№ 4 (216), 16 april 2018
Борис Дмитриевич КАРВАСАРСКИЙ (1931-2013),
российский психиатр и психотерапевт, медицинский психолог, ученик В. Н. Мясищева. Доктор медицинских наук, профессор, руководитель отделения неврозов и психотерапии института им. В. М. Бехтерева, заслуженный деятель науки РФ. Главный психотерапевт Министерства
здравоохранения РФ, возглавлял Федеральный научно-методический центр по психотерапии и медицинской психологии Министерства здравоохранения РФ.
Butorina N.I., Konovalov A.A. PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES OF FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL-SPECIALIZED COMPETENCIES OF BACHELOR STUDENTS IN MUSIC AND COMPUTER ACTIVITIESThe effectiveness of the process of formation professionally-specialized competencies of students, the importance of which is ensured by the requirements of FSES for the results of profile preparation of bachelor students, is largely conditioned by the use of modern pedagogical technologies. The complex of pedagogical technologies aimed at the formation of professional and specialized competencies in musical and computer activities of students-bachelors and has incorporated the following technologies: on the basis of activation and intensification of the activities of students (gaming and interactive technologies, design and research, problem training, etc.) and effective organization and management of the learning process (technologies of individualized learning, group and collective learning methods, programmed learning, information technology, etc.). In the course of the research, the interrelation between professionally-specialized competences in musical and computer activities and pedagogical technologies used in their formation and modern approaches to education was found and justified, among which a special place is occupied by competence, activity and technology. The presented complex of pedagogical technologies, implementing the provisions of the above-mentioned scientific approaches, covering all components of professionally-specialized competencies in music and computer activities, ensures their successful formation in undergraduate students in the classroom of specialized disciplines.Key words: pedagogical technologies, professionally-specialized competences, the formation of professionally specialized competencies, the complex of pedagogical technologies, music and computer activities, competence, activity and technological approaches.
Valetov M.R., Pankratovich T.M., Pankratovich J.G. PROVIDING THE EFFICIENCY OF THE RAPID SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROCESS OF TABLE TENNIS PLAYERS' AT THE STAGE OF SPORTS SPECIALIZATIONOne of the leading physical abilities of a table tennis player is the rapid skills, manifested in the swift player's movements, in speedy attacks and strikes, in making defense decisions and in choosing counterattacking actions. Despite a number of interesting developments in theoretical studies, it is necessary to state that in the sports practice, many children's coaches encounter with certain difficulties in the selection of means and methods for rapid skills development of junior table tennis players during the training process. The most significant aspects of the highlighted pedagogical problem relate to the search for optimizing means and methods for the rapid skills development of junior table tennis players. In our research we provide the theoretical basis and apply the experimental technique in the rapid skills development of junior table tennis players. The basic concepts of our rapid skills development methodology are the following: the proper choice of the training means on the basis of the structural compliance with corresponding exercises and their rational usage; the choice of the most efficient methods for the rapid skills development of 10–11 year old table tennis players; the formation of junior athletes’ ability to demonstrate strong-willed efforts directed at maximum speedy movements. The pedagogical requirements for the rapid skills development methodology of 10–11year old table tennis players at the stage of sports specialization are defined in the given research. The experimental technique was developed and tested in the conditions of the educational process on the basis of implementation of the revealed pedagogical requirements. The received research results let us conclude that the implementation of the given technique influenced to the great extent the efficiency of rapid skills development of junior table tennis players at the stage of sport specialization.Key words: rapid skills, table tennis, junior athletes, rapid skills development methodology.
Voronina Yu.V. STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF PROFESSIONAL READINESS OF THE TEACHER FOR REALIZATION OF FGOS OF THE GENERAL EDUCATIONStrict requirements from society are imposed to the modern teacher and the states connected with large-scale cultural changes. Reforming of system of school education happens in the course of introduction of the new federal state educational standards (FSES). Successful realization of FGOS of the general education directly depends on the level of professional readiness of the teacher. Problems of formation of professional readiness of the teacher of modern school for realization of FGOS are generally focused on preparation him to realization of the new labor functions defined in the professional standard of the teacher. Besides the created knowledge and abilities at the teacher valuable and semantic installations to modern educational strategy, understanding of importance of the changes happening in school, desire to work in new conditions have to be created. Emphasis in the course of formation of professional readiness of the modern teacher only on theoretical and practical preparation can’t be rather effective and contradicts activity approach. An important and backbone component is the motivational and personal component of professional readiness: understanding the teacher of value of the introduced innovations (first of all valuable and semantic installations of new standards of school), the importance of his professional activity. The author has presented a matrix of assessment of level of professional readiness of the teacher for realization of FGOS of the general education which can be used for development of methodical diagnostic aids and self-diagnostics of the modern teacher of school. And also will allow to determine the level of professional readiness of the teacher for realization of FGOS of the general education. Process of formation of professional readiness of the teacher for realization of FGOS of the general education will be influenced by various difficulties of the teacher: world outlook deficiencies, znaniyevy deficiencies, deficiencies of activity. The set of difficulties when forming professional readiness of the teacher for realization of FGOS of the general education is defined, first of all, by professional and personal features of each teacher.Key words: professional readiness of the teacher, federal state educational standards of the general education, classification of professional difficulties of the teacher.
Galoyan N.G., Kitaeva M.V. TEST AS A METHOD OF VERIFICATION OF LEVEL OF FORMATION OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCEIn the article «Russian proficiency test» (TRKI) as estimation method from the point of view of competency-based approach is analyzed. The test checking knowledge of the foreigner in the field of Russian is aimed at check of communicative competence which assumes mastering knowledge of different types of speech activity and use of linguageologicalknowledge in a certain speech activity, «incorporating» linguistic and linguageological(illocutionary), sociocultural competences. Authors analyze each subtest in aspect of competency-based approach and show what components of communicative competence are formed by this or that subtest and also define the importance of the didactic material selected for the modern tests of Russian as a Foreign Language. In conclusion authors determine that the modern «Russian proficiency test» is a way of monitoring which allows to check all components of communicative competence if it is made taking into account current trends in the field of teaching Russian as a Foreign Language.Key words: monitoring methods, competency-based approach, TRKI, «Russian proficiency test».
Dmitrieva N.M., Malakhova O.M., Porol O.A. WORKING WITH MENTAL IMPORTANT CONCEPTS IN TEACHING RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGEMastering a foreign language is impossible without mastering the national culture reflected in mental concepts. The concept of «family» is one of the most important in the Russian language picture of the world and because its development plays an important role in the process of teaching foreign students Russian language. The analysis of these dictionaries allowed us to establish the semantic shares of the concepts included in the field of the macroconcept «family». The central concepts are «father» and «mother» with a common semantic share of «the beginning of something». Significant concepts of «man» and «woman», the main purpose of which is to be a father and mother. The high meaning of these concepts is associated with the main functions of father and mother: protection, care for the offspring. The concepts of «son» and «brother» are combined with the previous sons obligations and reflect the conciliar worldview peculiar to the Russian mentality (brotherhood). All the names of the concepts of the field of macroconcept «family» in the dictionaries and the minds of modern Russian speakers are determined one through the other, their common characteristic is the word «native». Mastering mental concepts for foreign language students can be based on the work with dictionaries and reading of obligatory texts, which full of logical, emotional and mental information. Pre-text (work with new words and expressions) and post-text tasks (correlation of meanings characteristic of Russian with those given to verbalizers of concepts in a literary text; work with stable expressions, interpretation of the text in the aspect of understanding the peculiarities of the relationship of family members, reflecting the conceptual representations of Russian) in this case are aimed at identifying the features of mental concepts.Key words: concept, semantic shares, father, mother, son, education, reading, advanced level.
