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№ 3 2002

Natural sciences

Tsytsura A.A., Chekmaryova O.V. ATMOSPHERE QUALITY MONITORING IN THE STREETS OF INDUSTRIAL TOWNS (ON A MODEL OF ORENBURG) This article reveals the whole complex of organizational and technical measures promoting the atmosphere quality improvement in Orenburg.
Starokozheva E.A. FORMING CONDITIONS ANALYSIS OF THE DUST EFFLUENT FROM AUTOMOBILE TRANSPORT IN THE STREETS OF INDUSTRIAL TOWNS The article deals with the dust-formation problem on the automobile roads of different types. The author suggests different variants for defining the qualitative indices of the dust streams and their comparative characteristics confirmed by experimental data.
Tarasova T.F., Garitskaya M.U., Chalovskaya O.V., Panchenko V.I. COMPLEX ESTIMATION OF THE PLANT CONTAMINATION DEGREE ON THE ROADSIDE TERRITORY OF INDUSTRIAL TOWNS The article deals with the problem of natural territory contamination. The territorial quality was estimated according to the ecotoxicological and biogeochemical indices. This is effective in prognostication of ecological situation in roadside zones.
Bondarenko E.V., Korotkov M.V. CRITERION CHARACTERISTIC OF ECOLOGICAL SAFETY AND TECHNICAL PERFECTION OF MOTOR TRANSPORT FACILITIES Different methods of determination of internal-combustion engine ecological indices (sanitary-hygienic and technical) were available, but there was no single relation between them. The authors suggest their method of integral estimation.
Makarov E.T., Tamoshina O.A., Nikiforova I.A. THE EVALUATION OF BUILD UP AND WASHING OFF THE IMPURITIES PROCESSES FROM THE ATMOSPHERIC AIR IN THE TOWN OF SARANSK The article suggests the method of the atmosphere quality evaluation in the industrial town and its changes in different meteorological conditions.
Medvedev P.V., Stepanov A.S. TO THE QUESTION ABOUT THE MANAGMENT MECHANISM OF THE ECOLOGICAL ENTERPRISES SAFETY The article contains the basic principles of the managment theories, directing toward the economic safety increase of the food industry enterprises. The questions about the inculcation of the environment quality managment on the baking enterprises were also considered.
Eremin M.N. THE PROBLEMS OF THE POPULATION AND TERRITORY PROTECTION FROM EMERGENCY SITUATIONS The population and territory protection from emergency situations (ES) is represented as a component of the stable state development. The actual problems of the risks analysis and managment, of the monitoring and ES prognosis are considered in the article.
Salikhova L.R., Makshantsev S.S., Murtazina A.F. THE EMERGENCY SITUATIONS OF THE TECHNOGENEOUS CHARACTER AND THE RISK EVALUATION FOR THE POPULATION HEALTH In the last years the tendency to the increase of the emergency situations number is precisely retraced on the industrial objects in the world. The basic reasons of the developed situation are: the wide application of the high-dangerous technologies and materials the mass rules infringement and exploitation norms; intolerably high deterioration of basic production funds in high-risky economic branches. That's why at present it is necessary to regard the opportunities of chemical matters, being not so favourable for the relative safety in case of the damages and to work out the evaluation methodology of the emergency regulations.
Antimonov S.V., Sokolova O.Y. SOURCES OF GRAIN-TREATING INDUSTRY WASTES The article considers sources of grain-treating industry wastes and analyses basic processing operations taking into account the wastes percentage in the overall turn-over of the enterprise. In conclusion the authors write about the expediency of processing wastes into "ecologically clean" products.
Zinyukhin G.B., Kolotvin A.V. TPC AS THREAT TO ORSK ENVIRONMENT The article analyses the air condition around the city of Orsk, pointing out basic sources of pollution which make up TPC and arranging them according to the degree of danger they present. The authors evaluate the air quality in the city atmosphere through the city danger category (CDC), which shows a certain arbitrary body of air polluted by all the city plants and factories, which has been brought down to the maximum concentration level and to the same value of toxicity.
Boyev V.M., Kuksanov V.F., Mikhaylov A.N., Romanov A.V. CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY AMONG POPULATION OF COPPER WORKS AREA The analysis of cancer rate among male and female population aged 18-61 plus shows that in the city of Mednogorsk cancer rate is 1609.4 to 100,000 people, inOrenburg Region it is 1400.7 to 100,000 people and in Russia - 1141.5 to 100,000 people. Those who most often suffer from cancer are men aged 61 plus, it being characteristic that Mednogorsk Integrated Copper-and-Sulphur Plant male workers account for most of the cases; women tend to have cancer at the age of 51-61 plus, Ural-Electro Plant and Mednogorsk Integrated Copper-and-Sulphur Plant female workers account for most cases of oncological pathology.
Kaliyev A.Z. EVALUATING AGRICULTURAL LANDS QUALITY ACCORDING TO THE DEGREE OF THEIR POLLUTION WITH HEAVY METALS The analysis covered the area of OreNburg Integrated Gas-and-Chemical Plant (OIGCP) as far as 35 km from the discharge source. Test sites were arranged taking into account the nearby settlements and the direction of winds blowing in the region. The results helped to arrange the territories close to OIGCP according to the quantity of heavy and rare metals in the soil and plants, as well as to work out a chart of agricultural lands ecology. In conclusion the author writes that on the lands around OIGCP preference should be given to sowing not cereals but fodder crops. While cultivating the latter it is necessary to follow the existing recommendations aimed at bringing down the labile forms of heavy metals in the polluted soil.
Tsinberg M.B., Denisova I.V. THE COMPARATIVE ANALYSES OF GROWTH PROPOTIES, BIOLOGICAL AND SANITARY-HYGIENIC CHARACTERISTICS OF PREPARATIONS BIFIDOBACTERIUM AND LACTOBACILLUS RECIEVED WITH THE HELP OF HYDROLYSIS OF DAIRY AND SOYA PRODUCTS There are facts in this work, which show principle ability of nutrious mediums usage on the base of soya hydrolysis for the cultivation of production stamps of sourmilk bacterium accordinly to the toxins and microbiological parameters of recieved preparations in the case of active hygienic standards. There were also revealed some advantages of the usage of nutrious medium based on the soya hydrolysis concluding in faster yield of biomass, increasing it's adhesive potential and forming more expressive antagonistic properties in the case of relative-pathogenous microorganisms, that is significant for the production stamps of the Bifidobacterium microorganisms.
Nemkov V.A., Sapiga E.V. RESERVATION OF THE STEPPE ECOSYSTEMS IN THE CONDITION OF PRESERVE REGIME The preserve steppe ecosystem's condition is analyzed in the article and the ways of their reservations. The negative influence of the steppe fires and the absence of the hoofed animals on the fauna of invertebrate animals on the Orenburg's reservation is shown in the article. Two main directions of the preserve regimes optimisation are given: introduction of the controled cattle's pasture and struggle with the spontaneous fires.
Kononov V.M. AGROECOLOGICAL MARK OF THE ORENBURG'S LANDS AND FORMING PRINCIPLES OF THE ADAPTIVING LAND-TENURE The article deals with the problems of the adaptiving agriculture land-tenure in the Orenburg region in the light of the new nature-tenure's paradigm. The causes of land-degradation's process are discussed in the article. The methodology of the agroecological mark of the agricultural lands is bases and the author suggests the causes of adaptiving agriculture's forming in the region.
Efremov I.V., Byjkova L.A. THE STUDY OF PHOSPORUSORGANIC HERBICIDE INFLUENCE (AN EXAMPLE OF GLIPHOSAT) ON WEED AND CULTIVATED PLANTS The system, allowing to value phytotoxic action of herbicide on the photosynthetic device of the highest plants with the halp of delayed fluorescence chlorophyll registration is described in the article; the results of carried out investigations are also given here. The given result is a part of investigations, led to the elaboration and improvement of fluorescent methods and creation of devices for environmental polluted objects biomonitoring by herbicide.
Karpova G.V., Zajnutdinov R.R. ASPIRATIONAL DUST OF GRAIN PROCESSING ENTERPRISES AS A SOURCE OF EASY TO MASTER CARBO-HYDRATES FOR YEAST FERMENTATION Yeast fermentation possibility on the base surroundings got by means of hydrolyze with the help of sulphuric acid solution is reflected in the article. Hydrolyze polysaccharid conformities of grain processing enterprises all aspirational dust are set.
Mushinskiy A.S., Bykova I.A. BEERY CRUSHER USAGE AS A SUBSTRATE COMPONENT FOR BASIC "VESHENKA" MUSHROOM Investigational results of beery crusher influence on mushroom crop capacity and nutritiousness are given. It is shown that beery crusher introduction in 15-20 % dase to substrate containing straw and husk, leads to mushroom crop capacity increase up to 70 % and rise of albumen maintenance in 1,2 times and oil maintenance in 2,4 times.
Dunaev V.N., Averjanov V.N., Mokshantsev S.S. ECOLOGOHYGIENIC CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS While investigating antropological factors urban environment complex of Orenburg as an example, prevailed chemical and physical natural factors were studied. A tendency to noisy and electromagnetic load rise, to atmospheric and water pollution by chemical pollutants is mentioned. Action of environment factors on the people's health, led to only one direction, seen in the sick rate rise as nozological form is set as a result of investigations.
Mirosnichenko I.V., Pjatin V.F. HOW THE OUTER ENVIRONMENT GAS-COMPOSITION PERIODIC CHANGES INFLUENCE THE CENTRAL MECHANISM FORMATION IN BRETHING REGULATION DURING THE PRENATAL PERIOD The research analyses the respirator activity peculiarities which newborn rats have in their spinal cord preparations. The rats were subjected to periodical, hypercapnical, hipoxical and hiperoxical influences during the prenatal period. Breathing regulation central mechanisms ability to the plastic reforming was set up under the outer environment factors' influence during the organism's development in prenatal period.
Richko O.K., Ahmetov R.Sh. HIGHER EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT AND TEACHING AND SCIENTIFIC CENTERS AS A BASIS FOR THE SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL, ECOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAFICAL REGIONAL SYSTEM FORMATION The article serutinises the problems and the conceptional scheme creation ways of the scientific and educational, ecological and geographical system in Orenburg region on the basis of higher educational, teaching and scientific center development and effective usage.
Nikolaev V.M. MODERN ECOLOGICAL CRISIS ASPECTS The article states the main factors which define the ecological crisis in our region. It also gives some ways of its solution.
Fot N.P., Bravicheva O.S. CLUSTER ANALUSIS USAGE BASING FOR STAPHYLOCOCCI'S SPECIFIC IDENTIFICATION The article scrutinizes the compound biological objects identification (such as staphylococci). Multi-measured statistic methods of data treatment were used in the research. To solve this problem, cluster analysis was used.
Osipov Yu.R., Moiseev A.A., Pavlov V.V. OPTIMIZATION OF DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEM OF CONTINUOUS TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS This paper considers the questions of optimization of ACS TP with distributed structure. Control system software is based on the presented mathematical model, obtained with the experimental methods. Proposed ASC structure is build up in terms of objective-oriented approach.
Gamm T.A. PECULIARITIES OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE TREATMENT ECOLOGICAL AUDIT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON WORLD STANDARDS USO 14000 USE Ecological audit is the base for making administrative decisions and estimating ecological state of active enterprises and other objects of economic activity. As the criteria are accepted the world standards USO 14000; legal foundations and audit methods are being workied out now.
Kuzmin V.A., Khodarev D.V., Tikhonov S.A. INVESTIGATION OF GLYCINE SORPTION OPTIMAL PARAMETERS ON IDA-CU-POLYCOMPEXONATE The work gives the description of the sorbent based on silicon matrix, modified by the iminodiacetic acid. Being the complexon (according to Shvartsenbakh), IDA forms the polycomplexonates together with the ions of heavy elements. Polycomplexonates and copper ions (II) built info their structure keep the composite activity regarding to molecules-donors of electronic couples (f.ex. to amino acids). The authors study glycine sorption major parameters (copper ions (II) concentration, pH of reactionary environment, ionic power) on IDA-Cu-polycomplexonate.
Ivanov Y.B., Kuzmin M.D. MICROECOLOGICAL BREAHES CORRECTION OF MALE UROGENITAL TRACT BY ANDROGYNE PREPARATIONS Androgyne preparations influence on microflora of male's urogenital tract is investigated. Males are of reproductive age, suffering from chronical prostate. As a result, it is pointed out the ejaculate microflora normalization which is characterized by it is rebuilding (corinebacterial and lactobacterias), by the content increasment or relatively-pathogene microorganisms eliminations, and their persistent potential oppression. The biotop microecological breaches correction method of male urogenital tract is qiven.
Zubkova T.M. TECHNOLOGICAL OBJECTS OPTIMIZATION METHODOLOGY Technological methods are investigated in the article. Methodology of carring out technological objects optimization by the working characteristics method is qiven.
Kucherenko M.G., Gunkov V.V., Chmereva T.M. OXYGEN-DEPENDENT PHOTOREACTION KINETICS IN LANGMUIR-BLODGETT MONOMOLECULAR FILM The cross-annihilation kinetics of delayed fluorescence of organic molecules is investigated in surfactant monolayer (Langmuir-Blodgett technology) interfaced with the air. New features of the mathematical model of molecular process are considered when the theory gains an details of the oxygen diffusion transport in LB-film. The analysis of the luminescence pulse form is made on a bases of O2 sorption-desorption and oxygen lateral diffusion model in the film. The delayed fluorescence intensity is used as basic observed value and it built on the base of pair distribution function, taking into account the desorbtion of O2 molecules into gas phase. The oxygen desorbtion is considered or as one-step quantum process, or as thermoactivation transition through an potential barrier like Kramers theory approach.
Tarasov V.N., Bakhareva N.F. PROGRAM-REALIZED MARKOV'S MASS SERVICE WITH THE VARIABLE PARAMETER'S ACCESSION AND SERVICING FOR THE COMPLICATED SYSTEMS ANALYSIS MODEL Binomeasured diffusion model of mass service system with the finite furn and parameters, depending on the system condition (self-regulated systems) are undler consideration in the article. The ways of its characteristics calculations and functioning sphere are also examined.

Humanitarian sciences

Ivanov A.N. SOCIO-CULTURAL WAYS OF THE MAN'S ADAPTATION. CULTURE AS AN ADAPTIVE SYSTEM The author gives an ethimological definition of terms "ecology" and "economy" as a apecific conception which are closely connected with a generic conception "house". Two rather distant disciplines such as ecology and structural anthropology appear to be the main ways of investigating such habitats in traditional cultures.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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