№ 5 (154), 2013
Morozova G.K., Sudarchikova L.G., Kuzmina E.G. TO A PROBLEM OF DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS FUTURE TEACHERSThe article is devoted to one of the actual problems of higher education — the identification of the ways of optimization of professional self-consciousness of the future bachelors of pedagogy in higher education. The experience of implementation of the model of development of professional self-consciousness of the future teacher. Revealed the dynamics of their personal neoplasms.Key words: the future teacher, professional self-awareness, training and professional activity, professional-pedagogical tasks.
Humanitarian sciences
Abramov S.M., Proninа I.I. METHODOLOGICAL AND DIDACTIC ASPECTS OF PERSONALITY'S INTELLECTAUL DEVELOPMENTJustified the decision of tasks of development of personality in the process of learning in the context of the implementation of Federal state educational standards. Identified and the criteria of assessment of level of development of the personality of the pupil. For the development of diagnostic tools proposed approach based on the use of the taxonomy of learning objectives B. Bloom. Proposed and described the diagnostic task to determine the level of the formation of specific knowledge, command of the student, of the formation of personal abilities and determination of the type of thinking of students.Key words: intellectual development, type of thinking, training of a pupil, B. Bloom's taxonomy.
Andreeva M.A., Kholdobin D.B. POSSIBILITY OF EDUCATION IN THE FORMATION OF THE SOCIAL ACTIVITY OF THE STUDENTS' PERSONALITY AS A CITIZEN-PATRIOTThe study considers the pedagogical possibilities of education in the formation of the social activity of the students personality as a citizen-patriot. It substantiates the role of the public practice of educational institutions in the process of formation of basic national values.Key words: social activism, education, social action.
Anishchenko V.A., Barangulova S.M. THE ROLE OF RESEARCH ACTIVITY IN THE COURSE OF FORMATION BACHELORS OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCEIn article the problem of formation of professional competence of bachelors is presented, contradictions between standards of formation and existing vocational training of graduates of high school are allocated. The model of process of formation of professional competence is offered by means of research activity.Key words: model, professional competence, research activity.
Bogatyreva N.G. PERMISSION IN PRIVATE LAWThe article presents the concept and features of dozvolenij, considered their views. Disclosed as "rights", "freedom", "legal interests"; identify features of their existence and interaction. Attention is the use of dozvolenij in private law.Key words: incentives, permission, rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.
Vergaskina L.V. FIGHT FOR QUALITY AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE PRODUCT RANGE OF THE ENTERPRISES OF LIGHT INDUSTRY OF SOUTH URAL IN THE SIXTH FIVE-YEARS PERIOD (1956–1960)This article exercises the problems of the range and quality of products of the enterprises of light industry of the South Ural in 1956–1960 on the example of the Orenburg and Chelyabinsk regions. The features and problems of providing the population by consumer goods and policy of the Soviet state in the solution of the matter are established, on the basis of the analysis of archival materials the reasons.Key words: light industry, range of products, quality of goods, marriage, penalties.
Vovk I.V., Ivanov P.O. REPUBLIC KAZAKHSTAN: SEARCH FOR THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM OF LEGAL STATUS OF CASPIAN SEA IN THE LAST DECADE ХХ OF THE CENTURYIn the article is illuminated the policy of republic Kazakhstan with respect to a change of legal status of Caspian Sea in the last decade ХХ of century. Are analyzed the base documents on this problem, which make it possible to reveal the basic vectors of its solution. The dynamics of the development of international agreements on Caspian Sea in light of the Russian-Kazakhstan collaboration is outlined.Key words: legal status, international agreements, the problem of the Caspian Region.
Grishaeva M.M., Orlova S.L., Skomorokhova S.V. ORSK HUMANITARIAN AND TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE (BRANCH) OF ORENBURG STATE UNIVERSITYSemantic typology of phraseological units of a subfield "qualitative characteristics of a man"The features and properties of human nature, the level of development of moral and intellectual qualities of apersonality, activity description, assessment of its attitude to the surrounding reality, etc. — all manifestations of human life find the bright reflection in the composition of phraseologisms. This article presents a semantic classification of sustainable units of the fields "Person" (subfield: qualitative features of a person).Key words: phraseological unit, semantic field, semantic associations, ideographic dictionary.
Kenzhina Yu.A. FORMING OF COGNITIVE MOTIVATION OF FUTURE TEACHER IN THE PROCESS OF STUDY OF PEDAGOGIC DISCIPLINESIn the article it is examined the problem of forming of cognitive motivation of future teacher and presented the types of forming of cognitive motivation in the system of professional pedagogic training of future teachers. There are determined methods of rising of students' cognitive activity on the studies and out of studies work. Key words: cognitive motivation, motivation of achievements, situation of success, dialog style of communication, successfulness in activity.
Kondratieva N.V. FURTHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION UNDER CONDITIONS OF INDUSTRIAL SELF-REGULATIONThe article presents the analysis of a model of further professional education system development in conditions of industrial self-regulation, which has been realized in Kumertau Branch of Orenburg State University. Certain conditions of research and development potential forming of a higher educational institution in the framework of modern innovation policy are viewed as an outcome of the investigation. A certain interaction device of science, education and production fields through the system of further professional education has been proposed. Key words: additional professional education, branch self-regulation, scientific and innovative capacity of university.
Korobetskiy I.A., Shebalin I.A. ESCAPE PROCESSES AND ACTIVITIES SCHOOLS RESOURCE MOBILIZATION SOUTHERN URALS ON DEFENSE DURING WORLD WAR IIThe article analyzes the experience of evacuees and local universities Southern Urals on the tasks of war in the scientific field in 1941–1945. The study of their activities to determine and evaluate the contribution of academia to the victory in the Great Patriotic War.Key words: World War II, evacuation, government agencies, scientific research, academic, military and economic potential.
Kravtsov V.I., Grigorieva O.N. SOCIAL EXPERIENCE OF THE PERSONALITY AS A PHILOSOPHICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL PHENOMENONThe article deals with the problem of different philosophical and pedagogical approaches to socialization study. The authors explore socialization as a complex social and psychological phenomenon that can be used for personality learning of social experience by joining the social environment and existing system of social relations.Key words: socialization, social experience, social process, valuable enrichment, social interaction.
Lapenkov D.S., Minyakova N.I., Oleynik O.V. THE ROLE AND THE PLACE OF ANGLO-AMERICANISMS AMONG THE NEOLOGISMS OF MODERN GERMANThe article deals with the problems of English and American borrowings in the modern German language. The classification of borrowings at the modern stage of the language development is given as well as the processes and sources of borrowings are spoken about. Examples given in the article show wide range of social and cultural spheres of borrowings use in modern German. Key words: anglo-americanisms, neologisms, borrowings, language development, sources of borrowings.
Markelova Yu.V. THE STEPS OF THE LEADER'S QUALIFICATION OF THE STUDENT GROUP IN THE SYSTEM OF HIGHER SCHOOLThe article considers the main statements of leadership and leader's potential, the stereotype of student — leader behavior during the process of educational activities. The levels of development of the leader's qualification are suggested in the students' environment.Key words: leader, the leader's potential, qualification, team, tertiary student.
Minyaeva N.M. PROBLEM OF AKTUALISATION OF RESOURCE OF STUDENT'S SELF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY IN UNIVERSALITY'S EDUCATIONIn the article it is examined the problem of aktualisation of resource of student's self educational activity in universality's education. It's determined the "resource of self educational activity" as pedagogical system which includes the ideas of economics of Knowledge. And training all life; basis categories and notions: scientific — systematic, scientific — research, theoretically — applied Soundations of Knowledge, information, culture of activity and experience of self — cognition of person. It is briefly presented experimental part of research. Key words: resource, activity, competence, self educational activity, actualization of resource of self educational activity.
Tolkacheva T.M. YOUNGER SCHOOLCHILDREN AND FORMING OF THEIR INTER SUBJECT COMPETENCES In given article in the channel of competent approach are examined problems of forming of acquired habits of social behavior. It is shown that the period of younger school age is sensitive for forming of intersubject competences. We determined the following indexes of forming intersubject competences: level of forming of moral culture, level of development of civil self — awareness, level of development of patriotic feelings, level of forming of tolerance. Key words: competent approach, competence, intersubject competences.
Trofimova G.P., Lykov A.A. SOCIAL PLURALISM AS METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLE OF CREATION OF THE CONFESSIONAL PANORAMA OF THE ORENBURG REGIONThe article deals with the problem of social pluralism as a reflection of a new way of organizing society. Analyzes the concept of "social pluralism" and the main approaches to the interpretation, defined as the value of its methodological foundations for the study of cultural and religious backgrounds of the region. Are the main characteristics of religious paintings of the Orenburg region.Key words: social pluralism, multi-religious, and tolerance.
Khomyakova N.V. SOCIAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE ORGANIZATION OF PENSIONS IN THE URALS IN THE POST-WAR PERIOD (1945–1964)This article is about the problems of developing the pensions' system in the Urals in 1945–1964 years. The author analyzes the changes of pensions legislation, deals the conceptual basis of forming pensions on the historical data, studies pensions' problems by the state of different categories of citizens.Key words: pensions, Ural, retired labor, war invalids.
Shumskih Yu.L. FEATURES OF THE OBJECTIVE ELEMENTS OF CRIME UNDER ARTICLE 247 OF THE CRIMINAL CODE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONThis article examines the provisions of article 247 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation, the law on wastes of production and consumption. Peculiarities of objective elements of crime under article 247 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation. On the basis of the analysis of theoretical provisions identified some of the problems of objective evidence of the crime.Key words: hazardous waste, breach of rules of handling production and consumption wastes, object of crime, the subject of the crime, the objective side of the crime.
Economic sciences
Esipova O.B. PLACE OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE IN ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENTThis paper will consider the place of organizational culture in enterprise management. Consider its main composes: management style and motivation system. We define the type of organizational culture which is used on the research object. Identify the relationship between organizational culture and efficiency of enterprise management.Key words: enterprise management system, organizational culture, motivation, management style.
Ignateva O.I. DEVELOPMENT OF THE BALANCED SYSTEM OF INDICATORS FOR ADOPTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS IN SYSTEM OF OPERATIVE AND STRATEGIC CONTROLLING OF THE ENTERPRISES OF THE INDUSTRY OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALSIn article the author's system of the balanced indicators by which managers of the enterprises of the industry of construction materials can define the directions of operative and strategic development of a production activity is offered. Key words: operative controlling, strategic controlling, system of indicators, financial component, client component, production component, internal processes.
Pasechnikova L.V., Nesterenko M.V. BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY IN THE FINANCIAL-ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF CEMENT INDUSTRYThe possibility of implementing the Balanced Scorecard in the activities of the cement industry in order to increase the efficiency of the business. With the concept of the Balanced Scorecard implementation allowed the issue of control of strategic decisions in the financial and economic activities of enterprises.Key words: balanced scorecard, strategy, strategic management, efficiency.
Pshinokova I.V., Ignateva O.I. ORDERING FUNCTIONS STRATEGIC AND OPERATIONAL CONTROLLING We consider the relevance of controlling system and the need for its function in the company, depending on the specific economic sectors. Identified as an operational and strategic controlling the company.Key words: controlling, controlling system, enterprise management, the functions of controlling, as a strategic controlling, the operational controlling.
Revtova E.G. DEVELOPMENT OF INVESTMENT AND INNOVATIVE CREDIT PRODUCTSThe structure of the credit market of modern Russia is investigated, measures for strengthening of influence of the credit for investment and innovative development of economy locate. Key words: banking, credit market, credit products, commercial banks.
Natural sciences
Abramova L.M., Nurmieva S.V. TO BIOLOGY OF THE INVASIVE SPECIES CYCLACHAENA XANTHIIFOLIA (NUTT.) FRESEN IN THE BASHKORTOSTAN REPUBLICSome biological features of invasive species Cyclachaena xanthiifolia (Nutt.) Fresen.: seasonal rhythm of development, morphometric and reproductive chracteristics, photosynthetic surface are studied. High the growth rate and reproductive performance, intensive photosynthesis promotе occupation by species of dominating positions in the phytocoenosis. Key words: invasive species, biology, seed productivity.
Golovanov Ya.M. THE ADVENTIVE COMPONENT OF THE TOWNS FLORA OF BASHKORTOSTAN REPUBLIC SOUTH INDUSTRIAL ZONE (SALAVAT, ISHIMBAY AND MELEUZ TOWNS) The adventive component of the towns flora to consist of respectively 173 species — 27,2 and 27,0 % for florae of Salavat and Meleuz towns and 133 species (20,3 %) for flora of Ishimbay town, that testifies to more intensive processes of drift and, as a whole, an adventization of a vegetable cover of Salavat and Meleuz towns. The main role in formation of adventive fraction of the cities flora is played by inadvertent drift. Among groups of types on extent of naturalization a leading position take epecofits. In a florogenetic range of adventive fraction Irano-turanian, Mediterranean and North American species is prevailing. Key words: alien species, adventive component, floristic analyze.
Igumenova O.P. GEOECOLOGICAL FEATURES OF SURFACE WATER OF THE KUMERTAU COAL STRIP MINE DISTRICTThe status monitoring of surface and waste water is performed in this article. The state of surface water was examined. The existing situation has the negative impact on the environment and it demands scientific research in the field of the ecological safety in the region.Key words: the technogenical water reservoir, quarry water, the state of environment.
Ponomareva G.A., Loshchinin V.P. APPEARANCE OF GOLD IN BLACK AND SLATE FORMATIONS PALEOZOIC OF EAST ORENBURG REGION AND THEIR GENESISIn 2000–2011 works on studying of appearance of gold in standard black and slate formations of the Paleozoic of east part of the Orenburg region, and also conditions of their formation were carried out. In article features of distribution, mineral-petrography and genetic characteristics of a stratiform gold ores are given in black and slate formations in east part of the Orenburg Ural. The comparative characteristic of black and slate formations of the East Ural and West Ural megazones and the author's point of view on their genesis is submitted.Key words: stratiform gold ores, black and slate formations, structural and formational zones, organic substance.
Khasanova G.R., Yamalov S.M. THE EXPERIENCE OF SEGETAL VEGETATION COMMUNITIES CLUSTER ANALYSIS OF SOUTH URALThe cluster analysis of vegetation communities segetal Southern Urals (Bashkortostan), using the program TWINSPAN was carried out. Identified three leading factors differentiating communities — a zone-climatic factor, factor of the time (change of farming) and agrocenotic factor.Key words: segetal vegetation, syntaxonomy, cluster analysis.
Yamalov S.M., Bayanov A.B., Golovanov Ya.M. ANALYSIS OF ADVENTIVE COMPONENTS STEPPE AND MEADOW COMMUNITIES IN SOUTHERN URALSThe adventive component coenoflora of orders meadow and steppe vegetation of the Southern Urals (within the Republic of Bashkortostan) are considered. Geographic structure, time and method of introduction, the spectrum of life forms were analyzed. Identify groups of species with different ecological and phytocoenotic range. Calculated degree adventization of different orders of meadows and steppes in the region.Key words: meadow and steppe vegetation, adventization, adventive component, floristic analyze.
Technical sciences
Arkaev M.A., Stolpovsky G.A., Lisov S.V., Sergeev M.I. WAYS OF STRENGTHENING OF THE ROD WOODEN DESIGNS OF OPERATED BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTIONSWays of strengthening of rod wooden designs of buildings and the constructions being in a mode of operation are given. Features of application of various ways of strengthening taking into account an assessment of their efficiency are specified. The review of the connecting elements used at strengthening, and as options of strengthening of wooden designs with use of highly effective and technological types of communications is submitted.Key words: rod designs, wood, strengthening, operated buildings, connecting element, twisted cores.
Badawi M.S., El-Khatib A.M., Elzaher M.A., Thabet A.A., Sakr A.A. USING AN ANALYTICAL EFFICIENCY TRANSFER PRINCIPLE TO CALCULATE THE FULL ENERGY PEAK EFFICIENCY FOR GAMMA DETECTORSIn this work the Full-Energy Peak Efficiency of NaI(Tl) — scintillation detectors (5.08x5.08 cm2 and 7.62x7.62 cm2) values have been calculated for axial cylindrical sources of different dimensions larger than the detectors using an analytical approach of effective solid angle calculation. This approach is based on the ratio of the source-detector solid angle with taken the source self absorption effect in to account. The detector efficiency for various geometrical conditions is derived from the known efficiency for reference source-detector geometry. The present method shows a great possibilities to calibrate the detectors through the determination of the full-energy peak efficiency curve even in those case when no standard source is available and this consider as the final goal of this work. Key words: NaI (Tl) detector, Full-Energy Peak Efficiency, Efficiency Transfer.
Badawi M.S., Gouda M.M., El-Khatib A.M., Nafee S.S., El-Mallah E.A. NEW ANALYTICAL APPROACH TO CALIBRATE CYLINDRICAL HPGE DETECTOR INCLUDING CORRECTIONS FOR SELF ATTENUATION OF LARGE CYLINDRICAL SOURCES AND ATTENUATION OF ALL DETECTOR HOUSING MATERIALSHPGe semiconductor detectors are very useful for radioactivity measurement and to calculate the absolute activity, the full energy peak efficiency of the detector is needed. In this work, to calibrate the co-axial HPGe semiconductor detector, we introduce a new theoretical approach based on the Direct Statistical method proposed by Selim and Abbas to calculate the full-energy peak efficiency for cylindrical detectors. The present method depends on the accurate analytical calculation of the average path length covered by the photon inside the detector active volume and the geometrical solid angle, Щ, to obtain a simple formula for the efficiency. In addition, self attenuation of source matrix (with radius greater than the radius of the detector), the attenuation by the source container and the detector housing materials are also treated by calculating the average path length cross these materials. 152 Eu aqueous sources covering the energy range from 121 up to 1 408 keV were used. Remarkable agreement between the measured and the calculated efficiencies is achieved with discrepancies less than 2 %. Key words: HPGe detectors, large cylindrical sources, full-energy peak efficiency and self-attenuation.
Krylova S.E. APPLICATION OF MATHEMATICAL MODELING FOR SYNTHESIS EKONOMNOLEGIROVANNY STALY A TOOL CLASSBy methods of mathematical planning are received and investigated skilled ekonomnolegirovanny the steel 100H3G2MTR, 70H3G2FTR and 70H3G2VTB, intended for production of the tool working in difficult conditions of loading. Modes of preliminary heat treatment for the purpose of receiving an optimum structural condition for the subsequent thermal hardening are offered. The dilatometric analysis offered staly is carried out, features of course of phase transformations are studied at continuous cooling.Key words: tool became, heat treatment, mathematical statistics, a microstructure.
Lisov S.V., Dmitriev P.P., Kalinin S.V. ANALYSIS OF WAYS OF CONNECTION STEEL PROFILED LEAF WITH THE WOODEN FRAMEWORKThe saved up experience of the design development which has been carried out by domestic and foreign authors in the field of connections of wooden elements of a framework with a steel thin-sheet covering is generalized and analysed. The main merits and demerits of connections are noted. Taking into account the critical analysis of known ways of connection the new constructive solution of the connecting element, allowing to simplify assembly of a design and to increase reliability and rigidity of connection is developed.Key words: steel thin-sheet covering, profiled leaf, wooden framework, woodmetal beam, connecting element.
Lyandenbursky V.V., Tarasov A.I., Seyfetdinov R.R. A LOGICAL APPROACH TO THE DEFINITION OF PROBABILISTIC LOGIC COEFFICIENT TROUBLESHOOTING CARSIt is proposed probabilistic logic ratio Troubleshooting cars and theoretical substantiation of a logical component. Defined probability of occurrence of events in the operation of the car depending on the number of inspections required for the location of the parameters characterizing the failure of the system.Key words: parameter, the denial, the probabilistic logic ratio, troubleshooting car.
Polezhaev P.N. MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING DATACENTER BASED ON SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORKS FOR ITS SEGMENTSThis paper proposes mathematical model of distributed computing datacenter. This model is a theoretical basis for the developed distributed computing datacenter. It provides effective task scheduling by their assignment to topologically closest computing nodes and managing of data flows between them.Key words: distributed datacenter, cloud computing, software defined network, OpenFlow.
Slavnenko V.P., Yapparov F.K. THE INFLUENCE OF THE CONTACT AREA OF THE COATING TO THE BASE AT ELECTRO WELDING ON THE STRENGTH PROPERTIES OF CONNECTION AND RESTORED SURFACESIn article solved the task of providing regulated by the normative and technical documentation of the carrying capacity of the restored surface of indigenous supports cylinder engine family-KAMAZ-740 by increasing the contact area of the coating to the base at electro welding application of the intermediate layer.Key words: the electro welding (EPC), strength properties, bearing capacity, intermediate layer, the contact area.
Tarasov V.N., Ushakova M.V. ABOUT THE QUALITY OF ROAMING MOBILE DEVICES IN ENTERPRISE WIRELESS NETWORKSThis paper presents practical research of handoff between the access points on a link layer with detail description of delays in various components. The research has showed that different procedures at an access level contribute to the overall handoff delay, which negatively affects the quality of service (QoS) in many applications such as IP telephony. Also we show the significant change of delay with handoff from one access point to another especially if different manufacturers made access points.Key words: IEEE 802.11, handoff, performance, probe, association, authentication, delay.
Chepasov V.I., Fot A.P., Manyapova S.A., Bikmukhametov D.I. OPTIMIZATION OF QUANTITY OF TRAILER MEASURES IN GROUPS OF A SETAs criterion of optimization at design of sets of trailer measures it is offered to use number of the sizes made of measures in the greatest piece of a row with the set step, the minimum and maximum value of the made size in the mentioned piece and the total length of measures of a set. The partial solution of the return task is proposed. Function for the accelerated optimization of quantity of measures in groups of a set is considered. The analysis of output characteristics of sets of measures for direct optimization and optimization on considered function is provided.Key words: trailer measures, optimization, criterion.
Khlystov A.I., Vlasov A.V., Konnov M.V. THE USE OF HIGH ALUMINA SLUDGE IN THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES OF PRODUCTION KILN AND ROASTING FREE REFRACTORIESResearch of influence of addition of nanotechnogenic high-aluminous sludge on forming of structure and properties of the roasting free refractories (heat-resistant concretes) and roaster materials.Key words: clinker, high alumina sludge, heat-resistant concrete, corrective additives.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |