№ 6 (142), 2012
Natural sciences
Kaspruk L.I., Kanyukov V.N. ABOUT ACTUAL ASPECTS OF MODERNIZATION OF NURSE MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RISE OF MEDICAL STAFF PREPARATION QUALITY IN THE PRIMARY HEALTH CARE TO POPULATION BY INNOVATIVE PROGRAMS INTRODUCTIONThere have been developed an innovative program model of nurse medical education modernization under the conditions of healthcare restructuring through the example of Orenburg region. Key words: modernization, primary health care, model, innovative program, cluster analysis, discriminate analysis, mathematic modeling, expert judgement.
Kopylov V.A., Nikitenko I.E., Mihanov V.A., Polyakova V.S., Abzeneleva R.A. USING THE "VINFAR" ON THE BASIS OF FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR FOR DERMAL AUTOPLASTYOpen fractures are often accompanied by defects of the soft tissues. One way to treat it is autodermoplasty. The frequency of graft rejection after autodermoplasty remains high. We have new drug named "Vinfar" on the basis of human fibroblast growth factor. As a result of experimental work provided evidence that use of this drug in autodermoplasty significantly accelerates the adhesion of the graft, decreasing incidence of graft rejection and improving reparative processes in the wound area.Key words: open fracture, dermal autoplasty, fibroblast growth factor, skin defect.
Korneev A.G., Aminev R.M., Polyakov V.S. THE CONTRIBUTION OF TOTSKY GARRISON TO DISEASE OF THE HEMORRHAGIC FIVER WITH RENAL SYNDROME OF MILITARY MEN OF THE CENTRAL MILITARY DISTRICTA retrospective analysis of the epizootic process of rabies in the Orenburg region in the population of agricultural, domestic and wild animals from 1997 to 2010; reference population for rabies from 1991 to 2010.Key words: military men, territory, where they have causes of the hemorrhagic fiver with renal syndrome, Puumala.
Postrelko M.D. CLINICAL FEATURES OF SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONSThe article presents the peculiarities of the sexually transmitted infections (STIs), both mono- and mixed forms, in both men and women of reproductive age. Established the prevalence of gonococcal, chlamydial, ureaplasma and mycoplasma infections, and combinations there of, and a number of complications occurring in this pathology.Key words: gonococcal infection, chlamydia infection, ureaplasma infection, mycoplasma infection, combined forms of STIs, complications.
Strukova V.A. CORRECTION OF FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE TRACT DYSBIOSIS AFTER LONG-TERM USE OF INTRAUTERINE CONTRACEPTIONPrevention and treatment of pelvic inflammatory diseases during long-term use of The articles discusses treatment and prevention of vaginal and cervical disbiosis, caused by long-term use of intrauterine contraception devices (IUD). Efficiency of "sporobacterin liquid" drug as a part of preventive therapy of infectious complications has been studied.Valid data on sporobacterin corrective effect on disbiotic disfunction through normalization of initially deficient vaginal and cervical lactoflora and restoration of reproductive tract microbiocenosis has been obtained.Key words: intrauterine contraception, probiotics.
Kosyan D.B., Surundaeva L.G., Mayevskaya L.A., Rusakova, E.A., Kvan O.V. USING PCR FOR GENOTYPING CATTLE CAPN1 THE GENE USING GENETIC MARKERSThe paper presents results of experimental studies on the use of DNA technology in farming, on the basis of molecular genetic techniques that allow the testing of animals of any age and gender, to assess and predict their productivity. Revealed that the SS is the most desirable form of the gene allele CAPN1, responsible for the formation of the tenderness of meat.Key words: DNA, molecular genetics, polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR-PCR), real-time PCR (PCR-RT), a gene CAPN1, genotype.
Nikitin A.Yu., Rakhmatullin Sh.G., Sizov E.F. PRODUCTIVE QUALITIES OF BROILER CHICKENS WHEN ADMINISTERED IN RATION RYE, TRITICALE IN CONJUNCTION WITH ENZYME PREPARATIONSThe paper presents the effect of feed factor (triticale, rye) in combined action with the enzyme preparation (ronozim A ST, rovabio) on growth, development and productive qualities of broiler chickens.Key words: triticale, rye, enzymes, A ST ronozim, rovabio, chickens-broilers.
Panchenko L.F., Bochenkov A.A., Chermyanin S.V., Suin P.A., Fesyun A.D. RECOVERY ORGANISM FUNCTIONAL RESERVES FLIGHT PERSONNEL MILITARY TRANSPORT AVIATION OF INTERIOR MINISTRY TROOPS RUSSIA IN THE POST-FLIGHT PERIODThe next rating of the restoration dynamics is appraised in the research paper: the restoration of the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, of the neurologic state and the nature of the psychological reactions during postflight period the flight personnel of the Internal Army military transport aviation of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs gets after night flights in difficult meteorological conditions. The paper reveals that the displacements in different functional organism's systems, observed during postflight period, are the consequence of the organism's general reactivity alteration as a result of the composite night flights factors' impacts. It is established that the rehabilitation of the majority indices of the cardiovascular system, external respiration functions, biochemical indices and the state of the neurologic status takes place during 12–24 hours postflight recreation.Key words: flight personnel, psychophysiologic peculiarities, functional systems, postflight recreation, night flights, Internal Army aviation of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Alyaeva O.V., Nigmatyanov M.M., Savin Е.Z., Mursalimova G.Р., Isanbetov N.Sh. EXPERIENCE OF GROWING APPLE SEEDLINGS CLONAL ROOTSTOCKS ON IN SOUTH URALThe article presents information on the cultivation of plants in the vegetative-propagated clonal rootstocks in the Urals. New clonal rootstocks differed increased winter hardiness, were sufficiently adapted to the conditions of the steppe and forest-steppe zone of the Southern Urals.Key words: seedlings, clonal rootstocks, varieties, survival, OSU Botanical Garden, Southern Urals.
Zolotarjova N.V., Podgayevskaya E.N., Lesina S.A., Kuyantseva N.B. THE LOCALITIES AND PRESENT-DAY CONDITION OF RARE PLANTS POPULATIONS IN ILMENSKIY STATE NATURAL RESERVE (STEPPE FORESTRY)The distribution, coenotic associating, number and condition of the 6 rare species populations in the steppe forestry "Arkaim" of Ilmenskiy State Natural Reserve are studied in the article.Key words: rare species, number of coenopopulations, localities.
Ignatieva O.V. PROSPECTS FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF SIBERIAN STONE PINE IN THE ULYANOVSK REGIONAmong set of wood plants a Pinus sibirica occupies special position. She is unique on combination in herself of positive properties. Growing in huge territory the Pinus sibirica unites quite number geographically and ecologically conditional populations; consequently he has proved himself as a plastic kind. Involving cembretums in a zone of industrial use condition intensive exploitation of these plantings by comparison low level of their restoration. The important contribution to the decision of a modern cedar problem is expansion of an area of this kind by his introduction on the West and the South. The analysis of available experience introduction Pinus sibirica testifies to her availability and first of all about necessity of the further researches.Key words: introduction, Siberian stone pine, Siberian cedar use.
Kameneva I.N. STRATEGIC APPROACHES TO RARE FUNGI SPECIES DETERMINATION Different approaches to rare fungi species determination are discussed. Original approach, taking into account cause of rareness and oriented to the realization of concrete measures for mycobiota biodiversity conservation is given. Key words: rare fungi species, biodiversity, category of rareness, Red book.
Lyubimov V.B., Merkulov E.K. EFFECT OF HYDROTHERMAL CONDITIONS ON THE SEASONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT IN MACROMYCETES PRIHOPERYA, WITHIN THE TERRITORY OF THE WESTERN REGION OF SARATOV REGIONThe results of many years of research, during which found that increases in temperature and high humidity of the substrate and the atmosphere contributes significantly to productivity macromycetes. Increasing the radiation balance and the reduction of the gross moisture affects the yield and population density macromycetes.Key words: mushrooms, macromycetes, population, productivity, hydrothermal conditions, gross moisture, radiation balance.
Mursalimova G.R., Khardikova S.V. DROUGHT RESISTANCE OF CLONAL ROOTSTOCKS APPLE IN THE SOUTHERN URALThe problem of water regime and drought tolerance of fruit crops is one of the most important gardening in areas of unstable wet. One of the conditions for successful cultivation of apple trees in the southern Urals is to create a variety-podvoynyh combination with the use of drought-resistant rootstocks. The results showed that the most drought-resistant rootstocks are forms of Orenburg selection — Ural-11, the Ural-5 and the Ural-3.Key words: apple, tree, water regime, drought, Southern Urals.
Safonov M.A., Safonova T.I. WOOD-DESTROYING FUNGI ON WOOD OF BETULA PENDULA AT THE SOUTHERN PREURALS (ORENBURG REGION)The results of diversity investigations of wood-destroying fungi living on beech wood in a limits of the Southern Preurals are given. 123 species representing 62 genuses, 28 families, 16 orders and 2 subclasses are revealed. The rare and endangered species are marked. Key words: wood-destroying fungi, birch woods, rare fungi species, Southern Preurals, Climacodon septentrionalis, Steccherinum murashkinskyi, Tyromyces kmetii.
Smetanina O.V. THE PROBLEM OF SEXUAL DIFFERENTIATION OF POPULATIONS ENDEMIC SPECIES MIDDLE VOLGA REGION DIANTHUS VOLGICUS JUZ. (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)Based on research cenopopulations endemic species of the Middle Volga Dianthus volgicus Juz. (Caryophyllaceae) analyzes the gender structure populations form and its influence on some aspects of seed produktivnosti.Key words: Dianthus volgicus Juz. (Caryophyllaceae), endemic species, sex structure of populations, ginodietsiya, partial androsterilnost, floral sex ratio, pollinating potential.
Stepanova M.A. ECOLOGICAL AND BIOGEOCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF FRUIT PLANTINGS OF BUZULUK ORENBURG REGIONAs a result of industrial, agricultural and other human activities there technogenic migration of significant amounts of various substances, most of which pollute the environment. These substances include heavy metals (HM) — mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic and zinc. Large proportion of them are accumulated in the vegetative parts of plants to limits. Monitoring and assessment of the impact of TM in plants is a necessary condition for improving the environmental safety of food.Key words: heavy metals, the maximum allowable concentration, fruit, mountain ash, apple, rose hip.
Anilova L.V., Salnikova E.A., Primak О.V., Sharygina M.V. PHYTOREMEDIATION PROSPECTS SOIL URBAN AREAS (FOR EXAMPLE, ORENBURG)The paper studies the ability of representatives of the species Populus nigra L. to absorb heavy metals in Orenburg. The study calculated the coefficients of accumulation of zinc, copper, lead and cadmium, as well as their concentration in the fresh plant material.Key words: contamination of soil, phytoremediation, heavy metals, urban ecosystems.
Verkhoshentseva Yu.P., Gunyakova A.A., Maskova A.Yu. INFLUENCE OF ARABLE USE ON GENETIC PROPERTIES OF STEPPE CHERNOZEMS ORENBURG PREDURALIEDepending on the duration and level of development of farming black soil, as well as any other type of soil, are undergoing significant changes. The study of the major changes in the direction of agro, agro-chemical, physico-chemical properties of chernozems with different level of use is one of the key objectives for the restoration and stabilization of soil fertility. As a result of numerous violations of the principles of ecological land-use development are processes of erosion and dehumification black soil, the deterioration of soil physical properties, including the structural condition, water permeability and compaction.Key words: arable use, humus state of soils, particle size, the coefficient of structure.
Voropaev S.B. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF STEPPE CHERNOZEMS OF LANDSCAPES ADJOINING TO WOODWithin a steppe zone of Preduralja, on nine steams of stationary platforms under natural vegetation, together with on the arable sites adjoining to the Buzuluksky pine forest and Pronkinsky wood a splitting have been studied by field and laboratory methods of property of soils. It is established that in process of removal from a large forest a structural condition of soils indicators of water penetration of chernozems worsen, decrease and their density raises.Key words: Physical properties of soils (density, water penetration), structure of soils, a biocenosis, a agrocenosis, the Buzuluksky pine forest.
Kulizhskiy S.P., Rodikova А.V. THE FEATURES OF ELEMENTS COMPOSITION FORMING OF SHIRA STEPPE SOILS OF ELUVIAL TRANSIT POSITIONS OF LANDSCAPE GEOCHEMICAL ARENAS The results of researches of gross chemical composition of zonal soils of Shira steppe come into question. Possible reasons of forming of features of their modern element composition are marked. The specific of soil formative breeds of eluvial soils is exposed, in obedience to which a conclusion is done about the necessity of study of geochemical differentiation of territory, but not lateral migration. Key words: element composition of soils, geochemistry, geochemical differentiation, elementary landscape geochemical systems.
Rusanov A.M., Teslja A.V. MODIFICATION OF THE BASIC PROPERTIES OF THE STEPPE SOIL AS A RESULT OF THEIR POSTAGROGENNOJ TRANSFORMATIONTranslation of the staropahotnyh steppe chernozems in the occurrence within 15–20 years is manifested through the recovery of the species and other natural vegetation indicators of geobotanic to kvazinatural?nogo status and change all the genetic properties of soils: increases the content of organic matter and its qualitative structure, improving structural State, reduced density, increased water permeability. Thus the former arable soils are approaching their Virgin counterparts. Key words: occurrence, status of humus, a natural recovery of vegetation.
Sharygina M.V., Anilova L.V. ON THE STUDY OF GREY FOREST SOIL IN THE ORENBURG REGIONThe article is devoted to the study of gray forest soils on the territory of the Orenburg region. The ways and problems of gray forest soils in agriculture are shown. Key words: gray forest soils, Orenburg region, soil investigation.
Shorina T.S., Teslia A.V., Popov A.V. ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SOIL ROADSIDE TERRITORIES ORENBURGThe influence of roads on the Orenburg indicators of ecological status of soils surrounding areas: the content of pollutants and phytotoxicity of soil. It was revealed that in most cases there is a critical environmental situation.Key words: soil conditions, road transport, soil contamination, monitoring.
Kin N.O., Kalmykova O.G. ABOUT THE POLE OF THE GEOLOGICAL NATURE MONUMENTS IN CONSERVATION OF THE FLORISTIC DIVERSITYThe article is about the floristic diversity of Orenburg region and the role of geological nature monuments in its conservation. The rare fraction of the flora of some reserve territories had been reviewed. The role of the geological nature monuments in creation of the ecological conditions for vegetation of the rare species of plants had been shown. Key words: floristic diversity, geological nature monuments.
Loktionova E.G., Yakovleva L.V., Bolonina G.V. THE POLLUTION MONITORING OF PHENOLS, MINERAL OIL AND SYNTETIC SURFACE ACTIVE AGENTS IN ASTRAKHAN INTERNAL WATERSThe article deals with pollution of inland waters in Astrakhan with phenols, synthetic surface-active substances, petroleum products. Monitoring studies were conducted for five years and showed an unfavorable ecological situation in the studied reservoirs.Key words: water quality, inland waters, chemical pollution, phenols, synthetic surface-active agents, oil hydrocarbons.
Lyubichankovskiy A.V. USAGE OF DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLE IN THE ANALYSES OF RESEARCHES ON CULTURAL GEOGRAPHYIn the article the development principle used for analyses of Streletskiy's ideas about geocultural space. It was able to show the factors from which depend steadiness of region cultural space.Key words: principle of development, cultural space, space of regional culture heritage, cluster.
Maslennikova A.V., Udachin V.N., DeryaginV.V. STABLE CARBON AND OXYGEN ISOTOPES OF LAKE SIRITKUL (SOUTH ULAL) SEDIMENTS AS INDICATORS OF HOLOCENE CONDITIONSLake Siritkul sedimentation conditions reconstruction of 11000-5000 14С yr. B.P. interval were carried out. There were revealed coincidence of pollen-zones and climatic stages determined on the basis of isotopic analyses. The assumption of connection between atmospheric precipitation, evaporation and isotopic content of carbon and oxygen was confirmed with the help of pollen analysis. Key words: Holocene, lake sediments, stable isotopes of carbon, oxygen isotopes ratio, pollen analysis.
Rusanov A.M. THE MODERN STAGE OF THE EVOLUTION OF LANDSCAPES OF THE STEPPE AND FOREST-STEPPE ZONE (BY THE EXAMPLE OF ORENBURG REGION)The materials to study the dynamics in the properties and structure of the landscape of the agricultural lands of the steppe and forest-steppe zones, in the last twenty years, associated with a reduction on their anthropogenic loads.Key words: evolution of the landscape, pasture, arable land, land reclamation, vegetation, land monitoring.
Smirnih A.G., Novozhenin I.A., Prichozhai N.I., Primak O.V. SOIL-CLIMATIC AND GEO-BOTANICAL ASPECTS OF GREEN BUILDING IN THE CENTRAL ORENBURG REGIONData are presented for the prospects of the development of afforestation in the natural conditions of the Central part of the Ural steppe, based as on the earlier findings, and on the materials of their own research.Key words: forestry, soil, climate, dendrology, tree species, atmospheric precipitation.
Anufriev G.A., Galinichev A.V., Chistov A.N. CICADINA-FAUNA (INSECTA, HOMOPTERA) OF NORTHERN PREDURALYE, PRIPOLAR AND NORTHERN URALS (NATIONAL PARK "YUGYD VA", KOMI REPUBLIC)Cicadina-fauna of Komi Republic is far for completely understood. New data on 87 species of Cicadina from 5 families for the territory of the National Park "Yugyd Va" and its environments (Northern Preduralye, Pripolar and Northern Urals), most species are recorded from Komi Republic for the first time. Species richness and taxonomic structure of the studied fauna are compared with some concrete faunas of Eastern Europe and Ural.Key words: Cicadina, Northern Preduralye, Pripolar Ural, Northern Ural, Komi Republic.
Murylev A.V., Petukhov A.V. POINT CRYSTALLIZATION OF FABRICS DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS THE BODY OF MELLIFEROUS BEES APIS MELLIFERA MELLIFERA L. И APIS MELLIFERA CARNICA IN CONDITIONS THE PERM EDGEThe year cycle of a point of crystallisation of different departments of a body of a bee melliferous is shown in dynamics. Distinction of a point of crystallisation of fabrics of a bee melliferous at Apis mellifera mellifera and Apis mellifera carnica is noted. The given indicator will allow to explain the mechanism of adaptation of bees at physiological level to adverse winter conditions and development of the north of an area.Key words: crystallisation point, point of the maximum overcooling, Central Russian bees, Carpathian bees.
Chirkova E.N., Zavaleeva S.M., Efremov A.Y. MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE STRUCTURE OF LUNGS LESSER NOCTULE (NYCTALUS LEISLERI) AS REPRESENTATIVE OF FLYING ECOLOGICAL GROUPIt is known that variability of easy vertebrate animals represents biological interest, but studying of respiratory system of mammals is based on researches laboratory and pets. This work is devoted to studying of features of an internal structure of lungs of a bat. The morphology of lungs is studied by preparation and morphometry methods. The data received by us on morphological updating of lungs, characterize its belonging to flying ecological group.Key words: bats, morphology, lungs, morphometry, ecological group.
Alekhinа G.P., Misetov I.A. THE DEPENDENCE OF THE COMPOSITION OF THE MICROFLORA OF THE INTERNAL ORGANS OFTHE BIVALVE MOLLUSC UNIO PICTORUM OF ANTHROPOGENIC LOAD ON THE ORNAMENTAL LAKEIt is shown that the fresh-water folding mollusk of Unio pictorum reduces filtrational ability in the conditions of anthropogenous load of a reservoir that affects processes of self-cleaning of fresh-water ecosystems.Key words: mollusks, microflora structure, reservoir pollution.
Kamaeva A.A., Tolmacheva A.A., Deryabin D.G. ALKYLRESORCINOLS INFLUENCE ON HOMOSERINE LACTONES PERCEPTION IN THE LUMINESCENCE INDUCTION TEST OF THE ESCHERICHIA COLI LUXR + LUXI_LUXCDABE On model of a reporter luminescent strain E. coli JLD271, pAL103; luxR+ luxI_luxCDABE (A. Lindsay, B. M. Ahmer, 2005) we investigated influence of dormant state inductors — alkylresorcinols (AR) on bacterial perception of cell-density mediators — homoserine lactones (HSL). Reaction of bacteria to HSL didn't change by joint addition of AR, while use of preliminary processing mode by AR reduced the following luminescent induction by HSL in a concentration-dependent manner. Dependence of bioluminescence repression from AR molecules alkyl radical's length and hydrophobicity, also as suppression of a cellular metabolism are shown.Key words: quorum sensing, homoserine lactones, alkylresorcinols, lux-genes, bioluminescence.
Kushnarenko V.M., Chirkov Yu.A., Repiah V.S., Stavishenko V.G. BIOCORROSION OF STEEL DESIGNS In article the biocorrosion mechanism, principal causes of biocorrosion damages of steel designs and methods of prevention of biocorrosion of products is considered.Key words: biocorrosion, a steel, damage, a bacterium.
Sheina N.I. BIOSAFETY EVALUATION CRITERIA OF MICROORGANISMS USED IN THE BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRYBiosafety assessment based on the study of microbial pathogenicity and adverse action of 29 biotech strains was conducted. The dependence of the intensity immunotropic, and dysbiotic sensitive effects of the taxonomic position of microorganisms has been found. Sanitary classification of microorganisms in the degree of hazard effects was proposed and unified with the recommendations of international organizations.Key words: biosafety, microorganisms, pathogenicity, regulation.
Miroshnikova E.P., Arinzhanov A.E., Glushchenko N.N., Vasilevskaya S.P. EXCHANGE OF CHEMICAL ELEMENTS IN ORGANISM OF THE USE OF CARP NANOPARTICLES OF COBALT AND IRON IN THE DIETStudies to assess the impact of iron and cobalt in different chemical form (mineral salts, metal nanoparticles) on the exchange of chemical elements in carp revealed significant changes in the concentrations in the body of the fish calcium, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, iodine, etc.Key words: minerals, fish feeding, nanoparticles.
Nesterov D.V., Sipaylova O.Yu., Lebedev S.V. INFLUENCE OF THE SULPHATE AND MIKROCHASTIC ZINC ON EXCHANGE TOKSICHESKIH ELEMENT IN BONE FABRICS CYPLYAT-BROILERIn given work are presented given on influence of the sulphate of the zinc and his(its) mikrochastic on exchange toxic element in bone fabrics broiler. The Got data point to reduction of the toxicological load on organism of the bird under influence given microelectronics not dependent from the form, herewith defogging effect more expressing when entering the zinc in ration of the bird in the manner of mikrochastic.Key words: zinc, lead, cadmium, tin, quicksilver, aluminum, strontium, chicken, organism, bone fabrics, toxic elements.
Rusakova E.A., Lebedev S.V., Sipaylova O.Y., Kvan O.V., Kosyan D.B. EFFECT OF PHYTASE ON MORPHOFUNCTIONAL STATE OF INTESTINAL OF BROILER CHICKENS AT DIFFERENT LEVELS OF PHOSPHORUS IN THE DIETThe paper presents results of experimental studies on the morphofunctional stateof the intestine of the experimental birds by using an enzyme preparation RonozimNT (CT) at different levels of phosphorus in the diet. Histological analysis ofintestine (thin section) confirms the positive effect of the drug Ronozim NT (CT) on the morphological characteristics of the mucosal relief of the small intestine of broiler chickens.Key words: small intestine, mucopolysaccharides, PAS-reaction, phytase, chickens, broilers, phosphorus, Ronozim NT (CT).
Salnikova E.V., Burtseva T.I., Kudryavtseva E.A., Kustova A.S. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF ZINC IN ECOSYSTEMS (SOIL, WATER, FOOD) IN THE ORENBURG REGIONThe paper presents data on the zinc content in soil, water and food produced in the territory of the Orenburg region.Key words: ecology, zinc, Orenburg region.
Sizova E.A., Miroshnikov S.A., Lebedev S.V., Glushchenko N.N. EFFECT OF MULTIPLE DOSES OF NANOPARTICLES COPPER ON THE ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION OF RAT LIVERThe results of studies on the effect of copper nanoparticles on the mineral composition of the liver with varying degrees of stress the body. Is set change the microelement status of the liver and increase the ratio of trace elements in the direction of the elements that have influence gen damaging.Key words: copper nanoparticles, liver, mineral composition.
Tinkov A.A., Rogachova M.N., Nikonorov A.A. CHRONIC CONSUMPTION OF IRON AND COPPER SALTS WITH DRINKING WATER INDUCES OXIDATIVE DAMAGE OF SERUM PROTEINS AND LIPIDSIn the current experiment on female Wistar rats the influence of inorganic salts of Fe and Cu on intensity of free radical oxidation was studied. It is shown that consumption of Fe and Cu with drinking water in doses which exceed maximum permissible concentration 2– and 4-fold for three months induces free radical oxidation processes leading to cumulation of lipid peroxidation (TBARS) and protein oxidation (carbonyls and fluorescent amino acids) products. It is estimated that prooxidant action of isolated iron salts is more potent than in case of copper salts, while the combined consumption of copper and iron is more effective in inducing free radical oxidation than isolated metals.Key words: iron, cooper, free-radical oxidation.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |