-row. On this base the technology of determination of spectra of signal segments, approximated by spline-function is constituted. A new method of inaccuracy evaluation of of phase spectrum function recovering caused by approximation, is given in this article.
Ivanova A.P., Vasilyeva M.A., Polyschuk V.Y., Voronkov A.I., Usenbayeva Zsh.K. DETERMINATION OF MODE PARAMETERS OF DRY FODDER VIBROMIXING PROCESS The experimtntal stand for case desplacevent registering in time was constructed during the process of any components vibromixing in a toroidal mixer. The effective amplitude was defined by determining ets components. The displactment was measured according to three coordinate axes with the help of tensiresistors symmetrically glued to tensiometer beams and recorded on oscillograms. The investigation results help to describe the kinematic parameters of the mixing process.
Sagitov R.F., Abdrafikov R.N. THE GIVEN ARTICLE CONSIDERS TWO METHODS OF REOLOGICAL FACTOR DELIMITATION OF PRESSED MATARIAL OF VEGITATIVE ORIGIN AS WELL AS METHOD OF RESULT CORRECTNESS CHECKING The proposed methods are suitable for delimitation of reological factors of pressed materials of vegitative origin by means of tense and strain states, arising in auger press, were under consideration.
Kasperovich V.L., Maneeva E.S. INTENSIFICATION AND RESOURCE-SAVING OPTIMIZATION OF GRAIN MATERIAL PREPARATION FOR ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION This article represents the resource-saving and wasteless technology of grain material preparation for alcoholic fermentation. The technology is based on fractionary processing of grain constituents. Activated water influence upon structural, mechanical, physical and chemical properties of moistured grain was considered. Carbohydrate grain and semifinished items composition studied. Optimal parameters of technological processes were defined.

Science events

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
Учредитель: Оренбургский государственный университет (ОГУ)
Главный редактор: С.А. Мирошников
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