Kurilenko L.V. CONDITIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FUTURE SPECIALIST OF SOCIAL WORKThe need for professional-personal development of a specialist in social work is explained by the richness of the role repertoire resulting from a wide range of functions that make up the essence of his activity. A specialist in social work, helping the client to find a way out of a difficult life situation, on the one hand, must demonstrate a high level of professional competence, and on the other hand, taking into account the social nature of difficult life situations, an active life position, personal development. In this connection, in the process of preparing these specialists, it is necessary to create conditions that would facilitate the solution of this problem. Immersion student in the research activity, which is a kind of «springboard» for the formation of general cultural, professional and professional competencies, is precisely one of the conditions for the professional and personal development of future specialists in social work. It is research activity that accumulates the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities of students, so necessary for them to carry out future professional activities. Inclusion of students in research activity immerses them in the search situation, which gives an opportunity to develop not only intellectually, but also to improve in a personal way. Elements of theatrical pedagogy used by the teacher in the process of introducing students to research activity help to comprehend the most important methodological laws of research, its principles, methods and techniques, and to understand the logic and structure of the research without much difficulty. Mastering the methods and techniques of research activities with the help of elements of theatrical pedagogy contributes to the actualization of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of students-future specialists in social work, the realization of personal qualities necessary for solving difficult life situations of citizens.Key words: professional-personal development, research activity, elements of theatrical pedagogy, competence.
Маslov M.V. METHODS OF STUDYING MAMMALS IN THE USSURI RESERVE FOR STUDENTS OF BIOLOGICAL SPECIALITIES OF THE HIGH SCHOOLSThe effectiveness of teaching in modern conditions can not be realized in the framework of only the traditional model – the competence approach in higher education has actualized the problem of searching for new effective methods, forms and means of teaching. The choice of teaching methods is a difficult task that the teacher faces at the stage of working out a work program of the academic discipline. The use of active technologies develops the ability to successfully perform pedagogical tasks based on practical activities, knowledge and skills. The relevance of this work is due to the importance of field research for teachers and students of the biological faculties of higher educational institutions of Primorsky Krai. The acquired knowledge can be used in the development of training courses, in conducting field training and pedagogical practice, writing scientific articles and final qualifying works. We have summarized the current data on methods of studying mammals in the Primorye Territory of the Russian Far East using the example of the Ussuri Reserve of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which are necessary as a regional component for use in university courses in biology. The above information can be useful to biology students of the School of Pedagogy of the Far Eastern Federal University as additional information within the framework of such disciplines as «Vertebrate Zoology», «Terrestrial Vertebrates of the Far East», «Specially Protected Natural Territories and Objects», «Rare species of Primorsky Krai animals and their security». Key words: Primorsky Krai, Ussuri Reserve, methods of study, mammals.
Prosvirkina I.I., Stulei O.V. CHINESE LANGUAGE LEARNING USING MIND MAPPING Nowadays it is necessary to use modern technologies and modern methods for systematization of sense Chinese written sign, for formation of Chinese patterns too. One of the effective method of learning Chinese language is mind mapping. Gradual introduction of mind mapping into the learning process allows to explain the meaning of Chinese lexical units, allows to enrich the pupils speech with them and to structure these concepts. Introduction of mind mapping into the education process of Chinese language permits «to open» the hidden culture sense of Chinese written sign, this method helps to analyze the relations system of Chinese written sign and to decode «cultural codes» of Chinese culture. The feature of this method is creating the central idea (a grapheme or a character); it will be the basis for a development of associative link and then for a development of case phenomena. Thus, basic patterns of Chinese culture can be form systematically. Learning the Chinese language using mind mapping can be more effectively at the beginner levels. There are four phases in process of forming system knowledge about Chinese lexical units: formation of the semantic kernel of grapheme or character; development of the semantic field of grapheme or character; development of associative link and case phenomena; control. Using mind mapping in the learning process allows pupils to understand a system communications of characters in the text. In process of making a mind map has the opportunity «get into» the Chinese culture. In this way, learning the Chinese language using mind mapping as a method of training contribute to development of «new» linguistic personality.Key words: Chinese Language, Chinese Language Teaching Methodology, Learning Method, Mind Mapping.
Pyhtina Yu.G., Mendinova A.M. FORMATION OF LINGVOCULTURAL COMPETENCE IN TRAINING FOR READING FOREIGNERS: ON THE MATERIAL OF FANTASY GENRELinguacultural approach towards language teaching is vital as language learning requires the knowledge of linguisitc units of different levels. While being read and comprehended at «Russian for foreigners» lessons, culturally significant texts help students understand Russian mentality, develop analytical skills, and scrutinize some peculiarities of Russian life, traditions, values and stereotypes. Generally, this helps develop linguistic and cultural competence. The search for new forms of cooperation is necessary to obtain linguistic, communicative and lingua-cultural competence while learning language. New material for the language teaching develops lingua-didactic and cultural aspects. This paper substantiates the possibility of using authentic fantasy fiction for the Russian language learners. A system of pre-text and post-text exercises based on the «Taiynyi sysk tsarya Gorokha» (lit. «Tsar Gorokh’s secret inverstigation») by A. Belyanin is worked out. The exercises are aimed at students’ linguistic and cultural competence development and can be used at the advanced stage of «Russian for foreigners» lessons.Key words: Russian for foreigners, linguistic culture, linguoculturology, linguocultural competence, teaching to read, fantasy.
Rudneva T.I. PEDAGOGICAL RISKS IN EDUCATION – NEW SOCIAL REALITYIn the article the problem of pedagogical risks caused by education modernization, competition in the educational services market, new strategy of students’ vocational training in higher education institutions is considered. Risks are understood as possibility of losses and unplanned results obtaining. Several types of pedagogical risks on the basis of the researches results analysis dedicated to the quality of innovative education are updated: organizational risks are connected with transition to a multilevel education system that gives new research directions in the field of modern pedagogical processes management; methodical risks where the result of their overcoming is the higher education institution graduate’s model which meets time requirements and the model of teacher identity as a factor of risks counteraction; educational risks of professional students’ identity formation. It is claimed that teachers’ readiness to risks overcoming in educational and disciplinary environment is a factor of modern education quality achievement.Key words: risk, pedagogical risks, organizational risks, methodical risks, educational risks, quality of education, innovative education.
Ryndak V. G., Bazhenova Yu. A. MATRIX ANALYSIS AS A RESEARCH METHOD OF THE THEORY OF PERSONAL ORIENTATION IN THE WORLD VALUES IN THE CONTEXT OF THE STUDY OF PEDAGOGICAL PHENOMENA POSTCLASSICTION PARADIGMModern Russian science is experiencing an acute crisis, characterized by the destruction of ideals and aspirations, the Genesis of which is the beginning of the ideology of socialist society. The main features of the changes characterize the transition to the post – non-classical paradigm, which had a great impact on all spheres of social and cultural life of man and society-education, ideology, politics, economy, religious life. Among the system transformations, the exclusive place belongs to the value sphere of personality, the study of which is the Central problem of Sciences focused on the recognition of the global methodological model in the context of the post-non-classical paradigm. It is assumed that the matrix analysis of semantic transformations of the theory of personal orientation in the world of values in the context of post-non-classical paradigm will allow to avoid the difficulties of General cultural reprogramming and determination of value attitudes, to fill the ideals and norms of scientific knowledge of pedagogical phenomena with new meaning. In this article the subject of matrix analysis is the theory of personality orientation in the world of values in the scientific school of Professor A. V. Kiryakova, because it is a model of value-personal concept, in the preparation of which the postulates of postnonclassical paradigm were taken into account to the maximum extent.Key words: matrix analysis, methodology of pedagogy, theory of personality orientation in the world of values, post-non-classical paradigm of science.
Torshina A.V., Allagulov A.M. THE CONTENT OF THE CLUB ACTIVITIES OF THE ORENBURG REGION ADOLESCENS IN 1931–1958The article contains the results of scientific research on actual problem of the content of the club activities of the adolescents in Orenburg region in 1931–1958. In the modern conditions the study of the historical practices allows to strengthen socializing, communicative, cultural, compensatory. Pedagogies is also needed in the knowledge about the actualization of the educational potential of the club activities of the adolescents. The article present the study of the research (search and analytical, theoretical and analytical, total) and methods at each stage (analysis of legal and regulatory acts, generalization of philosophical and pedagogical concepts, monographic study of the pedagogical experience of the organization of the club activities, the study of archival material, generalization and systematization of the obtained data). The stages of the club activities are dedicated (1931–1940 — pre war, 1941–1945 — war, 1946–1958 — post war) and so the content of the activities on each stage. As the main conclusions of the research work can be identified the following. Through the period under review the club activities contributed to the formation of the personal qualities of adolescents. But first of all the qualities of the personality were in demand by the historical time. From 1931 to 1940 the qualities of personality of the field of artistic and technical creativity. Daring the war — strong willed qualities — persistent, perseverance of purpose, fidelity to duty and the Motherland, diligence. In 1946–1958 — personal and professional self-determination. Emphasizes that some traditions of 1931–1958 can be traced to the activities of the modern club associations. This conclusion is confirmed by the analysis of the modern normative documents. The study of the historical experience of the regional system of the club activities of adolescents allows you to comprehend and adopt critically all the most advanced for the further system of the additional education.Key words: club activities of adolescents, Orenburg region, stages, content, personal qualities.
Chuprov A.D., Voronina A.E., Petrosyan E.A. PRIMARY SCHOOL AGE: PREVENTION OF VISUAL DETERIORATIONThe study for vision acuity state among primary school age children was carried on the base of the lyceum school No.5 in Orenburg. The study included 649 children and their parents. According to the results of the examination all school children were divided into 3 groups: group 1 – children wearing glasses or contact lenses; group 2 – children without glasses or lenses, but with uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) less than 0.8; group 3 – children without glasses or lenses and UCVA more than 0.8. It was found out that the number of children, not wearing glasses or contact lenses, and having UCVA above 0.8, decreases from form 2 to form 4, while the number of children with an UCVA under 0.8 increases twofold. In all age groups of 9–11 years, the cause of wearing glasses or lenses in the majority was myopia (9 years – 50 %, 11 years – 77.7 %). Children who did not wear glasses or lenses with UCVA above 0.8 already in form 2 (9 years) had myopic refraction in 16.5 %. In schoolchildren with UCVA less than 0.8 who had not wear glasses or lenses, the cause of vision loss was myopia in the absolute majority of children in all groups, besides that in all forms there were children having middle and high degree myopia, who had never worn glasses. The main factor affecting the state of view of in schoolchildren of 9 and 10 years was excessive watching TV, and in 11 years old schoolchildren – games in the phone and the tablet. A low awareness of parents about the quantity of their children visual load was revealed. Symptoms of dry eye syndrome are more pronounced in children who have glasses and lenses, parents are also not fully aware of its presence. Schoolchildren and their parents received medical report on the state of their vision, which included measures to improve and preserve vision, as well as prevention of visual impairment. They also received the results of the questionnaire, which included a comparison of visual load in children and their parents’ view on this matter.Key words: primary school age, visual state, myopic refraction, uncorrected visual acuity, visual load, dry eye syndrome.
Shatunovskiy V.L., Shatunovskaya E.A THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS AS DIRECTED AND CONTROLLED SELF-LEARNINGInformatization of modern society requires changes in the system of education. The traditional lecture and lesson system does not always allow students to develop skills and abilities that are needed in their future professional life. There is a need to develop such didactic forms and methods that would maximally intensify not only the students' autonomy in the educational process, but also update their skills of generating, transmitting, presenting and processing information. These tasks may correspond to the method of guided and controlled self-learning, in which the leading role is played by the subject orientation of the educational process. The educational activity is organized through specially designed textbooks with options for the gradual development of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities at a convenient pace for the student. Correct implementation of the method of guided and controlled self-study is possible under certain conditions: – intelligible target determination of the educational material offered in the manual; – the integrity of the proposed educational material, ensured compliance with the goals; – full compliance of the control and test tasks with the developed goals of mastering a particular discipline, relevant, in turn, to general and professional competencies in the direction (specialty) of student training; – the main content-structural unit of textbooks in the implementation of the method of guided and controlled self-study is the «educational text»; – «educational text» includes motivating and informative components that are closely interconnected and can be repeatedly updated; – ergonomic algorithmization of the process of learning the text, requiring the correct technical design of the interface of the textbook; – phasedness and variability of test and test assignments that support the general logic and teaching aid, and the disciplines for which it is, in fact, directed. Modern computer technologies allow to realize all the listed conditions. However, often these opportunities remain unclaimed.Key words: educational process, cognitive activity, students, teaching and learning, earning activities, web-based learning materials, directed activities, self-learning, Internet sites, project activities, learning objectives, teaching objectives, learning control, e-learning, activity and self-know, control and self-control, the level of achievement of learning objectives.
Karabushchenko N.B., Zorina N.N. AGE PECULIARITIES OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN DIFFERENT FEMALE AGE GROUPSIn the modern Russian society women have to combine professional activity and family obligations. Successful professional activity requires a woman to display such qualities as energy, ambition, initiative. As part of a family it is necessary for a woman to make decisions concerning children and domestic life. It is hard for a woman to accomplish these tasks without such qualities as self-management, stress resistance, emotional balance. In view of this, research of female emotional intelligence obtains particular timeliness that highlights the importance of the development of emotion recognition and control, self-possession in difficult life situations, decision-making. The research was conducted on the basis of comparison of two samples of women: aged 25–30 and 40–45. During the research it was revealed that the general level of emotional intelligence in women aged 40–45 is higher than in women aged 25–30. The following data were obtained regarding the specific components of emotional intelligence: emotional self-awareness, empathy, internal motivation, self-regulation of one’s own emotions is higher in women aged 40–45 than in women aged 25–30. The obtained age-related dynamics of emotional intelligence in women is associated with the development of emotional intelligence from early to middle adulthood in relation to the accumulation of life experience in perception and regulation of their own and someone else’s emotions.Key words: emotional intelligence, early and middle adulthood, woman, emotions.
Posokhova S.T., Didenko E.Ya., Ivatovich K.А. HUMOR IN THE REPRESENTATION OF ADOLESCENTS AND THEIR PARENTSHumor is regarded as one of the signs of the holistic functioning family. Representation of humor in the family disclosed on the basis of analysis of his personal sense of style characteristics of emotionally expressive response to family comical situations of children and adolescents and their parents. Symmetrical conducted a study involving 82 adolescents and their mothers. With the help of psychodiagnostical techniques shows that in the family fold common to its members in the representation of the boundaries of humor. The consistency of representations of humor among adolescents and their mothers is reflected in the understanding of humor as a source of positive emotions and laughter, in the overall assessment of expressive and emotional circle of family situations as comical, in absence of clear style characteristics of humor. Teens and their mothers tend to selectively perceive humor and comical situations, aiming to generate humour on themselves and others. At the same time reflect the differences in the representation of semantic, emotionally expressive and stylistic characteristics of humor in children-teenagers and mothers, which is important for maintaining family homeostasis. Teens are more likely than mothers to formally approach the definition of sense of humor, pay more attention to its external expressive side of laughter. Sensitivity to adolescent humor less evident than their mothers. They are less than confident in her mother’s tendency to joke and laugh at myself. At the heart of the disagreement lies socio-cultural uniqueness of life of different generations. Dissonance representations associated with age and personal characteristics of the children and parents, as well as with a wealth of life experiences of each Member of the family and family functioning as an integrated system.Key words: humor, humor, consistency in the representation of the constellations, a humorous family background, family system, teen parents.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |