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2013, № 5 (154)

Vovk I.V., Ivanov P.O. REPUBLIC KAZAKHSTAN: SEARCH FOR THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM OF LEGAL STATUS OF CASPIAN SEA IN THE LAST DECADE ХХ OF THE CENTURYIn the article is illuminated the policy of republic Kazakhstan with respect to a change of legal status of Caspian Sea in the last decade ХХ of century. Are analyzed the base documents on this problem, which make it possible to reveal the basic vectors of its solution. The dynamics of the development of international agreements on Caspian Sea in light of the Russian-Kazakhstan collaboration is outlined.Key words: legal status, international agreements, the problem of the Caspian Region.


1. Convention about the settlement, the trade and the navigation between the USSR and Iran ([Persiey]) dated October 27, 1921 // Тhe collection of the existing commercial contracts and other economic agreements of the USSR, concluded with the foreign states: The existing commercial agreements are other economic agreements, concluded until July 15, 1935. Iss. 1 / sost. B. D. Rosenblum. — M. : Publ. NKID, 1935. — 342 р.

2. Agreement between the USSR and Iran 1935 g. on the settlement, the trade and the navigation // Тhe documents of foreign policy of the USSR. Tom 18. (On January 1 — on December 31, 1935). — M. : Politizdat, 1973. — 786 р.

3. Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Iran dated March 25, 1940 // Тhe collection of commercial contracts, conventions and agreements of the USSR, concluded with the foreign states until January 1, 1941 / sost. F. R. Humps ; edited by. D. D. Mishustina. — M. : International book, 1941. — 408 р.

4. Convention about legal status of Caspian Sea. Project of republic Kazakhstan // Тhe archive of MID republics Kazakhstan. — Almaty, 1994.

5. Joint statement of the chapters of republic Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation about the collaboration on the use of Caspian Sea // Kazakhstan- Russian relations. 1991–1999: the collection of documents and materials / ed. the council : T. A. Mansurov and other. — M., 1999.

6. Barsegov, Yu. G. Caspian Region in international law and world policy / Yu. G. Barsegov. — M., 1998.

7. Gilcov, S. S. Geopolitics of Caspian region / S. S. Gilcov, I. S. Zonn, A. M. Ushkov. — M., 2003.

8. Tokaev, T. Foreign policy priorities of republic Kazakhstan / T. Tokaev. — M. : East — West, 2011. — 448 р.

9. Agnew, J. Geopolitics / J. Agnew. — N.Y., 1998.

10. The security of the Caspian Sea region. — SIPRI, 2001.

About this article

Authors: Vovk I.V., Ivanov P.O.

Year: 2013

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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