April 2018, № 4 (216), pages 76-83doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-216-76
Ryndak V. G., Bazhenova Yu. A. MATRIX ANALYSIS AS A RESEARCH METHOD OF THE THEORY OF PERSONAL ORIENTATION IN THE WORLD VALUES IN THE CONTEXT OF THE STUDY OF PEDAGOGICAL PHENOMENA POSTCLASSICTION PARADIGMModern Russian science is experiencing an acute crisis, characterized by the destruction of ideals and aspirations, the Genesis of which is the beginning of the ideology of socialist society. The main features of the changes characterize the transition to the post – non-classical paradigm, which had a great impact on all spheres of social and cultural life of man and society-education, ideology, politics, economy, religious life. Among the system transformations, the exclusive place belongs to the value sphere of personality, the study of which is the Central problem of Sciences focused on the recognition of the global methodological model in the context of the post-non-classical paradigm. It is assumed that the matrix analysis of semantic transformations of the theory of personal orientation in the world of values in the context of post-non-classical paradigm will allow to avoid the difficulties of General cultural reprogramming and determination of value attitudes, to fill the ideals and norms of scientific knowledge of pedagogical phenomena with new meaning. In this article the subject of matrix analysis is the theory of personality orientation in the world of values in the scientific school of Professor A. V. Kiryakova, because it is a model of value-personal concept, in the preparation of which the postulates of postnonclassical paradigm were taken into account to the maximum extent.Key words: matrix analysis, methodology of pedagogy, theory of personality orientation in the world of values, post-non-classical paradigm of science.
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About this article
Authors: Ryndak V.G., Bazhenova Yu.A.
Year: 2018
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-216-76
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |