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№ 7 2004

Humanitarian sciences

Mukhamedzhanova N.M. RUSSIA AS THE MARGINAL CIVILIZATION The problem of Russia's civilization identity is investigated in the article. The author defines the Russian civilization's specificity through the categories "the marginal civilization", "the civilization marginality". The most characteristic features of Russia as the marginal civilization are analysed. The role of ideas including the communist one is revealed in overcoming the split identity of Russian civilization.
Andronova I.V. CIVIL SOCIETY: THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL FOOTINGS OF INVESTIGATION Theoretical and methodological footings of the formation of the 'civil society' political category. Comparison of different points of view gives the author the possibility to differentiate civil, economical and political societies. Actually civil society occurs as one of the aspects of a person's ways of behavior which allows us to see the world as the conscious creation of associations and life in these associations.
Panfilova M.R. THE NOTION OF CLOSE-TO-BORDERLINE TERRITORIES: LAWFUL AND HISTORICAL ASPECTS The article is devoted to the consideration of historical and lawful aspects of the notion of close-to-borderline territories. Brief historical outline about the Russian close-to-borderlines territories formation is given, the place and the role of the close-to-borderline territories in the state protection sphere are defined. The state's legislation for the last decades is considered in the article in detail. The legislation regulates the close-to-borderline territories provision and use by different persons involved into land relations.
Nurmukhametova E.F. INDIVIDUAL COMPLAINTS IN ECOLOGICAL RIGHTS PROTECTION CONVENTION ORGAN: DECISION MAKING PRACTICE The degree of vested ecological interests of a person in international documents is defined, decision making practice by international conventional organs in individual complaints about ecological questions is analysed.
Shavrina E.V. ECONOMICAL FACTOR OF ECOLOGICAL INTERESTS FORMATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF STABLE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY REALIZATION. The author considers theoretical problems of the ecological and economical interests harmonization on governmental, regional and local levels of different subjects of ecological right during the provisions realization of transition to the stable development of Russian Federation.
Antropova L.I. GERMAN CODIFIED LITERARY LANGUAGE IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIOCULTURAL DYNAMICS The article deals with the sociolinguistic analysis of present language situation in Germany, formation and development of German codified literary language in the context of sociocultural dynamics, the history of development and stabilization of literary standard as well as social characteristic of German literary language speakers.
Zaynullina L.M. VERBALIZATION IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE "ESTIMATE" CONCEPT The "estimate" concept objectivization problem in different languages is considered in the article. The concept under consideration may be referred to universal language concepts; it is the result of the interjection (superposition) of two conceptual systems - extra-linguistic (material) and value (ideal).
Sevastyanova S.K. PATRIARCHY NIKON'S CORRESPONDENCE WITH SAVVA DMITRIEV The article is devoted to the investigation of the patriarchy Nikon's messages to the Savva Dmitriev. These messages written in 1660s have not attracted philologists' attention before. Literary sources of four messages and genre are defined. Revealed peculiarities of narration and display of patriarchy Nikon's "the I" expand our knowledge about him as a writer. The article is accompanied with text publication of patriarchy Nikon's four messages.
Gerasimenko S.A. SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATION OF PUPILS IN INFORMATION SCIENCE Research and educational foundations of pupils' supplementary education in information science under the conditions of modern society are represented in the article. Arising problems and proposed and theoretical and practical ways of their solution are considered in the article.
Yurtaev S.V. GRAMMATICAL DISPLAY OF LOGICAL ERRORS IN PUPILS' WRITTEN SPEECH Grammatical index of logical mistakes is established in the article, criteria of its exarticulation are formulated. Quantitative changes of the index in the process of text design by the same pupils during their study in the 5th-9th forms are characterized in the article. Besides kinds of logical errors grammatical index, reasons of showing up are described.
Orekhova T.F. THE "HEALTH CREATING EDUCATION" CONCEPT AS PEDAGOGICAL CATEGORY Original interpretation of health creating concept is represented in the article. The author considers it to be one of the pedagogical process function which allows to preserve and to improve pupils' and teachers' health in their interaction in the teaching process. Expediency of this concept is proved, its definition is proposed and methodological positions showing its essence are considered.
Moskvina A.V. STUDENTS' SCIENTIFIC CREATIVE WORK FORMATION AS PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEM The article is devoted to students' scientific creative work development in teaching process that is one of less researched problems of creation pedagogics. The main idea of the article is students' transition from teaching to scientific creative work providing with creative scientific-research thinking development, development of skills and attainments in scientific analysis, search and discovery of new facts, outward things rules, formation of a scientist's and researcher's personal qualities.
Bondarenko I.I., Vlatskaya I.V., Nazarov N.V. PRACTICE-ORIENTED FORMATION OF COLLECTIVE DECISION MAKING KNOWLEDGE OF THE STUDENTS OF HIGH EDUCATION INSTITUTES It has been proved that collective making decision widely spread procedures in one and the same profile of experts' preferences may lead to various aggregated decisions. These procedures characterization is given on the basis of some consistency axioms. It is shown that the procedure adequacy degree is higher if they meet more normative requirements like these.
Gorbushina S.N. COMMON AND SPECIFIC FEATURES IN HEALTHY LIFE-STYLE WORLD OUTLOOK OF THE STUDENTS OF HIGH PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION INSTITUTE IN THE CONTEXT OF PROGRESS TECHNOLOGY Main principals of educational technologies organization are described. Their projection on the healthy life-style world outlook determination process of the high pedagogical education students from the system approach point of view is made. This process peculiarities, its problematic points and technological accompany.

Economic sciences

Simagina S.G., Matveeva E.A. PURCHASED MATERIALS QUALITATIVE INDICES INFLUENCE ON THEIR FINAL COST Purchase object optimization model is shown on the example of the paper consignment. The proposed principles of paper choice takes into account paper price increase because of qualitative indices, railway tariff, repayment terms, risks out-of-sequence delivery of products, variants of possible extra expenses.

Natural sciences

Gerasimenko T.I. METHODOLOGICAL AND METHODICAL APPROACHES TO CULTURAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL RESEARCHES Principal modern methodological approaches and lines , methodological apparatus of cultural geography that is a new scientific line which is formed within the confines of geographical science and has been formed in the system of scientific disciplines are considered in the article. Classification of principals used in carrying out of cultural and geographical researches are cited in the article. The most important of them are analysed.
Levykin S.V., Akhmetov R.Sh., Petrischev V.P., Zhdanov S.I., Groshev I.V. ABOUT APPLICATION OF INNOVATION TECHNIQUES INTO THE SYSTEM OF ESTIMATE AND LAND-SURVEY OF AGRICULTURAL FUNCTION Methodological approaches of complex estimate of the steppe zone ecological land resources economical potential under the conditions of crop market formation in Russia. Special attention is paid to the possibility of geoinformational technologies use and validation of conditioned profitable method of land price formation with defining of agrarian land use basic parameters, miniokhot use and preservation of biovariety of steppe.
Boev V.M., Dunaev V.N., Averjyanov V.N., Vorobjyev A.P., Konoplyev A.i. ECOLOGICAL AND HYGIENIC ESTIMATE OF AEROGENIC LOAD IN ORENBURG Different criteria of ambient air state estimate are considered in the article, certain priority emissions and city emissions sources which form aerogenic load. Comparative characteristic of internal and outside environment pollution is given. The authors proved the necessity of calculations of emissions total inhalation entry into a person's organism in order to compare with correlative doses and health risk determination.
Chepasov V.I., Rychko O.K., Popova O.B., Saveljev V.N. CONDITIONALITY OF DECADES AND DAYS OF TOTAL TEMPERATURE TRANSITION THROUGH 0, 5, 10 GRADE (SPRING, AUTUMN) BY SOLAR ACTIVITY Factorial and correlative analyses were carried out in order to define qualitative conditions of research parameters. Qualitative conditions specification was made by means of spectral analysis which helped to distinguish harmonics with peak amplitude for each parameter. Final models for research parameters definition according to Volf number were made by means of Brundon's method with step-by-step parameter-argument elimination.
Ivanov K.M., Abdulin M.R., Grigorjeva N.M. CLINICO-HEMODYNAMIC PECULIARITIES OF CARDIAC INSUFFICIENCY OF THE PATIENTS SUFFERING FROM HYDROPERICARDIUM Cardiac insufficiency course peculiarities in the presence of hydropericardium which complicates acute and chronic diseases was carried out on the basis of clinical, pathologoanatomic and instrumental data. Dependence of acute cardiac insufficiency upon hydropericardium formation volume and speed, central intracardiac hemodynamics changes and character of cardiac microcirculation according to capillary bulk density size is shown in the article.
Ershov V.I., Burdakov V.V. DIRIGIBLE NEUROMETABOLIC CEREBROPROTECTION IN THE ACUTEST PERIOD OF ISCHEMIC STROKE The article is devoted to dirigible neurometabolic cerebroprotection, a new method of ischemic stoke treatment in its acutest period. The essence of the method is in working-out of the diazepam infusion speed control principals. Application of the method give the possibility of certain improvement of ischemic stroke outcome in the acutest period.
Pseunok A.A. PECULIARITIES OF HEART RATE OF 1-3 CLASS CHILDREN STUDYING AT GYMNASIUM Children studying in 1-3 classes were examined. Children's cardiovascular system functional state during a school year was investigated. It was stated that the beginning of a school year is accompanied by regulatory mechanisms tension. The results of the research show that sympathetic influence gradual decrease proceeds in age biodynamics during the chronotropic activity regulation in 1-3 classes.
Mayko O.Y., Popova L.V., Klimova O.L., Leontjeva N.P. SYNOVITIS ULTRASONIC DIAGNOSTICS OF THE PATIENTS SUFFERING FORM GONARTHROSIS Diagnostic possibilities of arthrosonography (ASG) for synovitis and periarthritis diagnostics of the patients suffering form gonarthrosis of I-III stages were defined during the investigation of 40 patients suffering from gonarthrosis in acute stage. Clinical investigations showed that arthrosonography is a quite informative method of synovitis and periarthritis diagnostics including subclinical one and helps to enlarge data on rontgenologic diagnostics of gonarthrosis of I-III stage. Key words: gonarthosis, arthrosonography, synovitis.
Shashkov V.B. SOME COMPUTER EXPERIMENTS RESULTS WHICH MODEL DISTRIBUTION PARAMETERS ESTIMATE PROCEDURES Software model of distribution parameters static estimate was worked out. It includes original equations for critical points t- and -distributions. Equations were got and their stochastic connection strength in accuracy of sample estimates Mx* and Dx*, samples volume and general dispersion was estimated. Efficiency qualitative indices of interval estimates were attained. They were formulated according to average data of several samples.
Kuznetsov V.A. MODELING OF FIELDS OF VELOCITIES INFLUENCE ON OZONE ELECTROSYNTHESIS INTENSITY IN GAS FLOW Ozone electrosynthesis model in oxygen and air laminar streamline flow through barrier electric discharge was defined. The model implies gas fields of velocities in a changing temperature field of discharge gap. Numerical experiment data on the model justify specific behavior of ozone concentration in different fields of discharge gap. High degree of model's adequacy to real processes in barrier electric ozonators provides with the possibility of optimization calculations while constructing them.
Pavlov A.S., Udovin V.G. DYNAMIC SYNTHESIS OF HIGH-FREQUENCY HYDRAULIC IMPACT MECHANISMS Five structures on the speed criterion are investigated by the authors on the basis of the classification worked out by them. Maximum impact power is minimum duration of work cycle. Simulators for five structures and calculation schemes of impact mechanisms of these structures are cited in the article.

Technical sciences

Bondarenko E.V., Filippov A.A. ESTIMATE OF ECOLOGICAL DANGER AND AUTOMOBILE EXPLOITATION ECONOMICAL EFFECTIVENESS ON ALTERNATE FUEL. Comparative estimate of petrol and gas fuel use on the example of GAZ automobiles on the ecological safety criteria is given in the article.
Mironov S.V., Pischukhin A.M. SAFETY CONTROL IN INDUSTRIAL OBJECTS EXPLOITATION Industrial safety control strategy of the region should be created on the basis of the metasystem approach. Six problems are solved hereby. The essence of them differs much from those described in literature earlier. The work is devoted to the peculiarities of the solution of these problems.
Kovrikov I.T., Shabanova S.V. PERFECTION AND SUBSTANTIATION OF EXTRUDERS BASIC PARAMETERS FOR FORMULA FEED PROCESSING Compressive closure placed in single-screw extruder work area was proposed to be used in order to increase formula feed extrusion process and the quality of extruder. Simulator of perfected extruder functioning which conditions on the possibility of its basic parameters is cited in the article.
Zakirullin R.C. DRYING AGENT THERMAL CAPACITY CALCULATION IN RECYCLING CONVECTION DRYING Average magnitudes of drying agent isobaric specific heat in practical ranges of temperature change and air-steam mixture moisture load in convection recycling drying have been calculated. Certain fractional accuracies of actual thermal capacity change for average magnitudes in corresponding ranges are situated in acceptable bounds. Application of average thermal capacities allows to decrease orders of nonlinear equation which describe heat-mass exchange process in drying.

Science events

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
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